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1. Footnotes to a paper of Domokos, I.

2. A correction of the decomposability result in a paper by Meyer–Neutsch.

3. Appendix to the paper “Some uniserial representations of certain special linear groups” by P. Sin and J.G. Thompson.

4. Koszulity of splitting algebras associated with cell complexes ☆ [☆] Some of our results were later generalized by T. Cassidy, C. Phan, and B. Shelton in their paper “Noncommutative Koszul algebras from combinatorial topology” in arXiv:0811.3450.

5. Comments on a paper “A Hermitian Morita theorem for algebras with anti-structure”

6. Central elements in the distribution algebra of a general linear supergroup and supersymmetric elements.

7. The complete list of genera of quotients of the [formula omitted]-maximal Hermitian curve for q ≡ 1 (mod 4).

8. Computation of depth in C(X).

9. The average character degree and an improvement of the Itô-Michler theorem.

10. Large odd prime power order automorphism groups of algebraic curves in any characteristic.

11. Cohomology of group theoretic Dehn fillings I: Cohen-Lyndon type theorems.

12. Tritangents and their space sextics.

13. On invertible algebras.

14. On purely generated α-smashing weight structures and weight-exact localizations.

15. Combinatorics of cyclic shifts in plactic, hypoplactic, sylvester, Baxter, and related monoids.

16. Fixed point ratios in actions of finite classical groups, IV

17. Finite determinacy of matrices and ideals.

18. Injective stabilization of additive functors, I. Preliminaries.

19. Homological criteria for minimal multiplicity.

20. Key polynomials and minimal pairs.

21. Rational growth and degree of commutativity of graph products.

22. Some contributions to the theory of transformation monoids.

23. A criterion for solvability of a finite group by the sum of element orders.

24. Classifying blocks with abelian defect groups of rank 3 for the prime 2.

25. An algorithm to construct candidates to counterexamples to the Zassenhaus Conjecture.

26. Weak proregularity, weak stability, and the noncommutative MGM equivalence.

27. Differential transcendence of solutions of difference Riccati equations and Tietze's treatment.

28. Schurity and separability of quasiregular coherent configurations.

29. Semi-galois categories II: An arithmetic analogue of Christol's theorem.

30. Separating invariants of finite groups.

32. The noncommutative schemes of generalized Weyl algebras.

33. Base-point-freeness of double-point divisors of smooth birational-divisors on conical rational scrolls.

34. On the second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic supergroup.

35. Products of elementary matrices and non-Euclidean principal ideal domains.

36. Koszulity of directed categories in representation stability theory.

37. Key polynomials and pseudo-convergent sequences.

38. Construction of flows of finite-dimensional algebras.

39. A family of representations of the affine Lie superalgebra [formula omitted].

40. Schur rings and association schemes whose thin residues are thin.

41. Imprimitive permutations in primitive groups.

42. Poisson enveloping algebras and the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem.

43. K2 of Kac–Moody groups.

44. Arrangements of ideal type.

45. A note on Green functors with inflation.

46. Vanishing of Euler class groups

47. Discrete and free two-generated subgroups of SL2 over non-archimedean local fields.

48. Resolution quiver and cyclic homology criteria for Nakayama algebras.

49. Minimal ⁎-varieties and minimal supervarieties of polynomial growth.

50. Standard Bases for fractional ideals of the local ring of an algebroid curve.