Background and Aims: Most of the available treatment therapeutic modalities for warts are aimed at destruction of virus. However, despite adequate treatment, the virus may persist in the surrounding tissues leading to recurrence. Owing to side effects such as pain, scarring, and risk of secondary infection, these modalities may not be suitable for multiple lesions, extensive involvement and for the treatment of warts in the paediatric age group. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intra lesional BCG vaccine in the management of patients with multiple extensive non-genital common warts. Methods: Thirty patients with multiple, extensive non-genital cutaneous common warts, with age ranging from 6 to 60 years who were not on any treatment for warts and did not have any active infections (including HIV) or past history of tuberculosis attending the department of dermatology of our hospital in a 2-year period were included. Mantoux test was performed in all patients and positive responders were taken up for study. BCG vaccine was administered into the largest wart intradermally and the injection was repeated every 3 weeks for a maximum of five injections or till the complete clearance of warts, whichever was earlier . The efficacy was assessed every 3 weeks and a final assessment was done at the end of the 12th week. Patients were followed up for another 6 months. Observations: Majority of patients were in the age group of 5-14 years. Males (63.3%) were afflicted more than females. Most patients (63.3%) exhibited partial response at the site of injected wart at the end of one month and 70% patients showed complete clearance at the end of 3 months and 36.6% responded with 3 injections and 26.6% patients required 4 for response followed 23.3% requiring 5 injections. Conclusion: Intralesional immunotherapy using by BCG vaccine appears to be is a promising treatment modality for the treatment of warts, particularly the multiple and recalcitrant ones. The advantages include the resolution of both the injected and distant warts with negligible recurrence and with minimal side effects.