This convenient reference provides clinicians with point-of-care guidance on the assessment and treatment of pediatric allergies in children of all ages, from infants to young adults. This quick reference tool is perfect to have on hand during evaluation, diagnosis, determination of treatment course, and communication with patients and parents about trigger management at home, as well as covers management strategies, customized treatment plans, referrals, and follow-ups. The chart covers allergens, allergy signs and symptoms (including food allergies), triggers, diagnostic considerations, anaphylaxis recognition and management, allergy testing and treatment protocols (including desensitization and immunotherapy), reactions to medications, differential diagnosis of dermatitis, atopy, and more. CONTENTS INCLUDEAllergic ConjunctivitisAllergic RhinitisRespiratory ExposuresRemediation Strategies for Common Respiratory AllergensMold ExposuresMold-Related Illness and Health EffectsHymenoptera Venom AllergyClassic Reactions to AntibioticsImmediate Reactions to AntibioticsNonimmediate Reactions to AntibioticsNickel AllergyLatex AllergyDiagnosis of Atopic DermatitisTreatment of Atopic DermatitisAvoiding Eczema TriggersFood AllergiesCow's Milk AllergyPeanut AllergyAnaphylaxis RecognitionAnaphylaxis TreatmentAAP Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency PlanAllergy TestingImmunotherapy