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1. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Management and Technology: Audiovisual Media (RT); Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations; Section on Library Buildings and Equipment; Section on Information Technology; Management of Library Associations (RT); Section on Statistics. Papers

2. Software Applications to Educational Planning and Management. A Collection of Papers.

3. Africa Section. Regional Activities Division. Papers.

4. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Bibliographic Control Division. Sections on Bibliography, Cataloging, and Classification. Part 2. Papers.

5. Education for Librarianship on the Grassroots Level. Part 2. Papers.

6. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Education and Research Division. Section on Library Schools and Other Training Aspects. Papers.

7. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Special Libraries Division. Section on Art Libraries; Section on Music Libraries. Papers.

8. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Collections and Services Division. Sections on Acquisitions and Exchange, Interlending, Rare and Precious Books, and Serials Publications. Papers.

9. The Training of Modern Language Teachers in Various Countries. Collection d''Etudes linguistiques,' No. 20. Selected papers from the Association Internationale pour la Recherche et la Diffusion des Methodes Audio-Visuelles et Structuro-Globales Seminar (5th, August 27-September 1, 1973).

10. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (12th, Quebec City, Canada, March 26-27, 1998).

11. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (8th, March 24-25, 1994).

12. IFLA General Conference, 1990. IFLA Presession Seminar on Public Library Policy.

13. IFLA General Conference 1991. Division of Regional Activities: Section of Africa; Section of Asia and Oceania; Section of Latin America and the Carribean. Booklet 8.

14. IFLA General Conference, 1991. Division of Bibliographic Control: Open Forum of Division of Bibliographic Control; Section of Cataloguing; Section of Bibliography; Section of Classification and Indexing. Booklet 4.

15. Langues et education en Afrique noire (Language and Education in Black Africa).

16. Femme et education: Une equation determinante pour le developpement humain en Afrique (Women and Education: A Determining Equation for Human Development in Africa).

17. Proceedings of the International Round Table on Vocational Training and Employment (Turin, Italy, June 17-20, 1991).

18. Ce que l'IFLA Apporte a l'Afrique (What IFLA Brings to Africa).

19. Bibliographie analytique des systemes africains d'ecriture (Annotated Bibliography of African Writing Systems).

20. Quand une ethnolinguiste observe (When an Ethnolinguist Observes).

21. La Dependance En Education Au Tiers-Monde: L'Exemple Africain (Dependency in Education in the Third World: The Example of Africa).

22. Croissance et developpment de l'enfant: 25 ans d'activities internationales coordonnees. Growth and Development of the Child: 25 Years of Internationally Coordinated Activities.

23. Les Interferences Phonologiques du Francais et de l'Arabe - Le Temoignage des Ecrivains Maghrebins de Langue Francaise (Phonological Interferences between French and Arabic-- The Evidence from the Works of French Language Maghrebian Authors).