
Showing total 82 results
82 results

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1. Algorithms for the Reconstruction of Genomic Structures with Proofs of Their Low Polynomial Complexity and High Exactness.

2. Blockchain Security Mechanism Design Based on Chinese Cryptosystem SM2 Algorithm.

3. A low complexity loop‐delay estimation algorithm based on sliding window for power amplifier characterization.

4. 基于量子粒子群优化的多波束卫星联合资源分配算法.

5. Managing multi-goal design problems using adaptive leveling-weighting-clustering algorithm.

6. Gradient descent algorithm for the optimization of fixed priorities in real-time systems.

7. An Entity Linking Algorithm Derived from Graph Convolutional Network and Contextualized Semantic Relevance.

8. 格上基于身份的可问责代理重加密方案.

9. An Adaptive Transmission Mode Selection Scheme for Cellular Underlaid D2D Communication.

10. One-Bit Gridless DOA Estimation with Multiple Measurements Exploiting Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm.

11. Joint Reliability-Aware and Cost Efficient Path AllocationFig and VNF Placement using Sharing Scheme.

12. A semi-supervised learning method for hyperspectral imagery based on self-training and local-based affinity propagation.

13. CSCF: a chaotic sine cosine firefly algorithm for practical application problems.



16. Fuzziness-based online sequential extreme learning machine for classification problems.

17. Open-source optimization algorithms for optical design.

18. Enhancement of Selective Siphon Control Method for Deadlock Prevention in FMSs.

19. Piecewise linear solution path for pinball twin support vector machine.

20. Taxi-sharing: Parameterized complexity and approximability of the dial-a-ride problem with money as an incentive.

21. An exact exponential branch-and-merge algorithm for the single machine total tardiness problem.


23. A Quick Inclusion-Exclusion technique.

24. Abnormal crowd behavior detection by using the particle entropy.

25. The first international competition on computational models of argumentation: Results and analysis.

26. Adaptive grid based multi-objective Cauchy differential evolution for stochastic dynamic economic emission dispatch with wind power uncertainty.

27. Graph editing problems with extended regularity constraints.

28. Combining Lift-and-Project and Reduce-and-Split.

29. On the hull number of some graph classes

30. A novel face recognition method based on sub-pattern and tensor

31. Introduction to clarithmetic I

32. Efficient joint transmit waveform and receive filter design based on a general [formula omitted]-norm metric for sidelobe level of pulse compression.

33. Joint Design of the Transmit Beampattern and Angular Waveform for Colocated MIMO Radar under a Constant Modulus Constraint.

34. A Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing System Based on the Driver of Dynamic Essential Path.

35. Kernelization complexity of possible winner and coalitional manipulation problems in voting.

36. An efficient local search framework for the minimum weighted vertex cover problem.

37. DNA computing for a dominating set problem based on sticker models.

38. New complexity results for the k-covers problem

39. Negative pattern discovery with individual support.

40. Multiobjective Local Search Algorithm-Based Decomposition for Multiobjective Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem.

41. Parameterized complexity analysis for the Closest String with Wildcards problem.

42. An Efficient Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization.

43. A class of nonlinear proximal point algorithms for variational inequality problems.

44. Computational complexity certification for dual gradient method: Application to embedded MPC.

45. Assignment Algorithms for Modeling Resource Contention in Multirobot Task Allocation.

46. Linear optimization of bipolar fuzzy relational equations with max-Łukasiewicz composition.

47. The Complexity of Compressed Membership Problems for Finite Automata.

48. Homogeneous Self-dual Algorithms for Stochastic Second-Order Cone Programming.

49. On the algorithmic complexity of -tuple total domination.

50. An efficient algorithm for solving higher-order fractional Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problems.