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1. 'Winning the Peace': The Role of International Peace Settlements in the Creation of World Orders--A 'Geopolitical Marxist' Perspective

2. Assessing the Impact of Turkey's Quest for Status Since the 2000s on Foreign Policy Change: Transformational or Transactional?

3. The Changing Nature of the Natural Gas Trade between Russia and Turkey: The Role of Climate Change and the EU Institutions

4. Russian and Turkish Foreign Policy Think Tanks: Institutional Barriers to Influence over Decision-Making

5. The Return of the State and Its Alla Turca Version

6. French and Turkish Representations of the Mediterranean: Artificial Intelligence Based Content Analysis

7. Spatial Imaginations of 'Turkey' and 'Europe': An Introduction

8. Spatial Constructions of Homeland in Turkish National Identity: Exclusion and Inclusion of Europe

9. Re-scaling and Globalizing EU-Turkey Bilateral Relations in the Changing Global Political Landscape

10. Reconciling Tensions in the Analysis of Bourgeois Revolutions: A Critical Realist Approach

11. Turkey as Normative Power: Connections with the Muslim Brotherhood during the Arab Spring/Normatif Guc olarak Turkiye: Arap Bahari'nda Musluman Kardeslerle Baglantilar

12. The Complexity Effect in U.S.-Turkey Relations: The Restructuring of the Middle East Regional Security/ABD-Turkiye ilickilerinde Karmasiklik Etkisi: Orta Dogu Boigesel Guvenliginin Yeniden Yapilandirilmasi

13. Going Beyond the Add-and-Stir Critique: Tracing the Hybrid Masculinist Legacies of the Performative State/Ekle-Karistir Elestirisinin Ötesine Geçmek: Kesmir'deki Hibrit Edimsel Devletin Erkeklikçi Mirasinin Izini Sürmek

14. The What, Who and Where of World Politics? Two Different Conceptions of 'the International'/Dünya Politikasinda Ne, Kim ve Nerede? Iki Farkli 'Uluslararasi' Anlayisi

15. So Similar, Yet So Different: Russia and Turkey in the Western Balkans - The Case of Serbia

16. Tracing Discursive Strategies to Understand the U.S. Withdrawal from the Iranian Nuclear Deal/Amerika Birlesik Devletleri'nin Iran Nukleer Anlasmasindan Cekilmesini Anlamak Amaciyla Soylemsel Stratejilerin Ortaya Cikarilmasi

17. Architectures of Similarity: Fragments, Islands and other Escapes from the Turkey and Europe Framework

18. Feeling Imagined Spaces: Emotional Geographies in the EU-Turkey Relations

19. Turkey between Qatar and Saudi Arabia: Changing Regional and Bilateral Relations/Katar ve Suudi Arabistan Arasinda Turkiye: Degisen Bolgesel ve Ikili Iliskiler

20. Understanding Tehran's Long Game in the Levant/Tahran'in Levant'taki Uzun Soluklu Oyununu Anlamak

21. Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations/Ontolojik Guvensizlik, Endise ve Kibir: Turkiye-IKBY Iliskilerinin Duygusal Cercevesi

22. 'Ethnicizing' the EU's Involvement in Post-conflict Societies: The Case of Ontological Insecurity in Republika Srpska/AB'nin Catisma Sonrasi Toplumlardaki Mudahalesinin 'Etniklestirilmesi': Sirp Cumhuriyeti'nde Ontolojik Guvensizlik Ornegi

23. The Franco-German Rivalry in the Post-Brexit European Union

24. Ulusötesi Savunuculuk Aglari Araciligiyla Insan Haklari Normlarinin Yerelde Yayilmasi: LGBTI+ Haklari Örnegi/Human Rights Norms Diffusion through Transnational Advocacy Networks: LGBTI+ Rights as a Case

25. Challenging International Relations' Conceptual Constraints: The International and Everyday Life across Borders in Southern Africa/Uluslararasi Iliskilerin Kavramsal Kisitlamalarina Meydan Okumak: Güney Afrika'da Sinirlarin Karsi Tarafinda Uluslararasi Olan ve Gündelik Yasam

26. 'Community of Common Destiny' as Post-Western Regionalism: Rethinking China's Belt and Road Initiative from a Confucian Perspective/Bati Sonrasi Bölgeselcilik olarak 'Ortak Yazgi Toplulugu': Çin'in Kusak-Yol Inisiyatifini Konfüçyüsçü Bir Perspektiften Yeniden Düsünmek

27. How not to Globalise IR: 'Centre' and 'Periphery' as Constitutive of 'the International'/Uluslararasi Iliskiler Nasil Küresellestirilmez: 'Uluslararasi'nin Kurucusu Olarak 'Merkez' ve 'Çevre'

28. De-nationalising Nationalism in Iran: An Account on the Interaction between Domestic and International Dynamics/Iran'da Milliyetciligi Millilikten Cikartma: Ulusal ve Uluslararasi Dinamiklerin Etkilesimi Uzerine Bir Degerlendirme

29. Suudi Arabistan-Iran Bolgesel Rekabetinde Suudi Dis Yardimlarinin Siyasi Etkinligi (2010-2020)/Political Effectiveness of Saudi Foreign Aid in the Saudi Arabia-Iran Regional Competition (2010-2020)

30. 'Securitization from Society' and 'Social Acceptance': Political Party-Based Approaches in Turkey to Syrian Refugees/'Toplumdan Guvenliklestirme' ve 'Toplumsal Kabul': Turkiye'deki Suriyeli Multecilere Yonelik Siyasi Parti Temelli Yaklasimlar

31. Constructing Global Order: Agency and Change in World

32. Dark Skies: Space Expansionism, Planetary Geopolitics, and the Ends of Humanity

33. Neopolitics (new energy order politics) of fossil, renewable and nuclear fuels-Turkey's position and alternative futures/Fosil, yenilenebilir ve nukleer yakitlarin neopolitik anlami-Turkiye'nin durumu ve gelecek alternatifleri

34. Sway on a Tightrope: The Development of a Mutualistic Relationship between Turkey and DAESH/Ip Ustunde Cambazlik: Turkiye ve DAES Iliskisinin Gelisimi

35. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Legal Arguments on the Visa-Free Travel of Turkish Citizens to the EU/ AB-Turkiye Geri Kabul Anlasmasi v. Ortaklik Hukuku?

36. Constructivism, Identity, 'Manufactured' Citizens: Russia's Citizenship Policies in Abkhazia and South Ossetia/Insacilik, Kimlik, 'Uretilmis' Vatandaslar: Rusya'nin Abhazya ve Guney Osetya'da Vatandaslik Politikalari

37. Levantine Challenges on Turkish Foreign Policy/Turk Dis Politikasi'nda Levant

38. Turkiye'de Uluslararasi Iliskiler: TRIP 2018 Sonuclari Uzerine Bir Degerlendirme/International Relations in Turkey: An Evaluation on the Findings of TRIP 2018

39. An assessment of Chinese foreign direct investment in Switzerland/Cin'in Isvicre'deki dogrudan yabanci yatirimlarinin bir degerlendirilmesi

40. An assessment of Chinese foreign direct investment in Switzerland/Cin'in isvicre'deki dogrudan yabanci yatirimlarinin bir Degerlendirilmesi

41. An analysis of international relations academics in Turkey and their approaches to the field: TRIP 2014 faculty survey results/Turkiye'de Uluslararasi Iliskiler akademisyenleri ve alana yonelik yaklasimlari uzerine bir inceleme: trip 2014 sonuclari

42. Orientation of the Kurds towards the European Union: low level of knowledge, high level of idealist expectations/Kurtlerin Avrupa Birligi'ne yonelimi: dusuk bilgi duzeyi, yuksek idealist beklentiler

43. Revisiting the role of credible EU membership conditionality for EU compliance: The Turkish case/AB'ye uyum icin AB uyelik sartliligi inandiriciligin rolune yeniden bakis: Turkiye ornegi

44. Independence of Kosovo and Turkish foreign policy (1990-2008) /Kosova'nin Bagimsizligi ve Turk dis politikasi (1990-2008)

45. A theoretical evaluation of different faces of power: US-Turkey relations towards Iraq/Gucun farkli duzeylerde teorik bir degerlendirmesi: Irak konusunda ABD-Turkiye iliskileri

46. Impact of historical-factualism and interdisciplinary research on conceptual analyses in international relations literature in Turkey/Turkiye uluslararasi iliskiler yazininda tarihsel olguculuk ile disiplinlerarasiciligin analitik yaklasima etkisi ve Turkiye uygulamasi

47. Mitigating the Political Cost of Financial Crisis with Blame Avoidance Discourse: The Case of Turkey

48. The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle

49. The Socio-Economic Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Syrian Refugees in Turkey

50. How Has South Africa's Membership of BRICS Intensified Uneven and Combined Development in the Country and Beyond?