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468 results

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1. Some notes and corrections of the paper "The non-Lefschetz locus".

2. Abelian covers of regular hypertopes.

3. On the common slot property for symbol algebras.

4. Transposed Poisson structures on Lie incidence algebras.

5. Derivations, extensions, and rigidity of subalgebras of the Witt algebra.

6. Large norms in group theory.

7. A finite-dimensional singular superalgebra is algebraically generated.

8. On generalized deformation problems.

9. Lefschetz duality for local cohomology.

10. The Diophantine problem in Chevalley groups.

12. Surjectivity of word maps on special linear groups of degree 2.

13. From quantum loop superalgebras to super Yangians.

14. Evaluation maps for affine quantum Schur algebras.

15. Ext modules related to syzygies of the residue field.

16. Chudnovsky's conjecture and the stable Harbourne-Huneke containment for general points.

17. The R-matrix presentation for the rational form of a quantized enveloping algebra.

18. Comparing generalized Gorenstein properties in semi-standard graded rings.

19. Symplectic structures, product structures and complex structures on Leibniz algebras.

20. Small groups of finite Morley rank with a supertight automorphism.

21. Valuative dimension, constructive points of view.

22. Reflective obstructions of unitary modular varieties.

23. Generalized versality, special points, and resolvent degree for the sporadic groups.

24. Solubilizers in profinite groups.

25. Universal co-extensions of torsion abelian groups.

26. On the graph products of simplicial groups and connected Hopf algebras.

27. An algebraic framework for the Drinfeld double based on infinite groupoids.

28. Plenary train algebras of rank m and backcrossing identity.

29. Conformal vector fields on Lie groups: The trans-Lorentzian signature.

30. Perazzo hypersurfaces and the weak Lefschetz property.

31. Symplectic orbits of unimodular rows.

32. Height reduction for local uniformization of varieties and non-archimedean spaces.

33. Local, colocal, and antilocal properties of modules and complexes over commutative rings.

34. Intersection of duality and derivation relations for multiple zeta values.

35. Extension dimensions of derived and stable equivalent algebras.

36. An [formula omitted]-equivariant smooth compactification of moduli space of rational quartic plane curves.

37. Cohomologies of difference Lie groups and the van Est theorem.

38. The completion of d-abelian categories.

39. Complete description of invariant, associative pseudo-Euclidean metrics on left Leibniz algebras via quadratic Lie algebras.

40. Left-symmetric superalgebras on special linear Lie superalgebras.

41. Small volume 3-manifolds constructible from string Coxeter groups of rank 4.

42. Regular maps with an alternating or symmetric group as automorphism group.

43. A survey on varieties generated by small semigroups and a companion website.

44. Determination of some almost split sequences in morphism categories.

45. (Co)homology and crossed module for BiHom-associative algebras.

46. Orbifold theory of the affine vertex operator superalgebra [formula omitted].

47. Set-theoretic type solutions of the braid equation.

48. Element orders and codegrees of characters in non-solvable groups.

49. Torsionfreeness for divisor class groups of toric rings of integral polytopes.

50. Descriptions of strongly multiplicity free representations for simple Lie algebras.