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316 results

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1. Proofs of five conjectures on matching coefficients of Baruah, Das and Schlosser by an algorithmic approach.

2. Machine-learning the Sato–Tate conjecture.

3. The Projection Games Conjecture and the hardness of approximation of super-SAT and related problems.

4. On a sum involving the Euler function.

5. Proof of a supercongruence via the Wilf–Zeilberger method.

6. Towards a computational proof of Vizing's conjecture using semidefinite programming and sums-of-squares.

7. Rational growth and degree of commutativity of graph products.

8. Some contributions to the theory of transformation monoids.

9. Sum-of-squares certificates for Vizing's conjecture via determining Gröbner bases.

10. The span of singular tuples of a tensor beyond the boundary format.

11. A counterexample to a conjecture on simultaneous Waring identifiability.

12. Tiling sets and spectral sets over finite fields.

13. On the weak Lefschetz property for almost complete intersections generated by uniform powers of general linear forms.

14. Almost primes and the Banks–Martin conjecture.

15. Towards the linear arboricity conjecture.

16. Additive twists and a conjecture by Mazur, Rubin and Stein.

17. On a conjecture of Bondy and Vince.

18. A local epsilon version of Reed's Conjecture.

19. The Hall–Paige conjecture, and synchronization for affine and diagonal groups.

20. A note on the Bateman-Horn conjecture.

21. Elliott-Halberstam conjecture and values taken by the largest prime factor of shifted primes.

22. On the Waldspurger formula and the metaplectic Ramanujan conjecture over number fields.

23. Non-spectrality of self-affine measures.

24. On problems about judicious bipartitions of graphs.

25. Structural properties of edge-chromatic critical multigraphs.

26. On the fractional Landis conjecture.

27. Iwasawa theory for class groups of CM fields with p = 2.

28. On the 2-adic valuations of central L-values of elliptic curves.

29. Direct splitting method for the Baum–Connes conjecture.

30. Class numbers and p-ranks in [formula omitted]-towers.

31. Two problems on matchings in set families – In the footsteps of Erdős and Kleitman.

32. The regularity of partial elimination ideals, Castelnuovo normality and syzygies.

33. A proof of the Khavinson conjecture in [formula omitted].

34. Decomposable clutters and a generalization of Simon's conjecture.

35. On arithmetic progressions in Lucas sequences – II.

36. Real-rootedness of variations of Eulerian polynomials.

37. Truncated Jacobi triple product series.

38. Corrigendum to “A local global principle for regular operators in Hilbert C⁎-modules” [J. Funct. Anal. 262 (10) (2012) 4540–4569].

39. Quantum representations and monodromies of fibered links.

40. Proof of a conjecture of Morales–Pak–Panova on reverse plane partitions.

41. Proof of a conjecture of Wiegold.

42. Proof of Artés–Llibre–Valls's conjectures for the Higgins–Selkov and the Selkov systems.

43. A proof of Tomescu's graph coloring conjecture.

44. Double blocking sets of size [formula omitted] in [formula omitted].

45. Cyclic components of quotients of abelian varieties mod p.

46. A proof of Jones' conjecture.

47. On a conjecture of Mohar concerning Kempe equivalence of regular graphs.

48. On a conjecture about the commuting graphs of finite matrix rings.

49. On the regularity of the Hankel determinant sequence of the characteristic sequence of powers of 2.

50. Shortest circuit covers of signed graphs.