This is a reflective academic article, which exposes some reasons that could influence a large part of the Colombian population on June 19, 2022 to decline the possibility of electorally supporting or voting for the presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernández Suárez, and decided on the candidate Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego. The document addresses the origin of the candidate Rodolfo Hernández Suárez, his business activities, political background, his performance as mayor of Bucaramanga, and also recounts some actions and strategies followed in the race for the presidency of the republic in the year 2022. It also takes into account the independent origin of its political movement and its approaches to traditional political currents such as Uribismo and others that have remained in power for a long time, and that in the document are called political elites or establishment. Also, the results of the first presidential round of May 29, 2022 are mentioned, and the particular circumstance of the offer of immediate support on that date to the candidacy of Rodolfo Hernández by the defeated candidate Federico Gutiérrez, who was also joined by the ruling elite and other so-called independent political leaders, and the mainstream media. Likewise, mention is made of some inconsistencies and inconsistencies of the candidate Rodolfo Hernández, which made it foreseeable that it would be impossible to fulfill part of what was promised in the campaign or that it would be inconvenient to materialize his plans, for example the fight against corruption, the narrowness of the state, the contempt for public workers such as teachers, police officers and ambassadors. In addition to the foregoing, the lack of a government team that had clarity on the public policies to be promoted by Engineer Rodolfo Hernández, the lack of experience in government tasks, and the possibility that he ended up appointing a government team with people belonging to the traditional political and economic elite that has held power in recent years, as well as the inconvenience of mixing the public sector with the business sector in a kind of co-governance. Finally, it alludes to the poor performance of the candidate in some private and public settings that distanced him as a reference for Colombian society, an aspect that was added to an evident ignorance of the State and the world context. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]