In order to investigate the effect of different methods and levels of irrigation water on some vegetative and reproductive characteristics of saffron, this research was carried out as a split-plot experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Razavi Khorasan Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization Center (Gonabad Research Station) in the crop years of 2019-2021. In this research, irrigation method treatments (including basin, drip (tape), and sprinkler (P-flex) methods) were in the main plot, and different levels of irrigation water (including supply of 100, 75 and 50% of water requirement) were in the secondary plot. The traits studied in this experiment include the number of plants, the number of leaves in a plant, the average length of a leaf, total leaf length per plant, total leaf length in m², total dry weight of leaves per plant, total dry weight of leaves in m², flower number, stigma dry weight and water efficiency. The results of the means comparison showed that in both years of the experiment, changing the irrigation method from basin to drip (tape) and sprinkler (P-flex) increased the number of plants in m², total leaf length in m², number of flowers in m², stigma dry weight and water efficiency. Based on this, changing the irrigation method from basin to sprinkler (P-flex) in the first and second year caused a 61 and 38% increase in the number of plants, 28 and 30% increase in the total length of leaves in m², and 45 and 32% increase in the flower number, 51 and 39% increase in stigma dry weight, 55 and 47% increase in water efficiency. Based on this, the highest values of the measured traits were obtained by providing 100% of the water requirement and reducing the water requirement of saffron from 100 to 50% in the first and second year, respectively, causing a 38 and 46% decrease in the number of plants, 79 and 67% decrease in the total length of leaves in m², 27 and 22% decrease in the flower number, 33 and 30% reduction in stigma dry weight and water efficiency increased by 32% and 37% in the first and second year, respectively. The interaction effects table showed that the effect of increasing the amount of irrigation water is different in each system. Based on this, although the positive effect and relative advantage of modern irrigation systems decreased with the increase in the age of the farm, it seems that it is possible to use sprinkler irrigation (P-flex) while saving water consumption (up to 335 and 407 m³ in the first and second year, respectively), increased water efficiency by two times. The results of this study also showed that although achieving high yield requires 100% supply of water needs, facing the lack of water availability and using modern irrigation systems, part of the water shortage can be covered. During the years investigated in this study, the average actual evaporation and transpiration, effective rainfall, and net irrigation water requirement of saffron were 2386, 734, and 3120 m³ /ha, respectively. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]