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2,973 results

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101. GAN-AE: an anomaly detection algorithm for New Physics search in LHC data.

102. Improving sleeping quality and health under CPS: An analysis based on EEG data and support vector machine algorithm.

103. Computer-aided cluster formation in wireless sensor networks using machine learning.

104. Vocal-friend: internet of social-things framework to aid verbal communication.

105. Latin Square and Machine Learning Techniques Combined Algorithm for Image Encryption.


107. Credit risk classification: an integrated predictive accuracy algorithm using artificial and deep neural networks.

108. Path Planning Algorithm for Dual-Arm Robot Based on Depth Deterministic Gradient Strategy Algorithm.

109. Indoor Localization Algorithm Based on a High-Order Graph Neural Network.

110. A Novel Feature-Selection Algorithm in IoT Networks for Intrusion Detection.

111. 基于机器学习的联合作战任务筹划模型.


113. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches Applied to Non-Invasive Imaging for Early Detection of Melanoma: A Systematic Review.

114. Numerical solution of ruin probability of continuous time model based on optimal adaptive particle swarm optimization-triangular neural network algorithm.

115. Machine learning estimation of the resident population.

116. A Review on Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Cancer Disease Prediction and Classification.

117. An investigation of feature selection methods for soil liquefaction prediction based on tree-based ensemble algorithms using AdaBoost, gradient boosting, and XGBoost.

118. Ensemble Learning Approach to the Prediction of Gas Turbine Trip.

119. Standardising Breast Radiotherapy Structure Naming Conventions: A Machine Learning Approach.

120. Risk decision analysis of commercial insurance based on neural network algorithm.

121. 基于 MWST-CS-K2算法的贝叶斯网络结构学习.

122. A Bayesian Bradley-Terry model to compare multiple ML algorithms on multiple data sets.

123. Q-Learning for MDPs with General Spaces: Convergence and Near Optimality via Quantization under Weak Continuity.

124. Design and Analysis of Urban Land Lease Price Predicting Model Using Batch Gradient Descent Algorithm.

125. A Method for UWB Localization Based on CNN-SVM and Hybrid Locating Algorithm.

126. An Adaptive Bandwidth Management Algorithm for Next-Generation Vehicular Networks.

127. Quantum OPTICS and deep self-learning on swarm intelligence algorithms for Covid-19 emergency transportation.

128. Mitigating underreported error in food frequency questionnaire data using a supervised machine learning method and error adjustment algorithm.

129. Distributed architecture for fault detection in industrial equipment with improved Precision Score and Robustness Index.

130. A unified single-loop alternating gradient projection algorithm for nonconvex–concave and convex–nonconcave minimax problems.

131. Adaptive Algorithms for Meta-Induction.

132. In silico simulation of hepatic arteries: An open‐source algorithm for efficient synthetic data generation.

133. Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Three Dimensional Black Holes.

134. An aggressive reduction on the complexity of optimization for non-strongly convex objectives.

135. Improving Prediction of Cervical Cancer Using KNN Imputed SMOTE Features and Multi-Model Ensemble Learning Approach.

136. Unsupervised Attribute Reduction Algorithm for Mixed Data Based on Fuzzy Optimal Approximation Set.

137. A modified Adam algorithm for deep neural network optimization.

138. The Suitability of Machine-Learning Algorithms for the Automatic Acoustic Seafloor Classification of Hard Substrate Habitats in the German Bight.

139. Pima Indians diabetes mellitus classification based on machine learning (ML) algorithms.

140. Examining embedded apparatuses of AI in Facebook and TikTok.

141. The Improved Stochastic Fractional Order Gradient Descent Algorithm.

142. Distance Metric Optimization-Driven Neural Network Learning Framework for Pattern Classification.

143. Application of the Fuzzy Approach for Evaluating and Selecting Relevant Objects, Features, and Their Ranges.

144. Comparative Study of Random Forest and Support Vector Machine Algorithms in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping with Limited Training Data.

145. Hypothesizing an algorithm from one example: the role of specificity.

146. Reducing Uncertainty and Increasing Confidence in Unsupervised Learning.

147. Deep learning-enabled block scrambling algorithm for securing telemedicine data of table tennis players.

148. Enhancing Electricity Theft Detection through K-Nearest Neighbors and Logistic Regression Algorithms with Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique: A Case Study on State Electricity Company (PLN) Customer Data.

149. Weed detection with Improved Yolov 7.

150. A target parameter estimation algorithm for integration of radar and communication based on orthogonal time frequency space.