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1. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 4.

2. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 3.

3. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 2.

4. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 1.

5. Psychopathologie de l'acculturation (Psychopathology of Acculturation). Publication H-3.

6. L'Utilisation de l'ordinateur en lexicometrie (The Use of the Computer in Lexicometry). Series B-1.

7. L'ordinateur et l'analyse grammaticale (The Computer and Grammatical Analysis). Series B-2.

8. Colleges Celebrations 92: Actes du Congres = College Celebrations 92: Proceedings of the Combined Conference of the Association des colleges communacutaires du Canada and the Association quebecoise de pedagogie collegiale (Montreal, Quebec, May 24-27, 1992).

9. Identite culturelle et francophonie dans les Ameriques (Cultural Identity and the French Language in the Americas). Series No. B-88.

10. L'enseignement des langues: Pour qui? Pour quoi? (Language Teaching: For Whom? For What Purpose?). Proceedings of the annual Symposium of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (7th, Sherbrooke, Canada, May 6, 1976). Publication B-62.

11. Quelques reflexions sur la variation linguistique (Some Reflections on Linguistic Variation).

12. L'enseignement modulaire et le laboratoire de langues: conception et experimentation d'un nouveau cours de francais oral au Centre d'anglais et de francais, Universite McGill (Modular Instruction and the Language Laboratory: Conception and Experimentation with a New Course in Oral French at the English and French Center, McGill University).

13. L'enseignement du francais par ordinateur: Les programmes conversationnels au Cafe (Cours autodidactique de francais ecrit) [Teaching French by Computer: Conversational Programs in 'Cafe' (Self-instructional Course in Written French)].

14. Du laboratoire surveille a l'approche modulaire: Contrainte ou autonomie? (From the Supervised Laboratory to the Modular Approach: Constraint or Autonomy?)

15. Bulletin bibliographique sur la variation linguistique (1960-1986) (Bibliographic Bulletin on Language Variation (1960-1986). Publication J-4.

16. Actes/Proceedings, Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, 3rd Annual Meeting.