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66 results

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1. Bounded perturbation resilience of extragradient-type methods and their applications.

2. Mathematical and numerical analysis of radiative heat transfer in semi-transparent media.

3. Two Novel Arctangent Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithms Against Impulsive Interferences.

4. An invasive weed optimization approach for job shop scheduling problems.

5. A data locality methodology for matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm.

6. A computational study of a family of nilpotent Lie algebras.

7. Biorthogonal wavelets with 4-fold axial symmetry for quadrilateral surface multiresolution processing.

8. Scattering in Flatland: Efficient Representations via Wave Atoms.

9. Branch-and-bound algorithms for simple assembly line balancing problem.

10. An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Minimum Weight Vertex Cover Problem.

11. Hierarchical Partitioning Techniques for Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applications.

12. Linesearch algorithms for split equilibrium problems and nonexpansive mappings.

13. Self-adaptive algorithms for proximal split feasibility problems and strong convergence analysis.

14. Image enhancement using local intensity distribution equalization.

15. Computing intersections between non-compatible curves and finite elements.

16. Formation of train routes in a station.

17. New strong convergence theorems for split variational inclusion problems in Hilbert spaces.

18. Robust Computation of Linear Models by Convex Relaxation.

19. Regularized hybrid iterative algorithms for triple hierarchical variational inequalities.

20. Iterative algorithms for finding the zeroes of sums of operators.

21. Efficient controller synthesis for a fragment of $$\hbox {MTL}_{0, \infty }$$.

22. A Generalized Hard Thresholding Pursuit Algorithm.

23. Community detection using global and local structural information.

24. Bipartite Graphs with the Maximal Value of the Second Zagreb Index.

25. Least squares estimation for a class of non-uniformly sampled systems based on the hierarchical identification principle.

26. A fast algorithm for image segmentation based on fuzzy region competition.

27. A novel objective function for job-shop scheduling problem with fuzzy processing time and fuzzy due date using differential evolution algorithm.

28. Computational method for the point cluster analysis on networks.

29. An Efficient Algorithm for the Optimization of FIR Filters Synthesized Using the Multistage Frequency-Response Masking Approach.

30. Algorithms Construction for Variational Inequalities.

31. Solving conflicting bi-objective facility location problem by NSGA II evolutionary algorithm.

32. A genetic algorithm to optimize multiproduct multiconstraint inventory control systems with stochastic replenishment intervals and discount.

33. A new multi-objective ant colony algorithm for solving the disassembly line balancing problem.

34. An efficient approximate profiling method for the rack gear tool.

35. Levels of nonoptimality of the Weiszfeld Algorithm in the least-modules method.

36. Embedding fault-free cycles in crossed cubes with conditional link faults.

37. Efficient parallel processing with spin-wave nanoarchitectures.

38. NP-hardness of the recognition of coordinated graphs.

39. An SQP algorithm for mathematical programs with nonlinear complementarity constraints.

40. Differential characteristic set algorithm for the complete symmetry classification of partial differential equations.

41. Generating ordered set of symmetric group for solving commutation problems.

42. Output control algorithm with the compensation of biased harmonic disturbances.

43. Algorithms for finding proper essential surfaces in 3-manifolds.

44. On n-term approximation with positive coefficients.

45. Convergence of Metropolis-type algorithms for a large canonical ensemble.

46. An overview of bilevel optimization.

47. A Formal Analysis of Fault Diagnosis with D -matrices.

48. On the partial terminal Steiner tree problem.

49. RVE computations with error control and adaptivity: the power of duality.

50. Generalized dynamic programming: A variables freezing method.