1. Shergottite Lead Isotope Signature in Chassigny and the Nakhlites
- Author
Jones, J. H and Simon, J. I
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
The nakhlites/chassignites and the shergottites represent two differing suites of basaltic martian meteorites. The shergottites have ages less than or equal to 0.6 Ga and a large range of initial Sr-/Sr-86 and epsilon (Nd-143) ratios. Conversely, the nakhlites and chassignites cluster at 1.3-1.4 Ga and have a limited range of initial Sr-87/Sr-86 and epsilon (Nd-143). More importantly, the shergottites have epsilon (W-182) less than 1, whereas the nakhlites and chassignites have epsilon (W-182) approximately 3. This latter observation precludes the extraction of both meteorite groups from a single source region. However, recent Pb isotopic analyses indicate that there may have been interaction between shergottite and nakhlite/chassignite Pb reservoirs.Pb Analyses of Chassigny: Two different studies haveinvestigated 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb in Chassigny: (i)TIMS bulk-rock analyses of successive leaches and theirresidue [3]; and (ii) SIMS analysis of individual minerals[4]. The bulk-rock analyses fall along a regression of SIMSplagioclase analyses that define an errorchron that is olderthan the Solar System (4.61±0.1 Ga); i.e., these define amixing line between Chassigny’s principal Pb isotopic components(Fig. 1). Augites and olivines in Chassingy (notshown) also fall along or near the plagioclase regression [4].This agreement indicates that the whole-rock leachateslikely measure indigenous, martian Pb, not terrestrial contamination[5]. SIMS analyses of K-spars and sulfides definea separate, sub-parallel trend having higher 207Pb/206Pbvalues ([4]; Fig. 1). The good agreement between the bulkrockanalyses and the SIMS analyses of plagioclases alsoindicates that the Pb in the K-spars and sulfides cannot be amajor component of Chassigny.The depleted reservoir sampled by Chassigny plagioclaseis not the same as the solar system initial (PAT) andrequires a multi-stage origin. Here we show a two-stagemodel (Fig. 1) with a 238U/204Pb (μ) of 0.5 for 4.5-2.4 Gaand a μ of 7 for 2.4-1.4 Ga. This is not a unique model butdoes produce a Pb composition that falls on the plagioclaseregression at 1.4 Ga, the approximate igneous age of Chassigny [1]. It should be noted that low-μ single-stage modelsare not capable of producing sufficiently radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb at 1.4 Ga.Relation to Shergottites: The Chassigny K-spars and sulfides fall along a second mixing line defined by leachesand residues of depleted and intermediate shergottites [6]. This mixing line falls above the plagioclase regression.Therefore, we also interpret the radiogenic component of this mixing line to represent indigenous martian Pb. It ispossible that the depleted and intermediate shergottites and the Chassigny plagioclases sample radiogenic Pb from thethe same source, i.e., the mixing lines may intersect at high 206Pb/204Pb.Both K-spar and sulfide are late-stage phases. At the time of their crystallization, the Chassigny system appearsto have remained open to a depleted shergottite Pb reservoir. The depleted component of the shergottite mixing linecan be generated by a single-stage evolution from PAT (4.5 to 1.4 Ga) in a reservoir having a μ ~2. A similar modelfor the most depleted shergottites is also possible: μ = 1.5 for 4.5 to 0.3 Ga.Nakhlites: Nakhlite analyses plot between the shergottite and Chassigny plagioclase regressions [3]. So again,members of the nakhlite/chassignite suite show affinities to shergottite Pb.
- Published
- 2017