24 results
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2. Software Applications to Educational Planning and Management. A Collection of Papers.
- Author
Saint-Germain, M.
- Abstract
The five papers in this collection examine the existing trends in the use of microcomputers in educational planning and management. In the first paper, "Reflexions sur l'Ordre du Jour" (French), Michel Saint-Germain addresses contextual factors surrounding the use of computers, priorities that must be accounted for before developing new software applications, and issues related to joint cooperation. In the second paper, "Computer (Software) Applications to Educational Planning and Management," Brent Edward Wholeben discusses trends in planning and management, priorities for software design and development, and cooperation between universities and specialized research centers. The education policy for international computing survey (in English and Spanish) is included. In the third paper, "Computer-based Educational Planning and Management in Africa: Current Trends," Boubacar Camara focuses on the growth of statistical applications and statistical databases, the design of information systems, and training workshops in computer literacy. In the fourth paper, "Software Application to Educational Planning: Notes on the Agenda," Habib Khan focuses on software applications to educational planning and the design and implementation of Education Management Information Systems. In the fifth paper, "Software Priorities for Educational Planning," Luis Valadares Tavares outlines the process of educational planning and notes the facets of that process that may be supported by appropriate software. (DB)
- Published
- 1990
3. Africa Section. Regional Activities Division. Papers.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
Papers on the role and services of African libraries and the education of African librarians, which were presented at the 1983 International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference, include: (1) "The Information Sector in the Economic Development of Africa: The Potential Role for Libraries," in which Benzies Y. Boadi (Nigeria) outlines African problems in information processing, the failure of library and information systems to provide user-oriented library services, and the need for and examples of national and regional library coordination; (2) "The Industrial Development Decade for Africa 1980-1990: Its Implications for the Library and Information Services of Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa," in which Peter Moll (United Kingdom) examines the prospects for the creation of an infrastructure to support electronic information systems through the Pan-African Documentation and Information System (PADIS) in the subregion designated as East Africa; and (3) "La Formation Professionnelle des Bibliothecaires Documentalistes dans un Monde Technologique: l'Exemple de la Tunisie" (Professional Training of Information Scientists in a Technological World: The Example of Tunisia)," in which Abdelhamid El Ajmi (Tunisia--paper in French) describes the development and current status of 4-year and 2-year educational programs for information scientists, librarians, and archivists in Tunisia, with emphasis on instruction in the use of information technology and automated systems at the Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information de Tunis (IPSI) and the Institut Superieur de la Documentation (ISD). (ESR)
- Published
- 1983
4. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Bibliographic Control Division. Sections on Bibliography, Cataloging, and Classification. Part 2. Papers.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
Papers on cataloging and national bibliography presented at the 1984 general conference of IFLA include: (1) "Pratiques et Problemes de Catalogage au Senegal" (Cataloging Practices and Problems in Senegal) (Marietou Diop Diongue, Senegal); (2) "The Consequences of New Technologies in Classification and Subject Cataloging in Third World Countries: The Technological Gap" (Robert P. Holley, United States); and (3) "Les Bibliographies Nationales du Maghreb: Contenu et Perspectives" (The National Bibliographies of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Libya: Contents and Perspectives) (Ridha Attia, Tunisia). (BBM)
- Published
- 1984
5. Education for Librarianship on the Grassroots Level. Part 2. Papers.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
Papers on education for librarianship which were presented at a seminar preceding the general conference of IFLA included the following: (1) "Necessite des Services--Quel Niveau de Competences et de Qualifications et Quelles Structures Administratives Sont Necessaires pour Faire Fonctionner les Services?" (Library Service Requirements--What Level of Competencies and Qualifications Are Necessary for the Functioning of Library Services?) (Fatogoma Diakite, Mali); (2) "Quelle Formation et Quels Bibliothecaires pour l'Afrique?" (What Training and What Librarians for Africa?) (Th. Ndiaye, Senegal); (3) "La Lecture Fonctionnelle et la Possibilite d'Information Fonctionnelle" (Functional Reading and the Possibility of Functional Information) (Cyriaque Ntirushwa, Rwanda); (4) "Cours Pratique et Cours de Recyclage" (Practical Courses and Continuing Education) (Bruno Wambi, Republic of Congo); (5) "Les Enseignants: Qualites Requises pour Repondre aux Besoins en Enseignement et en Personnel" (Professional Competencies and Personal Qualities Needed by Teachers) (Antoinette F. Correa, Senegal); (6) "Personnel Necessaire pour Assurer les Services et Identifier les Besoins" (Personnel Necessary to Provide Services and Identify Needs) (M. Aithnard, Togo); and (7) "Expose des Problemes Sociaux, Culturels, Politiques et de Developpement en General Propres aux Pays Africains" (Report on Social, Cultural, Political, and General Development Problems in African Countries) (Raphael Ndiaye, Senegal). (BBM)
- Published
- 1984
6. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Education and Research Division. Section on Library Schools and Other Training Aspects. Papers.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
Papers on the education and training of librarians presented at the 1984 IFLA general conference include: (1) "Training and Developing a Professional for the Widening Library Responsibilities: A Management View," in which Charles K. Wambugu (Kenya) examines the management requirements for a professional librarian and discusses the role of library schools and libraries in training and developing that professional; (2) "Problems of Functioning of Librarians in Management Positions," in which Ruud A. C. Bruyns (Netherlands) summarizes the results of an investigation undertaken by the Dutch Public Library Association (N.B.L.C.) to identify the size, nature, and possible causes for problems concerning the functioning of librarians in middle and higher management positions; (3)"Shaping and Image for the Librarian in Nigeria: Implication for Education and Training" (B. P. Aboyade, Nigeria); (4) "Planning and Development of Library and Information Studies Schools in Developing Countries--An East African Experience" (Syed Ameer Haidor Abidi, Uganda); (5) "Projects and Results in Library History Research Performed in Poland" (Stefan Kubow, Poland); (6) "La Formation des Specialistes de l'Information au Maghreb et au Senegal" (The Training of Information Specialists in Maghreb and Senegal); and (7) "Le Personnel dans les Bibliotheques de Grece" (Personnel in the Libraries of Greece) (Alkmini Skandalis, Angelina Vaseou and Matina Tsafou, Greece). (THC)
- Published
- 1984
7. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Special Libraries Division. Section on Art Libraries; Section on Music Libraries. Papers.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
The five papers in this collection on art and music environments in developing countries were presented at the 1984 IFLA general conference. (1) In "Developing an Art for Life's Sake," Gavin Jantjes, a black South African artist currently living and working in the United Kingdom, offers personal viewpoints on issues relating to the art of the Third World and African contemporary art in particular. (2) In "The Designer in a Developing Country and the Information He Needs," H. Kumar Vyas (India) describes the stages which an artist goes through in transforming ideas into actual design concepts, and specifically addresses the lack of available information about a Third World country's own cultural heritage and steps that have been taken at the National Institute of Design to help students systematically design methods of collecting information. (A detailed checklist entitled "Designer's Method for Documenting Traditional Craft Environment" is included.) (3) In "Vision et Recherche des Formes: Une Contribution Informelle a la Discussion" (Vision and the Search for Form: An Informal Contribution to the Discussion), Arnold Pacey discusses the social and esthetic aspects of design and situations which arise in developing countries when the traditional design does not lend itself to technological innovations. (4) In "L'Esthetique des Arts du Quotidien: Images de l'Afrique Noire et des Caraibes" (Esthetiques of Art for Daily Life: Images from Black Africa and the Caribbean), John Magnus (United Kingdom) focuses on the cultural links between countries on the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean as they are reflected in popular art forms. (5) In "Problems in Collection and Preservation of Music Data in Kenya and Suggested Solutions to the Problems," W. A. Omondi (Nairobi) discusses the present state of documentation in Kenya; the need to document traditional music and dance; the operations of the government's proposed Central Research Committee; and the development, dissemination, and propagation of traditional music and dance. (THC)
- Published
- 1984
8. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Collections and Services Division. Sections on Acquisitions and Exchange, Interlending, Rare and Precious Books, and Serials Publications. Papers.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
Papers on library acquisitions, special collections development, and special training for serials librarianship, presented at the 1984 IFLA general conference, include: (1) "The Development of the African Collection at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London and Its Importance for the Cultural History of African Countries" (B. C. Bloomfield, United Kingdom); (2) "Planning Union Catalogues of Books in Developing Countries" (Richard J. Bennett and Maurice B. Line, United Kingdom); (3) "Supply of Literature from and about Africa in Europe with Special Regard to Interlibrary Loan in the Federal Republic of Germany" (Irmstraud D. Wolcke-Renk, West Germany); (4) "Education and Training for Work with Serials" (David P. Woodworth, United Kingdom); (5) "Education for Serials Librarianship: What Are the Basic Components?" (Michael E. D. Koenig, United States); (6) "Serials of the Poor: Their Nature, Importance, Problems, and Suggested Solutions" (Theophilus E. Mlaki, Tanzania); (7) "Acquisition of Library Material in Kenya: Problems and Prospects" (Joshua Reuben Njuguna, Kenya); (8) "Acquisitions in the Developing Countries--Problems and Possible Solutions: The Jamaican Experience" (Stephney W. L. Ferguson, Jamaica); (9) "Theory and Practice of Serials Control and How Your Subscription Agent Can Help" (Arnoud De Kemp, Netherlands); (10) "The British Library's African Research Collections and the Development of African Studies" (I. R. Willison, United Kingdom); (11) "Les Relations d' Echanges entre les Bibliotheques d'Afrique Francophone et la Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris" (Exchange Agreements Between the Libraries of Francophone Africa and the National Library in Paris) (Anne Zundel Ben Khemis); and (12) "The Problems of African Acquisitions: The Experience of the Nairobi Field Office of the Library of Congress" (James C. Armstrong, Kenya). (THC)
- Published
- 1984
9. The Training of Modern Language Teachers in Various Countries. Collection d''Etudes linguistiques,' No. 20. Selected papers from the Association Internationale pour la Recherche et la Diffusion des Methodes Audio-Visuelles et Structuro-Globales Seminar (5th, August 27-September 1, 1973).
- Author
Association Internationale pour la Recherche et la Diffusion des Methodes Audio-visuelles et Structuro-globales, Ghent (Belgium). and Nivette, Jos
- Abstract
Selected papers that address theoretical and practical training of the modern language teacher and language teaching experiments in various countries are presented. Some of the articles included are the following: "Les problemes de la formation linguistique et pedagogique des professeurs de francais en Afrique Subsaharienne" (The Problems of the Linguistic and Pedagogic Training of Teachers of French in Sub-Saharan Africa), R. Bastin; "L'enseignant doit-il etre l'objet d'une formation culturelle particuliere?" (Should the Teacher Undergo a Particular Cultural Training?), C. Borga; "Le micro-enseignement dans la formation des enseignants de francais-langue etrangere au Senegal" (Micro-Teaching in the Training of Teachers of French as a Foreign Language in Senegal), G. Dalgalian;"Sulla formazione linguistica degli insegnanti di lingua italiana presso le universita della Repubblica Federale Tedesca" (On the Linguistic Training of Teachers of the Italian Language at the Universities of West Germany), M. De Matteis; "The University and the Training of Language Teachers," L. K. Engels; "Re-training High School Teachers of English in Brazil: The Experience of the Instituto do Idiomas Yazigi," F. Gomes de Matos; "La formation des professeurs de francais a l'universite Bar-Ilan, Ramat Gan, Israel" (The Training of the Professors of French at the University of Bar-Ilan, Ramat Gan, Israel), R. Herzlich; "Linguistics and the Language Teacher," B. Jordan; "La formation et le recyclage des professeurs de langues vivantes au Quebec 1973-1978" (Training and Retraining of Modern Language Teachers in Quebec 1973-1978), J.-Cl. Lavigne; "La formation psycho-pedagogique et methodologique des professeurs de langues vivantes" (Psycho-Pedagogical and Methodological Training of Teachers of Modern Languages), R. Marechal. (SW)
- Published
- 1976
10. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (12th, Quebec City, Canada, March 26-27, 1998).
- Author
Laval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Language Planning. and Boissonneault, Chantal
- Abstract
Papers on language research include: "L'expression de l'opposition en Latin" ("The Expression of Opposition in Latin" (Claude Begin); "Le francais de l'Abitibi: characteristiques phonetiques et origine socio-geographique des locuteurs" ("The French of Abitibi: Phonetic Characteristics and Socio-Geographic Origin of Speakers") (Chantal Boissonneault); "L'Inversion du sujet dans les phrases affirmatives a verbe simple en anglais moderne" ("Subject Inversion in Simple-Verb Affirmative Sentences in Modern English") (Andre Bourcier, Patrick Duffley); "Le Comportement particulier de /h/ dans les emprunts" ("The Behavior of /h/ in Loan Words") (Frederick Brault); "Anxiete et croyances langagieres chez des apprenants d'une langue seconde au niveau universitaire" ("Anxiety and Beliefs of Second Language Learners at the University Level") (Diane Coulombe); "Probleme de l'agent de l'infinitif et du gerondif en anglais apres 'propose, mean et intend'" ("The Problem of the Agent of the Infinitive and Gerund in English After 'Propose, Mean and Intend'") (Jean-Francois Joubert); "Adaptations phonologiques et influence de la graphie dans les emprunts lexicaux francais en anglais canadien" ("Phonological Adaptations and Influence of Writing in French Loan Words in Canadian English") (Annie-Karine Lamoureux); "Enseignement, apprentissage et semantique conceptuelle: le cas de l'accord du participe passe en francais ecrit" ("Teaching, Learning, and Conceptual Semantics: The Case of Agreement in the Past Participle in Written French") (Pierre Larrivee); "Les Themes discursifs ont-ils un sexe?" ("Do Discourse Themes Have a Sex?") (Sophie Marais); "Les consequences linguistiques de l'ALENA et de la 'Charte de la language francaise' sur le milieu quebecoise des affaires" ("Linguistic Consequences of Alena and the 'Chart of the French Language' on the Quebec Business Community") (Julie Moisan); "Variation particuliere de l'adverbe 'tout'" (Variation of the Adverb 'Tout'") (Francois Parent); "Usage et visage des langues en Afrique" ("Use and Appearance of Languages in Africa") (Abdourahmane Sakho); "Les Reseaux semantiques et l'automatisation linguistique" ("Semantic Networks and Computational Linguistics") (Arman Tajarobi); and "L'allongement penultieme des voyelles /i y u/ en francais quebecois" ("Penultimate Lengthening of the Vowels /i y u/ in Quebec French") (Benoit Tardif). Each paper contains references. (MSE)
- Published
- 1998
11. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (8th, March 24-25, 1994).
- Author
International Center for Research on Language Planning, Quebec (Quebec). and Belyazid, Fatima Zahra
- Abstract
Thirty-five papers, all but one in French, presented at the conference on research in linguistics are presented here. Topics include: verb tenses in English; computerized text analysis program; study of specialized terminology; court translation in Canada; subject-verb agreement in English; bilingual editing; swearing with religious words; language of news reporting; French-Brazilian Portuguese word borrowing; bilingual education; use of the term "OK" in Montreal French; attributive function of transitive verbs; language planning in Africa; terminology in translation; descriptive vs. prescriptive linguistics (in English); recording laughter and closure in a sociolinguistic interview; clitics; vowels in Quebec French; analyzing oral spontaneous discourse; French verb value; code-switching in Ontario; Acadian child and adolescent language; the cluster condition in Spanish; nasal vowels in Kinyarwanda; variability as a functional element in communication; the vocabulary of computer-assisted instruction; language rhythm in Quebec French; practical problems in linguistic research methodology; North American English borrowing from Canadian French. Most papers contain references. (MSE)
- Published
- 1994
12. IFLA General Conference, 1990. IFLA Presession Seminar on Public Library Policy.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
Five of the six papers in this collection focus on public library services, collection development problems, and involvement in literacy campaigns in developing countries; the sixth paper is concerned with public library services in Norway. (1) In "Big Cities, Its Inhabitants and Public Libraries Systems," May Brooking Negrao examines Sao Paulo's public library service to its inhabitants in terms of labor and education factors. (2) In "Collection Development in Public Libraries in Developing Countries," Karen Jesson attributes collection development problems in Zimbabwe and other developing nations to the shortage of foreign currency, import taxation on books, the government attitude toward indigenous publishing, proportions of local and imported material in libraries, and library promotion of indigenous literature. (3) In "Literacy Campaigns in West Africa," Kosi A. Kedem focuses primarily on campaign efforts in Ghana and Nigeria, the agencies involved in the campaigns, and the role of public libraries. (4) In "Bibliotheques a deux portes ou la Bibliotheque scolaire et ses relations avec la Bibliotheque publique (Libraries with Two Doors or the Academic Library and Its Relationship with the Public Library)," Remi Sagna argues that the public library and academic library complement each other in developing nations, and that the two together provide a tool for promoting education and reading in the traditionally oral societies of Africa, especially Senegal. (5) In "Literacy Campaigns in Asia and Thailand," Karmmanee Suckcharoen examines literacy campaigns in the Republic of China, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand. (6) In "Public Library Policy," Else Granheim emphasizes those elements of public library service in Norway that guarantee nationwide user access throughout the country. (MAB)
- Published
- 1990
13. IFLA General Conference 1991. Division of Regional Activities: Section of Africa; Section of Asia and Oceania; Section of Latin America and the Carribean. Booklet 8.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
The six papers in this collection were presented at three sections of the Division of Regional Activities: (1) "A la recherche d'Approches adaptees aux Besoins en Documentation des Africains (In Search of an Approach Adapted to the Information Needs of Africans)" (Touria Temsamani Haji, Morocco); (2) "People's Libraries: An African Perspective" (Philip van Zijl, South Africa); (3) "Community Resource Centres and Their Contribution to the Development of an Alternative Public Library Model in South Africa" (Mary Nassimbeni); (4) "Growth of Libraries Since the Beginning of India's Civilization" (M. K. Jain); (5) "User Education in Chinese Academic Libraries: A Study of Current Programs in Taiwan" (Ellen F. Liu); and (6) "La biblioteca publica como centro de desarrollo cultural comunitario: una experiencia de conceptualizacion (The Public Library as a Cultural Center for the Community: An Experience of Conceptualization)" (Myriam Mejia, Colombia). (MAB)
- Published
- 1991
14. IFLA General Conference, 1991. Division of Bibliographic Control: Open Forum of Division of Bibliographic Control; Section of Cataloguing; Section of Bibliography; Section of Classification and Indexing. Booklet 4.
- Author
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague (Netherlands).
- Abstract
The 11 reports and papers in this booklet were presented at meetings of 4 sections within the Division of Bibliographic Control: (1) "Report of the Section on Cataloguing--Review of the Work 1990/1991" (Inger Cathrine Spangen, Norway); (2) "Les fichiers d'autorite auteurs: Rapport d'activite 1990-1991 (Author Authority Lists: Report of Activities 1990-91)" (Francoise Bourdon, France); (3) "Report from the Section on Classification and Indexing" (Dorothy McGarry, USA); (4) "International Cataloguing Policy Impact on the Development of Bibliographic Description: Normative Basis in the USSR" (L. Chibisenkova, USSR); (5) "Finno-Ugric Peoples and Languages: The Finnish Uralica Database and Its International Connections" (Irja-Leena Suhonen, Finland); (6) "Indexing and Retrieving Special Materials in Online Catalogues" (Lenore Coral, USA); (7) "La bibliographie nationale comme temoin d'une memoire nationale (National Bibliography as a Witness of a National Memory)" (Marcelle Beaudiquez, France); (8) "National Bibliography of the USSR--Cultural Wealth of the Society" (Alexandr A. Dzhigo); (9) "National Bibliography Today as National Memory Tomorrow: Problems and Proposals" (Barbara L. Bell, USA); (10) "Thematical Search in the Automated Library System on the Basis of the Library Bibliographic Classification (lbc) with Subject Entry" (O. A. Lavryonova, USSR); and (11) "Les problemes de classification et d'indexation dans les bibliotheques africaines (Problems of Classification and Indexing in African Libraries)" (Marietou Diongue Diop, Senegal). (MAB)
- Published
- 1991
15. Langues et education en Afrique noire (Language and Education in Black Africa).
- Author
Neuchatel Univ. (Switzerland). Inst. de Linguistique. and Bearth, Thomas
- Abstract
Papers on language and education in Black Africa include: "L'enseignement des et en langues nationales au Zaire. Bilan d'une experience" ("The Teaching of and in National Languages in Zaire. Results of an Experiment") (Andre Mbula Paluku); "Langues et education au Rwanda" ("Languages and Education in Rwanda") (Melchior Kanyamibwa); "Un modele africain d'education multilingue: le trilinguisme extensif" ("An African Model of Multilingual Education: Extensive Trilingualism") (Elisabeth Gfeller); "L'utilisation des langues nationales dans l'education au Cameroun: les lecons d'une experience" ("The Use of National Languages in Cameroon: Lessons from an Experiment") (Maurice Tadadjeu, Gabriel Mba); "Pour un modele d'enseignement de concepts de base en vue d'une meilleur structuration de la pensee du jeune apprenant: le cas du projet d'education prescolaire en langue maternelle dans le cadre d'un projet de developpement integre, dit Projet-Nord" ("Toward an Instructional Model of Basic Concepts Based on a Better Structuring of the Thought Processes of the Young Learner: The Case of an Integrated Development Project Known as Project North") (Pascal Kokora); and "Le Projet-Nord aujourd'hui et demain" ("Project North Today and Tomorrow") (Francois Adopo). Individual articles contain references. (MSE)
- Published
- 1997
16. Femme et education: Une equation determinante pour le developpement humain en Afrique (Women and Education: A Determining Equation for Human Development in Africa).
- Author
Hane Ba, Fama
- Abstract
Identifies the common characteristics of population education in African countries, including a focus on safeguarding cultural traditions. Suggests that improving the condition of women should be at the heart of population education because of their role in promoting family health and environmental protection and in the education of their children. (DMM)
- Published
- 1993
17. Proceedings of the International Round Table on Vocational Training and Employment (Turin, Italy, June 17-20, 1991).
- Author
Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori, Rome (Italy). and International Labour Office, Turin (Italy). International Training Centre.
- Abstract
Eleven papers are presented from the International Round Table on Vocational Training and Employment. Introductory materials are the program and list of participants. The papers are as follows: "Evolution de la Formation Professionnelle en Afrique et Contribution du Ciadfor au Cours de la Derniere Decennie" (in French); "Educacion, Empleo y Formacion Profesional en Venezuela" (Rita Pucci de Liprandi, in Spanish with an English summary, "Vocational Education and Training in Venezuela"); "Labour Policies, Employment and Training: An Overview of the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini" (Leonello Tronti); "Vocational Training and Employment in Czechoslovakia" (Jaromir Coufalik); "Review of Vocational Training Programmes of Selected Developing Economies of Asia-Pacific Region" (A. M. A. H. Siddiqui); "Country Paper--Arforghe (Tunisia)" (Abdessalem Ajmi); "Current Vocational Training in Latin America" (Joao Alexim); "Vocational and Technical School in China and Prospects of International Cooperation" (Y. N. Chen); "Interaction between Secondary Education and Productive Work in China" (Qian Tang); and "Education and Training for Employment in the United States of America" (Ray Ryan). (YLB)
- Published
- 1991
18. Ce que l'IFLA Apporte a l'Afrique (What IFLA Brings to Africa).
- Author
Ndiaye, Raphael
- Abstract
This overview of the activities of the Section for Africa begins by tracing the growth of the section in 1982 and 1983 to 100 African members and 22 members from other continents. Participation by the section in International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) preconference seminars is briefly discussed, and it is noted that the section would like more involvement in preseminar planning. Five projects conducted under the auspices of the section are also briefly described: (1) a preliminary study of libraries and information systems in southern Africa; (2) a study of family libraries in Zimbabwe which includes plans to create children's books in their native languages; (3) the development of public reading in Senegal for illiterate persons; (4) libraries for blind children in Sierra Leone; and (5) a study of the feasibility of producing educational materials for children and adults. A discussion of meetings notes that all of these projects have their beginnings at various regional meetings, and proposes that the Board of Directors of the Section on Africa hold regular meetings every two years. Other activities mentioned include the establishment of a clearinghouse at Dakar (Senegal) for IFLA publications and the publication of a journal for the Section on Africa. (BBM)
- Published
- 1984
19. Bibliographie analytique des systemes africains d'ecriture (Annotated Bibliography of African Writing Systems).
- Author
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Ivry-sur-Seine (France). and Battestini, Simon P. X.
- Abstract
This bibliography contains over 500 citations of journal articles, research reports, essays, and papers on the writing systems of a variety of African languages. Items cited were published between 1900 and 1990, are in either English or French, and most are annotated in French. A postface discusses the social and historical context of written language in Africa. (MSE)
- Published
- 1990
20. Quand une ethnolinguiste observe (When an Ethnolinguist Observes).
- Author
Calame-Griaule, Genevieve
- Abstract
An ethnolinguistic study of a native group in Mali provides a French teacher interested in teaching "civilization" some insights into techniques of cultural observation and analysis outside the usual realm of mass media and printed materials. (MSE)
- Published
- 1984
21. La Dependance En Education Au Tiers-Monde: L'Exemple Africain (Dependency in Education in the Third World: The Example of Africa).
- Author
Medahunsi, S. O.
- Abstract
Examines the extent to which the modern educational systems operating in the Third World reinforce dependency. Raises questions about foreign aid to education (i.e., capital and technical assistance), language and training, and the way dependency is reproduced and perpetuated in education. Offers suggestions for increasing educational relevance. (DMM)
- Published
- 1988
22. Croissance et developpment de l'enfant: 25 ans d'activities internationales coordonnees. Growth and Development of the Child: 25 Years of Internationally Coordinated Activities.
- Author
International Children's Centre, Paris (France).
- Abstract
This special issue of the "Courrier," a journal for professionals concerned with issues related to the physical and psychological development of children, provides (1) an overview of 25 years of internationally coordinated research, (2) a selection of papers published by the research teams, and (3) a description of the teams and their present status. The origin and international expansion of the program for longitudinal studies is described in the first article. The subsequent 15 articles cover a wide range of topics. Studies concerned with physical development focus on the skeletal maturation of the hand and wrist; growth in the density of normal infants' subcutaneous cellular tissue; age of onset of menarche and associated factors among Parisian girls; clinical transformations of puberty in young girls; international comparisons of infants' physical growth; development and maturation of young children in Dakar; Gessell tests on African children; parent-child correlations for body measurements of children between the ages of 1 month and 7 years; the somatic development of urban, Swedish children; and analysis of the adolescent growth spurt using smoothing spline functions. The one study focused solely on psychological development discusses intellectual development from birth to 18 years of age. Studies covering both psychological and physiological development examine bowel and bladder control during the day and at night in the first 6 years of life; trends in the development of abilities related to somatic growth; individual differences as seen in developmental and intelligence quotient curves from 6 months to 17 years; and a comparison of infant development in five western countries. (Author/RH)
- Published
- 1980
23. Les Interferences Phonologiques du Francais et de l'Arabe - Le Temoignage des Ecrivains Maghrebins de Langue Francaise (Phonological Interferences between French and Arabic-- The Evidence from the Works of French Language Maghrebian Authors).
- Author
Bastide, Mario
- Abstract
Describes interferences from the phonologic system of Arabic in the French spoken by Arabs, using data recorded in the works of French authors from the Maghreb region. The analysis focuses on instances of interference concerning the perception and production of vowels, consonants, and syllables. (MES)
- Published
- 1980
24. Le Planetaire. Le Monde francophone (Afrique) [(Planetarium. The French-Speaking World (Africa)].
- Author
Lecherbonnier, Bernard
- Abstract
Reviews events of 1978 in Francophone African journalism, literature, and film. (AM)
- Published
- 1979
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