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379 results

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201. Neural network algorithm based on Legendre improved extreme learning machine for solving elliptic partial differential equations.

202. Four algorithms to construct a sparse kriging kernel for dimensionality reduction.

203. Research on semantic association vector MSAV feature selection based on Sal-F algorithm.

204. HSEM: highly scalable node embedding for link prediction in very large-scale social networks.

205. A hybridized ELM using self-adaptive multi-population-based Jaya algorithm for currency exchange prediction: an empirical assessment.

206. Weld penetration in situ prediction from keyhole dynamic behavior under time-varying VPPAW pools via the OS-ELM model.

207. Time series clustering based on sparse subspace clustering algorithm and its application to daily box-office data analysis.

208. Ensemble learning algorithm based on multi-parameters for sleep staging.

209. Quantum Algorithms and Circuits for Linear Equations with Infinite or No Solutions.

210. Research on time series data mining algorithm based on Bayesian node incremental decision tree.

211. Extract Features from Periocular Region to Identify the Age Using Machine Learning Algorithms.

212. A linearly convergent doubly stochastic Gauss–Seidel algorithm for solving linear equations and a certain class of over-parameterized optimization problems.

213. Perturbed proximal primal–dual algorithm for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization.

214. Distributed nonconvex constrained optimization over time-varying digraphs.

215. Man as 'aggregate of data': What computers shouldn't do.

216. Why AI shall emerge in the one of possible worlds?

217. Detecting and Mitigating Adversarial Perturbations for Robust Face Recognition.

218. A survey on handling computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems with evolutionary algorithms.

219. An inter-subject model to reduce the calibration time for motion imagination-based brain-computer interface.

220. Clustering Wi-Fi fingerprints for indoor-outdoor detection.

221. Boosted Test-FDA: a transductive boosting method.

222. A hierarchical semi-supervised extreme learning machine method for EEG recognition.

223. A hierarchical learning approach to anti-jamming channel selection strategies.

224. OFDM symbol identification by an unsupervised learning system under dynamically changing channel effects.

225. Improved Meta-ELM with error feedback incremental ELM as hidden nodes.

226. Tracking topology structure adaptively with deep neural networks.

227. An efficient cascaded method for network intrusion detection based on extreme learning machines.

228. Will big data algorithms dismantle the foundations of liberalism?

229. Polyhedral approximation in mixed-integer convex optimization.

230. The global Minmax k-means algorithm.

231. To combat multi-class imbalanced problems by means of over-sampling and boosting techniques.

232. A novel hybrid method based on fuzzy cognitive maps and fuzzy clustering algorithms for grading celiac disease.

233. Accelerating Deep Learning with a Parallel Mechanism Using CPU + MIC.

234. Similarity-based attribute weighting methods via clustering algorithms in the classification of imbalanced medical datasets.

235. A vectorized k-means algorithm for compressed datasets: design and experimental analysis.

236. ELM-based convolutional neural networks making move prediction in Go.

237. Non-iterative approaches in training feed-forward neural networks and their applications.

238. Model-aware categorical data embedding: a data-driven approach.

239. Data-driven prediction model for adjusting burden distribution matrix of blast furnace based on improved multilayer extreme learning machine.

240. Training an extreme learning machine by localized generalization error model.

241. Dedicated feature descriptor for outdoor augmented reality detection.

242. Automatic clustering based on density peak detection using generalized extreme value distribution.

243. Point-pattern matching based on point pair local topology and probabilistic relaxation labeling.

244. A novel learning algorithm of single-hidden-layer feedforward neural networks.

245. Speaker Recognition Exploiting D2D Communications Paradigm: Performance Evaluation of Multiple Observations Approaches.

246. Robust embedded projective nonnegative matrix factorization for image analysis and feature extraction.

247. An automatic decision approach to coal-rock recognition in top coal caving based on MF-Score.

248. A framework to induce more stable decision trees for pattern classification.

249. Twin support vector machine: theory, algorithm and applications.

250. Quantum Algorithm for K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Based on the Metric of Hamming Distance.