1. Examining Inflammatory Biomarkers in Acute and Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease in Dogs
- Author
Lyngby, Janne Graarup-Hansen, Nielsen, Lise Nikolic, Christensen, Tine Bach, Sebelin, Mette Michelle Krogslund, Lyngby, Janne Graarup-Hansen, Nielsen, Lise Nikolic, Christensen, Tine Bach, and Sebelin, Mette Michelle Krogslund
- Abstract
Gastrointestinal (GI) sygdom er en af de hyppigste årsager til, at hunde præsenteres hos dyrlægen. Biomarkører, der er i stand til at hjælpe med diagnosticering og prognosticering af GI-ætiologier, er nødvendige. To nye biomarkører, myeloperoxidase (MPO) og cellefrit DNA (cfDNA), er blevet undersøgt humant og viser forandringer som respons på inflammation. Begge biomarkører bliver rutinemæssigt målt på hæmatologisystemet ADVIA 2120 som myeloperoxidase index (MPXI) og nukleinsyreholdige enheder (NACU). Stabiliteten af MPXI i hundeblod er dog ikke veldokumenteret. Formålet var at undersøge det diagnostiske og prognostiske potentiale af de nye biomarkører, MPXI og NACU, hos hunde med akut GI-sygdom sammenlignet med kronisk GI-sygdom og kontrolhunde. Derudover blev et panel af udvalgte cirkulatoriske inflammatoriske biomarkører og ratioer (C-reaktivt protein (CRP), fibrinogen, neutrofil-lymfocyt ratio (NLR), monocyt-lymfocyt ratio (MLR) og CRP/albumin ratio (CRP/ALB)) vurderet og evalueret som biomarkører hos hunde med akut GI-sygdom. Dette studie kombinerede et laboratorievariabilitetsstudie med et klinisk retrospektivt og prospektivt observerende case control studie udført på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr (UHCA) og Veterinært Diagnostisk Laboratorium (KU VetLab). Sytten hunde blev inkluderet i variabilitetsstudiet (neutrofile indenfor normalreference (n = 11), neutrofili (n = 5) og neutropeni (n = 1)), hvor stabiliteten af MPXI i EDTA-stabiliseret hundeblod blev testet på fem forskellige tidspunkter. En intra- og inter-assay variationskoefficient (CV) blev beregnet og viste, at CV var acceptabelt i op til 72 timer. Syvogtredive hunde blev inkluderet i det kliniske studie og opdelt i tre grupper: Akut GI (n = 16), kronisk GI (n = 9) og kontrolhunde (n = 12). Ingen signifikante forskelle i MPXI og NACU blev fundet. En sammenligning af de udvalgte inflammatoriske biomarkørniveauer mellem den akutte GI-gruppe og den kroniske GI-gruppe kunne identificere, Gastrointestinal (GI) disease is one of the most common presenting complaints for dogs in veterinary practice. Biomarkers capable of aiding in the diagnosis and prognosis of GI etiologies are needed. Recent human studies investigating the two novel biomarkers myeloperoxidase (MPO) and cell-free DNA (cfDNA), have indicated that they change in response to inflammation. Both biomarkers are routinely measured on the hematology analyzer ADVIA 2120 as myeloperoxidase index (MPXI) and nucleic acid-containing units (NACU). However, the stability of MPXI in canine blood is not well-documented. The objective was to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic potential of the novel biomarkers MPXI and NACU in dogs with acute GI disease compared to chronic GI disease and control dogs. Additionally, a panel of selected circulatory inflammatory biomarkers and ratios (C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR), and CRP/albumin ratio (CRP/ALB)) were assessed and evaluated as biomarkers for acute GI disease. This study combined a laboratory variability study with a clinical retrospective and prospective observational case control study performed on EDTA-stabilized canine blood at the University Hospital for Companion Animals (UHCA), and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (KU VetLab). Seventeen dogs were included in the variability study (normal neutrophil range (n = 11), neutrophilia (n = 5), and neutropenia (n = 1)), where the stability of MPXI in EDTA-stabilized canine blood was tested at five time points. An intra- and inter-assay coefficient of variation (CV) were calculated and showed that the CV was acceptable for up to 72 hours. Thirty-seven dogs were included in the clinical study and divided into three groups: Acute GI (n = 16), chronic GI (n = 9), and control dogs (n = 12). No significant differences in MPXI and NACU were found. Comparing the selected inflammatory biomarker levels in the acute GI group and
- Published
- 2024