17 results on '"Social Workers"'
Search Results
2. Adult Safeguarding Observed : How Social Workers Assess and Manage Risk and Uncertainty
- Author
Jeremy Dixon and Jeremy Dixon
- Subjects
- People with disabilities--Abuse of--Great Britain--Prevention, Older people--Abuse of--Great Britain--Prevention, Social workers
- Abstract
Chapters 1, 3 and 5 are available Open Access under CC-BY licence. Safeguarding adults at risk of abuse or neglect is a core area of social work practice but knowledge of how social workers make adult safeguarding decisions is limited. Applying recent sociological and ethnographic research to this area for the first time, this book considers how adult safeguarding practice is developing, with a focus on risk management. The author explores how social workers conduct safeguarding adults assessments, work with multiple agencies and involve service users in risk decisions. The book is essential reading for those wishing to understand how risk and uncertainty are managed within frontline adult social work and how current practice can be improved.
- Published
- 2023
3. Schützende Bewältigung : Eine Grounded Theory zu Diskriminierungserfahrungen von Fachkräften in der Sozialen Arbeit
- Author
Araththy Logeswaran and Araththy Logeswaran
- Subjects
- Racism in social services, Social workers
- Abstract
In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird eine qualitative Studie zum Thema Diskriminierungserfahrungen von Fachkräften der Sozialen Arbeit vorgestellt. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, eine gegenstandsverankerte Theorie abzubilden, die hilft, den Umgang mit Diskriminierungserfahrung – insbesondere Rassismuserfahrungen – zu beschreiben: Wie verhalten sich Betroffene in diskriminierenden Situationen? Wie gehen sie mit ihren Erfahrungen außerhalb der diskriminierten Situation um? Einer der Schwerpunkte der Untersuchung ist das Zusammenspiel der Erfahrungen und des professionellen Arbeitskontextes. Das Theoriemodell der Schützenden Bewältigung ist ein Beitrag zur rassismuskritischen Sozialen Arbeit und lädt zu einem Perspektivenwechsel ein. Die theoretischen Überlegungen bieten gleichzeitig Anknüpfungspunkte für die Praxis.
- Published
- 2022
4. À la croisée des regards : usagers et travailleurs sociaux
- Author
Hugues-Olivier Hubert, Justine Vleminckx, Hugues-Olivier Hubert, and Justine Vleminckx
- Subjects
- Interpersonal relations, Social service, Social workers
- Abstract
Cet ouvrage apporte un éclairage sur les réalités du métier d'assistant social et sur les tensions qui traversent la relation d'aide. Il interroge les rapports que les usagers entretiennent à l'aide sociale, aux travailleurs et aux institutions qui les reçoivent. Au fil des chapitres, il décrypte une série d'enjeux au centre des interactions qui se nouent entre usagers et intervenants sociaux : des enjeux identitaires et professionnels.
- Published
- 2019
5. Perspectives in Social Work
- Author
Noel Timms, Rita Timms, Noel Timms, and Rita Timms
- Subjects
- Social service, Social workers
- Abstract
Perspectives in Social Work was originally published in 1977 and provides a text for social workers in training to use. The book argues for a more philosophical approach to both understanding and doing social work and seeks to establish simple and basic elements in social work, asking questions such as: what should a social worker be able to do? What should a social worker know and believe? Does social work actually work? In answering these questions the book offers a wide ranging and critical review of literature of the time and looks at social work as a method of altruism. This book is still topical today and acts as a useful document on the subject of social work both through the discussions within, and through the lens of modern change. It will be of particular interest to those studying the history and changes in social work.
- Published
- 2018
6. Partizipation als Arbeit am Sozialen : Eine qualitative Studie zu partizipativen Praktiken Professioneller in der Sozialen Arbeit
- Author
Sandra Küchler and Sandra Küchler
- Subjects
- Social workers, Social participation
- Abstract
Sandra Küchler widmet sich der Frage, welche Techniken und Praktiken die von ihr befragten Sozialarbeiterinnen und Sozialarbeiter einsetzen, um selbst zu partizipieren. Aus dem empirischen Material hat sie ein Instrumentarium entwickelt, dass das „Minoritär Werden“, den „Bruch“, den „Verrat“ und die „Schöpfung“ eines partizipativen Prozesses beschreibt, aus dem heraus Neues entsteht. „Fluchtlinien“ gehen von sensomotorischen Wahrnehmungen und Empfindungen aus und münden in Auseinandersetzung mit der sie umgebenden Welt und in Abgrenzung zu bestehenden Ordnungen. Was genau in den wenigen Momenten passiert, in denen Partizipation als „gemeinsame Aufgabenbewältigung“ gelingt und wie diese befördert werden können, wird in diesem Buch analysiert und handlungsorientierend interpretiert.
- Published
- 2018
7. A nova morfologia do trabalho no serviço social
- Author
Raquel Raichelis, Damares Vicente, Valéria Albuquerque, Raquel Raichelis, Damares Vicente, and Valéria Albuquerque
- Subjects
- Social workers, Social service
- Abstract
Em uma contextualidade marcada pelo agravamento da crise estrutural do capital, a partir de 2008/9, foi necessário ampliar, agudizar e mesmo intensificar o sistema de dominação do capital em sua forma neoliberal e financista. A devastação se expande, então, para todas as suas esferas da vida societal. E é justamente este o leitmotiv deste livro/coletânea, com o título A nova morfologia do trabalho no Serviço Social. Os avanços e as respostas a tais indagações por certo afloram através dos estudos que investigam a classe trabalhadora em sua nova morfologia, procurando apresentar suas particularidades e singularidades. E aqui encontramos uma contribuição efetiva para os estudos do trabalho das/dos assistentes sociais. Esta coletânea sobre a nova morfologia do trabalho no Serviço Social evidencia o trabalho sério, criterioso e crítico de suas organizadoras e coautores/as. Que seja, então, lido e estudado no Serviço Social e também em outras áreas, por todos e todas que se recusam a aceitar esta devastação como sendo natural e inevitável.
- Published
- 2018
8. Social Work for Sociologists : Theory and Practice
- Author
Kate van Heugten, Anita Gibbs, Kate van Heugten, and Anita Gibbs
- Subjects
- Social workers, Social service, Sociology
- Abstract
Social Work for Sociologists introduces important frameworks, concepts, models, and skills from social work that will help sociologists as they plan their human service careers and will prepare them to tackle social problems with practical solutions.
- Published
- 2015
9. Turning Troubles Into Problems : Clientization in Human Services
- Author
Jaber F. Gubrium, Margaretha Järvinen, Jaber F. Gubrium, and Margaretha Järvinen
- Subjects
- Social service, Human services, Social workers, Civil service
- Abstract
Human service professionals deal with a wide range of problems, from child abuse, parenting issues, and elderly care, to addictions, mental illness, sexual assault, unemployment, and criminality. These must be constructed as problems for professionals to appropriately respond to them. Human service provision starts from there. But in the everyday experience of service providers and users alike, there is a parallel world of ordinary troubles that remains professionally undefined but real, even when troubles are turned into problems. This book brings into view the relationship between these worlds as it bears on the process of clientization—the transformation of people and troubles into clients and problems. Rather than taking the process for granted as many critics do, the book examines the instability of the process on several fronts and highlights its surprising local complexity. Foregrounding everyday life, the leading idea is that the transformation of troubles into problems is not straightforward and that problems are continually subject to alternative understandings. This poses new what, how, and where questions. What are ordinary troubles and how do they relate to the construction, maintenance, or undoing of serviceable problems? Where is social policy and how does that figure in the front-line work of service provision? The questions point to the challenges of clientization at the discretionary border of troubles and problems in everyday service relationships. With chapters written by an international group of human service researchers, this book is an important contribution to the literature dealing with the construction of personal problems and will be useful to students and academics in sociology, human services, social work and policy, criminal justice, and health care.
- Published
- 2014
10. Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook, and Interactive Web Based Case Studies : Pearson New International Edition
- Author
Linda K. Cummins, Judith A. Sevel, Laura Pedrick, Linda K. Cummins, Judith A. Sevel, and Laura Pedrick
- Subjects
- Social workers, Social service--Practice, Social case work
- Abstract
A social work practice skills text/workbook with web-based case studies This book is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series. This series helps students understand and master CSWE's core competencies with a variety of pedagogy highlighted competency content and critical thinking questions for the competencies throughout. Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice guides students through all stages of the helping process and assists them in developing time-tested social work skills. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
- Published
- 2014
11. Person og profesjon : om menneskesyn og livsverdier i offentlig omsorg
- Author
Leenderts, Torborg Aalen and Leenderts, Torborg Aalen
- Subjects
- Human services personnel--Attitudes, Human services personnel--Professional ethics, Professional employees, Medical personnel, Social workers
- Abstract
Om menneskesyn og livsverdier i offentlig omsorg. Person og profesjon er skrevet med tanke på alle som på en eller annen måte møter mennesker innenfor rammen av en profesjonell omsorgsrelasjon. I første rekke sosionomer, sykepleiere, vernepleiere, fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter og barnevernspedagoger. Boken legger vekt på å gjøre stoffet anvendbart for den enkelte helse- og sosialarbeider. Stoffet illustreres gjennom en rekke eksempler hentet fra blant annet psykiatri og somatisk omsorg, sosialkontor og barnevern. I denne tredje utgaven har Aalen Leenderts utvidet temaene profesjonsetikk og personlig kompetanse i yrkesrollen. Hun har også skrevet to nye kapitler ett om godhet og ondskap og ett om helsefarlige relasjoner. Alt stoffet er bearbeidet og utdypet fra forrige utgave.
- Published
- 2014
12. Critical Analysis Skills for Social Workers
- Author
David Wilkins, Godfred Boahen, David Wilkins, and Godfred Boahen
- Subjects
- Social service, Social workers
- Abstract
Dr David Wilkins is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire, UK.Dr Godfred Boahen is a Policy and Research Officer at the British Association of Social Workers (BASW), UK.How can social workers develop their critical analysis skills? What role does critical analysis play in the day-to-day activities of a social worker? And can we critically analyse in isolation?The ability to analyse contexts, scenarios and service users through a critical lens is vital to effective social work practice. Despite this, many social workers attempt to analyse situations alone, missing marks of significance. This book, written by two senior academics and practitioners who, at the time, were in the midst of their PhDs, offers a basis step-by-step model that busy social workers can use to develop a more critical and analytical mindset. It shows how analysis can be woven throughout the whole process of social work engagement, resulting in more effective decision-making, more efficient ways of working and, ultimately, better outcomes for social work service users. This is achieved by ways of handy tools, case studies and dilemmas, research summaries, and exercises and reflections points to tackle alone or with a colleague.Topics covered include:What analysis is, and why it is such an important skill in social work practice.The skills that underpin critical analysis, such as time management, planning, critical understanding, logical thinking, research-mindedness, creativity, communication, reflection and hypothesising.The role of emotion and intuition in critical analysis.The importance of supervision and team or supervised analysis.•••This book forms part of the Social Work Skills in Practice series. The series focuses on key social work skills required for working with children and adult service users, families and carers. The books offer both theoretical and evidence-informed knowledge, alongside the application of skills relevant for day-to-day social work practice. They are an invaluable resource for pre-qualifying students, newly-qualified social workers, academics teaching and researching in the field, as well as social work practitioners, including practice educators, pursuing continuous professional development.•••'A timely and appropriate post-Munro book for social workers at all levels of experience. The chapter on emotion, intuition and critical analysis is a particularly welcome addition to the subject. A really useful book.'Dr Jane Reeves, Director of Studies, M.A. Child Protection, Co-Director Centre for Child Protection, University of Kent, UK
- Published
- 2013
13. Teamworking Skills for Social Workers
- Author
Ruben Martin and Ruben Martin
- Subjects
- Social workers, Social service, Human services, Social service--Societies, etc
- Abstract
Ruben Martin is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Kent, where he was previously Director of Studies for the BA (Hons) Social Work programme for seven years. Since his retirement from his full-time post, he has continued work as a part-time lecturer, consultant, freelance practice educator and writer.What is your optimal role in a team environment? How do teamworking skills differ between various contexts and groups? Written by a highly-experienced lecturer and practitioner of social work, this book explores the dynamics of teamworking in the context of social work, whether in collaboration with colleagues or professionals from other fields. It provides a practical and applied overview of the different types of teams that social workers encounter and outlines in an accessible format the core teamworking skills social workers must develop in order to practice effectively. This is achieved by way of specific links to the Professional Capabilities Framework, checklists for self-evaluation and reflective social work practice, activities and case examples. Together, these resources make this guide to teamworking a must-have for students of social work and practitioners involved in continuous professional development.Topics covered include:The characteristics of individuals within a team, including the formal and informal roles they play and leadership.Emotional intelligence and resilience.The application of teamworking skills to working in organisations, multidisciplinary teams, and interagency collaboration and partnership.•••This book forms part of the Social Work Skills in Practice series. The series focuses on key social work skills required for working with children and adult service users, families and carers. The books offer both theoretical and evidence-informed knowledge, alongside the application of skills relevant for day-to-day social work practice. They are an invaluable resource for pre-qualifying students, newly-qualified social workers, academics teaching and researching in the field, as well as social work practitioners, including practice educators, pursuing continuous professional development.•••'At a time when social workers are being castigated for failures in team-working in recent child abuse enquiries, this book is extremely timely. I am not aware of a similar book which is able to convey the basic tenets of team-working as well as the necessary skills to do team working well. It is an important book which should be on the course lists of all early stage social workers. The book brings together social work theory relating to team work within an ecological framework. Students are given activities to reflect on their current level of skills. Excellent case studies illustrate the issues. The book is totally up-to-date, linking into recent material from the College of Social Work. I strongly recommend this book. I think students will find the material engaging and accessible, but they will also learn much about the essential team working skills for social work.'Ann Buchanan, Emeritus Professor of Social Work, University of Oxford, UK
- Published
- 2013
14. EBOOK: The Social Worker's Guide to the Social Sciences: Key Concepts
- Author
John Pierson, Martin Thomas, John Pierson, and Martin Thomas
- Subjects
- Social sciences, Social service, Social workers
- Abstract
This book provides social work students and professionals with core knowledge of the most important concepts in the social sciences. Offering a straightforward guide to diverse and complex disciplines, the book will equip and encourage you to delve further into the way societies function and individuals behave. The book addresses the concepts in social science which are most relevant to social work, among them: Poverty and inequalityMarkets and capitalismSocial classChild developmentThe nature of riskAll entries begin with an initial definition then move to a fuller explanation, taking into account the challenges and issues that social workers face in practice. The Social Worker's Guide to the Social Sciences is a must-have text for students and practitioners, enabling them to link their understanding of the social sciences to their professional concerns, priorities, needs and interests.
- Published
- 2013
15. Professional Discretion in Welfare Services : Beyond Street-Level Bureaucracy
- Author
Tony Evans and Tony Evans
- Subjects
- Social service, Organization, Social work administration, Administrative discretion, Social workers
- Abstract
Discretion has re-emerged as an issue of central importance for welfare professionals over the last two decades in the face of an intensification of management culture across the public sector. This book presents an innovative framework for the analysis of discretion, offering three accounts of the managerial role - the domination model, the street level model and the author's alternative discursive perspective. These different regimes of discretion are examined through a case study within a social services department, comparing and contrasting social work discretion in an Older Persons Team and a Mental Health Team. This innovative, theoretical and empirical analysis will be of great interest to postgraduate students and researchers in social work and related disciplines including social policy, public administration and organizational studies, as well as professionals in social work, health and education.
- Published
- 2010
16. Principes d'une sociologie d'intervention complexe: la médiaction
- Author
Alain Taché and Alain Taché
- Subjects
- Conflict management, Mediation, Social workers
- Abstract
Agglomérations, villes, quartiers, entreprises, administrations, organisations en tout genre sont devenus des lieux habituels d'exercice de la sociologie d'intervention. Les décideurs de plus en plus conscients que les mesures trop mécaniques sont inadéquates recherchent des outils et des méthodes plus pertinents. Le sociologue d'intervention est alors sollicité. Voici une nouvelle conception de l'intervention sociologique qui développe le modèle de la'médiaction'(action, médiation, complexité).
- Published
- 2005
17. Theory Building in Social Work
- Author
Gordon Hearn and Gordon Hearn
- Subjects
- Social workers, Social service
- Abstract
This is essentially a book about theory building. Instead of actually presenting theory, it suggests and illustrates a particular way in which the social work profession, or any of the other service professions, might pursue the task of developing theory to refine its mode of practice. While written for every professional, it is directed, in particular, to those most actively engaged in the development and refinement of theory for their profession. It is a personal document in the sense that it is a chronicle of the author's reflections about how a profession might pursue most profitably this aspect of its total function.
- Published
- 1958
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