
Showing total 1,008 results
1,008 results

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1. Training circuit-based quantum classifiers through memetic algorithms.

2. A self-training algorithm based on the two-stage data editing method with mass-based dissimilarity.

3. Symmetric LINEX loss twin support vector machine for robust classification and its fast iterative algorithm.

4. Distributed online convex optimization with multiple coupled constraints: A double accelerated push–pull algorithm.

5. A novel improved whale optimization algorithm for optimization problems with multi-strategy and hybrid algorithm.

6. Comparison of algorithms for heat load prediction of buildings.

7. A robust distribution network state estimation method based on enhanced clustering Algorithm: Accounting for multiple DG output modes and data loss.

8. Detection of abnormal photovoltaic systems' operation with minimum data requirements based on Recursive Least Squares algorithms.

9. A method of classifying IoT devices based on attack sensitivity.

10. Path planning algorithms in the autonomous driving system: A comprehensive review.

11. An improved binary dandelion algorithm using sine cosine operator and restart strategy for feature selection.

12. A deep reinforcement learning based hybrid algorithm for efficient resource scheduling in edge computing environment.

13. Artificial intelligence algorithms for predicting peak shear strength of clayey soil-geomembrane interfaces and experimental validation.

14. An interactive teaching evaluation system for preschool education in universities based on machine learning algorithm.

15. A survey on semi-supervised graph clustering.

16. A survey on semi-supervised graph clustering.

17. Ensemble methods and semi-supervised learning for information fusion: A review and future research directions.

18. A new evolving operator selector by using fitness landscape in differential evolution algorithm.

19. An automatic affinity propagation clustering based on improved equilibrium optimizer and t-SNE for high-dimensional data.

20. Algorithm for orthogonal matrix nearness and its application to feature representation.

21. EFFECT: Explainable framework for meta-learning in automatic classification algorithm selection.

22. EFFECT: Explainable framework for meta-learning in automatic classification algorithm selection.

23. A fast local citation recommendation algorithm scalable to multi-topics.

24. Development of Intelligent Fault-Tolerant Control Systems with Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Transfer Learning Algorithms: A Review.

25. Research on electromagnetic scattering and radio wave propagation algorithm based on machine learning in half-space.

26. A scoping review of applications of artificial intelligence in kinematics and kinetics of ankle sprains - current state-of-the-art and future prospects.

27. FedMMD: A Federated weighting algorithm considering Non-IID and Local Model Deviation.

28. TRELM-DROP: An impavement non-iterative algorithm for traffic flow forecast.

29. Output synchronization of multi-agent systems via reinforcement learning.

30. The manifold regularized SVDD for noisy label detection.

31. Evaluating algorithms for anomaly detection in satellite telemetry data.

32. A multivariate adaptive gradient algorithm with reduced tuning efforts.

33. Towards learning trustworthily, automatically, and with guarantees on graphs: An overview.

34. The stability and statistic of domain decomposition algorithm with mini-batch learning for optimal transport.

35. Robust noise-aware algorithm for randomized neural network and its convergence properties.

36. Knowledge graph-based image classification.

37. A multitasking multi-objective differential evolution gene selection algorithm enhanced with new elite and guidance strategies for tumor identification.

38. Computationally efficient solution of mixed integer model predictive control problems via machine learning aided Benders Decomposition.

39. Elastic step DQN: A novel multi-step algorithm to alleviate overestimation in Deep Q-Networks.

40. Empowerment of AI algorithms in biochemical sensors.

41. A hybrid model-data-driven framework for inverse load identification of interval structures based on physics-informed neural network and improved Kalman filter algorithm.

42. Multi-agent machine learning in self-organizing systems.

43. Learning features from enhanced function call graphs for Android malware detection.

44. An improved decision tree algorithm based on variable precision neighborhood similarity.

45. A digitalization-based image edge detection algorithm in intelligent recognition of 5G smart grid.

46. A review of hybrid deep learning applications for streamflow forecasting.

47. Ship energy scheduling with DQN-CE algorithm combining bi-directional LSTM and attention mechanism.

48. Off-policy algorithm based Hierarchical optimal control for completely unknown dynamic systems.

49. EventGraD: Event-triggered communication in parallel machine learning.

50. DWS-MKL: Depth-width-scaling multiple kernel learning for data classification.