1. Low-dose intravenous lipid emulsion for the treatment of severe quetiapine and citalopram poisoning
- Author
Darinka Purg, Andrej Markota, Damjan Grenc, Andreja Sinkovič, Darinka Purg, Andrej Markota, Damjan Grenc, and Andreja Sinkovič
- Abstract
The treatment of quetiapine and/or citalopram poisoning is mainly supportive and involves gastric lavage, activated charcoal, intubation, and mechanical ventilation. Recently, however, there were reports of successful treatment with intravenous lipid emulsion. Here we report a case of a 19-year-old Caucasian girl who ingested approximately 6000 mg of quetiapine, 400 mg of citalopram, and 45 mg of bromazepam in a suicide attempt. The patient developed ventricular tachycardia and epileptic seizures 12 h after admission to the hospital. As the patient’s condition deteriorated, we combined standard therapy (intubation, mechanical ventilation, and vasopressors) with low-dose intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) (a total of 300 mL of 20 % lipid emulsion) and normalised her heart rhythm and stopped the seizures. She was discharged to the psychiatric ward after 48 h and home after a prolonged (2-month) psychiatric rehabilitation. Intravenous lipid emulsion turned out to be effective even in the lower dose range than previously reported for quetiapine poisoning in patients presenting with seizure and ventricular arrhythmia. To our knowledge, there are no case reports describing the use of ILE in treating citalopram poisoning., Zastrupitve s kvetiapinom in/ali citalopramom večinoma zdravimo podporno. Ob zdravljenju s spiranjem želodca, aktivnim ogljem, intubacijo in mehansko ventilacijo pa so opisani primeri uspešnega zdravljenja z intravensko lipidno emulzijo. Predstavljamo primer 19-letne ženske, ki je v samomorilne namene zaužila približno 6000 mg kvetiapina, 400 mg citaloprama in 45 mg bromazepama. Bolnica je imela 12 ur po sprejemu prekatno tahikardijo in epileptične napade. Ob kliničnem poslabšanju stanja smo jo zdravili s standardno terapijo (intubacija, mehanska ventilacija, vazopresorna podpora) in nizkim odmerkom intravenske lipidne emulzije (celokupno 300 mL 20 % lipidne emulzije). Srčni ritem se je po terapiji normaliziral, epileptični krči so prenehali. Po 48 urah zdravljenja v enoti intenzivne terapije je bila premeščena na oddelek za psihiatrijo in po 2-mesečnem zdravljenju domov. Zastrupitev s kvetiapinom in citalopramom, ki se pri bolniku kaže z epileptičnimi krči in prekatnimi motnjami ritma, lahko uspešno zdravimo z nizkimi odmerki intravenske lipidne emulzije.
- Published
- 2016