222 results
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2. Proceedings of Workshop on Interdisciplinary Sciences 2023 : Interdisciplinary Sciences: Applied Mathematics, AI, and Statistics
- Author
Ton Viet Ta, Linh Thi Hoai Nguyen, Ton Viet Ta, and Linh Thi Hoai Nguyen
- Subjects
- Social sciences—Mathematics, Mathematics, Computer science—Mathematics, Discrete mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing
- Abstract
This volume features a selection of technical papers presented at the workshop “The Fifth Workshop on Interdisciplinary Sciences (WIS 2023)'. Contributions from esteemed researchers and academics in applied mathematics, AI, and statistics offer valuable insights into their latest research. The papers also delve into interdisciplinary applications, spanning fields such as agriculture and economics, with strong emphasis on data analysis techniques. We hope this proceedings volume will serve as a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in the recent advancements and emerging trends in interdisciplinary sciences.
- Published
- 2024
3. Mathematics and Computation : IACMC 2022, Zarqa, Jordan, May 11–13
- Author
Dia Zeidan, Juan C. Cortés, Aliaa Burqan, Ahmad Qazza, Jochen Merker, Gharib Gharib, Dia Zeidan, Juan C. Cortés, Aliaa Burqan, Ahmad Qazza, Jochen Merker, and Gharib Gharib
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Numerical analysis, Approximation theory, Mathematics
- Abstract
This book collects select papers presented at the 7th International Arab Conference on Mathematics and Computations (IACMC 2022), held from 11–13 May 2022, at Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan. These papers discuss a new direction for mathematical sciences. Researchers, professionals and educators will be exposed to research results contributed by worldwide scholars in fundamental and advanced interdisciplinary mathematical research such as differential equations, dynamical systems, matrix analysis, numerical methods and mathematical modelling. The vision of this book is to establish prototypes in completed, current and future mathematical and applied sciences research from advanced and developing countries. The book is intended to make an intellectual contribution to the theory and practice of mathematics. This proceedings would connect scientists in this part of the world to the international level.
- Published
- 2023
4. Mesh Methods for Boundary-Value Problems and Applications : 13th International Conference, Kazan, Russia, October 20-25, 2020
- Author
Ildar B. Badriev, Victor Banderov, Sergey A. Lapin, Ildar B. Badriev, Victor Banderov, and Sergey A. Lapin
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematical optimization, Mathematical physics
- Abstract
This book gathers papers presented at the 13th International Conference on Mesh Methods for Boundary-Value Problems and Applications, which was held in Kazan, Russia, in October 2020. The papers address the following topics: the theory of mesh methods for boundary-value problems in mathematical physics; non-linear mathematical models in mechanics and physics; algorithms for solving variational inequalities; computing science; and educational systems. Given its scope, the book is chiefly intended for students in the fields of mathematical modeling science and engineering. However, it will also benefit scientists and graduate students interested in these fields.
- Published
- 2022
5. Applied Wave Mathematics II : Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods and Complexity
- Author
Arkadi Berezovski, Tarmo Soomere, Arkadi Berezovski, and Tarmo Soomere
- Subjects
- Differential equations, Mathematics, Acoustics, Numerical analysis, Electrodynamics, Mathematical physics
- Abstract
This book gathers contributions on various aspects of the theory and applications of linear and nonlinear waves and associated phenomena, as well as approaches developed in a global partnership of researchers with the national Centre of Excellence in Nonlinear Studies (CENS) at the Department of Cybernetics of Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia.The papers chiefly focus on the role of mathematics in the analysis of wave phenomena. They highlight the complexity of related topics concerning wave generation, propagation, transformation and impact in solids, gases, fluids and human tissues, while also sharing insights into selected mathematical methods for the analytical and numerical treatment of complex phenomena. In addition, the contributions derive advanced mathematical models, share innovative ideas on computing, and present novel applications for a number of research fields where both linear and nonlinear wave problems play an important role.The papers are written in a tutorial style, intended for non-specialist researchers and students. The authors first describe the basics of a problem that is currently of interest in the scientific community, discuss the state of the art in related research, and then share their own experiences in tackling the problem.Each chapter highlights the importance of applied mathematics for central issues in the study of waves and associated complex phenomena in different media. The topics range from basic principles of wave mechanics up to the mathematics of Planet Earth in the broadest sense, including contemporary challenges in the mathematics of society. In turn, the areas of application range from classic ocean wave mathematics to material science, and to human nerves and tissues. All contributions describe the approaches in a straightforward manner, making them ideal material for educational purposes, e.g. for courses, master class lectures, or seminar presentations.
- Published
- 2019
6. Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications : Roorkee, India, December 2014
- Author
P. N. Agrawal, R. N. Mohapatra, Uaday Singh, H. M. Srivastava, P. N. Agrawal, R. N. Mohapatra, Uaday Singh, and H. M. Srivastava
- Subjects
- Mathematical analysis--Congresses, Mathematics
- Abstract
This book discusses recent developments in and the latest research on mathematics, statistics and their applications. All contributing authors are eminent academics, scientists, researchers and scholars in their respective fields, hailing from around the world. The book presents roughly 60 unpublished, high-quality and peer-reviewed research papers that cover a broad range of areas including approximation theory, harmonic analysis, operator theory, fixed-point theory, functional differential equations, dynamical and control systems, complex analysis, special functions, function spaces, summability theory, Fourier and wavelet analysis, and numerical analysis – all of which are topics of great interest to the research community – while further papers highlight important applications of mathematical analysis in science, engineering and related areas. This conference aims at bringing together experts and young researchers in mathematics from all over the world to discuss the latest advances in mathematical analysis and at promoting the exchange of ideas in various applications of mathematics in engineering, physics and biology. This conference encourages international collaboration and provides young researchers an opportunity to learn about the current state of the research in their respective fields.
- Published
- 2015
7. Recent Developments in Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential Equations : 2012 John H Barrett Memorial Lectures
- Author
Xiaobing Feng, Ohannes Karakashian, Yulong Xing, Xiaobing Feng, Ohannes Karakashian, and Yulong Xing
- Subjects
- Galerkin methods--Congresses, Finite element method--Congresses, Mathematics
- Abstract
The field of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods has attracted considerable recent attention from scholars in the applied sciences and engineering. This volume brings together scholars working in this area, each representing a particular theme or direction of current research. Derived from the 2012 Barrett Lectures at the University of Tennessee, the papers reflect the state of the field today and point toward possibilities for future inquiry. The longer survey lectures, delivered by Franco Brezzi and Chi-Wang Shu, respectively, focus on theoretical aspects of discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic and evolution problems. Other papers apply DG methods to cases involving radiative transport equations, error estimates, and time-discrete higher order ALE functions, among other areas. Combining focused case studies with longer sections of expository discussion, this book will be an indispensable reference for researchers and students working with discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods and its applications.
- Published
- 2014
8. Total Least Squares and Errors-in-Variables Modeling : Analysis, Algorithms and Applications
- Author
S. van Huffel, P. Lemmerling, S. van Huffel, and P. Lemmerling
- Subjects
- Algebra, Algebras, Linear, Statistics, Mathematics, Numerical analysis, Algorithms
- Abstract
In response to a growing interest in Total Least Squares (TLS) and Errors-In-Variables (EIV) modeling by researchers and practitioners, well-known experts from several disciplines were invited to prepare an overview paper and present it at the third international workshop on TLS and EIV modeling held in Leuven, Belgium, August 27-29, 2001. These invited papers, representing two-thirds of the book, together with a selection of other presented contributions yield a complete overview of the main scientific achievements since 1996 in TLS and Errors-In-Variables modeling. In this way, the book nicely completes two earlier books on TLS (SIAM 1991 and 1997). Not only computational issues, but also statistical, numerical, algebraic properties are described, as well as many new generalizations and applications. Being aware of the growing interest in these techniques, it is a strong belief that this book will aid and stimulate users to apply the new techniques and models correctly to their own practical problems.
- Published
- 2013
9. Recent Advances in Algorithmic Differentiation
- Author
Shaun Forth, Paul Hovland, Eric Phipps, Jean Utke, Andrea Walther, Shaun Forth, Paul Hovland, Eric Phipps, Jean Utke, and Andrea Walther
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Computer science, Computer algorithms, Differential calculus--Data processing--Congresses, Differential-difference equations--Data processing--Congresses, Electronic data processing, Mathematics
- Abstract
The proceedings represent the state of knowledge in the area of algorithmic differentiation (AD). The 31 contributed papers presented at the AD2012 conference cover the application of AD to many areas in science and engineering as well as aspects of AD theory and its implementation in tools. For all papers the referees, selected from the program committee and the greater community, as well as the editors have emphasized accessibility of the presented ideas also to non-AD experts. In the AD tools arena new implementations are introduced covering, for example, Java and graphical modeling environments or join the set of existing tools for Fortran. New developments in AD algorithms target the efficiency of matrix-operation derivatives, detection and exploitation of sparsity, partial separability, the treatment of nonsmooth functions, and other high-level mathematical aspects of the numerical computations to be differentiated. Applications stem from the Earth sciences, nuclear engineering, fluid dynamics, and chemistry, to name just a few. In many cases the applications in a given area of science or engineering share characteristics that require specific approaches to enable AD capabilities or provide an opportunity for efficiency gains in the derivative computation. The description of these characteristics and of the techniques for successfully using AD should make the proceedings a valuable source of information for users of AD tools.
- Published
- 2012
10. Approximation Algorithms for Complex Systems : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithms for Approximation, Ambleside, UK, 31st August - 4th September 2009
- Author
Emmanuil H Georgoulis, Armin Iske, Jeremy Levesley, Emmanuil H Georgoulis, Armin Iske, and Jeremy Levesley
- Subjects
- Approximation algorithms--Congresses, Mathematics
- Abstract
This book collects up-to-date papers from world experts in a broad variety of relevant applications of approximation theory, including dynamical systems, multiscale modelling of fluid flow, metrology, and geometric modelling to mention a few. The 14 papers in this volume document modern trends in approximation through recent theoretical developments, important computational aspects and multidisciplinary applications. The book is arranged in seven invited surveys, followed by seven contributed research papers. The surveys of the first seven chapters are addressing the following relevant topics: emergent behaviour in large electrical networks, algorithms for multivariate piecewise constant approximation, anisotropic triangulation methods in adaptive image approximation, form assessment in coordinate metrology, discontinuous Galerkin methods for linear problems, a numerical analyst's view of the lattice Boltzmann method, approximation of probability measures on manifolds. Moreover, the diverse contributed papers of the remaining seven chapters reflect recent developments in approximation theory, approximation practice and their applications. Graduate students who wish to discover the state of the art in a number of important directions of approximation algorithms will find this a valuable volume. Established researchers from statisticians through to fluid modellers will find interesting new approaches to solving familiar but challenging problems. This book grew out of the sixth in the conference series on'Algorithms for Approximation', which took place from 31st August to September 4th 2009 in Ambleside in the Lake District of the United Kingdom.
- Published
- 2011
11. Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics : Dedicated to Giovanni Paolo Galdi on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
- Author
Rolf Rannacher, Adélia Sequeira, Rolf Rannacher, and Adélia Sequeira
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Physics, Mathematics—Data processing, Numerical analysis, Biomedical engineering
- Abstract
The present volume celebrates the 60th birthday of Professor Giovanni Paolo Galdi and honors his remarkable contributions to research in the?eld of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. The book contains a collection of 35 peer reviewed papers, with authors from 20 countries, re?ecting the worldwide impact and great inspiration by his work over the years. These papers were selected from invited lectures and contributed talks presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Fluid Mechanics held in Estoril, Portugal, May 21–25, 2007 and organized on the oc- sion of Professor Galdi's 60th birthday. We express our gratitude to all the authors and reviewers for their important contributions. Professor Galdi devotes his career to research on the mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations and non-Newtonian?ow problems, with special emphasis on hydrodynamic stability and?uid-particle interactions, impressing the worldwide mathematical communities with his results. His numerous contributions have laid down signi?cant milestones in these?elds, with a great in?uence on interdis- plinary research communities. He has advanced the careers of numerous young researchers through his generosity and encouragement, some directly through int- lectual guidance and others indirectly by pairing them with well chosen senior c- laborators. A brief review of Professor Galdi's activities and some impressions by colleagues and friends are included here.
- Published
- 2010
12. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications : Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007, the 7th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Graz, Austria, September 2007
- Author
Karl Kunisch, Günther Of, Olaf Steinbach, Karl Kunisch, Günther Of, and Olaf Steinbach
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Numerical analysis--Congresses
- Abstract
The European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) is a series of conferences held every two years to provide a forum for discussion on recent aspects of numerical mathematics and their applications. The?rst ENUMATH conference was held in Paris (1995), and the series continued by the one in Heidelberg (1997), Jyvaskyla (1999), Ischia (2001), Prague (2003), and Santiago de Compostela (2005). This volume contains a selection of invited plenary lectures, papers presented in minisymposia, and contributed papers of ENUMATH 2007, held in Graz, Austria, September 10–14, 2007. We are happy that so many people have shown their interest in this conference. In addition to the ten invited presentations and the public lecture, we had more than 240 talks in nine minisymposia and?fty four sessions of contributed talks, and about 316 participants from all over the world, specially from Europe. A total of 98 contributions appear in these proceedings. Topics include theoretical aspects of new numerical techniques and algorithms, as well as to applications in engineering and science. The book will be useful for a wide range of readers, giving them an excellent overview of the most modern methods, techniques, algorithms and results in numerical mathematics, scienti?c computing and their applications. We would like to thank all the participants for the attendance and for their va- ablecontributionsanddiscussionsduringtheconference.Specialthanksgothe m- isymposium organizers, who made a large contribution to the conference, the chair persons, and all speakers.
- Published
- 2008
13. Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods : MCQMC 2022, Linz, Austria, July 17–22
- Author
Aicke Hinrichs, Peter Kritzer, Friedrich Pillichshammer, Aicke Hinrichs, Peter Kritzer, and Friedrich Pillichshammer
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Statistics, Computer science, Mathematics, Numerical analysis
- Abstract
This book presents the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing that was held in Linz, Austria, and organized by the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, in July 2022. These biennial conferences are major events for Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo researchers. The proceedings include articles based on invited lectures as well as carefully selected contributed papers on all theoretical aspects and applications of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Offering information on the latest developments in these highly active areas, this book is an excellent reference resource for theoreticians and practitioners interested in solving high-dimensional computational problems, in particular arising in finance, statistics and computer graphics.
- Published
- 2024
14. Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing : Proceedings of the 11th International NUMGRID Conference, 2022
- Author
Vladimir Garanzha, Lennard Kamenski, Vladimir Garanzha, and Lennard Kamenski
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematical optimization, Calculus of variations, Mathematics
- Abstract
This volume presents a selection of papers presented at the 11th International Conference on Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation, and Scientific Computing held December 12–14, 2022 in memory of Sergei Alexandrovich Ivanenko. The conference focuses on Voronoi-Delaunay theory and algorithms for tilings and partitions, mesh deformation and optimization, equidistribution principle, error analysis, discrete differential geometry, duality in mathematical programming and numerical geometry, mesh-based optimization and optimal control methods, iterative solvers for variational problems, as well as algorithm and software development. The book provides an overview of recent advances in mesh generation and adaptation in terms of mathematical foundations, algorithm and software development, and applications.
- Published
- 2024
15. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004
- Author
Alessandro Di Bucchianico, Robert M.M. Mattheij, Marc Adriaan Peletier, Alessandro Di Bucchianico, Robert M.M. Mattheij, and Marc Adriaan Peletier
- Subjects
- Engineering, Engineering mathematics--Congresses, Mathematics
- Abstract
ECMI has a brand name in Industrial Mathematics and organises successful biannual conferences. This time, the conference on Industrial Mathematics held in Eindhoven in June 2004 Mathematics focused on Aerospace, Electronic Industry, Chemical Technology, Life Sciences, Materials, Geophysics, Financial Mathematics and Water flow. The majority of the invited talks on these topics can be found in these proceedings. Apart from these lectures, a large number of contributed papers and minisymposium papers are included here. They give an interesting (and impressive) overview of the important place mathematics has achieved in solving all kinds of problems met in industry, and commerce in particular.
- Published
- 2006
16. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations for Biomedical Applications
- Author
Gabriella Bretti, Roberto Natalini, Pasquale Palumbo, Luigi Preziosi, Gabriella Bretti, Roberto Natalini, Pasquale Palumbo, and Luigi Preziosi
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing
- Abstract
Mathematical modelling and computer simulations are playing a crucial role in the solution of the complex problems arising in the field of biomedical sciences and provide a support to clinical and experimental practices in an interdisciplinary framework.Indeed, the development of mathematical models and efficient numerical simulation tools is of key importance when dealing with such applications.Moreover, since the parameters in biomedical models have peculiar scientific interpretations and their values are often unknown, accurate estimation techniques need to be developed for parameter identification against the measured data of observed phenomena. In the light of the new challenges brought by the biomedical applications, computational mathematics paves the way for the validation of the mathematical models and the investigation of control problems.The volume hosts high-quality selected contributions containing original research results as well as comprehensive papers and survey articles including prospective discussion focusing on some topical biomedical problems. It is addressed, but not limited to: research institutes, academia, and pharmaceutical industries.
- Published
- 2023
17. Mathematical Methods for Engineering Applications : ICMASE 2021, Salamanca, Spain, July 1–2
- Author
Fatih Yilmaz, Araceli Queiruga-Dios, María Jesús Santos Sánchez, Deolinda Rasteiro, Víctor Gayoso Martínez, Jesús Martín Vaquero, Fatih Yilmaz, Araceli Queiruga-Dios, María Jesús Santos Sánchez, Deolinda Rasteiro, Víctor Gayoso Martínez, and Jesús Martín Vaquero
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing, Algebras, Linear, Number theory, Mathematics—Study and teaching
- Abstract
This proceedings volume gathers selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering – ICMASE 2021, which was virtually held on July 1-2, 2021 by the University of Salamanca, Spain. Works included in this book cover applications of mathematics both in engineering research and in real-world problems, touching topics such as difference equations, number theory, optimization, and more. The list of applications includes the modeling of mechanical structures, the shape of machines, and the growth of a population, expanding to fields like information security and cryptography. Advances in teaching and learning mathematics in the context of engineering courses are also covered.This volume can be of special interest to researchers in applied mathematics and engineering fields, as well as practitioners seeking studies that address real-life problems in engineering.
- Published
- 2022
18. Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDE Systems : NumHyp 2019
- Author
María Luz Muñoz-Ruiz, Carlos Parés, Giovanni Russo, María Luz Muñoz-Ruiz, Carlos Parés, and Giovanni Russo
- Subjects
- Numerical analysis, Mathematical analysis, Mathematics, Computer science—Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing
- Abstract
The present volume contains selected papers issued from the sixth edition of the International Conference'Numerical methods for hyperbolic problems'that took place in 2019 in Málaga (Spain). NumHyp conferences, which began in 2009, focus on recent developments and new directions in the field of numerical methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) and their applications. The 11 chapters of the book cover several state-of-the-art numerical techniques and applications, including the design of numerical methods with good properties (well-balanced, asymptotic-preserving, high-order accurate, domain invariant preserving, uncertainty quantification, etc.), applications to models issued from different fields (Euler equations of gas dynamics, Navier-Stokes equations, multilayer shallow-water systems, ideal magnetohydrodynamics or fluid models to simulate multiphase flow, sediment transport, turbulent deflagrations, etc.), and the development of new nonlinear dispersive shallow-water models. The volume is addressed to PhD students and researchers in Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, or Engineering whose investigation focuses on or uses numerical methods for hyperbolic systems. It may also be a useful tool for practitioners who look for state-of-the-art methods for flow simulation.
- Published
- 2021
19. Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018
- Author
Harald van Brummelen, Cornelis Vuik, Matthias Möller, Clemens Verhoosel, Bernd Simeon, Bert Jüttler, Harald van Brummelen, Cornelis Vuik, Matthias Möller, Clemens Verhoosel, Bernd Simeon, and Bert Jüttler
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics, Computer-aided engineering, Engineering, Engineering mathematics, Engineering—Data processing, Differential equations
- Abstract
This proceedings volume gathers a selection of outstanding research papers presented at the third Conference on Isogeometric Analysis and Applications, held in Delft, The Netherlands, in April 2018. This conference series, previously held in Linz, Austria, in 2012 and Annweiler am Trifels, Germany, in 2014, has created an international forum for interaction between scientists and practitioners working in this rapidly developing field. Isogeometric analysis is a groundbreaking computational approach that aims to bridge the gap between numerical analysis and computational geometry modeling by integrating the finite element method and related numerical simulation techniques into the computer-aided design workflow, and vice versa. The methodology has matured over the last decade both in terms of our theoretical understanding, its mathematical foundation and the robustness and efficiency of its practical implementations. This development has enabled scientists andpractitioners to tackle challenging new applications at the frontiers of research in science and engineering and attracted early adopters for this his novel computer-aided design and engineering technology in industry. The IGAA 2018 conference brought together experts on isogeometric analysis theory and application, share their insights into challenging industrial applications and to discuss the latest developments as well as the directions of future research and development that are required to make isogeometric analysis an established mainstream technology.
- Published
- 2021
20. Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods : MCQMC 2018, Rennes, France, July 1–6
- Author
Bruno Tuffin, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Bruno Tuffin, and Pierre L'Ecuyer
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Statistics, Computer simulation, Mathematics, Numerical analysis
- Abstract
This book presents the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing that was held at the University of Rennes, France, and organized by Inria, in July 2018. These biennial conferences are major events for Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo researchers. The proceedings include articles based on invited lectures as well as carefully selected contributed papers on all theoretical aspects and applications of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Offering information on the latest developments in these very active areas, this book is an excellent reference resource for theoreticians and practitioners interested in solving high-dimensional computational problems, arising, in particular, in finance, statistics and computer graphics.
- Published
- 2020
21. Mathematical Modeling and Computational Tools : ICACM 2018, Kharagpur, India, November 23–25
- Author
Somnath Bhattacharyya, Jitendra Kumar, Koeli Ghoshal, Somnath Bhattacharyya, Jitendra Kumar, and Koeli Ghoshal
- Subjects
- Biomathematics, Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics, Biometry
- Abstract
This book features original research papers presented at the International Conference on Computational and Applied Mathematics, held at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India during November 23–25, 2018. This book covers various topics under applied mathematics, ranging from modeling of fluid flow, numerical techniques to physical problems, electrokinetic transport phenomenon, graph theory and optimization, stochastic modelling and machine learning. It introduces the mathematical modeling of complicated scientific problems, discusses micro- and nanoscale transport phenomena, recent development in sophisticated numerical algorithms with applications, and gives an in-depth analysis of complicated real-world problems. With contributions from internationally acclaimed academic researchers and experienced practitioners and covering interdisciplinary applications, this book is a valuable resource for researchers and students in fields of mathematics, statistics, engineering, and health care.
- Published
- 2020
22. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Methods and Theoretical Aspects : FVCA 7, Berlin, June 2014
- Author
Jürgen Fuhrmann, Mario Ohlberger, Christian Rohde, Jürgen Fuhrmann, Mario Ohlberger, and Christian Rohde
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Finite volume method--Congresses
- Abstract
The first volume of the proceedings of the 7th conference on'Finite Volumes for Complex Applications'(Berlin, June 2014) covers topics that include convergence and stability analysis, as well as investigations of these methods from the point of view of compatibility with physical principles. It collects together the focused invited papers, as well as the reviewed contributions from internationally leading researchers in the field of analysis of finite volume and related methods. Altogether, a rather comprehensive overview is given of the state of the art in the field. The finite volume method in its various forms is a space discretization technique for partial differential equations based on the fundamental physical principle of conservation. Recent decades have brought significant success in the theoretical understanding of the method. Many finite volume methods preserve further qualitative or asymptotic properties, including maximum principles, dissipativity, monotone decay of free energy, and asymptotic stability. Due to these properties, finite volume methods belong to the wider class of compatible discretization methods, which preserve qualitative properties of continuous problems at the discrete level. This structural approach to the discretization of partial differential equations becomes particularly important for multiphysics and multiscale applications. Researchers, PhD and masters level students in numerical analysis, scientific computing and related fields such as partial differential equations will find this volume useful, as will engineers working in numerical modeling and simulations.
- Published
- 2014
23. A Simple Introduction to the Mixed Finite Element Method : Theory and Applications
- Author
Gabriel N. Gatica and Gabriel N. Gatica
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Finite element method
- Abstract
The main purpose of this book is to provide a simple and accessible introduction to the mixed finite element method as a fundamental tool to numerically solve a wide class of boundary value problems arising in physics and engineering sciences. The book is based on material that was taught in corresponding undergraduate and graduate courses at the Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, during the last 7 years. As compared with several other classical books in the subject, the main features of the present one have to do, on one hand, with an attempt of presenting and explaining most of the details in the proofs and in the different applications. In particular several results and aspects of the corresponding analysis that are usually available only in papers or proceedings are included here.
- Published
- 2014
24. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011 : Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011, the 9th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011
- Author
Andrea Cangiani, Ruslan L Davidchack, Emmanuil Georgoulis, Alexander N. Gorban, Jeremy Levesley, Michael V. Tretyakov, Andrea Cangiani, Ruslan L Davidchack, Emmanuil Georgoulis, Alexander N. Gorban, Jeremy Levesley, and Michael V. Tretyakov
- Subjects
- Numerical analysis--Congresses, Mathematics
- Abstract
The European Conferences on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) are a series of conferences held every two years to provide a forum for discussion of new trends in numerical mathematics and challenging scientific and industrial applications at the highest level of international expertise. ENUMATH 2011 was hosted by the University of Leicester (UK) from the 5th to 9th September 2011. This proceedings volume contains more than 90 papers by speakers of the conference and gives an overview of recent developments in scientific computing, numerical analysis, and practical use of modern numerical techniques and algorithms in various applications. New results on finite element methods, multiscale methods, numerical linear algebra, and finite difference schemes are presented. A range of applications include computational problems from fluid dynamics, materials, image processing, and molecular dynamics.
- Published
- 2013
25. Difference Schemes with Operator Factors
- Author
A.A. Samarskii, P.P. Matus, P.N. Vabishchevich, A.A. Samarskii, P.P. Matus, and P.N. Vabishchevich
- Subjects
- Differential equations, Operator theory, Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics, Mathematical models
- Abstract
Two-and three-level difference schemes for discretisation in time, in conjunction with finite difference or finite element approximations with respect to the space variables, are often used to solve numerically non stationary problems of mathematical physics. In the theoretical analysis of difference schemes our basic attention is paid to the problem of sta bility of a difference solution (or well posedness of a difference scheme) with respect to small perturbations of the initial conditions and the right hand side. The theory of stability of difference schemes develops in various di rections. The most important results on this subject can be found in the book by A.A. Samarskii and A.V. Goolin [Samarskii and Goolin, 1973]. The survey papers of V. Thomee [Thomee, 1969, Thomee, 1990], A.V. Goolin and A.A. Samarskii [Goolin and Samarskii, 1976], E. Tad more [Tadmor, 1987] should also be mentioned here. The stability theory is a basis for the analysis of the convergence of an approximative solu tion to the exact solution, provided that the mesh width tends to zero. In this case the required estimate for the truncation error follows from consideration of the corresponding problem for it and from a priori es timates of stability with respect to the initial data and the right hand side. Putting it briefly, this means the known result that consistency and stability imply convergence.
- Published
- 2013
26. Time-Frequency Representations
- Author
Richard Tolimieri, Myoung An, Richard Tolimieri, and Myoung An
- Subjects
- Signal processing, Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics
- Abstract
The aim of this work is to present several topics in time-frequency analysis as subjects in abelian group theory. The algebraic point of view pre dominates as questions of convergence are not considered. Our approach emphasizes the unifying role played by group structures on the development of theory and algorithms. This book consists of two main parts. The first treats Weyl-Heisenberg representations over finite abelian groups and the second deals with mul tirate filter structures over free abelian groups of finite rank. In both, the methods are dimensionless and coordinate-free and apply to one and multidimensional problems. The selection of topics is not motivated by mathematical necessity but rather by simplicity. We could have developed Weyl-Heisenberg theory over free abelian groups of finite rank or more generally developed both topics over locally compact abelian groups. However, except for having to dis cuss conditions for convergence, Haar measures, and other standard topics from analysis the underlying structures would essentially be the same. A re cent collection of papers [17] provides an excellent review of time-frequency analysis over locally compact abelian groups. A further reason for limiting the scope of generality is that our results can be immediately applied to the design of algorithms and codes for time frequency processing.
- Published
- 2012
27. Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific Visualization
- Author
Gerald Farin, Bernd Hamann, Hans Hagen, Gerald Farin, Bernd Hamann, and Hans Hagen
- Subjects
- Engineering mathematics, Engineering—Data processing, Mathematics, Numerical analysis, Computer networks, Software engineering, Computer science—Mathematics
- Abstract
The nature of the physical Universe has been increasingly better understood in recent years, and cosmological concepts have undergone a rapid evolution (see, e.g., [11], [2],or [5]). Although there are alternate theories, it is generally believed that the large-scale relationships and homogeneities that we see can only be explainedby having the universe expand suddenlyin a very early “in?ationary” period. Subsequent evolution of the Universe is described by the Hubble expansion, the observation that the galaxies are?ying away from each other. We can attribute di?erent rates of this expansion to domination of di?erent cosmological processes, beginning with radiation, evolving to matter domination, and, relatively recently, to vacuum domination (the Cosmological Constant term)[4]. We assume throughout that we will be relying as much as possible on observational data, with simulations used only for limited purposes, e.g., the appearance of the Milky Wayfrom nearbyintergalactic viewpoints. The visualization of large-scale astronomical data sets using?xed, non-interactive animations has a long history. Several books and?lms exist, ranging from “Cosmic View: The Universe in Forty Jumps” [3] by Kees Boeke to “Powers of 10” [6,13] by Charles and Ray Eames, and the recent Imax?lm “Cosmic Voyage” [15]. We have added our own contribution [9], “Cosmic Clock,” which is an animation based entirely on the concepts and implementation described in this paper.
- Published
- 2012
28. Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering: Mathematical Challenges for Aerospace Design : Contributions From a Workshop Held at the School of Mathematics in Erice, Italy
- Author
Giuseppe Buttazzo, Aldo Frediani, Giuseppe Buttazzo, and Aldo Frediani
- Subjects
- Mathematical optimization--Congresses, Engineering, Calculus of variations--Congresses, Aerospace engineering--Mathematics--Congresses, Mathematics
- Abstract
This volume consists of papers presented at the Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering Workshop II held in Erice, Italy in September 2010 at the International School of Mathematics'Guido Stampacchia'. The workshop provided a platform for aerospace engineers and mathematicians (from universities, research centers and industry) to discuss the advanced problems requiring an extensive application of mathematics. The presentations were dedicated to the most advanced subjects in engineering and, in particular to computational fluid dynamics methods, introduction of new materials, optimization in aerodynamics, structural optimization, space missions, flight mechanics, control theory and optimization, variational methods and applications, etc. This book will capture the interest of researchers from both academia and industry.
- Published
- 2012
29. Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2010
- Author
Leszek Plaskota, Henryk Woźniakowski, Leszek Plaskota, and Henryk Woźniakowski
- Subjects
- Monte Carlo method, Algorithms, Monte Carlo method--Congresses, Mathematics, Computer algorithms
- Abstract
This book represents the refereed proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing that was held at the University of Warsaw (Poland) in August 2010. These biennial conferences are major events for Monte Carlo and the premiere event for quasi-Monte Carlo research. The proceedings include articles based on invited lectures as well as carefully selected contributed papers on all theoretical aspects and applications of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. The reader will be provided with information on latest developments in these very active areas. The book is an excellent reference for theoreticians and practitioners interested in solving high-dimensional computational problems arising, in particular, in finance and statistics.
- Published
- 2012
30. Godunov Methods : Theory and Applications
- Author
E.F. Toro and E.F. Toro
- Subjects
- Numerical analysis, Mathematics, History, Mechanics
- Abstract
This edited review book on Godunov methods contains 97 articles, all of which were presented at the international conference on Godunov Methods: Theory and Applications, held at Oxford in October 1999, to commemo rate the 70th birthday of the Russian mathematician Sergei K. Godunov. The meeting enjoyed the participation of 140 scientists from 20 countries; one of the participants commented: everyone is here, meaning that virtu ally everybody who had made a significant contribution to the general area of numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws, along the lines first proposed by Godunov in the fifties, was present at the meeting. Sadly, there were important absentees, who due to personal circumstance could not at tend this very exciting gathering. The central theme o{ the meeting, and of this book, was numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws fol lowing Godunov's key ideas contained in his celebrated paper of 1959. But Godunov's contributions to science are not restricted to Godunov's method.
- Published
- 2012
31. Advances in Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
- Author
Martin Bohner, Allan C. Peterson, Martin Bohner, and Allan C. Peterson
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Differential equations, Mathematics, System theory, Control theory
- Abstract
The development of time scales is still in its infancy, yet as inroads are made, interest is gathering steam. Of a great deal of interest are methods being intro duced for dynamic equations on time scales, which now explain some discrepancies that have been encountered when results for differential equations and their dis crete counterparts have been independently considered. The explanations of these seeming discrepancies are incidentally producing unifying results via time scales methods. The study of dynamic equations on time scales is a fairly new subject, and research in this area is rapidly growing. It has been created in order to unify continuous and discrete analysis, and it allows a simultaneous treatment of dif ferential and difference equations, extending those theories to so-called dynamic equations. An introduction to this subject is given in Dynamic Equations on Time Scales: An Introduction with Applications (MARTIN BOHNER and ALLAN PETER SON, Birkhauser, 2001 [86]). The current book is designed to supplement this introduction and to offer access to the vast literature that has already emerged in this field. It consists of ten chapters, written by an international team of 21 experts in their areas, thus providing an overview of the recent advances in the theory on time scales. We want to emphasize here that this book is not just a collection of papers by different authors.
- Published
- 2011
32. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV
- Author
Michael Griebel, Marc Alexander Schweitzer, Michael Griebel, and Marc Alexander Schweitzer
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Differential equations, Partial--Congresses
- Abstract
The numerical treatment of partial differential equations with particle methods and meshfree discretization techniques is a very active research field both in the mathematics and engineering community. Due to their independence of a mesh, particle schemes and meshfree methods can deal with large geometric changes of the domain more easily than classical discretization techniques. Furthermore, meshfree methods offer a promising approach for the coupling of particle models to continuous models. This volume of LNCSE is a collection of the proceedings papers of the Fourth International Workshop on Meshfree Methods held in September 2007 in Bonn. The articles address the different meshfree methods (SPH, PUM, GFEM, EFGM, RKPM, etc.) and their application in applied mathematics, physics and engineering. The volume is intended to foster this very active and exciting area of interdisciplinary research and to present recent advances and results in this field.
- Published
- 2008
33. Model Order Reduction: Theory, Research Aspects and Applications
- Author
Wilhelmus H. Schilders, Henk A. van der Vorst, Joost Rommes, Wilhelmus H. Schilders, Henk A. van der Vorst, and Joost Rommes
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Engineering, Algebras, Linear--Congresses, Computer engineering--Congresses, Engineering mathematics--Congresses, Numerical analysis--Congresses, Control theory--Congresses
- Abstract
The idea for this book originated during the workshop “Model order reduction, coupled problems and optimization” held at the Lorentz Center in Leiden from S- tember 19–23, 2005. During one of the discussion sessions, it became clear that a book describing the state of the art in model order reduction, starting from the very basics and containing an overview of all relevant techniques, would be of great use for students, young researchers starting in the?eld, and experienced researchers. The observation that most of the theory on model order reduction is scattered over many good papers, making it dif?cult to?nd a good starting point, was supported by most of the participants. Moreover, most of the speakers at the workshop were willing to contribute to the book that is now in front of you. The goal of this book, as de?ned during the discussion sessions at the workshop, is three-fold:?rst, it should describe the basics of model order reduction. Second, both general and more specialized model order reduction techniques for linear and nonlinear systems should be covered, including the use of several related numerical techniques. Third, the use of model order reduction techniques in practical appli- tions and current research aspects should be discussed. We have organized the book according to these goals. In Part I, the rationale behind model order reduction is explained, and an overview of the most common methods is described.
- Published
- 2008
34. From Nano to Space : Applied Mathematics Inspired by Roland Bulirsch
- Author
Michael Breitner, Georg Denk, Peter Rentrop, Michael Breitner, Georg Denk, and Peter Rentrop
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Mechanics--Mathematics
- Abstract
Graduate students and postgraduates in Mathematics, Engineering and the Natural Sciences want to understand Applied Mathematics for the solution of everyday problems. Scholars of Roland Bulirsch working at universities, at research institutions and in industry combine research and review papers in this anthology. Their work is summed up under the title'From Nano to Space – Applied Mathematics Inspired by Roland Bulirsch'. More than 20 contributions are divided into scales: nano, micro, macro, space and real life. The contributions survey current research and present case studies very interesting and informative for both graduate students and postgraduates. The contributions show how modern Applied Mathematics influences our everyday lives. Several contributions include complex graphics and illustrations, many of them in color.
- Published
- 2008
35. Algorithms for Approximation : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Chester, July 2005
- Author
Armin Iske, Jeremy Levesley, Armin Iske, and Jeremy Levesley
- Subjects
- Functions, Special, Mathematics, Engineering mathematics, Computer science, Computer science--Mathematics, Electronic data processing
- Abstract
Approximation methods are vital in many challenging applications of computational science and engineering. This is a collection of papers from world experts in a broad variety of relevant applications, including pattern recognition, machine learning, multiscale modelling of fluid flow, metrology, geometric modelling, tomography, signal and image processing. It documents recent theoretical developments which have lead to new trends in approximation, it gives important computational aspects and multidisciplinary applications, thus making it a perfect fit for graduate students and researchers in science and engineering who wish to understand and develop numerical algorithms for the solution of their specific problems. An important feature of the book is that it brings together modern methods from statistics, mathematical modelling and numerical simulation for the solution of relevant problems, with a wide range of inherent scales. Contributions of industrial mathematicians, including representatives from Microsoft and Schlumberger, foster the transfer of the latest approximation methods to real-world applications.
- Published
- 2007
36. Experimental and Efficient Algorithms : Second International Workshop, WEA 2003, Ascona, Switzerland, May 26-28, 2003, Proceedings
- Author
Klaus Jansen, Marian Margraf, Monaldo Mastrolilli, José D. P. Rolim, Klaus Jansen, Marian Margraf, Monaldo Mastrolilli, and José D. P. Rolim
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Algorithms, Artificial intelligence—Data processing, Numerical analysis, Computer science—Mathematics, Discrete mathematics, Computer graphics
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, WEA 2003, held in Ascona, Switzerland in May 2003. The 19 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. The focus of the volume is on applications of efficient algorithms for combinatorial problems.
- Published
- 2007
37. Compatible Spatial Discretizations
- Author
Douglas N. Arnold, Pavel B. Bochev, Richard B. Lehoucq, Roy A. Nicolaides, Mikhail Shashkov, Douglas N. Arnold, Pavel B. Bochev, Richard B. Lehoucq, Roy A. Nicolaides, and Mikhail Shashkov
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Finite element method--Mathematics, Differential equations, Partial--Numerical solutions
- Abstract
The IMA Hot Topics workshop on compatible spatialdiscretizations was held May 11-15, 2004 at the University of Minnesota. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together scientists at the forefront of the research in the numerical solution of PDEs to discuss recent advances and novel applications of geometrical and homological approaches to discretization. This volume contains original contributions based on the material presented at the workshop. A unique feature of the collection is the inclusion of work that is representative of the recent developments in compatible discretizations across a wide spectrum of disciplines in computational science. Compatible spatial discretizations are those that inherit or mimic fundamental properties of the PDE such as topology, conservation, symmetries, and positivity structures and maximum principles. The papers in the volume offer a snapshot of the current trends and developments in compatible spatial discretizations. The reader will find valuable insights on spatial compatibility from several different perspectives and important examples of applications compatible discretizations in computational electromagnetics, geosciences, linear elasticity, eigenvalue approximations and MHD. The contributions collected in this volume will help to elucidate relations between different methods and concepts and to generally advance our understanding of compatible spatial discretizations for PDEs. Abstracts and presentation slides from the workshop can be accessed at http://www.ima.umn.edu/talks/workshops/5-11-15.2004/.
- Published
- 2006
38. Select Ideas in Partial Differential Equations
- Author
Peter J. Costa and Peter J. Costa
- Subjects
- Differential equations, Functional analysis, Numerical analysis, Mathematics, Mathematical physics
- Abstract
This book provides a concise but thorough introduction to partial differential equations which model phenomena that vary in both space and time. The author begins with a full explanation of the fundamental linear partial differential equations of physics. The text continues with methods to understand and solve these equations leading ultimately to the solutions of Maxwell's equations. The author then addresses nonlinearity and provides examples of separation of variables, linearizing change of variables, inverse scattering transform, and numerical methods for select nonlinear equations. Next, the book presents rich sources of advanced techniques and strategies for the study of nonlinear partial differential equations. This second edition includes updates, additional examples, and a new chapter on reaction–diffusion equations. Ultimately, this book is an essential resource for readers in applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering who are interested in learning about the myriad techniques that have been developed to model and solve linear and nonlinear partial differential equations.
- Published
- 2025
39. Real Time Reduced Order Computational Mechanics : Parametric PDEs Worked Out Problems
- Author
Gianluigi Rozza, Francesco Ballarin, Leonardo Scandurra, Federico Pichi, Gianluigi Rozza, Francesco Ballarin, Leonardo Scandurra, and Federico Pichi
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing, Numerical analysis
- Abstract
The book is made up by several worked out problems concerning the application of reduced order modeling to different parametric partial differential equations problems with an increasing degree of complexity.This work is based on some experience acquired during lectures and exercises in classes taught at SISSA Mathematics Area in the Doctoral Programme “Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications”, especially in computational mechanics classes, as well as regular courses previously taught at EPF Lausanne and during several summer and winter schools. The book is a companion for master and doctoral degree classes by allowing to go more deeply inside some partial differential equations worked out problems, examples and even exercises, but it is also addressed for researchers who are newcomers in computational mechanics with reduced order modeling. In order to discuss computational results for the worked out problems presented in this booklet, we will rely on the RBniCS Project. The RBniCS Project contains an implementation in FEniCS of the reduced order modeling techniques (such as certified reduced basis method and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Galerkin methods) for parametric problems that will be introduced in this booklet.
- Published
- 2024
40. Finite Element Methods : Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions
- Author
Duc Thai Nguyen and Duc Thai Nguyen
- Subjects
- Engineering mathematics, Engineering—Data processing, Mathematics, Computational intelligence, Mathematical physics, Microprocessors, Computer architecture, Mathematics—Data processing
- Abstract
This new edition includes three new chapters, 7 through 9, that have very broad, practical applications in engineering and science. In addition, the author's latest research results incorporated into the new textbook demonstrates better performance than the popular METIS software for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes, and producing fill-reducing orderings for sparse matrices. The new Chapter 8, and its pre-requisite, Chapter 7, present a state-of-the-art algorithm for computing the shortest paths for real-life (large-scale) transportation networks with minimum computational time. This approach has not yet appeared in any existing textbooks and it could open the doors for other transportation engineering applications. Chapter 9 vastly expands the scope of the previous edition by including sensitivity (gradient) computation and MATLAB's built-in function “fmincon” for obtaining the optimum (or best) solution for general engineering problems.
- Published
- 2024
41. Quantitative Approaches to Microcirculation : Mathematical Models, Computational Methods and Data Analysis
- Author
Andreas Linninger, Kent-Andre Mardal, Paolo Zunino, Andreas Linninger, Kent-Andre Mardal, and Paolo Zunino
- Subjects
- Mathematical models, Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics
- Abstract
Microcirculation is a key area of interest within the realms of biology and medicine. As a vital discipline, microcirculatory biology forms a significant part of established medical fields like cardiovascular medicine and oncology, and is increasingly relevant in emerging fields such as neuroscience. With its multifaceted nature, the study of microcirculation has evolved from basic observations and experiments to embrace cutting-edge imaging technologies, quantitative methods, and the power of data science. This volume brings together a series of insightful chapters that highlight the latest trends in modeling microcirculation. It casts a spotlight on the vital role of microcirculation in brain function modeling and the innovative applications of microvascular models in oncology. Readers will be introduced to state-of-the-art methodologies of microcirculation modeling. A key focus is on mixed-dimensional models, mathematical methods adept at describing complex interactions within lower dimensional manifolds. Each chapter thoughtfully navigates the mathematical, computational, and practical challenges of these approaches, underscoring their effectiveness in capturing the essence of microcirculation. This book offers a window into the latest advancements and methodologies that are shaping the future of this vital field.
- Published
- 2024
42. Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Problem : Solution of a Millennium Problem
- Author
Alexander G. Ramm and Alexander G. Ramm
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Mathematical logic, Mathematics—Data processing
- Abstract
This book revises and expands upon the prior edition, The Navier-Stokes Problem. The focus of this book is to provide a mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes Problem (NSP) in R^3 without boundaries. Before delving into analysis, the author begins by explaining the background and history of the Navier-Stokes Problem. This edition includes new analysis and an a priori estimate of the solution. The estimate proves the contradictory nature of the Navier-Stokes Problem. The author reaches the conclusion that the solution to the NSP with smooth and rapidly decaying data cannot exist for all positive times. By proving the NSP paradox, this book provides a solution to the millennium problem concerning the Navier-Stokes Equations and shows that they are physically and mathematically contradictive.
- Published
- 2023
43. Approximation and Stability Properties of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
- Author
Philipp Öffner and Philipp Öffner
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics
- Abstract
The book focuses on stability and approximation results concerning recent numerical methods for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws. The work begins with a detailed and thorough introduction of hyperbolic conservation/balance laws and their numerical treatment. In the main part, recent results in such context are presented focusing on the investigation of approximation properties of discontinuous Galerkin and flux reconstruction methods, the construction of (entropy) stable numerical methods and the extension of existing (entropy) stability results for both semidiscrete and fully discrete schemes, and development of new high-order methods.
- Published
- 2023
44. An Introduction to Scientific Computing : Fifteen Computational Projects Solved with MATLAB
- Author
Ionut Danaila, Pascal Joly, Sidi Mahmoud Kaber, Marie Postel, Ionut Danaila, Pascal Joly, Sidi Mahmoud Kaber, and Marie Postel
- Subjects
- Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing, Computational intelligence, Mathematical physics, Numerical analysis
- Abstract
This book provides fifteen computational projects aimed at numerically solving problems from a broad range of applications including Fluid Mechanics, Chemistry, Elasticity, Thermal Science, Computer Aided Design, Signal and Image Processing. For each project the reader is guided through the typical steps of scientific computing from physical and mathematical description of the problem to numerical formulation and programming and finally to critical discussion of numerical results. Considerable emphasis is placed on practical issues of computational methods. The last section of each project contains the solutions to all proposed exercises and guides the reader in using the MATLAB scripts. The mathematical framework provides a basic foundation in numerical analysis of partial differential equations and main discretization techniques, such as finite differences, finite elements, spectral methods and wavelets. The book is primarily intended as a graduate-level textin applied mathematics, but it may also be used by students in engineering or physical sciences. It will also be a useful reference for researchers and practicing engineers. The second edition builds upon its earlier material (revised and updated) with three all-new chapters intended to reinforce the presentation of mathematical aspects on numerical methods: Fourier approximation, high-order finite difference methods, and basic tools for numerical optimization. Corresponding new applications and programs concern spectral Fourier methods to solve ordinary differential equations, finite difference methods up to sixth-order to solve boundary value problems and, finally, optimization strategies to fit parameters of an epidemiological model.
- Published
- 2023
45. Dynamics of Asymmetric Dissipative Systems : From Traffic Jam to Collective Motion
- Author
Yuki Sugiyama and Yuki Sugiyama
- Subjects
- System theory, Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing
- Abstract
This book provides the dynamics of non-equilibrium dissipative systems with asymmetric interactions (Asymmetric Dissipative System; ADS). Asymmetric interaction breaks'the law of action and reaction'in mechanics, and results in non-conservation of the total momentum and energy. In such many-particle systems, the inflow of energy is provided and the energy flows out as dissipation. The emergences of non-trivial macroscopic phenomena occur in the non-equilibrium energy balance owing to the effect of collective motions as phase transitions and bifurcations. ADS are applied to the systems of self-driven interacting particles such as traffic and granular flows, pedestrians and evacuations, and collective movement of living systems. The fundamental aspects of dynamics in ADS are completely presented by a minimal mathematical model, the Optimal Velocity (OV) Model. Using that model, the basics of mathematical and physical mechanisms of ADS are described analytically with exact results.The application of 1-dimensional motions is presented for traffic jam formation. The mathematical theory is compared with empirical data of experiments and observations on highways. In 2-dimensional motion pattern formations of granular media, pedestrians, and group formations of organisms are described. The common characteristics of emerged moving objects are a variety of patterns, flexible deformations, and rapid response against stimulus. Self-organization and adaptation in group formations and control of group motions are shown in examples. Another OV Model formulated by a delay differential equation is provided with exact solutions using elliptic functions. The relations to soliton systems are described. Moreover, several topics in ADS are presented such as the similarity between the spatiotemporal patterns, violation of fluctuation dissipation relation, and a thermodynamic function for governing the phase transition in non-equilibrium stationary states.
- Published
- 2023
46. Mathematical Methods for Objects Reconstruction : From 3D Vision to 3D Printing
- Author
Emiliano Cristiani, Maurizio Falcone †, Silvia Tozza, Emiliano Cristiani, Maurizio Falcone †, and Silvia Tozza
- Subjects
- Differential equations, Mathematics, Mathematics—Data processing
- Abstract
The volume collects several contributions to the INDAM workshop Mathematical Methods for Objects Reconstruction: from 3D Vision to 3D Printing held in Rome, February, 2021. The goal of the workshop was to discuss new methods and conceptual structures for managing these challenging problems. The chapters reflect this goal and the authors are academic researchers and some experts from industry working in the areas of 3D modeling, computer vision, 3D printing and/or developing new mathematical methods for these problems. The contributions present methodologies and challenges raised by the emergence of large-scale 3D reconstruction applications and low-cost 3D printers. The volume collects complementary knowledges from different areas of mathematics, computer science and engineering on research topics related to 3D printing, which are, so far, widely unexplored. Young researchers and future scientific leaders in the field of 3D data acquisition, 3Dscene reconstruction, and 3D printing software development will find an excellent introduction to these problems and to the mathematical techniques necessary to solve them.
- Published
- 2023
47. Computational Calculus : A Numerical Companion to Elementary Calculus
- Author
William C. Bauldry and William C. Bauldry
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics, Computer science—Mathematics
- Abstract
This book offers readers the methods that are necessary to apply the power of calculus to analyze real problems. While most calculus textbooks focus on formula-based calculus, this book explains how to do the analysis of calculus, rates of change, and accumulation from data. The author's introductory approach prepares students with the techniques to handle numerically-based problems in more advanced classes or in real-world applications. This self-contained book uses the computer algebra system Maple for computation, and the material is easily adaptable for calculators or other computer algebra systems. The author includes historical context and example exercises throughout the book in order to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the topic. This book:Prepares students with the techniques to handle numerically-based problems in in real-world applicationsProvides historical context and example exercises to give a thorough understanding of the topicUtilizes Maple for computation and is adaptable for calculators or other computer algebra systems
- Published
- 2023
48. Numerical Solutions Applied to Heat Transfer with the SPH Method : A Verification of Approximations for Speed and Accuracy
- Author
Luciano Pereira da Silva, Messias Meneguette Junior, Carlos Henrique Marchi, Luciano Pereira da Silva, Messias Meneguette Junior, and Carlos Henrique Marchi
- Subjects
- Mathematics—Data processing, Thermodynamics, Heat engineering, Heat transfer, Mass transfer, Differential equations, Mathematics
- Abstract
This book offers an in-depth verification of numerical solutions for differential equations modeling heat transfer phenomena, where the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is used to discretize the mathematical models. Techniques described in this book aim to speed up the convergence of numerical solutions and increase their accuracy by significantly reducing the discretization error.In their quest, the authors shed light on new sources of numerical error that are specific to the SPH method and, through them, they identify the characteristics of the solutions influenced by such errors. The accuracy of numerical solutions is also improved with the application of advanced tools like the repeated Richardson extrapolation (RRE) in quadruple precision, which was adapted to consider fixed or moving particles. The book finishes with the conclusion that the qualitative and quantitative verification of numerical solutions through coherence tests andmetrics are currently a methodology of excellence to treat computational heat transfer problems.Mathematicians in applied fields and engineers modelling and solving real physical phenomena can greatly benefit from this work, as well as any reader interested in numerical methods for differential equations.
- Published
- 2023
49. Approximation and Computation in Science and Engineering
- Author
Nicholas J. Daras, Themistocles M. Rassias, Nicholas J. Daras, and Themistocles M. Rassias
- Subjects
- Mathematical optimization, Calculus of variations, Data mining, Number theory, Numerical analysis, Algebraic geometry, Mathematics
- Abstract
In recent years, extensive research has been conducted by eminent mathematicians and engineers whose results and proposed problems are presented in this new volume. It is addressed to graduate students, research mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. Individual contributions are devoted to topics of approximation theory, functional equations and inequalities, fixed point theory, numerical analysis, theory of wavelets, convex analysis, topology, operator theory, differential operators, fractional integral operators, integro-differential equations, ternary algebras, super and hyper relators, variational analysis, discrete mathematics, cryptography, and a variety of applications in interdisciplinary topics. Several of these domains have a strong connection with both theories and problems of linear and nonlinear optimization. The combination of results from various domains provides the reader with a solid, state-of-the-art interdisciplinary reference to theory and problems. Some of the works provide guidelines for further research and proposals for new directions and open problems with relevant discussions.
- Published
- 2022
50. Recent Advances in Kinetic Equations and Applications
- Author
Francesco Salvarani and Francesco Salvarani
- Subjects
- Differential equations, Mathematical physics, Mathematics—Data processing, Mathematics
- Abstract
The volume covers most of the topics addressed and discussed during the Workshop INdAM'Recent advances in kinetic equations and applications', which took place in Rome (Italy), from November 11th to November 15th, 2019. The volume contains results on kinetic equations for reactive and nonreactive mixtures and on collisional and noncollisional Vlasov equations for plasmas. Some contributions are devoted to the study of phase transition phenomena, kinetic problems with nontrivial boundary conditions and hierarchies of models. The book, addressed to researchers interested in the mathematical and numerical study of kinetic equations, provides an overview of recent advances in the field and future research directions.
- Published
- 2022
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