
Showing total 14 results
14 results

Search Results

1. A novel multi-item joint replenishment problem considering multiple type discounts.

2. Hierarchical trie packet classification algorithm based on expectation-maximization clustering.

3. SimNet: Similarity-based network embeddings with mean commute time.

4. Supervised and extended restart in random walks for ranking and link prediction in networks.

5. Electric multiple unit circulation plan optimization based on the branch-and-price algorithm under different maintenance management schemes.

6. MADM-based smart parking guidance algorithm.

7. A multi-domain trust management model for supporting RFID applications of IoT.

8. A two-stage approach to the depot shunting driver assignment problem with workload balance considerations.

9. Comparative analysis of quantitative efficiency evaluation methods for transportation networks.

10. Density-based clustering: A ‘landscape view’ of multi-channel neural data for inference and dynamic complexity analysis.

11. Bee Inspired Novel Optimization Algorithm and Mathematical Model for Effective and Efficient Route Planning in Railway System.

12. Benchmarking for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning.

13. Unified Saliency Detection Model Using Color and Texture Features.

14. Ringed Seal Search for Global Optimization via a Sensitive Search Model.