113 results on '"Éducation"'
Search Results
2. La educación globalizada: experiencias e investigaciones.
- Author
Gómez García, Gerardo, Rodríguez Jiménez, Carmen, Ramos Navas-Parejo, Magdalena, Alonso García, Santiago, Gómez García, Gerardo, Rodríguez Jiménez, Carmen, Ramos Navas-Parejo, Magdalena, and Alonso García, Santiago
- Subjects
- Multicultural education, Education
- Abstract
En la presente obra se describen diferentes propuestas desde la postura de la ética social para la transición hacia la soberanía alimentaria, producto del proyecto de investigación “Alternativas educativas transdisciplinarias en soberanía alimentaria. Diálogos desde la Permacultura”, a partir del trabajo colegiado de integrantes de la Red Internacional Transdisciplinaria para la Educación e Investigación en Soberanía Alimentaria. Diálogos para la Cooperación entre Universidad y Comunidad, de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Todas las aportaciones que integran la publicación, incluyen una perspectiva de la soberanía alimentaria dentro de la Universidad, desde diferentes posturas de análisis: los derechos de los pueblos, la defensa de las lenguas indígenas, el fomento de los mercados agroecológicos universitarios, la inclusión de la permacultura y de metodologías transdisciplinarias en la formación universitaria a través de los diálogos de saberes, así como la ArbolSofía y la Carta de la Tierra. Finalmente se cierra con algunas conclusiones derivadas de las siete aportaciones presentadas en torno a la soberanía alimentaria desde la Universidad…
- Published
- 2022
3. Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’éducation 2021/2 : Les acteurs non étatiques dans l’éducation: Qui décide? Qui est perdant?
- Author
- Subjects
- Sustainable development, Education and state, Education
- Abstract
Le rôle des acteurs non étatiques ne se limite pas à la prestation de services éducatifs, il s'étend aussi aux interventions menées à différents niveaux d'éducation et au sein de diverses sphères d'influence. Parallèlement à son examen des progrès accomplis en vue de la réalisation de l'ODD 4 – examen qui porte notamment sur les nouvelles données probantes relatives à l'impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 – le Rapport mondial de suivi sur l'éducation 2021/2 exhorte les gouvernements à considérer l'ensemble des établissements, des élèves et des enseignants comme faisant partie d'un système unique. Les normes, les données, les mesures incitatives et la redevabilité doivent aider les gouvernements à protéger, à respecter et à faire valoir le droit à l'éducation de tous, tout en gardant à l'esprit les privilèges et l'exploitation. Si l'enseignement financé par des fonds publics ne doit pas nécessairement être dispensé par le système public, les disparités des processus éducatifs, les résultats des élèves et les conditions de travail des enseignants doivent toutefois être abordés. Plutôt que d'être protégées à tout prix par le secret commercial, l'efficacité et l'innovation devraient être diffusées et pratiquées par tous. Pour y parvenir et faire barrage aux intérêts particuliers, il convient de préserver la transparence et l'intégrité des processus d'élaboration des politiques publiques relatives à l'éducation. L'appel au ralliement du Rapport – Qui décide? Qui est perdant? – invite les décideurs à remettre en question leurs relations avec les acteurs non étatiques au regard de leurs choix fondamentaux : entre la liberté de choix et l'équité ; entre l'encouragement des initiatives et la définition de normes ; entre des groupes de population aux moyens et besoins différents ; entre leurs engagements immédiats souscrits dans le cadre de l'ODD 4 et ceux qui doivent être réalisés progressivement (par exemple, l'éducation postsecondaire) ; ainsi qu'entre l'éducation et d'autres secteurs sociaux.
- Published
- 2022
4. Anders lernen, arbeiten und leben : Für eine Transformation von Pädagogik und Gesellschaft
- Author
Joachim Bröcher and Joachim Bröcher
- Subjects
- Educational sociology, Education
- Abstract
Die Zunahme der durch die »Neue Steuerung« des Bildungssystems produzierten emotionalen und sozialen Problematiken in Schule und Gesellschaft ist evident. Die Antwort darauf liegt jedoch nicht in einer präziseren sonderpädagogischen Diagnostik, Förderung und Intervention, sondern im Umbau von Schule, Universität und Gesellschaft. Joachim Bröcher plädiert für eine selbstgestaltete Bildungspflicht, ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen, die Gründung von selbstbestimmten Community-Projekten (in denen gearbeitet, gelernt und gelebt wird) sowie eine handlungsorientierte, philosophische Pädagogik. Die »Kontrollgesellschaft« (Gilles Deleuze) verwandelt sich so in eine Zivilgesellschaft der Entrepreneur•innen.
- Published
- 2021
5. Transfer in der Lehre : Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement als Zumutung oder Chance für die Hochschulen?
- Author
Albert Kümmel-Schnur, Sibylle Mühleisen, Thomas S. Hoffmeister, Albert Kümmel-Schnur, Sibylle Mühleisen, and Thomas S. Hoffmeister
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Bei dem seit 2016 kursierenden Begriff »Transfer in der Lehre« geht es um eine stärkere Kooperation von Zivilgesellschaft und Hochschule. Umstritten ist, ob diese bildungspolitische Forderung gleichrangig zu Forschung und Lehre als dritte Mission in den regulären akademischen Tätigkeitskatalog aufgenommen werden soll. Den einen erscheint dieses Engagement als unzumutbare zusätzliche Belastung, die anderen sehen es als Chance auf ein verstärktes Erleben von Selbstwirksamkeit und thematischer Relevanz. Die Beiträge des Bandes diskutieren diese Chancen und Risiken und gehen dabei auf konkrete Beispiele aus der Lehrpraxis ein. Damit liefern sie gleichfalls einen Leitfaden im Dschungel der konkurrierenden Konzepte.
- Published
- 2020
6. Çocuklarla Başbaşa (Başmakaleler-5)
- Author
Prof. Dr. Mahmud Esad Coşan and Prof. Dr. Mahmud Esad Coşan
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Çocuklarla Başbaşa, Mahmud Es'ad Coşan Hocaefendi'nin Gülçocuk dergisinde kaleme aldığı yazıların tamamından oluşmaktadır. Hocaefendi'ye göre, ihmal edilmemesi gereken en önemli kesim çocuklardır. Mahmud Es'ad Coşan Hocaefendi, çocukları ideal şekilde eğitebilmek için anaokulları, özel ilk, orta ve yüksek eğitim müesseseleri kurulmasını teşvik etmiş, önayak olmuş ve bu amaçla çok sayıda eğitim kurumu hayata geçmiştir. Bu amaçla bir başka hizmet tarzına daha öncülük ederek 1987 yılının Mayıs ayında aylık Gülçocuk dergisini çıkartmış, derginin başmakalelerini de bizzat kendisi kaleme almıştır.
- Published
- 2019
7. Education: A Manifesto for Change
- Author
Richard Gerver and Richard Gerver
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change, School improvement programs
- Abstract
'A manifesto for change in education with collaboration, openness and optimism at its core.'Steve MunbyThis ground-breaking book is both a manifesto and a call to arms to inspire all those involved in education to consider new visions and values for the future of the school system. Renowned educationalist, speaker and author Richard Gerver offers an empowering vision for how education, both in the UK and internationally, can be transformed and made fit for purpose in the 21st century and beyond.Education has never been more important than it is now but the current school system lacks the continuity and longevity required to ensure young people can survive and thrive as we continue to head into the unknown. Education: A Manifesto for Change argues that students must be prepared for the lives ahead of them; they must understand how important and valuable what they learn in school will be long after they have left formal education. To facilitate this, Richard encourages educators to walk outside the school gates themselves, learning from and with people and organisations beyond their normal experiences, so they can be the catalysts of a better, more connected and more coherent future for today's children – tomorrow's adults.In this thought-provoking new book, Richard, bestselling author of Creating Tomorrow's Schools Today, shares his experiences of working with global businesses and talking education with Barack Obama, Steve Wozniak, senior managers at Google, and elite sports coaches working with Great Britain's Olympic and Paralympic teams and the English Premier League. Taking an international perspective, the book includes examples from the US, China and Colombia.
- Published
- 2019
8. Progress in Education. Volume 50
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, Education--Research, School improvement programs
- Abstract
In Progress in Education. Volume 50, the authors present connectivity as a value that presents a numerical increase in the measure that leads to significant, transversal and related learning between the three dimensions analyzed. From these data alongside quotient positivity/negativity, learning dynamics can be characterized. The following chapter deals with the attitude of teachers towards inclusion and identifies several beliefs that are central to an inclusive mindset. Important theoretical constructs such as like self-efficacy, implicit theories of intelligence, and different models of disability are introduced, and their empirical significance in the context of inclusive education is discussed. Another study is included which explored older adults'motivations for and the benefits of participating in cooperative learning groups. Qualitative focus group discussions were held with 13 cooperative learning groups and a total of 93 older adults. The results indicated that the motivations behind participating in cooperative learning groups included curiosity, the desire to promote senior citizens learning camps, the desire to learn exercises, personal interests, the desire to leave the house, the desire to combat physical and mental deterioration, and recommendations from others. The authors present an integrated picture of resource distribution practices in the classroom setting. Rather than examining each resource distribution practice separately, the study conceptualizes all resource distribution practices as an interrelated system of evaluations structured along the dimensions of universalism. The authors set out to demonstrate to teachers, including trainee teachers, how they can use a set of virtual applications to teach the contents of any subject in order to promote an engagement in learning. Thus, they describe a study with trainee teachers to whom a set of apps were presented. During this research, the trainee teachers were taught how they could use these apps in their classes. This book includes a report on research conducted in four South African universities regarding the manner in which newly appointed lecturers join the pool of postgraduate research supervision teams and, most importantly, how interpersonal relations among newly appointed and long service lecturers play out regarding the universities'access to government subsidies for research output. This book also focuses on the psychological outcome of integrating the learner-oriented approach in the second language learning process of engineering students of the Universitat Politècnica of València through synthesising second language learning and content objectives. Problematic texting in college students is also analyzed in order to determine its relationship to texting dependency and executive function. Moderate problematic texting participants showed the expected dependency on texting and showed deficits across a wide array of executive function indices.
- Published
- 2018
9. Progress in Education. Volume 46
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, Education--Research, School improvement programs
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. Chapter One examines how the assessment and evaluation practices in higher education are changing and how these changes are prompted by accelerating trends related to technology adoption. Chapter Two describes the components involved in virtual storytelling (characters – avatars - setting and systems), methodological references, and their possible use in classroom or laboratories. Chapter Three reviews the teaching of academic home language proficiency skills in primary schools. Chapter Four examines challenges of mathematics teaching in South African primary schools. Chapter Five discusses the best practices and models for student retention and success for colleges and universities in retaining and graduating first generation underrepresented minority students. Chapter Six presents the importance of structured musical education from 6 months up to the age of three, with the focus on the research findings of the two Slovenian projects. Chapter Seven presents the music software ImaginationToolsTM, that uses mathematical models to generate, analyze and synthesize sound and music through a 3D graphical user interface, and has been designed according a User-Centred Strategy. Chapter Eight focuses on the authors'reflections on incorporating Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) in undergraduate medical education at a private university in a developing country.
- Published
- 2017
10. Progress in Education. Volume 45
- Author
Nata, Roberta V. and Nata, Roberta V.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. Chapter One examines the relation among need for cognition (NFC), openness to experience and conscientiousness, predicting that individuals with higher NFC would also show higher degrees of openness to experience and conscientiousness. Chapter Two provides a corpus-based analysis of adjectives and adverbs in Charlotte Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre. Chapter Three reviews the applicability of the science, technology, and society concept towards the pedagogic didactics of the natural sciences. Chapter Four analyses and synthesises research findings from three large bodies of research, using cognitive load and orthographic complexity perspectives, towards useful research directions for optimising Anglophone reading, literacy development and instruction. Chapter Five provides recommendations for increasing teacher self-efficacy at both the preservice and inservice stage to better meet the literacy needs of diverse learners and to ensure that teachers feel confident and capable to teach students who may struggle learning to read; and also discusses implications for future research studies and methods for providing evidence-based literacy instruction to diverse learners. Chapter Six explores the challenges faced by students with disabilities at higher education institutions. Chapter Seven discusses relevance, motivation and meaningful learning in mathematics education.
- Published
- 2017
11. Progress in Education
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, Education--Research
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. The first chapter of this volume reviews studies on the associations between children's temperament dimensions and academic achievement. Chapter Two analyzes the psychometric properties as well as the validity of a newly developed scale for measuring preadolescent students'self-concept of L2 grammatical competencies. Chapter Three examines differences in reading skills of Texas high school students as a function of gender. Chapter Four presents a longitudinal study of a sample of prospective teachers which analysed the evolution from before to after their teaching practices of their personal metaphors about themselves as teachers and about their pupils'role, and the emotions associated with those metaphors. Chapter Five explores the perception of Taiwanese secondary teachers on self-regulated learning-based instruction. Chapter Six reviews differences in high school completion rates by high school size for Hispanic students in Texas. Chapter Seven examines the effect of student and family background and student academic preparedness on success in college. Chapter Eight determines the extent to which differences were present in college-ready rates in reading, mathematics, and in both subjects for Asian boys and Asian girls as a function of their economic status in Texas high schools for 2005-2006 through 2011-2012.
- Published
- 2017
12. Progress in Education
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change, Education--Research
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. Chapter One presents an investigation on children's conceptualization of force and brings into discussion fundamental theoretical considerations, which have influenced pedagogical practices for the last decades. Chapter Two discusses some of the issues around instigating an effective PBL (Problem Based Learning) approach to facilitate the learning of Engineering Mathematics. Chapter Three reviews a transdisciplinary digital learning environment for Special Education in the 21st Century. Chapter Four focuses on integrating multicultural curriculum through service learning projects. Chapter Five describes the distance walked by physical education (PE) teachers in PE lessons, measured by step counters and investigates how distance walked by PE teachers is influenced by the methodology and the contents of PE lessons. Chapter Six analyzes differences in the number of steps PE teachers took in PE lessons attending to the age of the students, and analyzes differences attending to the time of day. Chapter Seven deals with the role of proprietary structure in explaining the efficiency of the secondary education industry. Chapter Eight reviews'new'teaching professionalism and the professional development of educators in higher education. Chapter Nine discusses first language use by teachers and students in English as a foreign language classrooms. Chapter Ten presents research on enhancing knowledge flows through knowledge representations in healthcare professional development. Chapter Eleven provides a review on the health professions'student admission policy. Chapter Twelve focuses on an efficiency assessment of Spanish public universities.
- Published
- 2017
13. Wissen und Lernen : Wie epistemische Überzeugungen Schule, Universität und Arbeitswelt beeinflussen
- Author
Bernholt, Andrea, Gruber, Hans, Moschyner, Barbara, Bernholt, Andrea, Gruber, Hans, and Moschyner, Barbara
- Subjects
- Education, Epistemics, Comprehension (Theory of knowledge)
- Abstract
Moderne Wissensgesellschaften stellen durch die in ihnen herrschende Informationsfülle enorme Anforderungen an ihre Mitglieder, die lernen müssen, sich in der Vielfalt der Informationsangebote zurechtzufinden. Sowohl in privaten als auch in gesellschaftlichen Kontexten spielen dabei individuelle Vorstellungen und Überzeugungen zum Wissen und Lernen eine zentrale Rolle. In der Forschung zu solchen epistemischen Überzeugungen wird die Entwicklung subjektiver Theorien eng mit der Untersuchung individueller Lernerfahrungen in institutionellen Lehr- und Lernprozessen verknüpft.In diesem Band wird ein umfassender Überblick über die Rolle epistemischer Überzeugungen bei Lernenden und Lehrenden verschiedener Altersstufen und in unterschiedlichen Lernkontexten gegeben. Die Beiträge spiegeln unter anderem das Ringen um ein neues (deutschsprachiges) Instrument zur Erfassung epistemischer Überzeugungen wider. Die Autorinnen und Autoren bieten mit dem „Fragebogen zur Erfassung epistemischer Überzeugungen“ (FEE) einen Lösungsvorschlag, mit dem sie sich im weiteren Verlauf kritisch und auf der Basis anknüpfender empirischer Studien auseinandersetzen. In der Gesamtsicht wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, welche epistemischen Überzeugungen für das Lernen relevant sind, und wie diese in einer künftigen Wissensgesellschaft gezielt gefördert werden können.
- Published
- 2017
14. Use of Private Educational Resources for Increase of Effectiveness of University Education
- Author
Popkova, Elena and Popkova, Elena
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
The problem of organization and development of education, including higher education, has been a top-priority issue in all countries at all times, regardless of their political, economic, and religious situation. Modern stage of development of educational sphere is characterized by massive implementation of informational and telecommunication technologies into activities of all members of educational process. Informatization is one of the main factors that make education improve. Topicality of this special issue is determined by the fact that information it provides not only reflects the current state of university education but stimulates exchange of experience, determination of existing problems, and finding solutions for them through constructive dialog between scientists and students.
- Published
- 2017
15. Progress in Education
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change
- Abstract
In chapter one, Carlo Lazzari, Italo Masiello, and Ahmed Shoka reflect on interprofessional education, which concerns collaborative learning among healthcare professionals looking to enhance their teamwork for the benefit of their patients. This is done by using apt communication skills, risk evaluation, and reaching mutual decisions. Chapter two, written by Jia-Mi Chen and Yin-Che Chen, presents a study that explores the connection between quality of life and basic competency that elderly people should learn from an elderly learning program. The results of this study enhance findings on elderly education. In chapter three, Antonio Bovaa presents a study that investigates students'tactics in classroom argumentative discussions with their teacher and classmates. The results of this study show that arguments were further advanced by graduate students more often than by undergraduate students, with graduate students frequently advancing arguments about scientific notions, while undergraduate students advanced arguments based on practical knowledge or personal experience. Following this, Jang Syh-Jong introduces a study on two flipped classrooms in chapter four, finding a significant difference in the classroom that encouraged interpersonal communication to facilitate learning. In chapter five, Guilherme L. Tortorella, PhD, Rogério F. Miorando, PhD, and Diego Fettermann, PhD confirm the link between the Lean Manufacturing teaching method and students'learning methods from a postgraduate course. Afterwards, Jiri Jost, Ram Thein, Helena Havlisova, Zuzana Bilkova, Dana Brabcova, Ludmila Zemkova, and Vladimira Petraskova study the academic capability of children of dysfunctional families relocated to out-of-home care throughout chapter six. In chapter seven, Gratiana Linyor Ndamsah closes the book by examining the concept of “definiteness” exhibited in Limbum, a grassfield Bantu language of the northern group that is spoken in a greater part of the Nkambe plateau in the North West region of Cameroon.
- Published
- 2017
16. Taking Action for Looked After Children in School : A Knowledge Exchange Programme
- Author
Catherine Carroll, Claire Cameron, Catherine Carroll, and Claire Cameron
- Subjects
- Education, Children--Services for
- Abstract
Promoting the Achievement of Looked After Children (PALAC) is a knowledge exchange programme that aims to support the development of practice in schools and to expand the evidence base to ultimately improve outcomes for children in care. Feedback on the first year of PALAC exceeded expectations, with practitioners using their projects to evaluate and adapt their practice. Now PALAC's leading researchers present a summary of the evidence, supported by numerous case studies, and reflect on its implications. This book will become a teaching resource for all professionals concerned with the education of children in care, such as designated teachers and Virtual School colleagues.
- Published
- 2017
17. Progress in Education. Volume 44
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. Chapter One describes and summarizes a line of selected social-psychological research spanning over 40 research publications that have largely targeted students and teachers in the Detroit Public School (DPS) district. Chapter Two reviews a human-centered approach in the educational environment. Chapter Three uncovers, from a student perspective, whether or not affirmative action is good social policy. Chapter Four examines the college selection processes of high achieving students who attended urban high schools and eventually enrolled in a rural predominantly White institution (PWI). Chapter Five reviews developments in accredited universities in the United Kingdom where the development of ‘shell frameworks', based upon the requirements of learners rather than subject discipline, has enabled some adults to fulfil their learning requirements and gain formally accredited qualifications. Chapter Six analyses the teaching profession and the requirements to become a teacher in Spain and compares them with those required to become a teacher in Finland. Chapter Seven reviews how newly qualified home economics teachers experience the initial stages in the workplace in Norway.
- Published
- 2017
18. المدرسة المعاصرة : قضايا ونظريات حديثة
- Author
عثمان، محمد فيصل، and عثمان، محمد فيصل،
- Subjects
- Schools, Education
- Abstract
إن أهداف الإدارة المدرسية لم تعد قاصرة على حفظ النظام والتأكد من سير الدراسة وفق الجدول الموضوع، بل إنها تعدت ذلك إلى تحقيق الأغراض التربوية والاجتماعية، فأصبح محور العمل يدور في هذه الإدارة حول التلميذ وتنميته في جميع الجوانب، وبذل الجهود في تحسين العملية التربوية، وعلى ضوء ذلك يناقش هذا الكتاب بعض القضايا والنظريات الحديثة حول المدرسة المعاصرة، ويقع الكتاب في تسعة فصول: (المبنى المدرسي، الإدارة المدرسية، الإشراف الفني، مشكلات الإدارة المدرسية، دور الأسرة في العملية التعليمية، الأنشطة المدرسية، المكتبات المدرسية، الإذاعة المدرسية، والمقصف المدرسي).
- Published
- 2016
19. Progress in Education
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. The first chapter of this volume discusses the phenomenon of joy and peace in teaching. Chapter Two provides the reader with an understanding of the challenges that medical education in the workplace can present, along with the benefits of education within this setting to benefit the learning journey of a doctor. Chapter Three presents the main aspects of the analysis of the online training courses offered by the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada (Reno, UNR) after carrying out a longitudinal study based on the students'evaluation. Chapter Four describes a collaborative STEM education project aimed at enhancing primary school teachers‟ and students‟ experiences of STEM. Chapter Five examines differences in postsecondary enrollment status of Texas high school graduates from schools based on their enrollment of students who were at-risk. Chapter Six studies the extent to which differences were present in mathematics skills of Grade 6, 7, and 8 Black boys in Texas as a function of their economic status. Chapter Seven addresses the extent to which differences were present in graduation and persistence rates as a function of developmental education enrollment in Texas community colleges.
- Published
- 2016
20. Progress in Education. Volume 39
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. The first chapter of this volume reviews several assessment techniques for students'mathematics knowledge, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each. The following chapters include topics on interprofessional education in the healthcare setting; adaptive learning systems for developing and improving reading comprehension skills; shared cultural identity in group work activities of adult learners; value-added effect of credit-based transition programs after controlling for preexisting student characteristics; a multiyear, statewide analysis of high school size and attendance rate differences for Texas Hispanic students, as well as dropout rate differences; and factors affecting Taiwanese adolescents'academic burnout and work engagement.
- Published
- 2016
21. Progress in Education. Volume 38
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. The first chapter of this volume focuses on the importance of social and emotional learning (SEL) during the preschool period. The following chapters examine emotions in prospective secondary teachers'first teaching experiences; examine a series of events that took place in West Germany at a specialized school for students with emotional and social needs; review entrepreneurial education in Europe today, the requirements of these programs and issues with how these programs are currently being delivered and explores the use of mentoring in supporting such programs and methods and best practices in the area of VET entrepreneurial education; discusses supervision as a personnel development device; examines how the multi-tiered educational system influenced teachers'implementation of the ELA CCSS; and discusses common core state standards and teacher preparation for teaching complex texts with close reading strategy.
- Published
- 2016
22. تطوير العملية التعليمية : مدرسة المستقبل
- Author
ابو النصر، مدحت محمد، and ابو النصر، مدحت محمد،
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
كل علماء التربية والتعليم والتنمية الاجتماعية بل والاقتصادية يؤكدون أن التعليم هو قاطرة التنمية في أي مجتمع، بمعنى أنه إذا أهملنا التعليم فإننا سوف نفشل في تحقيق برامج ومشروعات التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية بالشكل المطلوب ، فعلى سبيل المثال فإن التعليم يعد من أهم ركائز التنمية البشرية في أي مجتمع لما يؤديه من وظائف مهمة في حياة الفرد والأسرة والمجتمع ككل، بالإضافة إلى ارتباطه ارتباطا قويا بكثير من مؤشرات التنمية الأخرى، وعلى ضوء ذلك يقدم هذا الكتاب دراسة حول تطوير العملية التعليمية، ويقع الكتاب في أحد عشر فصلا: (التعليم وملامح الواقع الجديد، قيم وأخلاقيات مهنة التربية والتعليم، مدرسة المستقبل، التفوق الدراسي: كيف نحققه؟، الاستذكار السليم، الإبداع في مدارسنا، الأنشطة المدرسية، أمثلة من الأنشطة المدرسية، الجودة الشاملة في المجال التعليمي، معايير ومعوقات الجودة الشاملة في المجال التعليمي، والخدمة الاجتماعية المدرسية).
- Published
- 2016
23. Progress in Education. Volume 43
- Author
Nata, Roberta V. and Nata, Roberta V.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. The first chapter of this volume explores new research in understanding students'learning and engagement. Chapter Two focuses on measuring and explaining students'academic performance enrolled into the public universities in Spain. Chapter Three shows the evolution of K-12 mathematical problem posing. Chapter Four presents some of the current knowledge regarding effects of physical activity and motor skills practice on cognitive function and scholastic performance in children and youth. Chapter Five explores how project-based learning (PBL) can be successfully incorporated into the primary school classroom drawing on existing literature and from research undertaken by the authors. Chapter Six examines the factors that are involved in building a high quality fully online learning community. Chapter Seven presents literature in the field of entrepreneurship education and methods used in teaching/learning entrepreneurship in Europe, and describes the eco-innovation including, its characteristics and necessary competences. Chapter Eight focuses on professional growth through autobiographical reflection.
- Published
- 2016
24. Vzdělání a dnešek
- Author
Strouhal, Martin, Štech, Stanislav, Strouhal, Martin, and Štech, Stanislav
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Monografie Vzdělání a dnešek představuje texty českých a slovenských VŠ učitelů a badatelů v oblasti pedagogiky, psychologie, sociologie a filosofie výchovy, kteří se zabývají otázkami teorie vzdělání. Je rozvržena do tří částí, tematizujících problémy vzdělanosti z různých perspektiv a sledujících specifické logiky, rozpory a otázky těchto problémů. Zahrnuje perspektivy a texty (1) historické, (2) metodologické a filosofické a (3) texty se sociopolitickým přesahem zaměřené k problémům ideologizace soudobých konceptů vzdělání. Konkrétně jsou v knize řešena tato témata: historické předobrazy soudobých problémů v teorii vzdělání (spory Chlup – Příhoda v české meziválečné pedagogice); Komenského obraz světa vzdělanců, jeho atributy a kritika; fenomenologická analýza soudobých koncepcí vzdělání v kontextu filosofie přirozeného světa; úloha metafor v pedagogickém diskursu a chybějící metafora ideje vzdělanosti; ideové a organizační změny v řízení univerzit a v podobách univerzitního vzdělávání pod vlivem neoliberálních tlaků; akademické cíle základního vzdělávání; školské reformy a jejich ideologizace; problematika kulturního relativismu ve vzdělávání.
- Published
- 2016
25. Learning Support Units : Principles, Practice and Evaluation
- Author
Jane McSherry and Jane McSherry
- Subjects
- Remedial teaching, Education
- Abstract
Learning support units (LSU) are an important piece in the jigsaw of educational and social inclusion. This book will help plan and run an effective LSU that is part of a whole school approach.
- Published
- 2016
26. Die Arbeit mit hochbegabten Kindern und Jugendlichen: Diagnostik und Fördermaßnahmen für Lehrer und Eltern
- Author
Leitl, Andre and Leitl, Andre
- Subjects
- Gifted persons, Gifted children--Education, Education
- Abstract
Das Buch soll nicht nur einen Einblick in den Themenkomplex „Hochbegabung“ vermitteln, sondern zeigen, wie Hochbegabung erkannt wird (Diagnostik) und gefördert werden kann. Im Grunde richtet sich das Fachbuch an die Gesellschaft, also an die soziale Umwelt, in der sich eine hochbegabte Person befindet. Nach den einleitenden Sätzen, warum hochbegabte Kinder und Jugendliche Hilfe brauchen (Kap. 1), erfährt der Leser Grundlagen und -überlegungen zur Hochbegabung (u.a. wie Definitionen; Modelle von Mönks, Heller und Ziegler; Einflussfaktoren; Kap. 2). In Kap. 3 sollen die Diagnostik und Fördermaßnahmen näher gebracht werden, speziell für den schulischen Bereich. Auch wenn Lehrkräfte jeder Schulart Tipps für den Unterricht erhalten, bleibt für Eltern eine bessere Kontrolle und ein gezieltes Nachfragen. Das Buch endet mit reflektierenden Fragestellungen und mit dem eigentlichen wissenschaftlichen Bestreben: Mit Hilfe der gezogenen Erkenntnisse sollen die Betroffenen unterstützen werden. Das Buch eignet sich für alle, die mit Kindern und Jugendlichen arbeiten. Steigen Sie in die Welt der Hochbegabten ein!
- Published
- 2015
27. Systemische Heimerziehung: Grundhaltungen und veränderte Kontexte in der Heimerziehung
- Author
Lackas, Thomas and Lackas, Thomas
- Subjects
- Education--Parent participation, Education
- Abstract
Die stationäre Erziehungshilfe befindet sich in Deutschland in einem besonderen Spannungsfeld zwischen der Wahrung der elterlichen Erziehungskompetenz auf der einen und dem Schutz des Kindeswohls auf der anderen Seite. Um dem hohen gesetzlichen Anspruch im Bereich erzieherischer Hilfen gerecht zu werden, bedarf es gerade bei Fachkräften im stationären Bereich einer klaren Grundhaltung, auf der das pädagogische Handeln aufbaut. Der systemische Ansatz liefert nicht nur diese Grundhaltung, sondern hält auch eine Vielzahl von Methoden bereit, welche sich bei der Erfüllung des gesetzlichen Auftrages der Jugendhilfe als nützlich erweisen können. Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über die historische Entwicklung der Heimerziehung und des systemischen Beratungsansatzes. Es soll die Möglichkeit eröffnen, die stationäre Erziehungshilfe nicht mehr als letztes Mittel zu begreifen und lange „Hilfekarrieren“ zu verkürzen. Hierzu wird der historische Kontext der Heimerziehung aufgearbeitet und unter Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungen im KJHG und der systemischen Perspektive, in einen neuen Gesamtzusammenhang gebracht.
- Published
- 2015
28. A Year in the Life of a Third Space Urban Teacher Residency : Using Inquiry to Reinvent Teacher Education
- Author
Monica Taylor, Emily J. Klein, Monica Taylor, and Emily J. Klein
- Subjects
- Teachers--Training of, Education
- Abstract
This book weaves together voices of faculty, residents, mentors, administrators, community organizers, and students who have lived together in a third space urban teacher residency program in Newark as they reinvent math and science teaching and teacher education through the lens of inquiry. Each chapter includes narratives from multiple perspectives as well as tools we have used within the program to support and build change, providing readers with both real cases of how an urban teacher residency can impact school systems, and concrete tools and examples to help the reader understand and replicate aspects of the process. Capturing both the successes but also the tensions and challenges, we offer a kaleidoscopic view of the rich, complex, and multi-layered ways in which multiple stakeholders work together to make enduring educational change in urban schools. Our third space NMUTR has been a fragile utopian enterprise, one that has relied on a shared commitment of all involved, and a deep sense of hope that working collaboratively has the potential, even if not perfect, to make a difference. With contributions from: Linda Abrams, Priyank Bhatt, Matthew Brewster, Ada Beth Cutler, Michael De Antonio Jr., Alexander Diaz, Marisol Diaz, Carolyn Granato, Antonio Iglesias, Walter Kaczka, Kim Scott Kallai, Dave Koethe, Marc Kolb, Douglas Larkin, Roger Leon, Rosiane Lesperance-Goss, Maria Cristina Morales, Erin Mooney, Anna Karina Monteiro, Fernando Naiditch, Anthony Orsini, Gail Perry-Ryder, Suzanne Poole, Jennifer Robinson, William Romney, Mario Santos, Kathryn Strom, Janae Taylor, & Susan Taylor
- Published
- 2015
29. Progress in Education. Volume 36
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
This series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. The field of education is consistently on the top of priority lists of every country in the world, yet few educators are aware of the progress elsewhere. Many techniques, programs and methods are directly applicable across borders. Topics discussed herein include applying universal design to build supports for college students with autism spectrum disorder; web-enhanced collaborative learning in undergraduate psychology courses; a literature review of the use of mental imagery in health professions education; scaffold learning, peer review and mind mapping; the work hours reform in US graduate medical education; the emergence from e-learning to m-learning; understanding and redefining multicultural education; a perspective to examine learning environments; and progress in international graduate students education.
- Published
- 2015
30. Progress in Education. Volume 35
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
This series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. The field of education is consistently on the top of priority lists of every country in the world, yet few educators are aware of the progress elsewhere. Many techniques, programs and methods are directly applicable across borders. Topics discussed herein include a roadmap for curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation; assessing the quality of research on youth mentoring; an update on response-to-intervention in preschools; types of parent involvement as predictors of the post-secondary educational plans and future educational aspirations of 7th and 9th grade students; underestimation bias in monitoring accuracy using the gamma coefficient; training future physicians in legislative advocacy; assessment of the teaching quality of teachers of primary and special education; orientating pedagogy towards hybrid learning spaces; learning, teaching and assessing in Portugal; and corpus informed foreign language vocabulary instruction.
- Published
- 2015
31. Progress in Education
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change
- Abstract
This series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. The field of education is consistently on the top of priority lists of every country in the world, yet few educators are aware of the progress elsewhere. Many techniques, programs and methods are directly applicable across borders. Topics discussed herein include technological constructivism; heritage language development among 2nd generation Chinese immigrants in bay area; education in sustainability in home economics in Norway; impact evaluation at the convergence of evidence based policy and monitoring and evaluation; element interactivity in secondary school mathematics and science education; knowledge transfer in community-embedded learning; modeling of adaptive system for distance learning with an emphasis on student profile; the dimensions and behaviors existent in a reflective-group dialogue among students with intellectual disabilities; and self-efficacy as an accurate predictor of teaching skills.
- Published
- 2015
32. Lernen nach Montessori im Spiegel der Neurowissenschaften: Lassen sich die Annahmen und Prinzipien der Pädagogik Maria Montessoris durch neurowissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Themenbereich Lernen bestätigen?
- Author
Edyta Schmidt and Edyta Schmidt
- Subjects
- Learning--21st century, Education, Learning
- Abstract
Maria Montessoris reformpädagogischer Ansatz gehört unbestritten zu den pädagogischen Klassikern. Er bezeichnet eine ab 1906 entwickelte Bildungsmethodik und -philosophie für Kindergärten und Schulen und genießt auch heute noch eine beträchtliche Relevanz. Die Ergebnisse der Neurowissenschaften hingegen drängen erst seit den letzten Jahren zunehmend in die pädagogische Fachöffentlichkeit und Theorieentwicklung, da ihnen technische Fortschritte Möglichkeiten eröffneten, Aussagen zu Bedingungen des Lernens zu treffen. Montessori erstellte ihr didaktisches Konzept aufgrund von Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen. Die Neurowissenschaften betrachten die physischen Voraussetzungen von Lernen und die physischen Prozesse, welche beim Lernen ablaufen. Es handelt sich also um eine gänzlich andere Herangehensweise, umso spannender ist es daher zu untersuchen, ob bei den Ergebnissen Ähnlichkeiten und Parallelen zu finden sind.
- Published
- 2015
33. Kinder koennen fliegen : Leben mit Kindern – Im Gespraech mit Janusz Korczak
- Author
Schneider-Flume, Gunda, Korczak, Janusz, Schneider-Flume, Gunda, and Korczak, Janusz
- Subjects
- Child development, Education
- Abstract
Die Autorin befasst sich mit dem polnischen Arzt, Pädagogen und Kinderbuchautor Janusz Korczak. In seinen Schriften beschrieb er ein Lebensverständnis, das die Freude am Leben und besonders die Freude am Leben mit Kindern weckt und Eltern und Erzieher zur Achtung vor jedem Kind als Mensch inspiriert. Mit seiner Pädagogik der Achtung bietet er keine pädagogischen Rezepte und keine Lösung für Erziehungsprobleme. Erziehen heißt vielmehr: Leben mit Kindern. Gunda Schneider-Flume hat das tägliche Leben mit ihren drei Kindern im Gespräch mit Korczaks Gedanken reflektiert: Es geht dabei nicht um Ideale, die verwirklicht, oder Vorbilder, die erreicht werden müssen, sondern um die Person der Kinder, die so anerkannt werden, dass sie sich selbst entfalten, dass sie fliegen können.
- Published
- 2015
34. Bildung fuer Alle : Bildungsvielfalt im Ideenwettbewerb
- Author
Peter Altmiks, Kathleen Klotchkov, Peter Altmiks, and Kathleen Klotchkov
- Subjects
- Education, Education, Compulsory
- Abstract
Die herausragende Bedeutung von Bildung für die Entwicklung, die Zukunftschancen und den Wohlstand einer Gesellschaft sind hinlänglich bekannt. Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit Geist- und Geldfragen sowie einem passenden Ordnungsrahmen für hervorragende Bildung: Was ist Bildung und was ist ein freiheitliches Bildungsideal? Wie kann ein solches umgesetzt und finanziert werden? Die Instrumente staatlicher Bildungspolitik sowie die zunehmende Vereinheitlichung und Egalisierung werden dabei hinterfragt. Es werden Ideen präsentiert, wie Bildung fair, nachhaltig und effektiv angeboten und finanziert werden kann. Zentral ist die Förderung individueller Fähigkeiten. Das Bildungswesen muss Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Begabungen ein vielfältiges Angebot machen.
- Published
- 2015
35. コメニウスの世界観と教育思想 : 17世紀における事物・言葉・書物
- Author
北詰裕子 and 北詰裕子
- Subjects
- Education
- Published
- 2015
36. Les professionnels et leurs formations : Entre développement des sujets et projets des institutions
- Author
Richard Wittorski, Olivier Maulini, Maryvonne Sorel, Richard Wittorski, Olivier Maulini, and Maryvonne Sorel
- Subjects
- Education, Professional employees
- Abstract
Le titre de ce livre traduit l'intention des auteurs d'étudier la professionnalisation du point de vue double du développement des personnes et de l'organisation sociale de leurs activités. Il s'agit donc de s'intéresser à la fois à la manière dont un individu singulier devient professionnel au fil des apprentissages qu'il développe dans son itinéraire de vie et professionnel et à la manière dont l'activité qu'il déploie fait l'objet d'une formalisation, d'une reconnaissance voire d'une codification sociales. La question est donc moins celle des professions que celles des dynamiques sociales associées aux phénomènes de professionnalisation des individus et des activités ; celles-ci diffèrent sensiblement selon qu'elles sont portées par les organisations à l'adresse des individus ou qu'elles sont portées par les individus eux-mêmes. L'hypothèse est qu'il existerait de fait une tension entre l'offre ou l'exigence de professionnalisation dans et par les dispositifs proposés par les institutions d'une part et les individus dans leur logique ou leur projet de développement professionnel d'autre part.
- Published
- 2015
37. Progress in Education
- Author
Nata, R. and Nata, R.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change
- Abstract
The ongoing Progress in Education series presents substantial results from around the globe in selected areas of educational research. Schools are institutions that sail in the tempest of educational issues, reforms, strategies, data and tools, as well as reflect changes in society. Embedded in all of these are technology, diversity, and innovation - their inevitability has been demonstrated in our schools and communities. The first chapter of this volume examines how technology and diversity leads to innovation. The following chapters discuss the integrity of peer coaching and self-regulated learning; errors and error-handling strategies; career and technical education in Texas schools; high school sizes and Hispanic student college readiness; pedagogical approaches to applying funds of knowledge theories to support minoritized students'learning; electrical engineering education programs; and instructional expenditures and school district wealth.
- Published
- 2015
38. Vom Lehren zum Lernen - Bildungsplanentwicklung an der Realschule: Eine historische Untersuchung der Lehr- und Bildungspläne in Baden-Württemberg
- Author
Marcel Misterek and Marcel Misterek
- Subjects
- Education, Education, Secondary, High school teaching, Junior high school teaching
- Abstract
Der Terminus „Kompetenz“ stellt für jeden Lehramtsstudierenden spätestens ab der zweiten Vorlesungswoche mehr als ein geflügeltes Wort dar, denn „Kompetenzen“ sind vielmehr zum Prinzip, zum Schlüssel, zur „conditio sine qua non“ für funktionierendes Lernen geworden. Doch wie entwickelte sich der Kompetenzgedanke? Während die Lehrpläne der Nachkriegszeit stark vom Duktus der Besatzungsmächte beeinflusst waren, zeichnete sich ab den Siebzigern und im Zuge reformpädagogischer Leitgedanken eine klare Tendenz der Veränderung ab. Ziele wurden weiter gefasst, Bildungsinhalte genderunabhängig thematisiert und seit 2004 ist wohl nur noch ein Leitgedanke kennzeichnend: Kompetenzorientierung. Diese Untersuchung ist nicht allein unter schultheoretischen Aspekten zu betrachten, denn sie skizziert insbesondere Auf- und Umbrüche, zeigt Konträreres und Äquivalentes immer im Schatten der geltenden bildungspolitischen Umstände und gibt einen Ausblick auf künftige Tendenzen. Dieses Werk urteilt weder über den bildungspolitischen Wert eines Lehr- oder Bildungsplans noch versucht es, schultheoretische oder didaktische Implikationen als optimal zu befinden. Hier wird dargestellt, in welchem Kontext Bildungspläne stets zu betrachten sind, welche Möglichkeiten die damalige und heutige Schulpolitik in Baden-Württemberg hatte, aber auch welche Grenzen ihr gesetzt waren und sind. Statt einen empirischen Befund zu liefern, sollen die Fakten dieser Untersuchung vor allem zum Mit- und Weiterdenken in (bildungs-)politischen Umbruchzeiten anregen.
- Published
- 2015
39. Kooperatives Lernen als Vorbereitung auf die Arbeitswelt: Kompetenzen in der Schule vermitteln
- Author
Jörg Wegner and Jörg Wegner
- Subjects
- Education, Group work in education, School management and organization, Learning
- Abstract
Hauptaugenmerk des Buches liegt auf der notwendigen Kompetenzvermittlung im Hinblick auf die Arbeitswelt. Das Buch vereinigt drei verschiedene Sichtweisen - soziologische, pädagogische und psychologische Aspekte - und klärt u.a. folgende Fragen: Haben sich die Berufswelt und damit die Forderungen der Unternehmen und Firmen an die Schüler so entscheidend verändert? Haben sich die Unterrichtsmethoden den Anforderungen nicht genügend angepasst? Ausgehend von diesen Fragestellungen werden die Veränderungen der Gesellschaft, der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitswelt und die daraus resultieren Anforderungen an die Bildung junger Menschen dargestellt. Anschließend wird das kooperative Lernen als Alternative zu herkömmlichem Unterricht und als mögliche Antwort auf die Forderungen dargestellt. Es werden auch kognitive Prozesse, die durch Gruppenprozesse und Interaktionen beim gemeinsamen Arbeiten verstärkt werden, betrachtet. Den Abschluss bildet die Darstellung von praktischem kooperativem Unterricht. So soll aufgezeigt werden, dass diese Lernformen den Anforderungen und Forderungen der Gesellschaft und der Arbeitswelt gerecht werden können und sogar notwendig sind.
- Published
- 2014
40. Ethnographie und Differenz in pädagogischen Feldern : Internationale Entwicklungen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung
- Author
Anja Tervooren, Nicolas Engel, Michael Göhlich, Ingrid Miethe, Sabine Reh, Anja Tervooren, Nicolas Engel, Michael Göhlich, Ingrid Miethe, and Sabine Reh
- Subjects
- Education, Ethnology
- Abstract
Ethnographische Ansätze, seit den 1990er Jahren fester Bestandteil der deutschsprachigen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung, sind aufgrund ihrer historischen Wurzeln in der Theorie und Forschungspraxis von Ethnologie und Anthropologie in besonderer Weise mit der Erforschung von Differenz in pädagogischen Feldern befasst. Dabei spielt Differenz in doppelter Weise eine Rolle: Pädagogisches Handeln selbst erzeugt Differenzen und zugleich können Differenzen auch Konstruktionen der Beobachtung sein. Vor dem Hintergrund gesellschafts- und bildungspolitisch neu entbrannter Debatten um verschiedene Formen von Differenzen und deren Zusammenwirken werden in diesem Band Fragen der Produktion und Wirkungen von Differenzen theoretisch und methodologisch diskutiert und anhand eines breiten Spektrums pädagogischer Felder empirisch veranschaulicht.
- Published
- 2014
41. Studies on the Teaching of Asian Languages in the 21st Century
- Author
Hüseyin İçen, Editor, Seniye Vural, Editor, Hüseyin İçen, Editor, and Seniye Vural, Editor
- Subjects
- Teaching, Education, Multicultural education
- Abstract
In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for, and rapid development in, the learning and teaching of Asian languages as a foreign language throughout the world. Many governments recognize that Asian languages are of strategic economic importance, and thus they are now offered as a foreign language by a great number of schools and higher education institutions.This book contains chapters written by different authors from several countries on key issues and problems in the teaching of the Chinese, Russian, Farsi, Japanese and Malaysian languages, and some comparative studies. The contributors here explore future directions in the teaching of Asian languages in the 21st century.The ten chapters of the book have been prepared by the authors using the scholarly papers they presented at the Second International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literatures (ADES), which was held on 3–4 May 2012 at Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, under the title of “Teaching of Asian Languages in the 21st Century”.
- Published
- 2014
42. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Education
- Author
Hasan Arslan, Editor, Ercan Kocayörük, Editor, Hasan Arslan, Editor, and Ercan Kocayörük, Editor
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
This volume is a collection of essays on educational issues belonging to educators and researchers from three continents, namely Africa, Asia, and Europe. The essays are grouped into four sections: the first, “Teaching and Teacher Education”, encompasses collaborative learning, learning competencies, learning strategies, pre-service teachers, and special education. The second, “Psychosocial Development of Children in Education”, is comprised of essays concerned with academic achievement, child rights, family and gender issues, pre-schoolers, public education, school type, school violence, university students, and university youth, while the third, “Educational Policy” investigates issues such as environmental citizenship, decision making, democracy, education, Gypsies, higher education, IT systems in education, migration, organisational justice, and public and private schools. The final section, “Language in Teaching” is concerned with topics such as bilingual children, contrastive analysis, English language teaching, language skills, learning strategies, and online teaching materials. The book will appeal to educators, researchers, and students involved in education sciences.
- Published
- 2014
43. Gruppendynamik in der Zirkuspädagogik: Eine Studie zu den gruppendynamischen Veränderungen während eines zirkuspädagogischen Schulprojekts
- Author
Jung, Fabian and Jung, Fabian
- Subjects
- Education, Group work in education, Reading
- Abstract
„Manege frei!“, so schallt es alljährlich aus dem Munde des Zirkusdirektors, in einem rot-weißen Zelt in dem grünen Park gegenüber der freien Waldorfschule Würzburg. Seit 1993 besucht der Zirkus Knirps die Schüler der Waldorf Schule und ermöglicht ihnen ein Zirkuserlebnis der besonderen Art. Es ist nicht nur ein kurzweiliges Zirkus-Spielen, sondern ein Zirkus-Machen und Zirkus-Leben. Schon im Herbst beginnen die ersten Schnuppertage, in denen sich die Schüler mit den verschiedensten Bereichen künstlerischer Darbietung im Zirkus beschäftigen, um sich die für sie interessantesten auszusuchen. Wöchentlich üben die Schüler in den darauffolgenden Monaten in der Schulturnhalle und vertiefen ihre Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in den vielfältigen zirzensischen Künsten. In den Osterferien ist es dann soweit: Der Zirkus kommt. Zusammen mit Helfern bauen die Schüler das Zirkuszelt auf, die Sitztribünen werden positioniert, die Hobelspäne in die Manege eingestreut und der rote Vorhang wird aufgehängt. Sogar ein Vorzelt für den Pausenverkauf wird aufgebaut und zahlreiche Zirkuswägen, in denen geschminkt wird, wo Requisiten verstaut sind und in denen sich die kleinen Artisten umkleiden können, werden um das Zirkuszelt aufgestellt. Die nun folgende Woche des Intensivtrainings inklusive General- und Hauptprobe und der drei abschließenden Wochenendvorstellungen vermitteln jedem einzelnen Teilnehmer das Gefühl, ein Teil des Zirkus zu sein und das zirzensische Leben erfahren zu dürfen. Die Entwicklung und Stärkung der Gemeinschaft im Zirkus wird in der vorliegenden Studie zum theoretischen Bezugsrahmen. Das Ziel liegt in der empirischen Erforschung der sozialen Gemeinschaft in Hinblick auf die gruppendynamischen Veränderungen, die sich durch das Zirkusprojekt auf dem Zirkus-Luna-Hof an der teilnehmenden Schülergruppe beobachten lassen. Das Buch gliedert sich somit in folgende Teile: 1. Theoretischer Hintergrund zur Zirkuspädagogik (Kapitel 2) 2. Theoretischer Hintergrund zum soziologischen Thema der Gruppendynamik (Kapitel 3) 3. Durchführung des einwöchigen Zirkusprojektes (Kapitel 4) 4. Auswirkung eines Zirkusprojektes auf die Gruppendynamik (Kapitel 5) Die Punkte drei und vier orientieren sich an dem konkreten Praxisbeispiel eines einwöchigen zirkuspädagogischen Schulprojekts zweier Schulklassen einer Grundschule auf dem Zirkus-Luna-Hof. Im Zuge von Teil drei wird zum einen auf die Rahmenbedingungen des besagten Zirkusprojekts eingegangen und zum anderen das Projekt in seiner Struktur beschrieben. Punkt vier befasst sich, unter Berücksichtigung des im dritten Teil geschaffenen theoretischen Hintergrunds, mit der konkreten Erforschung der Gruppendynamik der am Projekt teilnehmenden Gruppe. Hierbei bedient sich das Buch der Ergebnisse der soziometrischen Studie, die ihre Rohdaten aus einer Erhebung vor und einer Erhebung nach dem Zirkusprojekt zieht.
- Published
- 2014
44. الصف المتمايز
- Author
عامر، طارق عبد الرؤوف،, محمد، ربيع،, عامر، طارق عبد الرؤوف،, and محمد، ربيع،
- Subjects
- Teachers, Education
- Abstract
The teacher is a key element and important in the educational process. And play a cognitive and emotional characteristics which is characterized by a prominent role in the effectiveness of this process as a form of educational inputs task.
- Published
- 2014
45. Developing Critical Professional Practice in Education
- Author
Appleby, Yvon, Pilkington, Ruth, Appleby, Yvon, and Pilkington, Ruth
- Subjects
- Career development, Teachers--Education (Continuing education), Education
- Abstract
What does it mean to be a professional in education and in other sectors where education is a focus? How can professional development techniques be implemented in a variety of settings to the best effect? Over the last decade, many shifts in individual professional identity and sector requirements in education have been evident. This book engages with current debates and presents a new model - critical professional development - involving several new concepts which are mapped clearly to practice and covering the necessary techniques and approaches. Key organizational challenges and possibilities in implementation are highlighted. In outlining the new model, the book discusses the theories and perspectives of critical professional development, from educational policy to practice. Case studies from a range of education sectors convey unique and richly textured examples of successful professional practice, providing strong links between teaching and learning and professional development, with approaches that can be widely adopted and applied in different settings.
- Published
- 2014
46. التعليمية والمعوقات
- Author
مصطفى درويش and مصطفى درويش
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
يتحدث الكتاب على تعليمية على حقائق الموثقة علمياً هي أنه لا يوجد طالب فاشل، ولكن توجد برامج تعليمية متخلفة ومدرسين غير مؤهلين ومؤسسات تعليمية لا تساير روح العصر وتطور أساليب الحياة.... كما يتحدث الكتاب على كيفية ان متعلم هو أكثر استمتاعاً بالحياة وأكثر قدرة على التكيف مع الظروف الصعبة وتدبير شئون حياته بأساليب ناجحة...
- Published
- 2013
47. Educación, libertad y cuidado
- Author
Ibáñez-Martín Mellado, José Antonio (coord.) and Ibáñez-Martín Mellado, José Antonio (coord.)
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
El objetivo de este libro es conseguir un conjunto de autores que reflexionaran acerca del cuidado en su relación con la libertad, dentro del ámbito educativo, y que lo hicieran desde una pluralidad de perspectivas nacionales y de pensamiento. La conclusión han sido los 18 capítulos de este libro, en el que colaboran profesores de cuatro países distintos –algunos especialmente significados en estos problemas, como Christopher Day, de la Universidad de Nottingham y Michael Slote, de la Universidad de Miami– y de diez Universidades diversas. Se trata aquí de estudiar la libertad y el cuidado en la enseñanza formal –con un especial análisis de lo que cabe hacer en la universidad, para evitar reducir el cuidado en la relación educativa al tiempo de la minoría de edad– pero igualmente en ese otro gran ámbito educativo que es la familia, teniendo también especialmente en cuenta las situaciones de vulnerabilidad más destacadas por las que puede pasar el ser humano…
- Published
- 2013
48. Cómo elaborar una programación didáctica para ciclos formativos : guía práctica
- Author
García Álvarez, Eloy and García Álvarez, Eloy
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Esta guía Pretende ser un manual de referencia para docentes y opositores a la hora de enfrentarse al desarrollo de las programaciones didácticas que les sean encomendadas.El objetivo de esta obra es mostrar, de manera práctica, todos los puntos que debe contener una programación didáctica.Como podrá comprobar el lector, los apartados de la programación no deben ser herméticos, sino que estarán relacionados entre sí, conformando un todo.Para la realización de esta guía se ha tomado como ejemplo una programación didáctica que podría ser usada para el módulo Fundamentos de programación, del ciclo formativo de grado superior Administración de Sistemas Informáticos, si bien la metodología a seguir sería la misma para cualquier módulo de otro ciclo formativo.
- Published
- 2013
49. Distance Education: Statewide, Institutional, and International Applications of Distance Education
- Author
Michael Simonson and Michael Simonson
- Subjects
- Education, Open learning, Distance education
- Abstract
Distance Learning journal is a premiere outlet for articles featuring practical applications of distance education in states, institutions, and countries. Distance Education Around the World is a collection of readings from Distance Learning journal written by practitioners for practitioners.
- Published
- 2013
50. Autism with Severe Learning Difficulties
- Author
Jordan, Rita and Jordan, Rita
- Subjects
- Autistic children--Education--Great Britain, Education, Learning disabled children--Education--Great Britain
- Abstract
Updated to reflect contemporary academic studies, this practical guide helps solve the many challenges of working with children diagnosed with both autism and severe learning difficulties. Educators, caregivers, and parents of children with autism will find thorough information on how to provide effective treatment for those with the condition as well as solutions for how to best care for autistic children from early childhood through adulthood. Frank, intelligent discussions cover the implications of dual diagnosis, characteristic behavior and development stages, fostering social interaction among other children, understanding and managing challenging behavior, as well as sexuality and the transition to adulthood. Detailed examples show how behavior can be understood and how to build on the existing strengths of individual children. Support for parents is also addressed.
- Published
- 2013
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