ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER HANSCOM AFB MASS SOLID STATE SCIENCES DIV, Armington,A. F., Larkin,J. J., O'Connor,J. J., Cormier,J. E., Horrigan,J. A., ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER HANSCOM AFB MASS SOLID STATE SCIENCES DIV, Armington,A. F., Larkin,J. J., O'Connor,J. J., Cormier,J. E., and Horrigan,J. A.
This work is a continuation of the work on the preparation of high purity, low dislocation quartz being performed at RADC. Several methods have been investigated for the preparation of high purity materials. The effect of seed pretreatment is also discussed. (Author), This article is from the Proceedings of the Annual Symposium om Frequency Control (37th), 1-3 Jun 83, Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, AD-A136 673, p177-180.