
Showing total 14 results
14 results

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1. nlstac: Non-Gradient Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting.

2. A Clustering Algorithm to Organize Satellite Hotspot Data for the Purpose of Tracking Bushfires Remotely.

3. A Study in Reproducibility: The Congruent Matching Cells Algorithm and cmcR Package.

4. An Open-Source Implementation of the CMPS Algorithm for Assessing Similarity of Bullets.

5. dr4pl: A Stable Convergence Algorithm for the 4 Parameter Logistic Model.

6. scmamp: Statistical Comparison of Multiple Algorithms in Multiple Problems.

7. Fixed Point Acceleration in R.

8. LP Algorithms for Portfolio Optimization: The PortfolioOptim Package.

9. Semiparametric Generalized Linear Models with the gldrm Package.

10. Generalized Additive Model Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations With Package ImputeRobust.

11. coxphMIC: An R Package for Sparse Estimation of Cox Proportional Hazards Models via Approximated Information Criteria.

12. Optimal Clustering with Sequential Constraint by Using Dynamic Programming.

13. qmethod: A Package to Explore Human Perspectives Using Q Methodology.

14. SMR: An R Package for Computing the Externally Studentized Normal Midrange Distribution.