We consider the family of 3x3 operator matrices H(K), K ∈ T³ := (-π; π]³ associated with the lattice systems describing two identical bosons and one particle, another nature in interactions, without conservation of the number of particles. We find a finite set Λ ⊂ T³ to prove the existence of infinitely many eigenvalues of H(K) for all K ∈ ⊂ when the associated Friedrichs model has a zero energy resonance. It is found that for every K ∈ ⊂, the number N(K, z) of eigenvalues of H(K) lying on the left of z, z < 0, satisfies the asymptotic relation ... with 0 < U0 < ∞, independently on the cardinality of ... . Moreover, we prove that for any K ∈ ⊂ the operator H(K) has a finite number of negative eigenvalues if the associated Friedrichs model has a zero eigenvalue or a zero is the regular type point for positive definite Friedrichs model. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]