
Showing total 186 results
186 results

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51. Degraded image enhancement by image dehazing and Directional Filter Banks using Depth Image based Rendering for future free-view 3D-TV.

52. SleepEEGNet: Automated sleep stage scoring with sequence to sequence deep learning approach.

53. Antenna selection for multiple-input multiple-output systems based on deep convolutional neural networks.

54. Ex-ante online risk assessment for building emergency evacuation through multimedia data.

55. Classification of high dimensional biomedical data based on feature selection using redundant removal.

56. TECLA: A temperament and psychological type prediction framework from Twitter data.

57. Modified shape index for object-based random forest image classification of agricultural systems using airborne hyperspectral datasets.

58. Selection of the optimal trading model for stock investment in different industries.

59. Automatic real-time gait event detection in children using deep neural networks.

60. Two-point-based binary search trees for accelerating big data classification using KNN.

61. Deployment of small cells and a transport infrastructure concurrently for next-generation mobile access networks.

62. Semi-supervised machine learning approaches for predicting the chronology of archaeological sites: A case study of temples from medieval Angkor, Cambodia.

63. Enhancing the robustness of recommender systems against spammers.

64. Ship roll motion prediction based on ℓ1 regularized extreme learning machine.

65. Detection of slow port scans in flow-based network traffic.

66. Improving classification of pollen grain images of the POLEN23E dataset through three different applications of deep learning convolutional neural networks.

67. Balancing effort and benefit of K-means clustering algorithms in Big Data realms.

68. Waste level detection and HMM based collection scheduling of multiple bins.

69. Improving the performance of lexicon-based review sentiment analysis method by reducing additional introduced sentiment bias.

70. Sequence diagram refactoring using single and hybridized algorithms.

71. Efficient feature selection and classification for microarray data.

72. Concrete surface crack detection with the improved pre-extraction and the second percolation processing methods.

73. Biomedical literature classification with a CNNs-based hybrid learning network.

74. Fallback Variable History NNLMs: Efficient NNLMs by precomputation and stochastic training.

75. RDE: A novel approach to improve the classification performance and expressivity of KDB.

76. Protecting contacts against privacy leaks in smartphones.

77. Modeling Dynamic Systems with Efficient Ensembles of Process-Based Models.

78. Distributed Function Mining for Gene Expression Programming Based on Fast Reduction.

79. The Augmented Lagrange Multipliers Method for Matrix Completion from Corrupted Samplings with Application to Mixed Gaussian-Impulse Noise Removal.

80. Introducing chaos behavior to kernel relevance vector machine (RVM) for four-class EEG classification.

81. Fast sequence analysis based on diamond sampling.

82. Rough sets and Laplacian score based cost-sensitive feature selection.

83. Temporal and spatiotemporal investigation of tourist attraction visit sentiment on Twitter.

84. Classification of healthy and diseased retina using SD-OCT imaging and Random Forest algorithm.

85. Robust 3D point cloud registration based on bidirectional Maximum Correntropy Criterion.

86. A hybrid Q-learning sine-cosine-based strategy for addressing the combinatorial test suite minimization problem.

87. An improved advertising CTR prediction approach based on the fuzzy deep neural network.

88. Health management and pattern analysis of daily living activities of people with dementia using in-home sensors and machine learning techniques.

89. A fully convolutional network for weed mapping of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery.

90. System steganalysis with automatic fingerprint extraction.

91. Malay sentiment analysis based on combined classification approaches and Senti-lexicon algorithm.

92. Emotion computing using Word Mover’s Distance features based on Ren_CECps.

93. Biometric recognition via texture features of eye movement trajectories in a visual searching task.

94. Evaluation of a miniaturized NIR spectrometer for cultivar identification: The case of barley, chickpea and sorghum in Ethiopia.

95. Mention effect in information diffusion on a micro-blogging network.

96. How to evaluate sentiment classifiers for Twitter time-ordered data?

97. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for identification of unknown number of sources emitting delayed signals.

98. ABrox—A user-friendly Python module for approximate Bayesian computation with a focus on model comparison.

99. Intrusion detection system using Online Sequence Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM) in advanced metering infrastructure of smart grid.

100. A dual boundary classifier for predicting acute hypotensive episodes in critical care.