313 results on '"Katila A"'
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2. Ketjukyyn (Daboia russelii) myrkyn hyödyntäminen syöpätutkimuksessa
- Author
Katila, H. (Henri) and Katila, H. (Henri)
- Abstract
Tiivistelmä. Rintasyöpä on naisten yleisin syöpätyyppi. Vuonna 2018 siihen sairastui 2,1 miljoonaa naista ja maailmanlaajuisesti raportoitiin 627 000 rintasyövästä johtuvaa kuolemaa. Rintasyöpiä luokitellaan useisiin eri tyyppeihin ja sitä voidaan hoitaa leikkauksilla sekä säde- ja lääkehoidoilla. Nykyisissä rintasyöpähoidoissa on paljon haitallisia sivuvaikutuksia ja rintasyöpätutkimus pyrkiikin minimoimaan näiden haitallisten vaikutusten määrää kehittämällä jatkuvasti uusia hoitokeinoja. Nykyinen syöpätutkimus on kartoittanut luonnosta löytyvien aineiden, kuten käärmeenmyrkkyjen mahdollisuuksia syövän hoidossa. Nykyaikaiset menetelmät mahdollistavat mielenkiintoisten ja mahdollisesti lääketieteellistä potentiaalia omaavien aineiden eristämisen myrkyistä sekä niiden kokonaisvaltaisen ja yksityiskohtaisen tarkastelun. Muun muassa munuaisten toimintahäiriötä ja neuromuskulaarista halvausta puremallaan aiheuttavan Etelä-Aasian ketjukyyn (Daboia russelii) myrkystä on eristetty kaksi syövän hoidon kannalta mielenkiintoista ainetta, rusvinoksidaasi ja ruvipraasi. Molemmat näistä aineista osoittivat tutkimuksissa vaikuttavansa MCF-7 rintasyöpäsolulinjan soluihin indusoimalla apoptoosia, joka on syöpäsoluissa tyypillisesti estettynä. Indusointi tapahtui apoptoosin reittejä, kuten sisäistä ja ulkoista, sekä p52- ja p21-välitteistä reittiä pitkin. Tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että kyseiset aineet vaikuttavat apoptoosin indusointiin säätelemällä solussa esiintyvien apoptoottisten proteiinien määrää ja suhteita. Rusvinoksidaasi ja ruvipraasi aiheuttivat MCF-7 soluihin esimerkiksi pro-apoptoottisten proteiinien, kuten Bax:n ilmentämisen tehostumista. Rusvinoksidaasilla käsitellyissä MCF-7 soluissa havaittiin anti-apoptoottisen Bcl-xl-proteiinin ilmentämisen laskua ja ruvipraasilla käsitellyissä soluissa anti-apoptoottisen Bcl2-proteiinin ekspression laskua. Tämänkaltaiset apoptoosia säätelevien proteiinien määrien muutokset indusoivat soluissa apoptoosia, joka tunnistettiin esime
- Published
- 2023
3. An advanced Internet-of-Drones system with blockchain for improving quality of service of Search and Rescue:a feasibility study
- Author
Nguyen, T. (Tri), Katila, R. (Risto), Gia, T. N. (Tuan Nguyen), Nguyen, T. (Tri), Katila, R. (Risto), and Gia, T. N. (Tuan Nguyen)
- Abstract
Drone-based systems supporting Search and Rescue (SAR) missions help expeditiously improve the possibility of discovering the missing victims. Nonetheless, the current drone-based systems have some limitations, such as the need for humans in control of large-scale drones, drone’s energy inefficiency, repercussion of quality of service (QoS) from abnormalities events, shortages of automaticity and real-time interactions, deficiency of swift decisions from artificial intelligence-based SAR, and underestimation of security issues in SAR systems. Therefore, developing a more advanced drone-based system is necessary to overcome these limitations. However, it is challenging to achieve the target due to trade-off relationships of technologies and strict requirements of time-critical SAR. This paper studies the feasibility of an Internet-of-Drones (IoD) system using blockchain and artificial intelligence at the edge to overcome limitations and improve SAR QoS. An advanced IoD system architecture from drones to a back-end system and end-users terminals has been proposed. Furthermore, advanced edge services and artificial intelligence at the edge have been presented for automatically searching for missing persons. In addition, computation offloading approaches have been provided to improve the energy efficiency of drones and reduce system latency. Last but not least, public and private blockchain, including Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric, for providing secure and decentralized healthcare platform has been investigated and analyzed to enable real-time interaction between healthcare entities and improves healthcare services. The results show that the proposed system helps overcome the limitations and improve the SAR QoS. Besides, the proposed system satisfies the security requirements, including confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, access control, privacy, trust, transparency, availability, automaticity, and tolerance.
- Published
- 2023
4. In the lion's den: Doing feminist research in academia
- Author
Katila, S., Meriläinen, S., Bell, E., Benschop, Y.W.M., Brink, M.C.L. van den, Katila, S., Meriläinen, S., Bell, E., Benschop, Y.W.M., and Brink, M.C.L. van den
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- Published
- 2023
5. Feminist action research
- Author
Saija, Katila, Meriläinen, Susan, Bell, Emma, Bleijenbergh, I.L., Saija, Katila, Meriläinen, Susan, Bell, Emma, and Bleijenbergh, I.L.
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2023
6. Trajectories of love: Affective reciprocity during kissing in the everyday life of romantic couples
- Author
Katila, Julia, Cekaite, Asta, Katila, Julia, and Cekaite, Asta
- Abstract
This study inspects the interactional emergence of affective reciprocity-the mutual ex-change of affection-in the everyday life of romantic couples in their homes. It utilizes video analysis of naturally occurring interactions to uncover how affective reciprocity is accomplished in and through trajectories of love or interaction trajectories ending up in kissing or touching in an affectionate manner. A detailed empirical analysis demonstrates that affective reciprocity during such trajectories is nascent in the participants similar and equivalent ways of attuning to one another via aligning expressions of affection. A distinct feature of affective reciprocity during trajectories of love is that its participants do not simply agree and respond to kiss or touch, but show their willingness to do so, and display enjoyment when it happens. Utilizing Merleau-Pontys (1962, 1964a) ideas on love, and his theory on the intercorporeality of bodies, the study proposes that love can be viewed as an affectionate we-relationship that becomes salient in moment-by-moment acts of affective reciprocity occurring during mundane interactions.& COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)., Funding Agencies|Emil Aaltonen Foundation Post Doc grant "When love is not enough: Touch and affective practices as resources for a successful romantic relationship"; Linkoping University, Child Studies Department
- Published
- 2023
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7. What to do about 'The Human' in Organization Studies? : Thinking/saying/ doing with the Anthropocene, pandemics, and thereafters
- Author
Calás, M. B., Smircich, L., Cozza, Michela, Gherardi, Silvia, Katila, S., Kuismin, A., Jääskeläinen, P., Laine, P. -M, Meriläinen, S., Vola, J., Sayers, J., Wickström, A., Valtonen, A., Salmela, T., Pullen, A., Calás, M. B., Smircich, L., Cozza, Michela, Gherardi, Silvia, Katila, S., Kuismin, A., Jääskeläinen, P., Laine, P. -M, Meriläinen, S., Vola, J., Sayers, J., Wickström, A., Valtonen, A., Salmela, T., and Pullen, A.
- Abstract
Each of the chapters in this volume, from the introduction to this end(ing), engaged in a conversation about producing knowledge in, about, with "organization studies" at a time when we (us, the human inhabitants of this Earth) are facing calamitous conditions, probably leading to our/its destruction, and (some more than others) are wondering what is to be done. As members of the management and organization studies (MOS) scholarly community, all the authors in this project are deeply concerned about the "knowledge" our common field is producing as "legitimate", for it seems not only inadequate for addressing those calamitous conditions but also that this kind of knowledge may be implicated in reproducing the harms we all decry. The aim here has not been to critique the field on the basis of what it produces but to acknowledge conditions perpetuating the production of those forms of knowledge more generally, and to offer positive alternatives which may make a difference in what is produced, perhaps contributing to a better world‚ over and over again. The message this chapter and all other chapters hope to convey is the possibility of "thinking, saying and doing otherwise". But can we truly question the very notion of "the human" supporting "legitimate knowledge"? Can we truly focus on producing processual knowledge with indefinite aims? In other words, is the becoming of an organization studies produced with feminist new materialisms possible? Responding to those questions, and following the original proposal for this volume, this chapter is the voice of the collectivity articulating 'the-world-and-beyond' as envisioned in each of the prior chapters. Taking this approach resonates as well with new materialisms: "'a doing with' which cannot be a 'doing alone' -more like a world of on-going assembling".
- Published
- 2023
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8. Walking the Walk of AI Ethics: Organizational Challenges and the Individualization of Risk among Ethics Entrepreneurs
- Author
Ali, Sanna J., Christin, Angèle, Smart, Andrew, Katila, Riitta, Ali, Sanna J., Christin, Angèle, Smart, Andrew, and Katila, Riitta
- Abstract
Amidst decline in public trust in technology, computing ethics have taken center stage, and critics have raised questions about corporate ethics washing. Yet few studies examine the actual implementation of AI ethics values in technology companies. Based on a qualitative analysis of technology workers tasked with integrating AI ethics into product development, we find that workers experience an environment where policies, practices, and outcomes are decoupled. We analyze AI ethics workers as ethics entrepreneurs who work to institutionalize new ethics-related practices within organizations. We show that ethics entrepreneurs face three major barriers to their work. First, they struggle to have ethics prioritized in an environment centered around software product launches. Second, ethics are difficult to quantify in a context where company goals are incentivized by metrics. Third, the frequent reorganization of teams makes it difficult to access knowledge and maintain relationships central to their work. Consequently, individuals take on great personal risk when raising ethics issues, especially when they come from marginalized backgrounds. These findings shed light on complex dynamics of institutional change at technology companies., Comment: 10 pages, to be published in ACM FAccT '23
- Published
- 2023
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9. Cries of Pleasure and Pain: Vocalizations Communicating How Touch Feels in Romantic Relationships
- Author
Katila, Julia, Hofstetter, Emily, Keevallik, Leelo, Katila, Julia, Hofstetter, Emily, and Keevallik, Leelo
- Abstract
Research on interaction has recently ventured into the domain of sensoriality, hitherto considered inaccessible for video analysis. This article contributes to this emerging field by targeting the interface of touch and vocal sound, dissecting the intersubjective potential of sounding when bodies are intertwined. Studying naturally occurring affective episodes between romantic partners at their homes with the methods of multimodal interaction analysis, we demonstrate how vocalization can express comfort and thus lead to extension of mutual bodily contact, or inform of discomfort, which leads to swift release of the problematic contact. We argue that, by providing immediate and nuanced access to other participants' ongoing bodily experiences, haptic sensoriality is partially distributed into the auditory domain. The relevance of progressivity in body contact is continuously negotiated and has moral, social, and relational implications, providing grounds for continuous realization of consent. Data are in Finnish., Funding Agencies|Emil Aaltosen Sti; Emil Aaltonen Foundation Post Doc grant [VR2016-00827]; Swedish Research Council [P21-0447]; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
- Published
- 2023
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10. Evolving Strategies for Competitive Multi-Agent Search
- Author
Bahceci, Erkin, Katila, Riitta, Miikkulainen, Risto, Bahceci, Erkin, Katila, Riitta, and Miikkulainen, Risto
- Abstract
While evolutionary computation is well suited for automatic discovery in engineering, it can also be used to gain insight into how humans and organizations could perform more effectively. Using a real-world problem of innovation search in organizations as the motivating example, this article first formalizes human creative problem solving as competitive multi-agent search (CMAS). CMAS is different from existing single-agent and team search problems in that the agents interact through knowledge of other agents' searches and through the dynamic changes in the search landscape that result from these searches. The main hypothesis is that evolutionary computation can be used to discover effective strategies for CMAS; this hypothesis is verified in a series of experiments on the NK model, i.e.\ partially correlated and tunably rugged fitness landscapes. Different specialized strategies are evolved for each different competitive environment, and also general strategies that perform well across environments. These strategies are more effective and more complex than hand-designed strategies and a strategy based on traditional tree search. Using a novel spherical visualization of such landscapes, insight is gained about how successful strategies work, e.g.\ by tracking positive changes in the landscape. The article thus provides a possible framework for studying various human creative activities as competitive multi-agent search in the future.
- Published
- 2023
11. Sensor-based Measurement of Nociceptive Pain : An Exploratory Study with Healthy Subjects
- Author
Memedi, Mevludin, Miclescu, Adriana, Katila, Lenka, Claesson, Marianne, Essermark, Marie, Holm, Per, Klein, Gunnar O., Spira, Jack, Kalrsten, Rolf, Memedi, Mevludin, Miclescu, Adriana, Katila, Lenka, Claesson, Marianne, Essermark, Marie, Holm, Per, Klein, Gunnar O., Spira, Jack, and Kalrsten, Rolf
- Abstract
Valid assessment of pain is essential in daily clinical practice to enhance the quality of care for the patients and to avoid the risk of addiction to strong analgesics. The aim of this paper is to find a method for objective and quantitative evaluation of pain using multiple physiological markers. Data was obtained from healthy volunteers exposed to thermal and ischemic stimuli. Twelve subjects were recruited and their physiological data including skin conductance, heart rate, and skin temperature were collected via a wrist-worn sensor together with their selfreported pain on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Statistically significant differences (p< 0.01) were found between physiological scores obtained with the wearable sensor before and during the thermal test. Test-retest reliability of sensor-based measures was good during the thermal test with intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from 0.22 to 0.89. These results support the idea that a multi-sensor wearable device can objectively measure physiological reactions in the subjects due to experimentally induced pain, which could be used for daily clinical practice and as an endpoint in clinical studies. Nevertheless, the results indicate a need for further investigation of the method in real-life pain settings.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Sensor-Based Measurement of Nociceptive Pain : An Exploratory Study with Healthy Subjects
- Author
Memedi, Mevludin, Miclescu, Adriana, Katila, Lenka, Claesson, Marianne, Essermark, Marie, Holm, Per, Klein, Gunnar O., Spira, Jack, Karlsten, Rolf, Memedi, Mevludin, Miclescu, Adriana, Katila, Lenka, Claesson, Marianne, Essermark, Marie, Holm, Per, Klein, Gunnar O., Spira, Jack, and Karlsten, Rolf
- Abstract
Valid assessment of pain is essential in daily clinical practice to enhance the quality of care for the patients and to avoid the risk of addiction to strong analgesics. The aim of this paper is to find a method for objective and quantitative evaluation of pain using multiple physiological markers. Data was obtained from healthy volunteers exposed to thermal and ischemic stimuli. Twelve subjects were recruited and their physiological data including skin conductance, heart rate, and skin temperature were collected via a wrist-worn sensor together with their selfreported pain on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) were found between physiological scores obtained with the wearable sensor before and during the thermal test. Test-retest reliability of sensor-based measures was good during the thermal test with intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from 0.22 to 0.89. These results support the idea that a multi-sensor wearable device can objectively measure physiological reactions in the subjects due to experimentally induced pain, which could be used for daily clinical practice and as an endpoint in clinical studies. Nevertheless, the results indicate a need for further investigation of the method in real-life pain settings.
- Published
- 2022
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13. “Opioids are opioids” – a phenomenographic analyses of physicians’ understanding of what makes the initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy
- Author
Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, Åsenlöf, Pernilla, Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, and Åsenlöf, Pernilla
- Abstract
Objective: To explore prescribers’ understanding of what makes initial prescription of opioids become long-term-opioid therapy (opioids >90 days). Design: Qualitative study, using phenomenography for data analysis. Methods: Semi-structured interviews conducted by one researcher were used for data collection. Participants were recruited consecutively until categorical saturation was reached. The transcripts were analyzed and categorized by two researchers. A third researcher checked for consistency between the data and the categories. An outcome space was constructed representing the logical relationship between the categories. Setting: Primary, secondary and tertiary care in Sweden. Subjects: Fifteen attending physicians working within the fields of general practice, rehab medicine, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or obstetrics and gynecology. Results: The analysis identified six categories: The addictive opioid, The deserving patient, The ignorant prescriber, The lost patient, The compassionate prescriber, and The exposed prescriber. The differences in conceptions among the categories were clarified through three main contributors related to opioid therapy: prescriber’s characteristics, patient’s characteristics, and the healthcare organization. Conclusion: Opioids were understood as being addictive with long-term use promoting a downward spiral of tolerance and withdrawal driving the pain, leading to continued prescription. Long-term opioid therapy could be justified for patients who improved in function, and who were perceived as trustworthy. Inadequate follow-up of patients, poor training in pain management and addiction medicine, personal attitudes and beliefs about opioids, a perceived professional obligation to treat patients with pain, and lack of collegial support, were factors understood to promote clinically unindicated long-term opioid therapy.
- Published
- 2022
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14. “Opioids are opioids” – a phenomenographic analyses of physicians’ understanding of what makes the initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy
- Author
Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, Åsenlöf, Pernilla, Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, and Åsenlöf, Pernilla
- Abstract
Objective: To explore prescribers’ understanding of what makes initial prescription of opioids become long-term-opioid therapy (opioids >90 days). Design: Qualitative study, using phenomenography for data analysis. Methods: Semi-structured interviews conducted by one researcher were used for data collection. Participants were recruited consecutively until categorical saturation was reached. The transcripts were analyzed and categorized by two researchers. A third researcher checked for consistency between the data and the categories. An outcome space was constructed representing the logical relationship between the categories. Setting: Primary, secondary and tertiary care in Sweden. Subjects: Fifteen attending physicians working within the fields of general practice, rehab medicine, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or obstetrics and gynecology. Results: The analysis identified six categories: The addictive opioid, The deserving patient, The ignorant prescriber, The lost patient, The compassionate prescriber, and The exposed prescriber. The differences in conceptions among the categories were clarified through three main contributors related to opioid therapy: prescriber’s characteristics, patient’s characteristics, and the healthcare organization. Conclusion: Opioids were understood as being addictive with long-term use promoting a downward spiral of tolerance and withdrawal driving the pain, leading to continued prescription. Long-term opioid therapy could be justified for patients who improved in function, and who were perceived as trustworthy. Inadequate follow-up of patients, poor training in pain management and addiction medicine, personal attitudes and beliefs about opioids, a perceived professional obligation to treat patients with pain, and lack of collegial support, were factors understood to promote clinically unindicated long-term opioid therapy.
- Published
- 2022
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15. “Opioids are opioids” – a phenomenographic analyses of physicians’ understanding of what makes the initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy
- Author
Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, Åsenlöf, Pernilla, Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, and Åsenlöf, Pernilla
- Abstract
Objective: To explore prescribers’ understanding of what makes initial prescription of opioids become long-term-opioid therapy (opioids >90 days). Design: Qualitative study, using phenomenography for data analysis. Methods: Semi-structured interviews conducted by one researcher were used for data collection. Participants were recruited consecutively until categorical saturation was reached. The transcripts were analyzed and categorized by two researchers. A third researcher checked for consistency between the data and the categories. An outcome space was constructed representing the logical relationship between the categories. Setting: Primary, secondary and tertiary care in Sweden. Subjects: Fifteen attending physicians working within the fields of general practice, rehab medicine, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or obstetrics and gynecology. Results: The analysis identified six categories: The addictive opioid, The deserving patient, The ignorant prescriber, The lost patient, The compassionate prescriber, and The exposed prescriber. The differences in conceptions among the categories were clarified through three main contributors related to opioid therapy: prescriber’s characteristics, patient’s characteristics, and the healthcare organization. Conclusion: Opioids were understood as being addictive with long-term use promoting a downward spiral of tolerance and withdrawal driving the pain, leading to continued prescription. Long-term opioid therapy could be justified for patients who improved in function, and who were perceived as trustworthy. Inadequate follow-up of patients, poor training in pain management and addiction medicine, personal attitudes and beliefs about opioids, a perceived professional obligation to treat patients with pain, and lack of collegial support, were factors understood to promote clinically unindicated long-term opioid therapy.
- Published
- 2022
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16. “Opioids are opioids” – a phenomenographic analyses of physicians’ understanding of what makes the initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy
- Author
Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, Åsenlöf, Pernilla, Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, and Åsenlöf, Pernilla
- Abstract
Objective: To explore prescribers’ understanding of what makes initial prescription of opioids become long-term-opioid therapy (opioids >90 days). Design: Qualitative study, using phenomenography for data analysis. Methods: Semi-structured interviews conducted by one researcher were used for data collection. Participants were recruited consecutively until categorical saturation was reached. The transcripts were analyzed and categorized by two researchers. A third researcher checked for consistency between the data and the categories. An outcome space was constructed representing the logical relationship between the categories. Setting: Primary, secondary and tertiary care in Sweden. Subjects: Fifteen attending physicians working within the fields of general practice, rehab medicine, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or obstetrics and gynecology. Results: The analysis identified six categories: The addictive opioid, The deserving patient, The ignorant prescriber, The lost patient, The compassionate prescriber, and The exposed prescriber. The differences in conceptions among the categories were clarified through three main contributors related to opioid therapy: prescriber’s characteristics, patient’s characteristics, and the healthcare organization. Conclusion: Opioids were understood as being addictive with long-term use promoting a downward spiral of tolerance and withdrawal driving the pain, leading to continued prescription. Long-term opioid therapy could be justified for patients who improved in function, and who were perceived as trustworthy. Inadequate follow-up of patients, poor training in pain management and addiction medicine, personal attitudes and beliefs about opioids, a perceived professional obligation to treat patients with pain, and lack of collegial support, were factors understood to promote clinically unindicated long-term opioid therapy.
- Published
- 2022
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17. Governing Europe's forests for multiple ecosystem services:Opportunities, challenges, and policy options
- Author
Winkel, Georg, Lovrić, Marko, Muys, Bart, Katila, Pia, Lundhede, Thomas, Pecurul, Mireia, Pettenella, Davide, Pipart, Nathalie, Plieninger, Tobias, Prokofieva, Irina, Parra, Constanza, Pülzl, Helga, Roitsch, Dennis, Roux, Jeanne Lazya, Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark, Tyrväinen, Liisa, Torralba, Mario, Vacik, Harald, Weiss, Gerhard, Wunder, Sven, Winkel, Georg, Lovrić, Marko, Muys, Bart, Katila, Pia, Lundhede, Thomas, Pecurul, Mireia, Pettenella, Davide, Pipart, Nathalie, Plieninger, Tobias, Prokofieva, Irina, Parra, Constanza, Pülzl, Helga, Roitsch, Dennis, Roux, Jeanne Lazya, Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark, Tyrväinen, Liisa, Torralba, Mario, Vacik, Harald, Weiss, Gerhard, and Wunder, Sven
- Abstract
Europe's forest provide multiple ecosystem services for societies, ranging from provisioning (e.g. wood) and regulating (e.g. climate mitigation and biodiversity) to cultural (e.g. recreation) services. In this paper, we assess the state and prospects of forest ecosystem services provision in Europe, introducing new data from the European collaborative research projects SINCERE, NOBEL and CLEARING HOUSE, and combining it with findings from the literature. We identify six challenges (1 an insufficient alignment of FES supply and demand, 2 lacking policy integration, 3 ambiguous and conflicting regulatory frameworks, 4 a lack of precise information on FES demand and provision, and innovations to align both, 5 an increasing pressure to adapt to climate change, and 6 a striking diversity constraining European level policy solutions) and three opportunities (1 increasingly heterogenous forest owner objectives potentially matching pluralistic societal demands, 2 diversifying forest enterprises levering innovations in regulating and cultural ecosystem services provision, and 3 the potential of forests to mitigate climate change). Subsequently, we introduce four distinct but complimentary policy pathways for European forest policy to better align forest ecosystem services provision and demand: 1 Better monitoring of FES supply and demand, 2 Enhanced policy integration, 3 Payments for ecosystem services, and 4 Bottom-up participation and learning among ecosystem services innovators. We conclude by emphasizing the momentum that the EU Green Deal unfolds for a future European forest policy to incentivise the provision of multiple forest ecosystem services.
- Published
- 2022
18. Governing Europe's forests for multiple ecosystem services:Opportunities, challenges, and policy options
- Author
Winkel, Georg, Lovrić, Marko, Muys, Bart, Katila, Pia, Lundhede, Thomas, Pecurul, Mireia, Pettenella, Davide, Pipart, Nathalie, Plieninger, Tobias, Prokofieva, Irina, Parra, Constanza, Pülzl, Helga, Roitsch, Dennis, Roux, Jeanne Lazya, Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark, Tyrväinen, Liisa, Torralba, Mario, Vacik, Harald, Weiss, Gerhard, Wunder, Sven, Winkel, Georg, Lovrić, Marko, Muys, Bart, Katila, Pia, Lundhede, Thomas, Pecurul, Mireia, Pettenella, Davide, Pipart, Nathalie, Plieninger, Tobias, Prokofieva, Irina, Parra, Constanza, Pülzl, Helga, Roitsch, Dennis, Roux, Jeanne Lazya, Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark, Tyrväinen, Liisa, Torralba, Mario, Vacik, Harald, Weiss, Gerhard, and Wunder, Sven
- Abstract
Europe's forest provide multiple ecosystem services for societies, ranging from provisioning (e.g. wood) and regulating (e.g. climate mitigation and biodiversity) to cultural (e.g. recreation) services. In this paper, we assess the state and prospects of forest ecosystem services provision in Europe, introducing new data from the European collaborative research projects SINCERE, NOBEL and CLEARING HOUSE, and combining it with findings from the literature. We identify six challenges (1 an insufficient alignment of FES supply and demand, 2 lacking policy integration, 3 ambiguous and conflicting regulatory frameworks, 4 a lack of precise information on FES demand and provision, and innovations to align both, 5 an increasing pressure to adapt to climate change, and 6 a striking diversity constraining European level policy solutions) and three opportunities (1 increasingly heterogenous forest owner objectives potentially matching pluralistic societal demands, 2 diversifying forest enterprises levering innovations in regulating and cultural ecosystem services provision, and 3 the potential of forests to mitigate climate change). Subsequently, we introduce four distinct but complimentary policy pathways for European forest policy to better align forest ecosystem services provision and demand: 1 Better monitoring of FES supply and demand, 2 Enhanced policy integration, 3 Payments for ecosystem services, and 4 Bottom-up participation and learning among ecosystem services innovators. We conclude by emphasizing the momentum that the EU Green Deal unfolds for a future European forest policy to incentivise the provision of multiple forest ecosystem services.
- Published
- 2022
19. Sensor-based Measurement of Nociceptive Pain : An Exploratory Study with Healthy Subjects
- Author
Memedi, Mevludin, Miclescu, Adriana, Katila, Lenka, Claesson, Marianne, Essermark, Marie, Holm, Per, Klein, Gunnar O., Spira, Jack, Kalrsten, Rolf, Memedi, Mevludin, Miclescu, Adriana, Katila, Lenka, Claesson, Marianne, Essermark, Marie, Holm, Per, Klein, Gunnar O., Spira, Jack, and Kalrsten, Rolf
- Abstract
Valid assessment of pain is essential in daily clinical practice to enhance the quality of care for the patients and to avoid the risk of addiction to strong analgesics. The aim of this paper is to find a method for objective and quantitative evaluation of pain using multiple physiological markers. Data was obtained from healthy volunteers exposed to thermal and ischemic stimuli. Twelve subjects were recruited and their physiological data including skin conductance, heart rate, and skin temperature were collected via a wrist-worn sensor together with their selfreported pain on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Statistically significant differences (p< 0.01) were found between physiological scores obtained with the wearable sensor before and during the thermal test. Test-retest reliability of sensor-based measures was good during the thermal test with intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from 0.22 to 0.89. These results support the idea that a multi-sensor wearable device can objectively measure physiological reactions in the subjects due to experimentally induced pain, which could be used for daily clinical practice and as an endpoint in clinical studies. Nevertheless, the results indicate a need for further investigation of the method in real-life pain settings.
- Published
- 2022
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20. Governing Europe's forests for multiple ecosystem services : Opportunities, challenges, and policy options
- Author
Winkel, Georg, Lovrić, Marko, Muys, Bart, Katila, Pia, Lundhede, Thomas, Pecurul, Mireia, Pettenella, Davide, Pipart, Nathalie, Plieninger, Tobias, Prokofieva, Irina, Parra, Constanza, Pülzl, Helga, Roitsch, Dennis, Roux, Jeanne Lazya, Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark, Tyrväinen, Liisa, Torralba, Mario, Vacik, Harald, Weiss, Gerhard, Wunder, Sven, Winkel, Georg, Lovrić, Marko, Muys, Bart, Katila, Pia, Lundhede, Thomas, Pecurul, Mireia, Pettenella, Davide, Pipart, Nathalie, Plieninger, Tobias, Prokofieva, Irina, Parra, Constanza, Pülzl, Helga, Roitsch, Dennis, Roux, Jeanne Lazya, Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark, Tyrväinen, Liisa, Torralba, Mario, Vacik, Harald, Weiss, Gerhard, and Wunder, Sven
- Abstract
Europe's forest provide multiple ecosystem services for societies, ranging from provisioning (e.g. wood) and regulating (e.g. climate mitigation and biodiversity) to cultural (e.g. recreation) services. In this paper, we assess the state and prospects of forest ecosystem services provision in Europe, introducing new data from the European collaborative research projects SINCERE, NOBEL and CLEARING HOUSE, and combining it with findings from the literature. We identify six challenges (1 an insufficient alignment of FES supply and demand, 2 lacking policy integration, 3 ambiguous and conflicting regulatory frameworks, 4 a lack of precise information on FES demand and provision, and innovations to align both, 5 an increasing pressure to adapt to climate change, and 6 a striking diversity constraining European level policy solutions) and three opportunities (1 increasingly heterogenous forest owner objectives potentially matching pluralistic societal demands, 2 diversifying forest enterprises levering innovations in regulating and cultural ecosystem services provision, and 3 the potential of forests to mitigate climate change). Subsequently, we introduce four distinct but complimentary policy pathways for European forest policy to better align forest ecosystem services provision and demand: 1 Better monitoring of FES supply and demand, 2 Enhanced policy integration, 3 Payments for ecosystem services, and 4 Bottom-up participation and learning among ecosystem services innovators. We conclude by emphasizing the momentum that the EU Green Deal unfolds for a future European forest policy to incentivise the provision of multiple forest ecosystem services.
- Published
- 2022
21. “Opioids are opioids” – a phenomenographic analyses of physicians’ understanding of what makes the initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy
- Author
Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, Åsenlöf, Pernilla, Ljungvall, Hanna, Öster, Caisa, Katila, Lenka, and Åsenlöf, Pernilla
- Abstract
Objective: To explore prescribers’ understanding of what makes initial prescription of opioids become long-term-opioid therapy (opioids >90 days). Design: Qualitative study, using phenomenography for data analysis. Methods: Semi-structured interviews conducted by one researcher were used for data collection. Participants were recruited consecutively until categorical saturation was reached. The transcripts were analyzed and categorized by two researchers. A third researcher checked for consistency between the data and the categories. An outcome space was constructed representing the logical relationship between the categories. Setting: Primary, secondary and tertiary care in Sweden. Subjects: Fifteen attending physicians working within the fields of general practice, rehab medicine, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or obstetrics and gynecology. Results: The analysis identified six categories: The addictive opioid, The deserving patient, The ignorant prescriber, The lost patient, The compassionate prescriber, and The exposed prescriber. The differences in conceptions among the categories were clarified through three main contributors related to opioid therapy: prescriber’s characteristics, patient’s characteristics, and the healthcare organization. Conclusion: Opioids were understood as being addictive with long-term use promoting a downward spiral of tolerance and withdrawal driving the pain, leading to continued prescription. Long-term opioid therapy could be justified for patients who improved in function, and who were perceived as trustworthy. Inadequate follow-up of patients, poor training in pain management and addiction medicine, personal attitudes and beliefs about opioids, a perceived professional obligation to treat patients with pain, and lack of collegial support, were factors understood to promote clinically unindicated long-term opioid therapy.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Correction to: Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study (Acta Neurochirurgica, (2019), 161, 3, (435-449), 10.1007/s00701-018-3761-z)
- Author
van Essen T. A., van Essen, T, den Boogert, H, Cnossen, M, de Ruiter, G, Haitsma, I, Polinder, S, Steyerberg, E, Menon, D, Maas, A, Lingsma, H, Peul, W, Ackerlund, C, Adams, H, Agnoletti, V, Allanson, J, Amrein, K, Andaluz, N, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Antun, A, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Ardon, H, Audibert, G, Auslands, K, Azouvi, P, Azzolini, M, Baciu, C, Badenes, R, Bartels, R, Larizza, D, Barzo, P, Bauerfeind, U, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Belda, F, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Bellier, R, Benali, H, Benard, T, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Beynon, C, Bilotta, F, Binder, H, Biqiri, E, Blaabjerg, M, Bouzat, P, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Calappi, E, Calvi, M, Cameron, P, Carbayo, L, Carbonara, M, Carise, E, Carpenter, K, Castano-Leon, A, Causin, F, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Coles-Kemp, L, Collett, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Damas, F, Damas, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Della, C, Depreitere, B, Dilvesi, D, Ding, S, Dippel, D, Dixit, A, Donoghue, E, Dreier, J, Duliere, G, Eapen, G, Engemann, H, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Feng, J, Foks, K, Fossi, F, Francony, G, Freo, U, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gantner, D, Gao, G, Geleijns, K, George, P, Ghuysen, A, Giga, L, Giraud, B, Glocker, B, Golubovic, J, Gomez, P, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Hartings, J, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Hertle, D, Hoedemaekers, A, Hoefer, S, Horton, L, Huijben, J, Hutchinson, P, Haberg, A, Jacobs, B, Jankowski, S, Jarrett, M, Jelaca, B, Jiang, J, Jones, K, Kamnitsas, K, Karan, M, Katila, A, Kaukonen, M, Kerforne, T, Kivisaari, R, Kolias, A, Kolumban, B, Kompanje, E, Kolundzija, K, Kondziella, D, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lecky, F, Ledig, C, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lei, J, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Loeckx, D, Lozano, A, Macdonald, S, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Major, S, Manara, A, Manley, G, Martin, D, Martin, L, Martino, C, Maruenda, A, Marechal, H, Masala, A, Mattern, J, Mcfadyen, C, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Morganti-Kossmann, C, Mulazzi, D, Muraleedharan, V, Murray, L, Muhlan, H, Nair, N, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Newcombe, V, Nieboer, D, Noirhomme, Q, Nyiradi, J, Oddo, M, Oldenbeuving, A, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Patruno, A, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Piippo-Karjalainen, A, Pili, F, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Poca, M, Pomposo, I, Posti, J, Puybasset, L, Radoi, A, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Real, R, Rehorcikova, V, Rhodes, J, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Roe, C, Roise, O, Roks, G, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rueckert, D, Rusnak, M, Sacchi, M, Sahakian, B, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sala, F, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Santos, E, Sasu, L, Savo, D, Schaffer, N, Schipper, I, Schlosser, B, Schmidt, S, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Scholl, M, Sir, O, Skandsen, T, Smakman, L, Smeets, D, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Steinbuchel, N, Stevanovic, A, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Taccone, F, Takala, R, Tamas, V, Tanskanen, P, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Telgmann, R, Teodorani, G, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Tolias, C, Tshibanda, J, Trapani, T, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Vallance, S, Valeinis, E, Van der Steen, G, van der Jagt, M, van der Naalt, J, van Dijck, J, Van Hecke, W, van Heugten, C, Van Praag, D, Vande Vyvere, T, Van Waesberghe, J, Vanhaudenhuyse, A, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Velt, K, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Vizzino, G, Vleggeert-Lankamp, C, Volovici, V, Voormolen, D, Vulekovic, P, Vamos, Z, Wade, D, Wang, K, Wang, L, Wessels, L, Wildschut, E, Williams, G, Wilson, L, Winkler, M, Wolf, S, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zaaroor, M, Zhihui, Y, Ziverte, A, Zumbo, F, van Essen T. A., den Boogert H. F., Cnossen M. C., de Ruiter G. C. W., Haitsma I., Polinder S., Steyerberg E. W., Menon D., Maas A. I. R., Lingsma H. F., Peul W. C., Ackerlund C., Adams H., Agnoletti V., Allanson J., Amrein K., Andaluz N., Andelic N., Andreassen L., Antun A., Anke A., Antoni A., Ardon H., Audibert G., Auslands K., Azouvi P., Azzolini M. L., Baciu C., Badenes R., Bartels R., Larizza D., Barzo P., Bauerfeind U., Beauvais R., Beer R., Belda F. J., Bellander B. -M., Belli A., Bellier R., Benali H., Benard T., Berardino M., Beretta L., Beynon C., Bilotta F., Binder H., Biqiri E., Blaabjerg M., den Boogert H., Bouzat P., Bragge P., Brazinova A., Brinck V., Brooker J., Brorsson C., Buki A., Bullinger M., Calappi E., Calvi M. R., Cameron P., Carbayo L. G., Carbonara M., Carise E., Carpenter K., Castano-Leon A. M., Causin F., Chevallard G., Chieregato A., Citerio G., Cnossen M., Coburn M., Coles J., Coles-Kemp L., Collett J., Cooper J. D., Correia M., Covic A., Curry N., Czeiter E., Czosnyka M., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Damas F., Damas P., Dawes H., De Keyser V., Della C. F., Depreitere B., Dilvesi D., Ding S., Dippel D., Dixit A., Donoghue E., Dreier J., Duliere G. -L., Eapen G., Engemann H., Ercole A., Esser P., Ezer E., Fabricius M., Feigin V. L., Feng J., Foks K., Fossi F., Francony G., Freo U., Frisvold S., Furmanov A., Gagliardo P., Galanaud D., Gantner D., Gao G., Geleijns K., George P., Ghuysen A., Giga L., Giraud B., Glocker B., Golubovic J., Gomez P. A., Grossi F., Gruen R. L., Gupta D., Haagsma J. A., Hartings J. A., Helbok R., Helseth E., Hertle D., Hoedemaekers A., Hoefer S., Horton L., Huijben J., Hutchinson P. J., Haberg A. K., Jacobs B., Jankowski S., Jarrett M., Jelaca B., Jiang J. -Y., Jones K., Kamnitsas K., Karan M., Katila A., Kaukonen M., Kerforne T., Kivisaari R., Kolias A. G., Kolumban B., Kompanje E., Kolundzija K., Kondziella D., Koskinen L. -O., Kovacs N., Lagares A., Lanyon L., Laureys S., Lecky F., Ledig C., Lefering R., Legrand V., Lei J., Levi L., Lightfoot R., Lingsma H., Loeckx D., Lozano A., MacDonald S., Maegele M., Majdan M., Major S., Manara A., Manley G., Martin D., Martin L. F., Martino C., Maruenda A., Marechal H., Masala A., Mattern J., McFadyen C., McMahon C., Melegh B., Menovsky T., Morganti-Kossmann C., Mulazzi D., Muraleedharan V., Murray L., Muhlan H., Nair N., Negru A., Nelson D., Newcombe V., Nieboer D., Noirhomme Q., Nyiradi J., Oddo M., Oldenbeuving A., Oresic M., Ortolano F., Palotie A., Parizel P. M., Patruno A., Payen J. -F., Perera N., Perlbarg V., Persona P., Peul W., Piippo-Karjalainen A., Pili F. S., Pirinen M., Ples H., Poca M. A., Pomposo I., Posti J., Puybasset L., Radoi A., Ragauskas A., Raj R., Rambadagalla M., Real R., Rehorcikova V., Rhodes J., Ripatti S., Rocka S., Roe C., Roise O., Roks G., Rosand J., Rosenfeld J., Rosenlund C., Rosenthal G., Rossaint R., Rossi S., Rueckert D., Rusnak M., Sacchi M., Sahakian B., Sahuquillo J., Sakowitz O., Sala F., Sanchez-Porras R., Sandor J., Santos E., Sasu L., Savo D., Schaffer N., Schipper I., Schlosser B., Schmidt S., Schoechl H., Schoonman G., Schou R. F., Schwendenwein E., Scholl M., Sir O., Skandsen T., Smakman L., Smeets D., Smielewski P., Sorinola A., Stamatakis E., Stanworth S., Steinbuchel N., Stevanovic A., Stevens R., Stewart W., Stocchetti N., Sundstrom N., Synnot A., Taccone F. S., Takala R., Tamas V., Tanskanen P., Taylor M. S., Te Ao B., Tenovuo O., Telgmann R., Teodorani G., Theadom A., Thomas M., Tibboel D., Tolias C., Tshibanda J. -F. L., Trapani T., Tudora C. M., Vajkoczy P., Vallance S., Valeinis E., Van der Steen G., van der Jagt M., van der Naalt J., van Dijck J. T. J. M., Van Hecke W., van Heugten C., Van Praag D., Vande Vyvere T., Van Waesberghe J., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Vargiolu A., Vega E., Velt K., Verheyden J., Vespa P. M., Vik A., Vilcinis R., Vizzino G., Vleggeert-Lankamp C., Volovici V., Voormolen D., Vulekovic P., Vamos Z., Wade D., Wang K. K. W., Wang L., Wessels L., Wildschut E., Williams G., Wilson L., Winkler M. K. L., Wolf S., Ylen P., Younsi A., Zaaroor M., Zhihui Y., Ziverte A., Zumbo F., van Essen T. A., van Essen, T, den Boogert, H, Cnossen, M, de Ruiter, G, Haitsma, I, Polinder, S, Steyerberg, E, Menon, D, Maas, A, Lingsma, H, Peul, W, Ackerlund, C, Adams, H, Agnoletti, V, Allanson, J, Amrein, K, Andaluz, N, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Antun, A, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Ardon, H, Audibert, G, Auslands, K, Azouvi, P, Azzolini, M, Baciu, C, Badenes, R, Bartels, R, Larizza, D, Barzo, P, Bauerfeind, U, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Belda, F, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Bellier, R, Benali, H, Benard, T, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Beynon, C, Bilotta, F, Binder, H, Biqiri, E, Blaabjerg, M, Bouzat, P, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Calappi, E, Calvi, M, Cameron, P, Carbayo, L, Carbonara, M, Carise, E, Carpenter, K, Castano-Leon, A, Causin, F, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Coles-Kemp, L, Collett, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Damas, F, Damas, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Della, C, Depreitere, B, Dilvesi, D, Ding, S, Dippel, D, Dixit, A, Donoghue, E, Dreier, J, Duliere, G, Eapen, G, Engemann, H, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Feng, J, Foks, K, Fossi, F, Francony, G, Freo, U, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gantner, D, Gao, G, Geleijns, K, George, P, Ghuysen, A, Giga, L, Giraud, B, Glocker, B, Golubovic, J, Gomez, P, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Hartings, J, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Hertle, D, Hoedemaekers, A, Hoefer, S, Horton, L, Huijben, J, Hutchinson, P, Haberg, A, Jacobs, B, Jankowski, S, Jarrett, M, Jelaca, B, Jiang, J, Jones, K, Kamnitsas, K, Karan, M, Katila, A, Kaukonen, M, Kerforne, T, Kivisaari, R, Kolias, A, Kolumban, B, Kompanje, E, Kolundzija, K, Kondziella, D, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lecky, F, Ledig, C, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lei, J, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Loeckx, D, Lozano, A, Macdonald, S, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Major, S, Manara, A, Manley, G, Martin, D, Martin, L, Martino, C, Maruenda, A, Marechal, H, Masala, A, Mattern, J, Mcfadyen, C, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Morganti-Kossmann, C, Mulazzi, D, Muraleedharan, V, Murray, L, Muhlan, H, Nair, N, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Newcombe, V, Nieboer, D, Noirhomme, Q, Nyiradi, J, Oddo, M, Oldenbeuving, A, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Patruno, A, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Piippo-Karjalainen, A, Pili, F, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Poca, M, Pomposo, I, Posti, J, Puybasset, L, Radoi, A, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Real, R, Rehorcikova, V, Rhodes, J, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Roe, C, Roise, O, Roks, G, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rueckert, D, Rusnak, M, Sacchi, M, Sahakian, B, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sala, F, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Santos, E, Sasu, L, Savo, D, Schaffer, N, Schipper, I, Schlosser, B, Schmidt, S, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Scholl, M, Sir, O, Skandsen, T, Smakman, L, Smeets, D, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Steinbuchel, N, Stevanovic, A, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Taccone, F, Takala, R, Tamas, V, Tanskanen, P, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Telgmann, R, Teodorani, G, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Tolias, C, Tshibanda, J, Trapani, T, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Vallance, S, Valeinis, E, Van der Steen, G, van der Jagt, M, van der Naalt, J, van Dijck, J, Van Hecke, W, van Heugten, C, Van Praag, D, Vande Vyvere, T, Van Waesberghe, J, Vanhaudenhuyse, A, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Velt, K, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Vizzino, G, Vleggeert-Lankamp, C, Volovici, V, Voormolen, D, Vulekovic, P, Vamos, Z, Wade, D, Wang, K, Wang, L, Wessels, L, Wildschut, E, Williams, G, Wilson, L, Winkler, M, Wolf, S, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zaaroor, M, Zhihui, Y, Ziverte, A, Zumbo, F, van Essen T. A., den Boogert H. F., Cnossen M. C., de Ruiter G. C. W., Haitsma I., Polinder S., Steyerberg E. W., Menon D., Maas A. I. R., Lingsma H. F., Peul W. C., Ackerlund C., Adams H., Agnoletti V., Allanson J., Amrein K., Andaluz N., Andelic N., Andreassen L., Antun A., Anke A., Antoni A., Ardon H., Audibert G., Auslands K., Azouvi P., Azzolini M. L., Baciu C., Badenes R., Bartels R., Larizza D., Barzo P., Bauerfeind U., Beauvais R., Beer R., Belda F. J., Bellander B. -M., Belli A., Bellier R., Benali H., Benard T., Berardino M., Beretta L., Beynon C., Bilotta F., Binder H., Biqiri E., Blaabjerg M., den Boogert H., Bouzat P., Bragge P., Brazinova A., Brinck V., Brooker J., Brorsson C., Buki A., Bullinger M., Calappi E., Calvi M. R., Cameron P., Carbayo L. G., Carbonara M., Carise E., Carpenter K., Castano-Leon A. M., Causin F., Chevallard G., Chieregato A., Citerio G., Cnossen M., Coburn M., Coles J., Coles-Kemp L., Collett J., Cooper J. D., Correia M., Covic A., Curry N., Czeiter E., Czosnyka M., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Damas F., Damas P., Dawes H., De Keyser V., Della C. F., Depreitere B., Dilvesi D., Ding S., Dippel D., Dixit A., Donoghue E., Dreier J., Duliere G. -L., Eapen G., Engemann H., Ercole A., Esser P., Ezer E., Fabricius M., Feigin V. L., Feng J., Foks K., Fossi F., Francony G., Freo U., Frisvold S., Furmanov A., Gagliardo P., Galanaud D., Gantner D., Gao G., Geleijns K., George P., Ghuysen A., Giga L., Giraud B., Glocker B., Golubovic J., Gomez P. A., Grossi F., Gruen R. L., Gupta D., Haagsma J. A., Hartings J. A., Helbok R., Helseth E., Hertle D., Hoedemaekers A., Hoefer S., Horton L., Huijben J., Hutchinson P. J., Haberg A. K., Jacobs B., Jankowski S., Jarrett M., Jelaca B., Jiang J. -Y., Jones K., Kamnitsas K., Karan M., Katila A., Kaukonen M., Kerforne T., Kivisaari R., Kolias A. G., Kolumban B., Kompanje E., Kolundzija K., Kondziella D., Koskinen L. -O., Kovacs N., Lagares A., Lanyon L., Laureys S., Lecky F., Ledig C., Lefering R., Legrand V., Lei J., Levi L., Lightfoot R., Lingsma H., Loeckx D., Lozano A., MacDonald S., Maegele M., Majdan M., Major S., Manara A., Manley G., Martin D., Martin L. F., Martino C., Maruenda A., Marechal H., Masala A., Mattern J., McFadyen C., McMahon C., Melegh B., Menovsky T., Morganti-Kossmann C., Mulazzi D., Muraleedharan V., Murray L., Muhlan H., Nair N., Negru A., Nelson D., Newcombe V., Nieboer D., Noirhomme Q., Nyiradi J., Oddo M., Oldenbeuving A., Oresic M., Ortolano F., Palotie A., Parizel P. M., Patruno A., Payen J. -F., Perera N., Perlbarg V., Persona P., Peul W., Piippo-Karjalainen A., Pili F. S., Pirinen M., Ples H., Poca M. A., Pomposo I., Posti J., Puybasset L., Radoi A., Ragauskas A., Raj R., Rambadagalla M., Real R., Rehorcikova V., Rhodes J., Ripatti S., Rocka S., Roe C., Roise O., Roks G., Rosand J., Rosenfeld J., Rosenlund C., Rosenthal G., Rossaint R., Rossi S., Rueckert D., Rusnak M., Sacchi M., Sahakian B., Sahuquillo J., Sakowitz O., Sala F., Sanchez-Porras R., Sandor J., Santos E., Sasu L., Savo D., Schaffer N., Schipper I., Schlosser B., Schmidt S., Schoechl H., Schoonman G., Schou R. F., Schwendenwein E., Scholl M., Sir O., Skandsen T., Smakman L., Smeets D., Smielewski P., Sorinola A., Stamatakis E., Stanworth S., Steinbuchel N., Stevanovic A., Stevens R., Stewart W., Stocchetti N., Sundstrom N., Synnot A., Taccone F. S., Takala R., Tamas V., Tanskanen P., Taylor M. S., Te Ao B., Tenovuo O., Telgmann R., Teodorani G., Theadom A., Thomas M., Tibboel D., Tolias C., Tshibanda J. -F. L., Trapani T., Tudora C. M., Vajkoczy P., Vallance S., Valeinis E., Van der Steen G., van der Jagt M., van der Naalt J., van Dijck J. T. J. M., Van Hecke W., van Heugten C., Van Praag D., Vande Vyvere T., Van Waesberghe J., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Vargiolu A., Vega E., Velt K., Verheyden J., Vespa P. M., Vik A., Vilcinis R., Vizzino G., Vleggeert-Lankamp C., Volovici V., Voormolen D., Vulekovic P., Vamos Z., Wade D., Wang K. K. W., Wang L., Wessels L., Wildschut E., Williams G., Wilson L., Winkler M. K. L., Wolf S., Ylen P., Younsi A., Zaaroor M., Zhihui Y., Ziverte A., and Zumbo F.
- Abstract
The names of themembers of the IOPSMS study Group was inverted in the original paper and is now corrected in this article.
- Published
- 2019
23. Trust in enterprise software sales: A narrative case study of Salesforce employees’ perception of trust and good sales work
- Author
Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Merikallio, Otto, Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Merikallio, Otto
- Published
- 2021
24. Developing partnership capabilities
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Vaahto, Eevi, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Vaahto, Eevi
- Abstract
Already for centuries organizations have included partnerships in the center of their strategies to maintain and grow competitive advantage (Harrigan, 1988; Powell, 1990). The success factors of strategic partnerships and the characteristics of partners that succeed have been recognized in the academic literature. Despite the existing studies, 60–70% of formed partnerships fail (Mamavi, Meier and Zerbib, 2015; Hughes and Weiss, 2007) and some organizations tend to succeed better in partnerships than others. Organizations that have a higher success rate in partnerships are believed to have partnership capabilities (Kale and Singh, 2007). Partnership capabilities that lead to successful partnerships have been identified. However, only a few studies (e.g., Draulans, De Man and Volberda, 2003; Kale and Singh, 2007) exist about what ways or methods are used to develop these capabilities in large organizations. Moreover, especially research on the area of the individuals’ viewpoint of these ways and methods has been conducted very little. Thus, the first objective of this thesis is to illustrate how partnership capabilities are being developed in a large Finnish multinational company. The second objective is to investigate if a specific leadership development program, that aims to develop the participants as entrepreneurial leaders, develop partnership capabilities and if the program could be utilized in the development of these capabilities in the future. This study was conducted as a single-case study by interviewing experienced senior executives that work with different types of partners as a part of their day-to-day job at KONE Plc. The empirical data was collected through thematic interviews and supported with other material, that was used to validate the themes raised from the interviews. The empirical case study findings suggest that the organization’s partnership capabilities can further be divided into organizational and individual level capabilities. Organizatio, Organisaatiot ovat jo vuosikymmeniä sisältäneet kumppanuudet strategian keskiöön mahdollistaakseen kilpailuedun ylläpidon sekä sen kasvattamisen (Harrigan, 1988; Powell, 1990). Akateemisessa kirjallisuudessa on tunnistettu strategisten kumppanuuksien menestystekijöitä ja menestyneiden kumppanien piirteitä. Näistä tutkimuksista huolimatta jopa 60–70 % kumppanuuksista epäonnistuu (Mamavi, Meier and Zerbib, 2015; Hughes and Weiss, 2007) ja toiset organisaatiot menestyvät toisia paremmin kumppanuuksien kanssa. Organisaatioilla, jotka menestyvät kumppanuuksien kanssa paremmin uskotaan olevan kumppanuuskyvykkyyksiä (Kale and Singh, 2007). Kumppanuuskyvykkyydet, jotka johtavat parempaan menestykseen kumppanuuksissa on tunnistettu. Tuoreita tutkimuksia siitä, mitä tapoja ja metodeja käytetään näiden kyvykkyyksien kehittämiseen isoissa organisaatioissa, on kuitenkin vain muutamia (esim. Draulans, De Man and Volberda, 2003; Kale and Singh, 2007). Erityisesti erilaisten tapojen ja metodien tarkastelu yksilötasolla on erittäin vähäistä. Tämän tutkielman ensimmäisenä tavoitteena on siten havainnollistaa, miten kumppanuuskyvykkyyksiä kehitetään isossa suomalaisessa kansainvälisessä yrityksessä. Toisena tavoitteena on tutkia, kehittääkö yksittäinen johtamisen kehittämisohjelma, jonka tavoitteena on kehittää osallistujia yrittäjämäisinä johtajina, kumppanuuskyvykkyyksiä ja voidaanko sitä hyödyntää tulevaisuudessa kumppanuuskyvykkyyksien kehittämisessä. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin case-tutkimuksena haastattelemalla kokeneita päättäjiä, jotka ovat tekemisissä erityyppisten kumppanuuksien kanssa päivittäisessä työssään KONE organisaatiossa. Empiirinen tutkimusdata poimittiin teemahaastatteluilla ja täydennettiin muulla materiaalilla, joilla validoitiin haastatteluista nousseita teemoja. Tutkielman empiiriset tulokset osoittivat, että organisaation kumppanuuskyvykkyydet voidaan jakaa organisaatiotason sekä yksilötason kyvykkyyksiin. Organisaation prosessit ja struktuurit muodostavat per
- Published
- 2021
25. Supporting prosecutors’ work wellbeing after targeted harassment
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Mäkikangas, Kaisa, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Mäkikangas, Kaisa
- Published
- 2021
26. Mentoring programs taking shape: mentor experiences in two Finnish governmental organizations
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Ahtola, Jari, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Ahtola, Jari
- Abstract
Mentoring research has found mentoring to be beneficial. On the other hand, there are some doubts about the universality of these benefits and questions about how academic literature has applied terminology to developmental interactions, such as mentoring, it has proclaimed to research. The effects of mentoring have been regarded as quite unidirectional, but research has started to consider mentoring relationships more mutual in nature. Alternative mentoring models, such as peer mentoring, have received some academic attention but remain underresearched. Modern work environments demand continuous learning from all employees. Understanding of models that support the personal development of employees is valuable for modern organizations. The purpose of this study is to gain information about mentoring programs in Finnish governmental organizations, and to understand how mentoring programs are adapted to suit the implementing organizations. This is a qualitative multiple case study that considers the mentor point-of-view. I interviewed eight employees, from two organizations, who at the time of this research were acting as mentors. I analysed the data in the tradition of thematic analysis. The mentoring programs are called learning mentoring programs. However, learning mentoring as a term does not feature prominently in previous research literature. The mentors and protégés, or actors, resemble peers. In other words, they are not separated by rank or seniority in the sense that is usually associated with a traditional mentor-protégé relationship. In addition to literature concerned with traditional mentoring and design elements of formal mentoring programs, this thesis engages literature concerned with peer mentoring. This thesis adds to the academic discussion regarding how to position studies that deal with mentoring concepts that are difficult to categorize. Mentoring activity is always strongly tied to the context it appears in. This is evident in the results of th, Aiempi tutkimus on arvioinut mentoroinnin olevan hyödyllistä. Toisaalta on esitetty kysymyksiä siitä, voidaanko mentoroinnin todeta tuottavan hyötyä kaikissa tapauksissa, sekä siitä miten tutkimus on luokitellut ja nimennyt tutkimusaiheitaan henkilökohtaista kehitystä tavoittelevaa vuorovaikutusta, kuten mentorointia, tarkastellessaan. Perinteisesti mentoroinnin vaikutusten on nähty olevan melko yksisuuntaisia, mutta tutkimuskirjallisuus on sittemmin alkanut tarkastella mentorointisuhteita vastavuoroisempina yhteyksinä. Vaihtoehtoiset mentoroinnin muodot, kuten vertaismentorointi, ovat herättäneet jonkinasteista kiinnostusta akatemiassa, mutta ne ovat toistaiseksi verrattain harvalti tutkittu aihe. Moderni työelämä vaatii jatkuvaa oppimista kaikilta organisaation jäseniltä ja moderneille organisaatioille on hyötyä työntekijöiden kehitystä tukevien mallien ymmärryksestä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite on kerätä tietoa mentorointiohjelmista suomalaisissa valtionhallinnon organisaatioissa ja rakentaa ymmärrystä siitä, miten mentorointiohjelmia räätälöidään organisaatioiden tarpeisiin. Kyseessä on kvalitatiivinen monitapaustutkimus, jonka tarkastelun kohteena on mentorinäkökulma aiheeseen. Haastattelin kahdeksaa työntekijää kahdesta organisaatiosta. Tutkimuksen tekohetkellä he toimivat mentoreina pilottivaiheen mentorointiohjelmissa. Datan analysointi suoritettiin temaattisen analyysin menetelmin. Organisaatiot kutsuvat kyseisisten ohjelmien toimintaa oppimismentoroinniksi. Tämä termi esiintyy kuitenkin harvoin kirjallisuudessa. Mentorit ja mentoroitavat, tai aktorit, vaikuttavat keskenään vertaisilta eivätkä heidän väliset suhteensa muistuta perinteistä mentori-mentoroitava-asetelmaa. Siksi perinteistä mentorointia ja mentorointiohjelmien elementtejä tarkastelleen tutkimuskirjallisuuden lisäksi tämä tutkielma tutustuu myös vertaismentorointia käsitelleeseen aiempaan kirjallisuuteen. Tämä tutkielma liittyy osaksi akateemista keskustelua, joka käsittelee mentorointitutkimuste
- Published
- 2021
27. Leadership as a journey to oneself – supporting and endorsing youth leadership: case Value Based Leadership course
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Pitkänen, Nina, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Pitkänen, Nina
- Abstract
The pursuit to understand the best leadership practices and how to teach them is an ongoing process participated by both scholars and practitioners. There is not just one way to train future leaders, and therefore a great number of possibilities for self-development is offered. Leadership programs aim to enhance the participants’ leadership knowledge and skills as well as their abilities as leaders and individuals. Values-based leadership as a leadership theory brings the focus to the leader themself and emphasizes the importance of an individual using values as foundation for their leadership instead of just skills and knowhow that can be memorized. Different leadership programs can be further categorized into leadership training, leadership education and leadership development, each of these having some unique features while also being somewhat intertwined. Although leadership programs differ in nature, there are some aspects that successful leadership programs share. This study aims to understand those factors by studying a youth leadership program in the Finnish context. The research target of this thesis is the Value Based Leadership (VBL) course organized by the Scouts and Guides of Finland (GSF, Suomen Partiolaiset). The course is offered to 20 to 27-year-old volunteer leaders with the aim of providing advanced leadership training to young leaders in the non-profit sector. As a qualitative single case study, this thesis examines the roots of leadership programs’ effectiveness and aims to understand how leadership programs support and endorse youth leadership. The research data was collected primarily through semi-structured interviews with four Value Based Leadership course alumni, and secondarily from the course materials. The empirical data was then analysed with thematic analysis. Finally, the research findings are discussed with earlier literature to endorse the findings’ validity. The findings of this study suggest that the effectiveness of a leadership, Pyrkimys ymmärtää parhaita johtamistapoja ja niiden opettamista on jatkuva prosessi, johon osallistuvat niin tutkijat kuin ammatinharjoittajat. Ei ole olemassa vain yhtä tapaa kouluttaa tulevia johtajia, ja tarjolla onkin lukuisia mahdollisuuksia itsensä kehittämiseen. Johtamisohjelmien tarkoituksena on kartuttaa osallistujien johtamistietotaitoa ja kehittää heidän kykyjään niin johtajina kuin yksilöinä. Arvojohtaminen johtamisteoriana keskittyy nimenomaan johtajaan itseensä korostaen arvojen tärkeyttä johtamisen pohjana opeteltujen taitojen sijaan. Erilaiset johtamisohjelmat voidaan jakaa johtamiskoulutukseen, johtamisopetukseen sekä johtamiskehittämiseen, joista jokaisella on omat piirteensä. Vaikka johtamisohjelmia on moneen lähtöön, menetyksekkäillä johtamisohjelmilla on tiettyjä yhtäläisyyksiä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma pyrkii ymmärtämään näitä yhtäläisyyksiä tutkimalla nuorille suunnattua johtamisohjelmaa suomalaisessa kontekstissa käyttäen tutkimuskohteena Suomen Partiolaisten järjestämää Value Based Leadership -kurssia. Kurssi pyrkii tarjoamaan edistynyttä johtamiskoulutusta 20–27-vuotiaille nuorille vapaaehtoisjohtajille. Tämä laadullinen yksittäistapaustutkimus tarkastelee johtamisohjelmien vaikuttavuuden juuria sekä pyrkii ymmärtämään, miten johtamisohjelmat tukevat nuorten johtajuutta. Ensisijainen tutkimusaineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla neljää Value Based Leadership -kurssin alumnia ja toissijainen tutkimalla kurssin materiaaleja, minkä jälkeen empiirinen aineisto on analysoitu temaattisesti. Lopuksi tutkimustuloksia on tarkasteltu suhteessa olemassa olevaan kirjallisuuteen tulosten validoimiseksi. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että johtamisohjelman vaikuttavuus rakentuu osallistujien motivaatiosta läpi ohjelman eri vaiheiden sekä ympäristöstä, jonka ohjelman järjestäjät ja osallistujat luovat yhdessä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat myös, että oppimalla ymmärtämään paremmin itseään ja muita sekä oppimalla johtamismetodeja, -tekniikoita, -tai
- Published
- 2021
28. Permanent guests or committed settlers? Sense of belonging and return intentions among European migrants in Denmark
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Erkko, Eevi, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Erkko, Eevi
- Published
- 2021
29. Inflammatory markers in uterine lavage fluids of pregnant, non-pregnant, and intrauterine device implanted mares on days 10 and 15 post ovulation
- Author
Rivera del Álamo, Maria Montserrat, Reilas, Tiina, Lukasik, Karolina, Galvão, Antonio, Yeste Oliveras, Marc, Katila, Terttu, Rivera del Álamo, Maria Montserrat, Reilas, Tiina, Lukasik, Karolina, Galvão, Antonio, Yeste Oliveras, Marc, and Katila, Terttu
- Abstract
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are used in mares to suppress oestrous behaviour, but the underlying mechanism is yet to be elucidated. The presence of an embryo or an IUD prevents cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and, subsequently, prostaglandin (PG) release and luteolysis. However, inflammation may also be involved. Endometrial inflammatory markers in uterine lavage fluid were measured on Day 10 (EXP 1, n = 25) and Day 15 (EXP 2, n = 27) after ovulation in inseminated mares, non-pregnant or pregnant, and in mares in which a small plastic sphere had been inserted into the uterus 4 (EXP 1) or 3 days (EXP 2) after ovulation. Uterine lavage fluid samples were analysed for nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin E (PGE) (only Exp. 1), prostaglandin F (PGF), inhibin A and cytokines, and blood samples for progesterone and oestradiol. On Day 10, the concentration of PGF was lower (p < 0.05) in the IUD group than in pregnant mares. The concentration of the modulatory cytokine IL-10 was significantly higher in the IUD group in comparison to non-pregnant mares, and inhibin A was significantly higher in IUD mares than in the pregnant counterparts on Day 15. The results suggest that the presence of IUD causes endometrial inflammation which is at a resolution stage on Day 15.
- Published
- 2021
30. Effects of intrauterine devices on proteins in the uterine lavage fluid of mares
- Author
Rivera del Álamo, Maria Montserrat, Katila, T., Palviainen, M., Reilas, T., Rivera del Álamo, Maria Montserrat, Katila, T., Palviainen, M., and Reilas, T.
- Abstract
Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSIC, Altres ajuts: This work was supported by Finnish Veterinary Research, Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Intrauterine devices block luteolysis in cyclic mares, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. To clarify the mechanisms, the protein profile of the endometrial secretome was analyzed using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE). Twenty-seven mares were classified according to whether they were inseminated (AI) or had an intrauterine device (IUD), a water-filled plastic sphere, inserted into the uterus on Day 3 after ovulation. Uterine lavage fluids were collected on Day 15 from pregnant inseminated mares (AI-P; n = 8), non-pregnant inseminated mares (AI-N; n = 4), and mares with IUD (n = 15). The IUD group was further divided into prolonged (IUD-P; n = 7) and normal luteal phase (IUD-N; n = 8) groups on the basis of ultrasound examinations, serum levels of progesterone and PGFM on Days 14 and 15, and COX-2 results on Day 15. Four mares from each group were selected for the 2D-DIGE analyses. Ten proteins had significantly different abundance among the groups, nine of the proteins were identified. Malate dehydrogenase 1, increased sodium tolerance 1, aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1, prostaglandin reductase 1, albumin and hemoglobin were highest in pregnant mares; T-complex protein 1 was highest in non-pregnant mares; and annexin A1 and 6-phosphogluconolactonase were highest in IUD mares. The results suggest that the mechanism behind the intrauterine devices is likely related to inflammation.
- Published
- 2021
31. A novel Internet-of-Drones and blockchain-based system architecture for search and rescue
- Author
Nguyen, T. (Tri), Katila, R. (Risto), Gia, T. N. (Tuan Nguyen), Nguyen, T. (Tri), Katila, R. (Risto), and Gia, T. N. (Tuan Nguyen)
- Abstract
With the development in information and communications technology (ICT) and drones such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), edge computing, image processing, and autonomous drones, solutions supporting search and rescue (SAR) missions can be developed with more intelligent capabilities. In most of the drone and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based systems supporting SAR missions, several drones deployed in different areas acquire images and videos that are sent to a ground control station (GCS) for processing and detecting a missing person. Although this offers many advantages, such as easy management and deployment, the approach still has many limitations. For example, when a connection between a drone and a GCS has some problems, the quality of service cannot be maintained. Many drone and UAV-based systems do not support flexibility, transparency, security, and traceability. In this paper, we propose a novel Internet-of-Drones (IoD) architecture using blockchain technology. We implement the proposed architecture with different drones, edge servers, and a Hyperledger blockchain network. The proof-of-concept design demonstrates that the proposed architecture can offer high-level services such as prolonging the operating time of a drone, improving the capability of detecting humans accurately, and a high level of transparency, traceability, and security.
- Published
- 2021
32. A Novel Internet-of-Drones and Blockchain-based System Architecture for Search and Rescue
- Author
Nguyen, Tri, Katila, Risto, Gia, Tuan Nguyen, Nguyen, Tri, Katila, Risto, and Gia, Tuan Nguyen
- Abstract
With the development in information and communications technology (ICT) and drones such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), edge computing, image processing, and autonomous drones, solutions supporting search and rescue (SAR) missions can be developed with more intelligent capabilities. In most of the drone and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based systems supporting SAR missions, several drones deployed in different areas acquire images and videos that are sent to a ground control station (GCS) for processing and detecting a missing person. Although this offers many advantages, such as easy management and deployment, the approach still has many limitations. For example, when a connection between a drone and a GCS has some problems, the quality of service cannot be maintained. Many drone and UAV-based systems do not support flexibility, transparency, security, and traceability. In this paper, we propose a novel Internet-of-Drones (IoD) architecture using blockchain technology. We implement the proposed architecture with different drones, edge servers, and a Hyperledger blockchain network. The proof-of-concept design demonstrates that the proposed architecture can offer high-level services such as prolonging the operating time of a drone, improving the capability of detecting humans accurately, and a high level of transparency, traceability, and security., Comment: 8 figures and 11 pages
- Published
- 2021
33. Critical visual discourse analysis of diversity and differences on Finnish company websites. A case study of Wolt and Freska
- Author
Piekkari, Rebecca, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Wikberg, Ella, Piekkari, Rebecca, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Wikberg, Ella
- Abstract
Objectives of the study The purpose of this thesis was to examine how diversity and differences are discursively constructed in the visual content choices on the websites of two Finnish companies, Wolt and Freska. Moreover, I analyzed how those visual discourses contribute to the known discourses of diversity and differences in Finnish business organizations. This thesis locates within critical theory. Methodology The data set included 100 images: 42 on the website of Wolt and 58 on the website of Freska. To conduct visual discourse analysis on the images, I used Fairclough’s (1995) three-dimensional discourse analysis framework (CDA). I utilized Kress and van Leeuwen’s (1996) grammar of visual design to analyze the meanings in the images. The two theoretical frameworks together enabled me to look at not only the images themselves but also their relationships with each other and their function in the larger sphere of diversity discourses and power at the societal level. Findings and Conclusions The visual representations of Wolt and Freska are mainly conservative reproductions of the known gender, race and ethnicity, and age-inequalities that persist in Finnish workplaces still today. The maleness and whiteness of the visual representation were especially true for Wolt. However, both companies frame diversity as a problem of those who are “different” in terms of race and ethnicity. The findings of this thesis suggest that there is still a lot of work to do in understanding the power of visual representation on company websites of Finnish business organizations. I concluded that not enough resources had been invested in visual representation in the case companies. Even though Freska showed some attempt to create an inclusive visual representation, overall, it seems that the companies’ reach for ever-increasing revenues has happened at the expense of inclusive communication and company image. However, inclusive visual representations would have an important role in ac, Työn tavoite Työni tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka monimuotoisuus ja erilaisuus ovat diskursiivisesti rakentuneet kahden suomalaisen yrityksen, Woltin ja Freskan, kotisivujen visuaalisissa valinnoissa. Pyrkimyk- senä oli myös selvittää, miten nämä visuaaliset diskurssit omalta osaltaan rakentavat nykyistä ym- märrystä monimuotoisuudesta ja erilaisuudesta suomalaisissa yrityksissä. Tämä tutkielma sijoittuu kriittisen teorian alueelle. Tutkimusmenetelmät Tämän työn tutkimusaineisto sisälsi 100 kuvaa: 42 Woltin kotisivuilla ja 58 Freskan kotisivuilla. Visuaalisten diskurssien tutkimiseksi käytin työssäni Faircloughn (1995) kriittisen diskurssianalyy- sin teoreettista viitekehystä (CDA). Hyödynsin Kressin ja van Leeuwen:in (1996) visuaalista kieliop- pia tutkimusaineistona olevien kuvien merkitysten analysoinnissa. Nämä kaksi teoreettista viiteke- hystä yhdessä mahdollistivat yksittäisten kuvien tarkastelun sekä kuvien keskinäisten suhteiden ja funktion analysoinnin osana yhteiskunnallista keskustelua monimuotoisuudesta ja vallasta. Työn tulokset ja johtopäätökset Woltin ja Freskan visuaaliset valinnat ovat pääasiassa konservatiivisia, koska ne toistavat etabloitu- neita sukupuoleen, etnisyyteen ja ikään liittyviä hierarkkisia oletuksia ja käsityksiä eriarvoisuu- desta. Nämä vallitsevat käsitykset ovat edelleen osana suomalaisia työpaikkoja ja laajemmin suo- malaista yhteiskuntaa. Visuaalisten valintojen miehinen hallitsevuus ja valkoisuus pitivät erityisesti paikkansa Woltin kohdalla. Toisaalta molemmat yritykset sortuivat pitämään monimuotoisuutta ongelmana niille, jotka ovat "erilaisia" etniseltä alkuperältään verrattuna valkoiseen suomalaiseen. Työni tulokset viittaavat siihen, että suomalisilla yrityksillä on vielä paljon tehtävää, jotta ne ym- märtäisivät visuaalisten valintojen tärkeyden niiden nettisivuillaan. Johtopäätökseni on, että yrityk- sissä ei oltu investoitu riittävästi resursseja visuaalisen yrityskuvan rakentamiseen. Vaikka Freska pyrki luomaan inklusi
- Published
- 2020
34. A competent leader or a mother figure? – Female managers’ portrayal in Finnish business media articles
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Jolkkonen, Fanny, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Jolkkonen, Fanny
- Abstract
In this study I examine the media’s representation of women in management. The theory of doing gender by West and Zimmerman forms the main theoretical framework for this thesis and it guides the analysis. In this thesis, gender is seen as an ongoing accomplishment that is constructed through social interactions. The media has significant power in the current world in constructing gender and influencing how we perceive it. The media is “doing” gender and utilizes gendered stereotypes by associating feminine elements to female managers. The purpose of this study is to disclose the media portrayal of female managers in business articles in Finland. The research is approached through qualitative research methods. The data of my thesis is collected from three popular business publications in Finland: Talouselämä, Kauppalehti, and Kauppalehti Optio, from the timeframe of January-August, 2020. The data consists of 36 articles that present a female leader and her career story. I use data-driven content analysis to study how female managers are portrayed in the Finnish business media articles. Based on the findings of this study the portrayals of female managers can be encapsulated in four main categories that are a competent leader, a leader of soft values, a mother figure, and a doubted leader. The most dominant of these four categories was the first category of competent leader that portrays female managers as efficient, rational and competitive professionals. These natures are often considered masculine and they are used to build the portray-al of competent leader. Therefore, this finding reproduces the masculinity of management. The leader of soft values category builds the portrayal of female as a leader who places people in high value, promotes teamwork and all in all presents soft values in her leadership. The mother figure category portrays the female manager as orientated towards her family, interested in work-life balance, and desiring harmony and unity within the, Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani median esiintuomaa naisjohtajuutta. Westin ja Zimmermanin sukupuolen tekemisen teoria muodostaa tämän tutkimuksen merkittävimmän teoreettisen viitekehyksen ja toimii analyysiä ohjaavana keinona. Tässä tutkimuksessa sukupuoli nähdään jatkumona, joka muodostuu sosiaalisten vuorovaikutusten kautta. Medialla on nykyisin vahva vaikutus sukupuolen konstruoinnissa, sen muovatessa ymmärrystämme sukupuolesta. Media ”tekee” sukupuolta ja käyttää sukupuolittuneita stereotypioita liittämällä feminiinisiä elementtejä naisjohtajiin. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on tuoda esille suomalaisten talouslehtien kuvauksia naisjohtajista. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisen tutkimuksen menetelmien keinoin. Tutkimukseni aineisto on kerätty vuoden 2020 tammi-elokuun ajalta kolmesta suomalaisesta talouslehtijulkaisusta: Talouselämä, Kauppalehti ja Kauppalehti Optio. Aineisto muodostuu 36 artikkelista, jotka esittelevät naisjohtajan ja kuvaavat hänen uratarinaansa. Käytän työssäni aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä tutkiakseni, miten naisjohtajat kuvataan talouslehtien artikkeleissa. Tutkimukseni löydösten perusteella naisjohtajien kuvaukset voidaan tiivistää neljään kategoriaan, jotka ovat pätevä johtaja, pehmeiden arvojen johtaja, äitihahmo ja kyseenalaistettu johtaja. Näistä neljästä kategoriasta dominoivin oli ensimmäinen pätevän johtajan kategoria, joka esittää naisjohtajat tehokkaina, rationaalisina ja kilpailuhenkisinä ammattilaisina. Nämä määreet liitetään usein maskuliinisuuteen ja niiden avulla rakennetaan pätevän johtajan kuvausta. Näin ollen tämä löydös toisintaa johtajuuteen liitettävää maskuliinisuutta. Pehmeiden arvojen johtaja kategoria rakentaa kuvaa naisesta johtajana, joka arvostaa ihmisiä, kannattaa tiimityötä ja tuo kaiken kaikkiaan esiin pehmeitä arvoja johtajuudessaan. Äitihahmo kategoria esittää naisen perheeseensä orientoituneena johtajana, jolle on tärkeää saada aikaan tasapaino työn ja muun elämän välillä sekä luoda harmoniaa ja yhteenkuuluvuu
- Published
- 2020
35. Meaningful work – Mismatches between employees’ work and sense of self
- Author
Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Hevosmaa, Maija, Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Hevosmaa, Maija
- Abstract
Meaningful work has been a growing area of research during the last few decades. People’s attitudes towards their work have been changed and people expect their work to provide possibilities to actualize themselves as well as serve a greater good. Meaningful work is a subjective experience of individuals that is influenced by several factors. In this research, the topic is approached through the literature covering meaningful work and identity. In this study, meaningful work is examined in individuals’ career transitions. The aim of this research is to explore what kind of mismatches people find between their work and identities and to understand, how people reflect those mismatches. The purpose was to interview individuals who have considered or done career transitions due to their mismatching work experiences. The topic is approached through people’s individual-level experiences in order to form a holistic picture of the phenomenon. The research is approached through qualitative study methods. The material is collected by interviewing 12 individuals. The interviewees were selected based on their mismatching work experiences by purposive sampling methods. The interviews were semi-structured interviews and they were conducted during the spring of 2020 by remote access. The data were transcribed and analyzed by obeying the principles of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The findings of this study were examined through the research questions. The findings show that the mismatches between work and identity are encapsulated in four main themes: organizational procedures, management of the organization, purpose of the organization, and organizational ideology and message. Furthermore, the study focuses on the way in which the interviewees’ reflected their mismatches. The responses divided into two main themes. The first theme was the self-related aspect that contains individuals’ personalities, possibilities to be themselves as well as their personal growth, Merkityksellinen työ on aihe, jonka tutkimus on lisääntynyt erityisesti viime vuosina. Ihmisten asenteet työtä kohtaan ovat muuttuneet ja työltä haetaan asioita, joiden avulla yksilö voi toisaalta toteuttaa itseään ja toisaalta vaikuttaa johonkin itseään suurempaan. Merkityksellinen työ on yksilöllinen kokemus, johon vaikuttavat monet tekijät. Tässä tutkimuksessa aiheeseen perehdytään merkitykselliseen työhön ja identiteettiin liittyvän kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu merkityksellistä työtä yksilöiden urasiirtymävaiheissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia ristiriitoja yksilöiden työn ja identiteetin välillä ilmenee sekä ymmärtää, miten nämä ristiriidat koetaan. Tavoite pyritään saavuttamaan haastattelemalla henkilöitä, jotka ovat harkinneet uranvaihtoa tai vaihtaneet työpaikkaa heidän identiteetin ja työpaikan välisen ristiriidan vuoksi. Aihetta lähestytään haastateltavien henkilökohtaisten työkokemusten kautta, jotta ilmiöstä voitaisiin muodostaa mahdollisimman kokonaisvaltainen kuva. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisin tutkimusmenetelmin. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 12 henkilöä, jotka valittiin harkinnanvaraisesti heidän ristiriitaisten työkokemustensa perusteella. Haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoituina haastatteluina keväällä 2020 etäyhteyden välityksellä. Tutkimusaineisto litteroitiin ja analysoitiin tulkitsevan fenomenologisen analyysin periaatteita noudattaen. Tutkimuksen löydöksiä tarkastellaan tutkimuskysymysten kautta. Aineistosta ilmenee useita ristiriitoja, jotka tiivistyvät neljään teemaan: organisaation toimintatavat, organisaation johto, organisaation tavoite ja organisaation viesti. Seuraava osio keskittyy siihen, kuinka haastateltavat tarkastelivat näitä ristiriitoja. Vastauksista tunnistetaan kaksi teemaa: henkilöön itseensä liittyvät syyt, jotka jakautuivat yksilön persoonallisuuteen, mahdollisuuteen olla oma itsensä sekä henkilökohtaiseen kasvutarinaan. Toisena teemana aineistossa ilmeni
- Published
- 2020
36. SDG 4: Quality Education and Forests - 'The Golden Thread'
- Author
Katila, P., Pierce Colfer, C., de Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pacheco, P., Winkel, G., Kanowski, Peter, Yao, Dollie, Wyatt, Stephen, Katila, P., Pierce Colfer, C., de Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pacheco, P., Winkel, G., Kanowski, Peter, Yao, Dollie, and Wyatt, Stephen
- Abstract
Education has been characterised as ‘the golden thread that runs through all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’. SDG4 (Quality Education) broadens the depth and breadth of ‘education’ to people of all ages, and expands its scope to a lifelong process spanning formal, non-formal and informal settings. SDG4 emphasises quality of educational access, particularly for girls and women and marginalised groups. Literature exploring ‘pro-environment’ behaviour informs our consideration of how progress towards SDG4 might impact on forests, forest ecosystem services and forest-related livelihoods. The concept of ‘pro-forest’ behaviour describes those elements of pro-environment behaviour related to forests; encouraging and enabling pro-forest behaviour is the basis of building a positive relationship between SDG4 and forests. Inclusive education that builds and reinforces positive attitudes to forests, relevant knowledge and competencies, and that helps individuals and communities feel or stay connected to forests will foster and sustain pro-forest behaviours. Progress towards SDG4 will benefit forests if education informs, encourages and enables pro-forest behaviour. This requires that education systems respect, nurture and enable Indigenous and traditional knowledge; promote forest-related Environment and Sustainability Education; strengthen forest-related professional, technical and vocational education and capacity development; and capitalise on the power of both established and new media.
- Published
- 2020
37. SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – A Political Ecology Perspective
- Author
Katila, P., Pierce Colfer, C. J., de Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pacheco, P., Winkel, G., McDermott, Constance L., Acheampong, Emmanuel, Arora-Jonsson, Seema, Asare, Rebecca, de Jong, Wil, Hirons, Mark, Khatun, Kaysara, Menton, Mary, Nunan, Fiona, Poudyal, Mahesh, Setyowati, Abidah, Katila, P., Pierce Colfer, C. J., de Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pacheco, P., Winkel, G., McDermott, Constance L., Acheampong, Emmanuel, Arora-Jonsson, Seema, Asare, Rebecca, de Jong, Wil, Hirons, Mark, Khatun, Kaysara, Menton, Mary, Nunan, Fiona, Poudyal, Mahesh, and Setyowati, Abidah
- Abstract
• Understanding the impacts of SDG 16 on forests and people requires attention to the power dynamics that shape how all 17 SDGs are interpreted and implemented across the Global North and South. • As SDGs were agreed upon by nation states, SDG 16 places a strong emphasis on state power and the rule of law. • Yet inclusive governance requires the involvement of diverse actors, and consideration for customary laws and other non-state forms of rulemaking at global to local scales. • Many national laws governing forests and land use favour political elite, large-scale industry actors and international trade. • The development and strengthening of legal frameworks that support all of the SDGs – including those relevant to human rights, income inequalities, land tenure, gender and environmental protection – requires equal or greater priority than law enforcement. Otherwise, law enforcement will reinforce inequities and unsustainable practices. • SDG 16 provides an opportunity to overcome the stereotypes of the Global North as the referential role model for peace and democracy, by highlighting the role of the North in fostering market inequalities and global conflicts, and drawing attention to barriers to democratic and inclusive participation within the Global North. • How transparency, accountability and justice are conceived and prioritised shapes their impact on forests, as well as the degree to which their achievement either empowers forest-dependent peoples or excludes them from meaningful and informed engagement.
- Published
- 2020
38. Opetuksen pelillistäminen yliopistossa
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Joro, Essi, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Joro, Essi
- Published
- 2019
39. Returning To Work Post Maternity Leaves - A study of well-educated women's experiences in Finland
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Nguyen, Minh Quynh Nhu, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Nguyen, Minh Quynh Nhu
- Abstract
The purpose of this thesis is to further our understanding of the employed women’s experiences of returning to work after their maternity leaves. In particular, I will look into the experiences of well-educated working mothers in Finland. While Finland has traditionally enjoyed a high level of women’s engagement in paid work, there are few studies concerning their experiences of going back to paid work post maternity leaves in the country. In the broader literature, currently, studies on the topic seem to be insufficient and fragmented, too. Therefore, this thesis attempts to enrich the academic discussion of the topic and hopefully build a solid base for future policies and practices to better facilitate the mothers’ and women’s working. In order to answer the research question of "How do well-educated employed mothers in Finland experience and manage returning to work post maternity leaves?", this thesis is conducted as a qualitative interview study. Specifically, eight in-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with eight university-graduated Finnish women who have returned to work for less than two years after their maternity leaves to produce data for the study. The interviews’ transcripts were then analyzed using the thematic analysis method. In the end, five prevalent themes of the well-educated women’s experiences of returning to work post maternity leaves in Finland were identified, namely: (1) The Simultaneous Sense Of Sorrow And Joy, (2) The Enablers For Mothers’ Working In Finland, (3) The Time Management, (4) The Sense Of Guilt, and (5) Work And Home Benefit Each Other.
- Published
- 2019
40. Inclusion: a daily managerial practice? Middle managers’ perceptions of inclusive managerial practices
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Eskola, Samu, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Eskola, Samu
- Published
- 2019
41. Laadullisen myyntiennustamisen tarkkuus - Case valmistustoimintaa harjoittava yritys X
- Author
Huikku, Jari, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Laskentatoimen laitos, Katila, Niklas, Huikku, Jari, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Laskentatoimen laitos, and Katila, Niklas
- Published
- 2019
42. Analysis of Strategic Posture of a Finnish Listed Company: case study
- Author
Tienari, Janne, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Piironen, Tuula, Tienari, Janne, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Piironen, Tuula
- Published
- 2019
43. Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study
- Author
van Essen, Thomas A., den Boogert, Hugo F., Cnossen, Maryse C., de Ruiter, Godard C. W., Haitsma, Iain, Polinder, Suzanne, Steyerberg, Ewout W., Menon, David, Maas, Andrew I. R., Lingsma, Hester F., Peul, Wilco C., Cecilia, Ackerlund, Hadie, Adams, Vanni, Agnoletti, Judith, Allanson, Krisztina, Amrein, Norberto, Andaluz, Nada, Andelic, Lasse, Andreassen, Azasevac, Antun, Audny, Anke, Anna, Antoni, Hilko, Ardon, Gerard, Audibert, Kaspars, Auslands, Philippe, Azouvi, Luisa, Azzolini Maria, Camelia, Baciu, Rafael, Badenes, Ronald, Bartels, Pal, Barzo, Ursula, Bauerfeind, Romuald, Beauvais, Ronny, Beer, Francisco Javier, Belda, Bo-Michael, Bellander, Antonio, Belli, Remy, Bellier, Habib, Benali, Thierry, Benard, Maurizio, Berardino, Luigi, Beretta, Christopher, Beynon, Federico, Bilotta, Harald, Binder, Erta, Biqiri, Morten, Blaabjerg, Hugo, den Boogert, Pierre, Bouzat, Peter, Bragge, Alexandra, Brazinova, Vibeke, Brinck, Joanne, Brooker, Camilla, Brorsson, Andras, Buki, Monika, Bullinger, Emiliana, Calappi, Rosa, Calvi Maria, Peter, Cameron, Lozano Guillermo, Carbayo, Marco, Carbonara, Elsa, Carise, Carpenter, K., Ana M, Castano-Leon, Francesco, Causin, Giorgio, Chevallard, Arturo, Chieregato, Giuseppe, Citerio, Maryse, Cnossen, Mark, Coburn, Jonathan, Coles, Lizzie, Coles-Kemp, Johnny, Collett, Jamie, Cooper D., Marta, Correia, Amra, Covic, Nicola, Curry, Endre, Czeiter, Marek, Czosnyka, Claire, Dahyot-Fizelier, Francois, Damas, Pierre, Damas, Helen, Dawes, Veronique, De Keyser, Francesco, Della Corte, Bart, Depreitere, Godard, de Ruiter C. W., Dula, Dilvesi, Diederik, Dippel, Abhishek, Dixit, Emma, Donoghue, Jens, Dreier, Guy-Loup, Duliere, George, Eapen, Heiko, Engemann, Ari, Ercole, Patrick, Esser, Erzsebet, Ezer, Martin, Fabricius, Valery, Feigin L., Kelly, Foks, Francesca, Fossi, Gilles, Francony, Ulderico, Freo, Shirin, Frisvold, Alex, Furmanov, Pablo, Gagliardo, Damien, Galanaud, Dashiell, Gantner, Karin, Geleijns, Pradeep, George, Alexandre, Ghuysen, Lelde, Giga, Benoit, Giraud, Ben, Glocker, Jagos, Golubovic, Pedro, Gomez A., Francesca, Grossi, Russell, Gruen L., Deepak, Gupta, Juanita, Haagsma A., Iain, Haitsma, Jed, Hartings A., Raimund, Helbok, Eirik, Helseth, Daniel, Hertle, Astrid, Hoedemaekers, Stefan, Hoefer, Lindsay, Horton, Jilske, Huijben, Peter, Hutchinson J., Kristine, Haberg Asta, Bram, Jacobs, Stefan, Jankowski, Mike, Jarrett, Bojan, Jelaca, Kelly, Jones, Konstantinos, Kamnitsas, Mladen, Karan, Ari, Katila, Maija, Kaukonen, Thomas, Kerforne, Riku, Kivisaari, Angelos, Kolias G., Balint, Kolumban, Erwin, Kompanje, Ksenija, Kolundzija, Daniel, Kondziella, Lars-Owe, Koskinen, Noemi, Kovacs, Alfonso, Lagares, Linda, Lanyon, Steven, Laureys, Fiona, Lecky, Christian, Ledig, Rolf, Lefering, Valerie, Legrand, Jin, Lei, Leon, Levi, Roger, Lightfoot, Hester, Lingsma, Dirk, Loeckx, Angels, Lozano, Andrew, Maas I. R., Stephen, MacDonald, Marc, Maegele, Marek, Majdan, Sebastian, Major, Alex, Manara, Geoffrey, Manley, Didier, Martin, Francisco, Martin Leon, Costanza, Martino, Armando, Maruenda, Hugues, Marechal, Alessandro, Masala, Julia, Mattern, Charles, McFadyen, Catherine, McMahon, Bela, Melegh, David, Menon, Tomas, Menovsky, Cristina, Morganti-Kossmann, Davide, Mulazzi, Visakh, Muraleedharan, Lynnette, Murray, Holger, Muehlan, Nandesh, Nair, Ancuta, Negru, David, Nelson, Virginia, Newcombe, Daan, Nieboer, Quentin, Noirhomme, Jozsef, Nyiradi, Mauro, Oddo, Annemarie, Oldenbeuving, Matej, Oresic, Fabrizio, Ortolano, Aarno, Palotie, Paul, Parizel M., Adriana, Patruno, Jean-Francois, Payen, Natascha, Perera, Vincent, Perlbarg, Paolo, Persona, Anna, Piippo-Karjalainen, Sebastien, Pili Floury, Matti, Pirinen, Horia, Ples, Maria Antonia, Poca, Suzanne, Polinder, Inigo, Pomposo, Jussi, Posti, Louis, Puybasset, Andreea, Radoi, Arminas, Ragauskas, Rahul, Raj, Malinka, Rambadagalla, Ruben, Real, Veronika, Rehorcikova, Jonathan, Rhodes, Samuli, Ripatti, Saulius, Rocka, Cecilie, Roe, Olav, Roise, Gerwin, Roks, Jonathan, Rosand, Jeffrey, Rosenfeld, Christina, Rosenlund, Guy, Rosenthal, Rolf, Rossaint, Sandra, Rossi, Daniel, Rueckert, Martin, Rusnak, Marco, Sacchi, Barbara, Sahakian, Juan, Sahuquillo, Oliver, Sakowitz, Francesca, Sala, Renan, Sanchez-Porras, Janos, Sandor, Edgar, Santos, Luminita, Sasu, Davide, Savo, Nadine, Schaeffer, Inger, Schipper, Barbara, Schloesser, Silke, Schmidt, Herbert, Schoechl, Guus, Schoonman, Frederik, Schou Rico, Elisabeth, Schwendenwein, Michael, Schoell, Ozcan, Sir, Toril, Skandsen, Lidwien, Smakman, Dirk, Smeets, Peter, Smielewski, Abayomi, Sorinola, Emmanuel, Stamatakis, Simon, Stanworth, Nicole, Steinbuechel, Ana, Stevanovic, Robert, Stevens, William, Stewart, Ewout, Steyerberg W., Nino, Stocchetti, Nina, Sundstrom, Anneliese, Synnot, Fabio Silvio, Taccone, Riikka, Takala, Viktoria, Tamas, Paivi, Tanskanen, Steven, Taylor Mark, Braden, Te Ao, Olli, Tenovuo, Ralph, Telgmann, Guido, Teodorani, Alice, Theadom, Matt, Thomas, Dick, Tibboel, Christos, Tolias, Luaba, Tshibanda Jean-Flory, Tony, Trapani, Maria, Tudora Cristina, Peter, Vajkoczy, Shirley, Vallance, Egils, Valeinis, Gregory, Van der Steen, Mathieu, Van der Jagt, Joukje, Van der Naalt, Jeroen, van Dijck T. J. M., Thomas, Van Essen A., Wim, Van Hecke, Caroline, van Heugten, Dominique, Van Praag, Thijs, Vande Vyvere, Julia, Van Waesberghe, Audrey, Vanhaudenhuyse, Alessia, Vargiolu, Emmanuel, Vega, Kimberley, Velt, Jan, Verheyden, Paul, Vespa M., Anne, Vik, Rimantas, Vilcinis, Giacinta, Vizzino, Carmen, Vleggeert-Lankamp, Victor, Volovici, Daphne, Voormolen, Peter, Vulekovic, Zoltan, Vamos, Derick, Wade, Kevin, Wang K. W., Lei, Wang, Lars, Wessels, Eno, Wildschut, Guy, Williams, Lindsay, Wilson, Maren, Winkler K. L., Stefan, Wolf, Peter, Ylen, Alexander, Younsi, Menashe, Zaaroor, Yang, Zhihui, Agate, Ziverte, Fabrizio, Zumbo, van Essen, Thomas A., den Boogert, Hugo F., Cnossen, Maryse C., de Ruiter, Godard C. W., Haitsma, Iain, Polinder, Suzanne, Steyerberg, Ewout W., Menon, David, Maas, Andrew I. R., Lingsma, Hester F., Peul, Wilco C., Cecilia, Ackerlund, Hadie, Adams, Vanni, Agnoletti, Judith, Allanson, Krisztina, Amrein, Norberto, Andaluz, Nada, Andelic, Lasse, Andreassen, Azasevac, Antun, Audny, Anke, Anna, Antoni, Hilko, Ardon, Gerard, Audibert, Kaspars, Auslands, Philippe, Azouvi, Luisa, Azzolini Maria, Camelia, Baciu, Rafael, Badenes, Ronald, Bartels, Pal, Barzo, Ursula, Bauerfeind, Romuald, Beauvais, Ronny, Beer, Francisco Javier, Belda, Bo-Michael, Bellander, Antonio, Belli, Remy, Bellier, Habib, Benali, Thierry, Benard, Maurizio, Berardino, Luigi, Beretta, Christopher, Beynon, Federico, Bilotta, Harald, Binder, Erta, Biqiri, Morten, Blaabjerg, Hugo, den Boogert, Pierre, Bouzat, Peter, Bragge, Alexandra, Brazinova, Vibeke, Brinck, Joanne, Brooker, Camilla, Brorsson, Andras, Buki, Monika, Bullinger, Emiliana, Calappi, Rosa, Calvi Maria, Peter, Cameron, Lozano Guillermo, Carbayo, Marco, Carbonara, Elsa, Carise, Carpenter, K., Ana M, Castano-Leon, Francesco, Causin, Giorgio, Chevallard, Arturo, Chieregato, Giuseppe, Citerio, Maryse, Cnossen, Mark, Coburn, Jonathan, Coles, Lizzie, Coles-Kemp, Johnny, Collett, Jamie, Cooper D., Marta, Correia, Amra, Covic, Nicola, Curry, Endre, Czeiter, Marek, Czosnyka, Claire, Dahyot-Fizelier, Francois, Damas, Pierre, Damas, Helen, Dawes, Veronique, De Keyser, Francesco, Della Corte, Bart, Depreitere, Godard, de Ruiter C. W., Dula, Dilvesi, Diederik, Dippel, Abhishek, Dixit, Emma, Donoghue, Jens, Dreier, Guy-Loup, Duliere, George, Eapen, Heiko, Engemann, Ari, Ercole, Patrick, Esser, Erzsebet, Ezer, Martin, Fabricius, Valery, Feigin L., Kelly, Foks, Francesca, Fossi, Gilles, Francony, Ulderico, Freo, Shirin, Frisvold, Alex, Furmanov, Pablo, Gagliardo, Damien, Galanaud, Dashiell, Gantner, Karin, Geleijns, Pradeep, George, Alexandre, Ghuysen, Lelde, Giga, Benoit, Giraud, Ben, Glocker, Jagos, Golubovic, Pedro, Gomez A., Francesca, Grossi, Russell, Gruen L., Deepak, Gupta, Juanita, Haagsma A., Iain, Haitsma, Jed, Hartings A., Raimund, Helbok, Eirik, Helseth, Daniel, Hertle, Astrid, Hoedemaekers, Stefan, Hoefer, Lindsay, Horton, Jilske, Huijben, Peter, Hutchinson J., Kristine, Haberg Asta, Bram, Jacobs, Stefan, Jankowski, Mike, Jarrett, Bojan, Jelaca, Kelly, Jones, Konstantinos, Kamnitsas, Mladen, Karan, Ari, Katila, Maija, Kaukonen, Thomas, Kerforne, Riku, Kivisaari, Angelos, Kolias G., Balint, Kolumban, Erwin, Kompanje, Ksenija, Kolundzija, Daniel, Kondziella, Lars-Owe, Koskinen, Noemi, Kovacs, Alfonso, Lagares, Linda, Lanyon, Steven, Laureys, Fiona, Lecky, Christian, Ledig, Rolf, Lefering, Valerie, Legrand, Jin, Lei, Leon, Levi, Roger, Lightfoot, Hester, Lingsma, Dirk, Loeckx, Angels, Lozano, Andrew, Maas I. R., Stephen, MacDonald, Marc, Maegele, Marek, Majdan, Sebastian, Major, Alex, Manara, Geoffrey, Manley, Didier, Martin, Francisco, Martin Leon, Costanza, Martino, Armando, Maruenda, Hugues, Marechal, Alessandro, Masala, Julia, Mattern, Charles, McFadyen, Catherine, McMahon, Bela, Melegh, David, Menon, Tomas, Menovsky, Cristina, Morganti-Kossmann, Davide, Mulazzi, Visakh, Muraleedharan, Lynnette, Murray, Holger, Muehlan, Nandesh, Nair, Ancuta, Negru, David, Nelson, Virginia, Newcombe, Daan, Nieboer, Quentin, Noirhomme, Jozsef, Nyiradi, Mauro, Oddo, Annemarie, Oldenbeuving, Matej, Oresic, Fabrizio, Ortolano, Aarno, Palotie, Paul, Parizel M., Adriana, Patruno, Jean-Francois, Payen, Natascha, Perera, Vincent, Perlbarg, Paolo, Persona, Anna, Piippo-Karjalainen, Sebastien, Pili Floury, Matti, Pirinen, Horia, Ples, Maria Antonia, Poca, Suzanne, Polinder, Inigo, Pomposo, Jussi, Posti, Louis, Puybasset, Andreea, Radoi, Arminas, Ragauskas, Rahul, Raj, Malinka, Rambadagalla, Ruben, Real, Veronika, Rehorcikova, Jonathan, Rhodes, Samuli, Ripatti, Saulius, Rocka, Cecilie, Roe, Olav, Roise, Gerwin, Roks, Jonathan, Rosand, Jeffrey, Rosenfeld, Christina, Rosenlund, Guy, Rosenthal, Rolf, Rossaint, Sandra, Rossi, Daniel, Rueckert, Martin, Rusnak, Marco, Sacchi, Barbara, Sahakian, Juan, Sahuquillo, Oliver, Sakowitz, Francesca, Sala, Renan, Sanchez-Porras, Janos, Sandor, Edgar, Santos, Luminita, Sasu, Davide, Savo, Nadine, Schaeffer, Inger, Schipper, Barbara, Schloesser, Silke, Schmidt, Herbert, Schoechl, Guus, Schoonman, Frederik, Schou Rico, Elisabeth, Schwendenwein, Michael, Schoell, Ozcan, Sir, Toril, Skandsen, Lidwien, Smakman, Dirk, Smeets, Peter, Smielewski, Abayomi, Sorinola, Emmanuel, Stamatakis, Simon, Stanworth, Nicole, Steinbuechel, Ana, Stevanovic, Robert, Stevens, William, Stewart, Ewout, Steyerberg W., Nino, Stocchetti, Nina, Sundstrom, Anneliese, Synnot, Fabio Silvio, Taccone, Riikka, Takala, Viktoria, Tamas, Paivi, Tanskanen, Steven, Taylor Mark, Braden, Te Ao, Olli, Tenovuo, Ralph, Telgmann, Guido, Teodorani, Alice, Theadom, Matt, Thomas, Dick, Tibboel, Christos, Tolias, Luaba, Tshibanda Jean-Flory, Tony, Trapani, Maria, Tudora Cristina, Peter, Vajkoczy, Shirley, Vallance, Egils, Valeinis, Gregory, Van der Steen, Mathieu, Van der Jagt, Joukje, Van der Naalt, Jeroen, van Dijck T. J. M., Thomas, Van Essen A., Wim, Van Hecke, Caroline, van Heugten, Dominique, Van Praag, Thijs, Vande Vyvere, Julia, Van Waesberghe, Audrey, Vanhaudenhuyse, Alessia, Vargiolu, Emmanuel, Vega, Kimberley, Velt, Jan, Verheyden, Paul, Vespa M., Anne, Vik, Rimantas, Vilcinis, Giacinta, Vizzino, Carmen, Vleggeert-Lankamp, Victor, Volovici, Daphne, Voormolen, Peter, Vulekovic, Zoltan, Vamos, Derick, Wade, Kevin, Wang K. W., Lei, Wang, Lars, Wessels, Eno, Wildschut, Guy, Williams, Lindsay, Wilson, Maren, Winkler K. L., Stefan, Wolf, Peter, Ylen, Alexander, Younsi, Menashe, Zaaroor, Yang, Zhihui, Agate, Ziverte, and Fabrizio, Zumbo
- Abstract
BackgroundNeurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is challenging, with only low-quality evidence. We aimed to explore differences in neurosurgical strategies for TBI across Europe.MethodsA survey was sent to 68 centers participating in the Collaborative European Neurotrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. The questionnaire contained 21 questions, including the decision when to operate (or not) on traumatic acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) and intracerebral hematoma (ICH), and when to perform a decompressive craniectomy (DC) in raised intracranial pressure (ICP).ResultsThe survey was completed by 68 centers (100%). On average, 10 neurosurgeons work in each trauma center. In all centers, a neurosurgeon was available within 30min. Forty percent of responders reported a thickness or volume threshold for evacuation of an ASDH. Most responders (78%) decide on a primary DC in evacuating an ASDH during the operation, when swelling is present. For ICH, 3% would perform an evacuation directly to prevent secondary deterioration and 66% only in case of clinical deterioration. Most respondents (91%) reported to consider a DC for refractory high ICP. The reported cut-off ICP for DC in refractory high ICP, however, differed: 60% uses 25mmHg, 18% 30mmHg, and 17% 20mmHg. Treatment strategies varied substantially between regions, specifically for the threshold for ASDH surgery and DC for refractory raised ICP. Also within center variation was present: 31% reported variation within the hospital for inserting an ICP monitor and 43% for evacuating mass lesions.ConclusionDespite a homogeneous organization, considerable practice variation exists of neurosurgical strategies for TBI in Europe. These results provide an incentive for comparative effectiveness research to determine elements of effective neurosurgical care.
- Published
- 2019
44. Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study
- Author
van Essen, Thomas A., den Boogert, Hugo F., Cnossen, Maryse C., de Ruiter, Godard C. W., Haitsma, Iain, Polinder, Suzanne, Steyerberg, Ewout W., Menon, David, Maas, Andrew I. R., Lingsma, Hester F., Peul, Wilco C., Cecilia, Ackerlund, Hadie, Adams, Vanni, Agnoletti, Judith, Allanson, Krisztina, Amrein, Norberto, Andaluz, Nada, Andelic, Lasse, Andreassen, Azasevac, Antun, Audny, Anke, Anna, Antoni, Hilko, Ardon, Gerard, Audibert, Kaspars, Auslands, Philippe, Azouvi, Luisa, Azzolini Maria, Camelia, Baciu, Rafael, Badenes, Ronald, Bartels, Pal, Barzo, Ursula, Bauerfeind, Romuald, Beauvais, Ronny, Beer, Francisco Javier, Belda, Bo-Michael, Bellander, Antonio, Belli, Remy, Bellier, Habib, Benali, Thierry, Benard, Maurizio, Berardino, Luigi, Beretta, Christopher, Beynon, Federico, Bilotta, Harald, Binder, Erta, Biqiri, Morten, Blaabjerg, Hugo, den Boogert, Pierre, Bouzat, Peter, Bragge, Alexandra, Brazinova, Vibeke, Brinck, Joanne, Brooker, Camilla, Brorsson, Andras, Buki, Monika, Bullinger, Emiliana, Calappi, Rosa, Calvi Maria, Peter, Cameron, Lozano Guillermo, Carbayo, Marco, Carbonara, Elsa, Carise, Carpenter, K., Ana M, Castano-Leon, Francesco, Causin, Giorgio, Chevallard, Arturo, Chieregato, Giuseppe, Citerio, Maryse, Cnossen, Mark, Coburn, Jonathan, Coles, Lizzie, Coles-Kemp, Johnny, Collett, Jamie, Cooper D., Marta, Correia, Amra, Covic, Nicola, Curry, Endre, Czeiter, Marek, Czosnyka, Claire, Dahyot-Fizelier, Francois, Damas, Pierre, Damas, Helen, Dawes, Veronique, De Keyser, Francesco, Della Corte, Bart, Depreitere, Godard, de Ruiter C. W., Dula, Dilvesi, Diederik, Dippel, Abhishek, Dixit, Emma, Donoghue, Jens, Dreier, Guy-Loup, Duliere, George, Eapen, Heiko, Engemann, Ari, Ercole, Patrick, Esser, Erzsebet, Ezer, Martin, Fabricius, Valery, Feigin L., Kelly, Foks, Francesca, Fossi, Gilles, Francony, Ulderico, Freo, Shirin, Frisvold, Alex, Furmanov, Pablo, Gagliardo, Damien, Galanaud, Dashiell, Gantner, Karin, Geleijns, Pradeep, George, Alexandre, Ghuysen, Lelde, Giga, Benoit, Giraud, Ben, Glocker, Jagos, Golubovic, Pedro, Gomez A., Francesca, Grossi, Russell, Gruen L., Deepak, Gupta, Juanita, Haagsma A., Iain, Haitsma, Jed, Hartings A., Raimund, Helbok, Eirik, Helseth, Daniel, Hertle, Astrid, Hoedemaekers, Stefan, Hoefer, Lindsay, Horton, Jilske, Huijben, Peter, Hutchinson J., Kristine, Haberg Asta, Bram, Jacobs, Stefan, Jankowski, Mike, Jarrett, Bojan, Jelaca, Kelly, Jones, Konstantinos, Kamnitsas, Mladen, Karan, Ari, Katila, Maija, Kaukonen, Thomas, Kerforne, Riku, Kivisaari, Angelos, Kolias G., Balint, Kolumban, Erwin, Kompanje, Ksenija, Kolundzija, Daniel, Kondziella, Lars-Owe, Koskinen, Noemi, Kovacs, Alfonso, Lagares, Linda, Lanyon, Steven, Laureys, Fiona, Lecky, Christian, Ledig, Rolf, Lefering, Valerie, Legrand, Jin, Lei, Leon, Levi, Roger, Lightfoot, Hester, Lingsma, Dirk, Loeckx, Angels, Lozano, Andrew, Maas I. R., Stephen, MacDonald, Marc, Maegele, Marek, Majdan, Sebastian, Major, Alex, Manara, Geoffrey, Manley, Didier, Martin, Francisco, Martin Leon, Costanza, Martino, Armando, Maruenda, Hugues, Marechal, Alessandro, Masala, Julia, Mattern, Charles, McFadyen, Catherine, McMahon, Bela, Melegh, David, Menon, Tomas, Menovsky, Cristina, Morganti-Kossmann, Davide, Mulazzi, Visakh, Muraleedharan, Lynnette, Murray, Holger, Muehlan, Nandesh, Nair, Ancuta, Negru, David, Nelson, Virginia, Newcombe, Daan, Nieboer, Quentin, Noirhomme, Jozsef, Nyiradi, Mauro, Oddo, Annemarie, Oldenbeuving, Matej, Oresic, Fabrizio, Ortolano, Aarno, Palotie, Paul, Parizel M., Adriana, Patruno, Jean-Francois, Payen, Natascha, Perera, Vincent, Perlbarg, Paolo, Persona, Anna, Piippo-Karjalainen, Sebastien, Pili Floury, Matti, Pirinen, Horia, Ples, Maria Antonia, Poca, Suzanne, Polinder, Inigo, Pomposo, Jussi, Posti, Louis, Puybasset, Andreea, Radoi, Arminas, Ragauskas, Rahul, Raj, Malinka, Rambadagalla, Ruben, Real, Veronika, Rehorcikova, Jonathan, Rhodes, Samuli, Ripatti, Saulius, Rocka, Cecilie, Roe, Olav, Roise, Gerwin, Roks, Jonathan, Rosand, Jeffrey, Rosenfeld, Christina, Rosenlund, Guy, Rosenthal, Rolf, Rossaint, Sandra, Rossi, Daniel, Rueckert, Martin, Rusnak, Marco, Sacchi, Barbara, Sahakian, Juan, Sahuquillo, Oliver, Sakowitz, Francesca, Sala, Renan, Sanchez-Porras, Janos, Sandor, Edgar, Santos, Luminita, Sasu, Davide, Savo, Nadine, Schaeffer, Inger, Schipper, Barbara, Schloesser, Silke, Schmidt, Herbert, Schoechl, Guus, Schoonman, Frederik, Schou Rico, Elisabeth, Schwendenwein, Michael, Schoell, Ozcan, Sir, Toril, Skandsen, Lidwien, Smakman, Dirk, Smeets, Peter, Smielewski, Abayomi, Sorinola, Emmanuel, Stamatakis, Simon, Stanworth, Nicole, Steinbuechel, Ana, Stevanovic, Robert, Stevens, William, Stewart, Ewout, Steyerberg W., Nino, Stocchetti, Nina, Sundstrom, Anneliese, Synnot, Fabio Silvio, Taccone, Riikka, Takala, Viktoria, Tamas, Paivi, Tanskanen, Steven, Taylor Mark, Braden, Te Ao, Olli, Tenovuo, Ralph, Telgmann, Guido, Teodorani, Alice, Theadom, Matt, Thomas, Dick, Tibboel, Christos, Tolias, Luaba, Tshibanda Jean-Flory, Tony, Trapani, Maria, Tudora Cristina, Peter, Vajkoczy, Shirley, Vallance, Egils, Valeinis, Gregory, Van der Steen, Mathieu, Van der Jagt, Joukje, Van der Naalt, Jeroen, van Dijck T. J. M., Thomas, Van Essen A., Wim, Van Hecke, Caroline, van Heugten, Dominique, Van Praag, Thijs, Vande Vyvere, Julia, Van Waesberghe, Audrey, Vanhaudenhuyse, Alessia, Vargiolu, Emmanuel, Vega, Kimberley, Velt, Jan, Verheyden, Paul, Vespa M., Anne, Vik, Rimantas, Vilcinis, Giacinta, Vizzino, Carmen, Vleggeert-Lankamp, Victor, Volovici, Daphne, Voormolen, Peter, Vulekovic, Zoltan, Vamos, Derick, Wade, Kevin, Wang K. W., Lei, Wang, Lars, Wessels, Eno, Wildschut, Guy, Williams, Lindsay, Wilson, Maren, Winkler K. L., Stefan, Wolf, Peter, Ylen, Alexander, Younsi, Menashe, Zaaroor, Yang, Zhihui, Agate, Ziverte, Fabrizio, Zumbo, van Essen, Thomas A., den Boogert, Hugo F., Cnossen, Maryse C., de Ruiter, Godard C. W., Haitsma, Iain, Polinder, Suzanne, Steyerberg, Ewout W., Menon, David, Maas, Andrew I. R., Lingsma, Hester F., Peul, Wilco C., Cecilia, Ackerlund, Hadie, Adams, Vanni, Agnoletti, Judith, Allanson, Krisztina, Amrein, Norberto, Andaluz, Nada, Andelic, Lasse, Andreassen, Azasevac, Antun, Audny, Anke, Anna, Antoni, Hilko, Ardon, Gerard, Audibert, Kaspars, Auslands, Philippe, Azouvi, Luisa, Azzolini Maria, Camelia, Baciu, Rafael, Badenes, Ronald, Bartels, Pal, Barzo, Ursula, Bauerfeind, Romuald, Beauvais, Ronny, Beer, Francisco Javier, Belda, Bo-Michael, Bellander, Antonio, Belli, Remy, Bellier, Habib, Benali, Thierry, Benard, Maurizio, Berardino, Luigi, Beretta, Christopher, Beynon, Federico, Bilotta, Harald, Binder, Erta, Biqiri, Morten, Blaabjerg, Hugo, den Boogert, Pierre, Bouzat, Peter, Bragge, Alexandra, Brazinova, Vibeke, Brinck, Joanne, Brooker, Camilla, Brorsson, Andras, Buki, Monika, Bullinger, Emiliana, Calappi, Rosa, Calvi Maria, Peter, Cameron, Lozano Guillermo, Carbayo, Marco, Carbonara, Elsa, Carise, Carpenter, K., Ana M, Castano-Leon, Francesco, Causin, Giorgio, Chevallard, Arturo, Chieregato, Giuseppe, Citerio, Maryse, Cnossen, Mark, Coburn, Jonathan, Coles, Lizzie, Coles-Kemp, Johnny, Collett, Jamie, Cooper D., Marta, Correia, Amra, Covic, Nicola, Curry, Endre, Czeiter, Marek, Czosnyka, Claire, Dahyot-Fizelier, Francois, Damas, Pierre, Damas, Helen, Dawes, Veronique, De Keyser, Francesco, Della Corte, Bart, Depreitere, Godard, de Ruiter C. W., Dula, Dilvesi, Diederik, Dippel, Abhishek, Dixit, Emma, Donoghue, Jens, Dreier, Guy-Loup, Duliere, George, Eapen, Heiko, Engemann, Ari, Ercole, Patrick, Esser, Erzsebet, Ezer, Martin, Fabricius, Valery, Feigin L., Kelly, Foks, Francesca, Fossi, Gilles, Francony, Ulderico, Freo, Shirin, Frisvold, Alex, Furmanov, Pablo, Gagliardo, Damien, Galanaud, Dashiell, Gantner, Karin, Geleijns, Pradeep, George, Alexandre, Ghuysen, Lelde, Giga, Benoit, Giraud, Ben, Glocker, Jagos, Golubovic, Pedro, Gomez A., Francesca, Grossi, Russell, Gruen L., Deepak, Gupta, Juanita, Haagsma A., Iain, Haitsma, Jed, Hartings A., Raimund, Helbok, Eirik, Helseth, Daniel, Hertle, Astrid, Hoedemaekers, Stefan, Hoefer, Lindsay, Horton, Jilske, Huijben, Peter, Hutchinson J., Kristine, Haberg Asta, Bram, Jacobs, Stefan, Jankowski, Mike, Jarrett, Bojan, Jelaca, Kelly, Jones, Konstantinos, Kamnitsas, Mladen, Karan, Ari, Katila, Maija, Kaukonen, Thomas, Kerforne, Riku, Kivisaari, Angelos, Kolias G., Balint, Kolumban, Erwin, Kompanje, Ksenija, Kolundzija, Daniel, Kondziella, Lars-Owe, Koskinen, Noemi, Kovacs, Alfonso, Lagares, Linda, Lanyon, Steven, Laureys, Fiona, Lecky, Christian, Ledig, Rolf, Lefering, Valerie, Legrand, Jin, Lei, Leon, Levi, Roger, Lightfoot, Hester, Lingsma, Dirk, Loeckx, Angels, Lozano, Andrew, Maas I. R., Stephen, MacDonald, Marc, Maegele, Marek, Majdan, Sebastian, Major, Alex, Manara, Geoffrey, Manley, Didier, Martin, Francisco, Martin Leon, Costanza, Martino, Armando, Maruenda, Hugues, Marechal, Alessandro, Masala, Julia, Mattern, Charles, McFadyen, Catherine, McMahon, Bela, Melegh, David, Menon, Tomas, Menovsky, Cristina, Morganti-Kossmann, Davide, Mulazzi, Visakh, Muraleedharan, Lynnette, Murray, Holger, Muehlan, Nandesh, Nair, Ancuta, Negru, David, Nelson, Virginia, Newcombe, Daan, Nieboer, Quentin, Noirhomme, Jozsef, Nyiradi, Mauro, Oddo, Annemarie, Oldenbeuving, Matej, Oresic, Fabrizio, Ortolano, Aarno, Palotie, Paul, Parizel M., Adriana, Patruno, Jean-Francois, Payen, Natascha, Perera, Vincent, Perlbarg, Paolo, Persona, Anna, Piippo-Karjalainen, Sebastien, Pili Floury, Matti, Pirinen, Horia, Ples, Maria Antonia, Poca, Suzanne, Polinder, Inigo, Pomposo, Jussi, Posti, Louis, Puybasset, Andreea, Radoi, Arminas, Ragauskas, Rahul, Raj, Malinka, Rambadagalla, Ruben, Real, Veronika, Rehorcikova, Jonathan, Rhodes, Samuli, Ripatti, Saulius, Rocka, Cecilie, Roe, Olav, Roise, Gerwin, Roks, Jonathan, Rosand, Jeffrey, Rosenfeld, Christina, Rosenlund, Guy, Rosenthal, Rolf, Rossaint, Sandra, Rossi, Daniel, Rueckert, Martin, Rusnak, Marco, Sacchi, Barbara, Sahakian, Juan, Sahuquillo, Oliver, Sakowitz, Francesca, Sala, Renan, Sanchez-Porras, Janos, Sandor, Edgar, Santos, Luminita, Sasu, Davide, Savo, Nadine, Schaeffer, Inger, Schipper, Barbara, Schloesser, Silke, Schmidt, Herbert, Schoechl, Guus, Schoonman, Frederik, Schou Rico, Elisabeth, Schwendenwein, Michael, Schoell, Ozcan, Sir, Toril, Skandsen, Lidwien, Smakman, Dirk, Smeets, Peter, Smielewski, Abayomi, Sorinola, Emmanuel, Stamatakis, Simon, Stanworth, Nicole, Steinbuechel, Ana, Stevanovic, Robert, Stevens, William, Stewart, Ewout, Steyerberg W., Nino, Stocchetti, Nina, Sundstrom, Anneliese, Synnot, Fabio Silvio, Taccone, Riikka, Takala, Viktoria, Tamas, Paivi, Tanskanen, Steven, Taylor Mark, Braden, Te Ao, Olli, Tenovuo, Ralph, Telgmann, Guido, Teodorani, Alice, Theadom, Matt, Thomas, Dick, Tibboel, Christos, Tolias, Luaba, Tshibanda Jean-Flory, Tony, Trapani, Maria, Tudora Cristina, Peter, Vajkoczy, Shirley, Vallance, Egils, Valeinis, Gregory, Van der Steen, Mathieu, Van der Jagt, Joukje, Van der Naalt, Jeroen, van Dijck T. J. M., Thomas, Van Essen A., Wim, Van Hecke, Caroline, van Heugten, Dominique, Van Praag, Thijs, Vande Vyvere, Julia, Van Waesberghe, Audrey, Vanhaudenhuyse, Alessia, Vargiolu, Emmanuel, Vega, Kimberley, Velt, Jan, Verheyden, Paul, Vespa M., Anne, Vik, Rimantas, Vilcinis, Giacinta, Vizzino, Carmen, Vleggeert-Lankamp, Victor, Volovici, Daphne, Voormolen, Peter, Vulekovic, Zoltan, Vamos, Derick, Wade, Kevin, Wang K. W., Lei, Wang, Lars, Wessels, Eno, Wildschut, Guy, Williams, Lindsay, Wilson, Maren, Winkler K. L., Stefan, Wolf, Peter, Ylen, Alexander, Younsi, Menashe, Zaaroor, Yang, Zhihui, Agate, Ziverte, and Fabrizio, Zumbo
- Abstract
BackgroundNeurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is challenging, with only low-quality evidence. We aimed to explore differences in neurosurgical strategies for TBI across Europe.MethodsA survey was sent to 68 centers participating in the Collaborative European Neurotrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. The questionnaire contained 21 questions, including the decision when to operate (or not) on traumatic acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) and intracerebral hematoma (ICH), and when to perform a decompressive craniectomy (DC) in raised intracranial pressure (ICP).ResultsThe survey was completed by 68 centers (100%). On average, 10 neurosurgeons work in each trauma center. In all centers, a neurosurgeon was available within 30min. Forty percent of responders reported a thickness or volume threshold for evacuation of an ASDH. Most responders (78%) decide on a primary DC in evacuating an ASDH during the operation, when swelling is present. For ICH, 3% would perform an evacuation directly to prevent secondary deterioration and 66% only in case of clinical deterioration. Most respondents (91%) reported to consider a DC for refractory high ICP. The reported cut-off ICP for DC in refractory high ICP, however, differed: 60% uses 25mmHg, 18% 30mmHg, and 17% 20mmHg. Treatment strategies varied substantially between regions, specifically for the threshold for ASDH surgery and DC for refractory raised ICP. Also within center variation was present: 31% reported variation within the hospital for inserting an ICP monitor and 43% for evacuating mass lesions.ConclusionDespite a homogeneous organization, considerable practice variation exists of neurosurgical strategies for TBI in Europe. These results provide an incentive for comparative effectiveness research to determine elements of effective neurosurgical care.
- Published
- 2019
45. Dysbiosis in Snoring Children: An Interlink to Comorbidities?
- Author
Collado, María Carmen, Katila, Maija, Vuorela, Nina, Saarenpää-Heikkilä, Outi, Salminen, Seppo, Isolauri, Erika, Collado, María Carmen, Katila, Maija, Vuorela, Nina, Saarenpää-Heikkilä, Outi, Salminen, Seppo, and Isolauri, Erika
- Abstract
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Early microbial colonization has a key impact on infant health through nutritional, immunological, and metabolic programming. The origin of child snoring is multifactorial and complex, and may thereby also generate long-term health problems. The link between child snoring and gut microbes remains unclear, although indirect evidence exists regarding this relationship. This study aimed to characterize the connection between gut microbiota and child snoring. METHODS: In a prospective, observational CHILD-SLEEP birth cohort study, gut microbiota in a subcohort of 43 of these children at 2 years of life was profiled with 16S ribosomal RNA gene amplicon sequencing. RESULTS: A higher abundance of the Proteobacteria phylum, the Enterobacteriaceae family, and Erysipelotrichaceae family, as well as a higher ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes were detected in snorers as compared to controls. Furthermore, snorers showed significantly lower microbial diversity and richness than non-snorers. CONCLUSIONS: The snoring children manifest different gut microbiota as compared with healthy children. Considering that snoring and sleep disorders can be a source of long-term consequences, including cardiovascular, metabolic, immunological, neurocognitive and behavioral consequences, our results proposes early microbiota as a new treatment target.
- Published
- 2019
46. Variation in structure and process of care in traumatic brain injury: Provider profiles of European Neurotrauma Centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study
- Author
Cnossen, M, Polinder, S, Lingsma, H, Maas, A, Menon, D, Steyerberg, E, Adams, H, Alessandro, M, Allanson, J, Amrein, K, Andaluz, N, Andelic, N, Andrea, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Ardon, H, Audibert, G, Auslands, K, Azouvi, P, Baciu, C, Bacon, A, Badenes, R, Baglin, T, Bartels, R, Barzo, P, Bauerfeind, U, Beer, R, Belda, F, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Bellier, R, Benali, H, Benard, T, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Beynon, C, Bilotta, F, Binder, H, Biqiri, E, Blaabjerg, M, Borgen, L, Bouzat, P, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brehar, F, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Buckova, V, Calappi, E, Cameron, P, Carbayo, L, Carise, E, Carpenter, C, Castano-Leon, A, Causin, F, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Damas, F, Damas, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Della Corte, F, Depreitere, B, Ding, S, Dippel, D, Dizdarevic, K, Duliere, G, Dzeko, A, Eapen, G, Engemann, H, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Feng, J, Foks, K, Fossi, F, Francony, G, Frantzen, J, Freo, U, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gao, G, Geleijns, K, Ghuysen, A, Giraud, B, Glocker, B, Gomez, P, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Hadzic, E, Haitsma, I, Hartings, J, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Hertle, D, Hill, S, Hoedemaekers, A, Hoefer, S, Hutchinson, P, Haberg, A, Jacobs, B, Janciak, I, Janssens, K, Jiang, J, Jones, K, Kalala, J, Kamnitsas, K, Karan, M, Karau, J, Katila, A, Kaukonen, M, Keeling, D, Kerforne, T, Ketharanathan, N, Kettunen, J, Kivisaari, R, Kolias, A, Kolumban, B, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Kalovits, F, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lauritzen, M, Lecky, F, Ledig, C, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lei, J, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Loeckx, D, Lozano, A, Luddington, R, Luijten-Arts, C, Macdonald, S, Macfayden, C, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Major, S, Manara, A, Manhes, P, Manley, G, Martin, D, Martino, C, Maruenda, A, Marechal, H, Mastelova, D, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Morganti-Kossmann, C, Mulazzi, D, Mutschler, M, Muhlan, H, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Neugebauer, E, Newcombe, V, Noirhomme, Q, Nyiradi, J, Oddo, M, Oldenbeuving, A, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Patruno, A, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Peul, W, Pichon, N, Piilgaard, H, Piippo, A, Pili, F, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Pomposo, I, Psota, M, Pullens, P, Puybasset, L, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Rehorcikova, V, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Rodier, N, Roe, C, Roise, O, Roks, G, Romegoux, P, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rostalski, T, Rueckert, D, Ruiz De Arcaute, F, Rusnak, M, Sacchi, M, Sahakian, B, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sala, F, Sanchez-Pena, P, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Santos, E, Sasse, N, Sasu, L, Savo, D, Schipper, I, Schlosser, B, Schmidt, S, Schneider, A, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Scholl, M, Sir, O, Skandsen, T, Smakman, L, Smeets, D, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stegemann, K, Steinbuchel, N, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Szabo, J, Soderberg, J, Taccone, F, Tamas, V, Tanskanen, P, Tascu, A, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Teodorani, G, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Tolias, C, Tshibanda, J, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Valeinis, E, Van Hecke, W, Van Praag, D, Van Roost, D, Van Vlierberghe, E, Vande Vyvere, T, Vanhaudenhuyse, A, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Vizzino, G, Vleggeert-Lankamp, C, Volovici, V, Vulekovic, P, Vamos, Z, Wade, D, Wang, K, Wang, L, Wildschut, E, Williams, G, Willumsen, L, Wilson, A, Wilson, L, Winkler, M, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zaaroor, M, Zhang, Z, Zheng, Z, Zumbo, F, De Lange, S, De Ruiter, G, Den Boogert, H, Van Dijck, J, Van Essen, T, Van Heugten, C, Van Der Jagt, M, Van Der Naalt, J, Cnossen M. C., Polinder S., Lingsma H. F., Maas A. I. R., Menon D., Steyerberg E. W., Adams H., Alessandro M., Allanson J., Amrein K., Andaluz N., Andelic N., Andrea N., Andreassen L., Anke A., Antoni A., Ardon H., Audibert G., Auslands K., Azouvi P., Baciu C., Bacon A., Badenes R., Baglin T., Bartels R., Barzo P., Bauerfeind U., Beer R., Belda F. J., Bellander B. -M., Belli A., Bellier R., Benali H., Benard T., Berardino M., Beretta L., Beynon C., Bilotta F., Binder H., Biqiri E., Blaabjerg M., Borgen L. S., Bouzat P., Bragge P., Brazinova A., Brehar F., Brorsson C., Buki A., Bullinger M., Buckova V., Calappi E., Cameron P., Carbayo L. G., Carise E., Carpenter C., Castano-Leon A. M., Causin F., Chevallard G., Chieregato A., Citerio G., Coburn M. C., Coles J., Cooper J. D., Correia M., Covic A., Curry N., Czeiter E., Czosnyka M., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Damas F., Damas P., Dawes H., De Keyser V., Della Corte F., Depreitere B., Ding S., Dippel D., Dizdarevic K., Duliere G. -L., Dzeko A., Eapen G., Engemann H., Ercole A., Esser P., Ezer E., Fabricius M., Feigin V. L., Feng J., Foks K., Fossi F., Francony G., Frantzen J., Freo U., Frisvold S., Furmanov A., Gagliardo P., Galanaud D., Gao G., Geleijns K., Ghuysen A., Giraud B., Glocker B., Gomez P. A., Grossi F., Gruen R. L., Gupta D., Haagsma J. A., Hadzic E., Haitsma I., Hartings J. A., Helbok R., Helseth E., Hertle D., Hill S., Hoedemaekers A., Hoefer S., Hutchinson P. J., Haberg A. K., Jacobs B., Janciak I., Janssens K., Jiang J., Jones K., Kalala J. -P., Kamnitsas K., Karan M., Karau J., Katila A., Kaukonen M., Keeling D., Kerforne T., Ketharanathan N., Kettunen J., Kivisaari R., Kolias A. G., Kolumban B., Kompanje E., Kondziella D., Koskinen L. -O., Kovacs N., Kalovits F., Lagares A., Lanyon L., Laureys S., Lauritzen M., Lecky F., Ledig C., Lefering R., Legrand V., Lei J., Levi L., Lightfoot R., Lingsma H., Loeckx D., Lozano A., Luddington R., Luijten-Arts C., MacDonald S., MacFayden C., Maegele M., Majdan M., Major S., Manara A., Manhes P., Manley G., Martin D., Martino C., Maruenda A., Marechal H., Mastelova D., Mattern J., McMahon C., Melegh B., Menovsky T., Morganti-Kossmann C., Mulazzi D., Mutschler M., Muhlan H., Negru A., Nelson D., Neugebauer E., Newcombe V., Noirhomme Q., Nyiradi J., Oddo M., Oldenbeuving A., Oresic M., Ortolano F., Palotie A., Parizel P. M., Patruno A., Payen J. -F., Perera N., Perlbarg V., Persona P., Peul W., Pichon N., Piilgaard H., Piippo A., Pili F. S., Pirinen M., Ples H., Pomposo I., Psota M., Pullens P., Puybasset L., Ragauskas A., Raj R., Rambadagalla M., Rehorcikova V., Rhodes J., Richardson S., Ripatti S., Rocka S., Rodier N., Roe C., Roise O., Roks G., Romegoux P., Rosand J., Rosenfeld J., Rosenlund C., Rosenthal G., Rossaint R., Rossi S., Rostalski T., Rueckert D. L., Ruiz De Arcaute F., Rusnak M., Sacchi M., Sahakian B., Sahuquillo J., Sakowitz O., Sala F., Sanchez-Pena P., Sanchez-Porras R., Sandor J., Santos E., Sasse N., Sasu L., Savo D., Schipper I., Schlosser B., Schmidt S., Schneider A., Schoechl H., Schoonman G., Schou R. F., Schwendenwein E., Scholl M., Sir O., Skandsen T., Smakman L., Smeets D., Smielewski P., Sorinola A., Stamatakis E. L., Stanworth S., Stegemann K., Steinbuchel N., Stevens R., Stewart W., Stocchetti N., Sundstrom N., Synnot A., Szabo J., Soderberg J., Taccone F. S., Tamas V., Tanskanen P., Tascu A., Taylor M. S., Te Ao B., Tenovuo O., Teodorani G., Theadom A., Thomas M., Tibboel D., Tolias C., Tshibanda J. -F. L., Tudora C. M., Vajkoczy P., Valeinis E., Van Hecke W., Van Praag D., Van Roost D., Van Vlierberghe E., Vande Vyvere T., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Vargiolu A., Vega E., Verheyden J., Vespa P. M., Vik A., Vilcinis R., Vizzino G., Vleggeert-Lankamp C., Volovici V., Vulekovic P., Vamos Z., Wade D., Wang K. K. W., Wang L., Wildschut E., Williams G., Willumsen L., Wilson A., Wilson L., Winkler M. K. L., Ylen P., Younsi A., Zaaroor M., Zhang Z., Zheng Z., Zumbo F., De Lange S., De Ruiter G. C. W., Den Boogert H., Van Dijck J., Van Essen T. A., Van Heugten C., Van Der Jagt M., Van Der Naalt J., Cnossen, M, Polinder, S, Lingsma, H, Maas, A, Menon, D, Steyerberg, E, Adams, H, Alessandro, M, Allanson, J, Amrein, K, Andaluz, N, Andelic, N, Andrea, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Ardon, H, Audibert, G, Auslands, K, Azouvi, P, Baciu, C, Bacon, A, Badenes, R, Baglin, T, Bartels, R, Barzo, P, Bauerfeind, U, Beer, R, Belda, F, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Bellier, R, Benali, H, Benard, T, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Beynon, C, Bilotta, F, Binder, H, Biqiri, E, Blaabjerg, M, Borgen, L, Bouzat, P, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brehar, F, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Buckova, V, Calappi, E, Cameron, P, Carbayo, L, Carise, E, Carpenter, C, Castano-Leon, A, Causin, F, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Damas, F, Damas, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Della Corte, F, Depreitere, B, Ding, S, Dippel, D, Dizdarevic, K, Duliere, G, Dzeko, A, Eapen, G, Engemann, H, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Feng, J, Foks, K, Fossi, F, Francony, G, Frantzen, J, Freo, U, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gao, G, Geleijns, K, Ghuysen, A, Giraud, B, Glocker, B, Gomez, P, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Hadzic, E, Haitsma, I, Hartings, J, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Hertle, D, Hill, S, Hoedemaekers, A, Hoefer, S, Hutchinson, P, Haberg, A, Jacobs, B, Janciak, I, Janssens, K, Jiang, J, Jones, K, Kalala, J, Kamnitsas, K, Karan, M, Karau, J, Katila, A, Kaukonen, M, Keeling, D, Kerforne, T, Ketharanathan, N, Kettunen, J, Kivisaari, R, Kolias, A, Kolumban, B, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Kalovits, F, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lauritzen, M, Lecky, F, Ledig, C, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lei, J, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Loeckx, D, Lozano, A, Luddington, R, Luijten-Arts, C, Macdonald, S, Macfayden, C, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Major, S, Manara, A, Manhes, P, Manley, G, Martin, D, Martino, C, Maruenda, A, Marechal, H, Mastelova, D, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Morganti-Kossmann, C, Mulazzi, D, Mutschler, M, Muhlan, H, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Neugebauer, E, Newcombe, V, Noirhomme, Q, Nyiradi, J, Oddo, M, Oldenbeuving, A, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Patruno, A, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Peul, W, Pichon, N, Piilgaard, H, Piippo, A, Pili, F, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Pomposo, I, Psota, M, Pullens, P, Puybasset, L, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Rehorcikova, V, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Rodier, N, Roe, C, Roise, O, Roks, G, Romegoux, P, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rostalski, T, Rueckert, D, Ruiz De Arcaute, F, Rusnak, M, Sacchi, M, Sahakian, B, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sala, F, Sanchez-Pena, P, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Santos, E, Sasse, N, Sasu, L, Savo, D, Schipper, I, Schlosser, B, Schmidt, S, Schneider, A, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Scholl, M, Sir, O, Skandsen, T, Smakman, L, Smeets, D, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stegemann, K, Steinbuchel, N, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Szabo, J, Soderberg, J, Taccone, F, Tamas, V, Tanskanen, P, Tascu, A, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Teodorani, G, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Tolias, C, Tshibanda, J, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Valeinis, E, Van Hecke, W, Van Praag, D, Van Roost, D, Van Vlierberghe, E, Vande Vyvere, T, Vanhaudenhuyse, A, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Vizzino, G, Vleggeert-Lankamp, C, Volovici, V, Vulekovic, P, Vamos, Z, Wade, D, Wang, K, Wang, L, Wildschut, E, Williams, G, Willumsen, L, Wilson, A, Wilson, L, Winkler, M, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zaaroor, M, Zhang, Z, Zheng, Z, Zumbo, F, De Lange, S, De Ruiter, G, Den Boogert, H, Van Dijck, J, Van Essen, T, Van Heugten, C, Van Der Jagt, M, Van Der Naalt, J, Cnossen M. C., Polinder S., Lingsma H. F., Maas A. I. R., Menon D., Steyerberg E. W., Adams H., Alessandro M., Allanson J., Amrein K., Andaluz N., Andelic N., Andrea N., Andreassen L., Anke A., Antoni A., Ardon H., Audibert G., Auslands K., Azouvi P., Baciu C., Bacon A., Badenes R., Baglin T., Bartels R., Barzo P., Bauerfeind U., Beer R., Belda F. J., Bellander B. -M., Belli A., Bellier R., Benali H., Benard T., Berardino M., Beretta L., Beynon C., Bilotta F., Binder H., Biqiri E., Blaabjerg M., Borgen L. S., Bouzat P., Bragge P., Brazinova A., Brehar F., Brorsson C., Buki A., Bullinger M., Buckova V., Calappi E., Cameron P., Carbayo L. G., Carise E., Carpenter C., Castano-Leon A. M., Causin F., Chevallard G., Chieregato A., Citerio G., Coburn M. C., Coles J., Cooper J. D., Correia M., Covic A., Curry N., Czeiter E., Czosnyka M., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Damas F., Damas P., Dawes H., De Keyser V., Della Corte F., Depreitere B., Ding S., Dippel D., Dizdarevic K., Duliere G. -L., Dzeko A., Eapen G., Engemann H., Ercole A., Esser P., Ezer E., Fabricius M., Feigin V. L., Feng J., Foks K., Fossi F., Francony G., Frantzen J., Freo U., Frisvold S., Furmanov A., Gagliardo P., Galanaud D., Gao G., Geleijns K., Ghuysen A., Giraud B., Glocker B., Gomez P. A., Grossi F., Gruen R. L., Gupta D., Haagsma J. A., Hadzic E., Haitsma I., Hartings J. A., Helbok R., Helseth E., Hertle D., Hill S., Hoedemaekers A., Hoefer S., Hutchinson P. J., Haberg A. K., Jacobs B., Janciak I., Janssens K., Jiang J., Jones K., Kalala J. -P., Kamnitsas K., Karan M., Karau J., Katila A., Kaukonen M., Keeling D., Kerforne T., Ketharanathan N., Kettunen J., Kivisaari R., Kolias A. G., Kolumban B., Kompanje E., Kondziella D., Koskinen L. -O., Kovacs N., Kalovits F., Lagares A., Lanyon L., Laureys S., Lauritzen M., Lecky F., Ledig C., Lefering R., Legrand V., Lei J., Levi L., Lightfoot R., Lingsma H., Loeckx D., Lozano A., Luddington R., Luijten-Arts C., MacDonald S., MacFayden C., Maegele M., Majdan M., Major S., Manara A., Manhes P., Manley G., Martin D., Martino C., Maruenda A., Marechal H., Mastelova D., Mattern J., McMahon C., Melegh B., Menovsky T., Morganti-Kossmann C., Mulazzi D., Mutschler M., Muhlan H., Negru A., Nelson D., Neugebauer E., Newcombe V., Noirhomme Q., Nyiradi J., Oddo M., Oldenbeuving A., Oresic M., Ortolano F., Palotie A., Parizel P. M., Patruno A., Payen J. -F., Perera N., Perlbarg V., Persona P., Peul W., Pichon N., Piilgaard H., Piippo A., Pili F. S., Pirinen M., Ples H., Pomposo I., Psota M., Pullens P., Puybasset L., Ragauskas A., Raj R., Rambadagalla M., Rehorcikova V., Rhodes J., Richardson S., Ripatti S., Rocka S., Rodier N., Roe C., Roise O., Roks G., Romegoux P., Rosand J., Rosenfeld J., Rosenlund C., Rosenthal G., Rossaint R., Rossi S., Rostalski T., Rueckert D. L., Ruiz De Arcaute F., Rusnak M., Sacchi M., Sahakian B., Sahuquillo J., Sakowitz O., Sala F., Sanchez-Pena P., Sanchez-Porras R., Sandor J., Santos E., Sasse N., Sasu L., Savo D., Schipper I., Schlosser B., Schmidt S., Schneider A., Schoechl H., Schoonman G., Schou R. F., Schwendenwein E., Scholl M., Sir O., Skandsen T., Smakman L., Smeets D., Smielewski P., Sorinola A., Stamatakis E. L., Stanworth S., Stegemann K., Steinbuchel N., Stevens R., Stewart W., Stocchetti N., Sundstrom N., Synnot A., Szabo J., Soderberg J., Taccone F. S., Tamas V., Tanskanen P., Tascu A., Taylor M. S., Te Ao B., Tenovuo O., Teodorani G., Theadom A., Thomas M., Tibboel D., Tolias C., Tshibanda J. -F. L., Tudora C. M., Vajkoczy P., Valeinis E., Van Hecke W., Van Praag D., Van Roost D., Van Vlierberghe E., Vande Vyvere T., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Vargiolu A., Vega E., Verheyden J., Vespa P. M., Vik A., Vilcinis R., Vizzino G., Vleggeert-Lankamp C., Volovici V., Vulekovic P., Vamos Z., Wade D., Wang K. K. W., Wang L., Wildschut E., Williams G., Willumsen L., Wilson A., Wilson L., Winkler M. K. L., Ylen P., Younsi A., Zaaroor M., Zhang Z., Zheng Z., Zumbo F., De Lange S., De Ruiter G. C. W., Den Boogert H., Van Dijck J., Van Essen T. A., Van Heugten C., Van Der Jagt M., and Van Der Naalt J.
- Abstract
Introduction: The strength of evidence underpinning care and treatment recommendations in traumatic brain injury (TBI) is low. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) has been proposed as a framework to provide evidence for optimal care for TBI patients. The first step in CER is to map the existing variation. The aim of current study is to quantify variation in general structural and process characteristics among centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Methods: We designed a set of 11 provider profiling questionnaires with 321 questions about various aspects of TBI care, chosen based on literature and expert opinion. After pilot testing, questionnaires were disseminated to 71 centers from 20 countries participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Reliability of questionnaires was estimated by calculating a concordance rate among 5% duplicate questions. Results: All 71 centers completed the questionnaires. Median concordance rate among duplicate questions was 0.85. The majority of centers were academic hospitals (n = 65, 92%), designated as a level I trauma center (n = 48, 68%) and situated in an urban location (n = 70, 99%). The availability of facilities for neuro-trauma care varied across centers; e.g. 40 (57%) had a dedicated neuro-intensive care unit (ICU), 36 (51%) had an in-hospital rehabilitation unit and the organization of the ICU was closed in 64% (n = 45) of the centers. In addition, we found wide variation in processes of care, such as the ICU admission policy and intracranial pressure monitoring policy among centers. Conclusion: Even among high-volume, specialized neurotrauma centers there is substantial variation in structures and processes of TBI care. This variation provides an opportunity to study effectiveness of specific aspects of TBI care and to identify best practices with CER approaches.
- Published
- 2016
47. Variation in structure and process of care in traumatic brain injury: Provider profiles of European Neurotrauma Centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study
- Author
Cnossen, M, Polinder, S, Lingsma, H, Maas, A, Menon, D, Steyerberg, E, Adams, H, Alessandro, M, Allanson, J, Amrein, K, Andaluz, N, Andelic, N, Andrea, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Ardon, H, Audibert, G, Auslands, K, Azouvi, P, Baciu, C, Bacon, A, Badenes, R, Baglin, T, Bartels, R, Barzo, P, Bauerfeind, U, Beer, R, Belda, F, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Bellier, R, Benali, H, Benard, T, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Beynon, C, Bilotta, F, Binder, H, Biqiri, E, Blaabjerg, M, Borgen, L, Bouzat, P, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brehar, F, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Buckova, V, Calappi, E, Cameron, P, Carbayo, L, Carise, E, Carpenter, C, Castano-Leon, A, Causin, F, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Damas, F, Damas, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Della Corte, F, Depreitere, B, Ding, S, Dippel, D, Dizdarevic, K, Duliere, G, Dzeko, A, Eapen, G, Engemann, H, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Feng, J, Foks, K, Fossi, F, Francony, G, Frantzen, J, Freo, U, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gao, G, Geleijns, K, Ghuysen, A, Giraud, B, Glocker, B, Gomez, P, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Hadzic, E, Haitsma, I, Hartings, J, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Hertle, D, Hill, S, Hoedemaekers, A, Hoefer, S, Hutchinson, P, Haberg, A, Jacobs, B, Janciak, I, Janssens, K, Jiang, J, Jones, K, Kalala, J, Kamnitsas, K, Karan, M, Karau, J, Katila, A, Kaukonen, M, Keeling, D, Kerforne, T, Ketharanathan, N, Kettunen, J, Kivisaari, R, Kolias, A, Kolumban, B, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Kalovits, F, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lauritzen, M, Lecky, F, Ledig, C, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lei, J, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Loeckx, D, Lozano, A, Luddington, R, Luijten-Arts, C, Macdonald, S, Macfayden, C, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Major, S, Manara, A, Manhes, P, Manley, G, Martin, D, Martino, C, Maruenda, A, Marechal, H, Mastelova, D, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Morganti-Kossmann, C, Mulazzi, D, Mutschler, M, Muhlan, H, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Neugebauer, E, Newcombe, V, Noirhomme, Q, Nyiradi, J, Oddo, M, Oldenbeuving, A, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Patruno, A, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Peul, W, Pichon, N, Piilgaard, H, Piippo, A, Pili, F, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Pomposo, I, Psota, M, Pullens, P, Puybasset, L, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Rehorcikova, V, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Rodier, N, Roe, C, Roise, O, Roks, G, Romegoux, P, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rostalski, T, Rueckert, D, Ruiz De Arcaute, F, Rusnak, M, Sacchi, M, Sahakian, B, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sala, F, Sanchez-Pena, P, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Santos, E, Sasse, N, Sasu, L, Savo, D, Schipper, I, Schlosser, B, Schmidt, S, Schneider, A, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Scholl, M, Sir, O, Skandsen, T, Smakman, L, Smeets, D, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stegemann, K, Steinbuchel, N, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Szabo, J, Soderberg, J, Taccone, F, Tamas, V, Tanskanen, P, Tascu, A, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Teodorani, G, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Tolias, C, Tshibanda, J, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Valeinis, E, Van Hecke, W, Van Praag, D, Van Roost, D, Van Vlierberghe, E, Vande Vyvere, T, Vanhaudenhuyse, A, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Vizzino, G, Vleggeert-Lankamp, C, Volovici, V, Vulekovic, P, Vamos, Z, Wade, D, Wang, K, Wang, L, Wildschut, E, Williams, G, Willumsen, L, Wilson, A, Wilson, L, Winkler, M, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zaaroor, M, Zhang, Z, Zheng, Z, Zumbo, F, De Lange, S, De Ruiter, G, Den Boogert, H, Van Dijck, J, Van Essen, T, Van Heugten, C, Van Der Jagt, M, Van Der Naalt, J, Cnossen M. C., Polinder S., Lingsma H. F., Maas A. I. R., Menon D., Steyerberg E. W., Adams H., Alessandro M., Allanson J., Amrein K., Andaluz N., Andelic N., Andrea N., Andreassen L., Anke A., Antoni A., Ardon H., Audibert G., Auslands K., Azouvi P., Baciu C., Bacon A., Badenes R., Baglin T., Bartels R., Barzo P., Bauerfeind U., Beer R., Belda F. J., Bellander B. -M., Belli A., Bellier R., Benali H., Benard T., Berardino M., Beretta L., Beynon C., Bilotta F., Binder H., Biqiri E., Blaabjerg M., Borgen L. S., Bouzat P., Bragge P., Brazinova A., Brehar F., Brorsson C., Buki A., Bullinger M., Buckova V., Calappi E., Cameron P., Carbayo L. G., Carise E., Carpenter C., Castano-Leon A. M., Causin F., Chevallard G., Chieregato A., Citerio G., Coburn M. C., Coles J., Cooper J. D., Correia M., Covic A., Curry N., Czeiter E., Czosnyka M., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Damas F., Damas P., Dawes H., De Keyser V., Della Corte F., Depreitere B., Ding S., Dippel D., Dizdarevic K., Duliere G. -L., Dzeko A., Eapen G., Engemann H., Ercole A., Esser P., Ezer E., Fabricius M., Feigin V. L., Feng J., Foks K., Fossi F., Francony G., Frantzen J., Freo U., Frisvold S., Furmanov A., Gagliardo P., Galanaud D., Gao G., Geleijns K., Ghuysen A., Giraud B., Glocker B., Gomez P. A., Grossi F., Gruen R. L., Gupta D., Haagsma J. A., Hadzic E., Haitsma I., Hartings J. A., Helbok R., Helseth E., Hertle D., Hill S., Hoedemaekers A., Hoefer S., Hutchinson P. J., Haberg A. K., Jacobs B., Janciak I., Janssens K., Jiang J., Jones K., Kalala J. -P., Kamnitsas K., Karan M., Karau J., Katila A., Kaukonen M., Keeling D., Kerforne T., Ketharanathan N., Kettunen J., Kivisaari R., Kolias A. G., Kolumban B., Kompanje E., Kondziella D., Koskinen L. -O., Kovacs N., Kalovits F., Lagares A., Lanyon L., Laureys S., Lauritzen M., Lecky F., Ledig C., Lefering R., Legrand V., Lei J., Levi L., Lightfoot R., Lingsma H., Loeckx D., Lozano A., Luddington R., Luijten-Arts C., MacDonald S., MacFayden C., Maegele M., Majdan M., Major S., Manara A., Manhes P., Manley G., Martin D., Martino C., Maruenda A., Marechal H., Mastelova D., Mattern J., McMahon C., Melegh B., Menovsky T., Morganti-Kossmann C., Mulazzi D., Mutschler M., Muhlan H., Negru A., Nelson D., Neugebauer E., Newcombe V., Noirhomme Q., Nyiradi J., Oddo M., Oldenbeuving A., Oresic M., Ortolano F., Palotie A., Parizel P. M., Patruno A., Payen J. -F., Perera N., Perlbarg V., Persona P., Peul W., Pichon N., Piilgaard H., Piippo A., Pili F. S., Pirinen M., Ples H., Pomposo I., Psota M., Pullens P., Puybasset L., Ragauskas A., Raj R., Rambadagalla M., Rehorcikova V., Rhodes J., Richardson S., Ripatti S., Rocka S., Rodier N., Roe C., Roise O., Roks G., Romegoux P., Rosand J., Rosenfeld J., Rosenlund C., Rosenthal G., Rossaint R., Rossi S., Rostalski T., Rueckert D. L., Ruiz De Arcaute F., Rusnak M., Sacchi M., Sahakian B., Sahuquillo J., Sakowitz O., Sala F., Sanchez-Pena P., Sanchez-Porras R., Sandor J., Santos E., Sasse N., Sasu L., Savo D., Schipper I., Schlosser B., Schmidt S., Schneider A., Schoechl H., Schoonman G., Schou R. F., Schwendenwein E., Scholl M., Sir O., Skandsen T., Smakman L., Smeets D., Smielewski P., Sorinola A., Stamatakis E. L., Stanworth S., Stegemann K., Steinbuchel N., Stevens R., Stewart W., Stocchetti N., Sundstrom N., Synnot A., Szabo J., Soderberg J., Taccone F. S., Tamas V., Tanskanen P., Tascu A., Taylor M. S., Te Ao B., Tenovuo O., Teodorani G., Theadom A., Thomas M., Tibboel D., Tolias C., Tshibanda J. -F. L., Tudora C. M., Vajkoczy P., Valeinis E., Van Hecke W., Van Praag D., Van Roost D., Van Vlierberghe E., Vande Vyvere T., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Vargiolu A., Vega E., Verheyden J., Vespa P. M., Vik A., Vilcinis R., Vizzino G., Vleggeert-Lankamp C., Volovici V., Vulekovic P., Vamos Z., Wade D., Wang K. K. W., Wang L., Wildschut E., Williams G., Willumsen L., Wilson A., Wilson L., Winkler M. K. L., Ylen P., Younsi A., Zaaroor M., Zhang Z., Zheng Z., Zumbo F., De Lange S., De Ruiter G. C. W., Den Boogert H., Van Dijck J., Van Essen T. A., Van Heugten C., Van Der Jagt M., Van Der Naalt J., Cnossen, M, Polinder, S, Lingsma, H, Maas, A, Menon, D, Steyerberg, E, Adams, H, Alessandro, M, Allanson, J, Amrein, K, Andaluz, N, Andelic, N, Andrea, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Ardon, H, Audibert, G, Auslands, K, Azouvi, P, Baciu, C, Bacon, A, Badenes, R, Baglin, T, Bartels, R, Barzo, P, Bauerfeind, U, Beer, R, Belda, F, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Bellier, R, Benali, H, Benard, T, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Beynon, C, Bilotta, F, Binder, H, Biqiri, E, Blaabjerg, M, Borgen, L, Bouzat, P, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brehar, F, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Buckova, V, Calappi, E, Cameron, P, Carbayo, L, Carise, E, Carpenter, C, Castano-Leon, A, Causin, F, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Damas, F, Damas, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Della Corte, F, Depreitere, B, Ding, S, Dippel, D, Dizdarevic, K, Duliere, G, Dzeko, A, Eapen, G, Engemann, H, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Feng, J, Foks, K, Fossi, F, Francony, G, Frantzen, J, Freo, U, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gao, G, Geleijns, K, Ghuysen, A, Giraud, B, Glocker, B, Gomez, P, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Hadzic, E, Haitsma, I, Hartings, J, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Hertle, D, Hill, S, Hoedemaekers, A, Hoefer, S, Hutchinson, P, Haberg, A, Jacobs, B, Janciak, I, Janssens, K, Jiang, J, Jones, K, Kalala, J, Kamnitsas, K, Karan, M, Karau, J, Katila, A, Kaukonen, M, Keeling, D, Kerforne, T, Ketharanathan, N, Kettunen, J, Kivisaari, R, Kolias, A, Kolumban, B, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Kalovits, F, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lauritzen, M, Lecky, F, Ledig, C, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lei, J, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Loeckx, D, Lozano, A, Luddington, R, Luijten-Arts, C, Macdonald, S, Macfayden, C, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Major, S, Manara, A, Manhes, P, Manley, G, Martin, D, Martino, C, Maruenda, A, Marechal, H, Mastelova, D, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Morganti-Kossmann, C, Mulazzi, D, Mutschler, M, Muhlan, H, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Neugebauer, E, Newcombe, V, Noirhomme, Q, Nyiradi, J, Oddo, M, Oldenbeuving, A, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Patruno, A, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Peul, W, Pichon, N, Piilgaard, H, Piippo, A, Pili, F, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Pomposo, I, Psota, M, Pullens, P, Puybasset, L, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Rehorcikova, V, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Rodier, N, Roe, C, Roise, O, Roks, G, Romegoux, P, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rostalski, T, Rueckert, D, Ruiz De Arcaute, F, Rusnak, M, Sacchi, M, Sahakian, B, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sala, F, Sanchez-Pena, P, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Santos, E, Sasse, N, Sasu, L, Savo, D, Schipper, I, Schlosser, B, Schmidt, S, Schneider, A, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Scholl, M, Sir, O, Skandsen, T, Smakman, L, Smeets, D, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stegemann, K, Steinbuchel, N, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Szabo, J, Soderberg, J, Taccone, F, Tamas, V, Tanskanen, P, Tascu, A, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Teodorani, G, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Tolias, C, Tshibanda, J, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Valeinis, E, Van Hecke, W, Van Praag, D, Van Roost, D, Van Vlierberghe, E, Vande Vyvere, T, Vanhaudenhuyse, A, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Vizzino, G, Vleggeert-Lankamp, C, Volovici, V, Vulekovic, P, Vamos, Z, Wade, D, Wang, K, Wang, L, Wildschut, E, Williams, G, Willumsen, L, Wilson, A, Wilson, L, Winkler, M, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zaaroor, M, Zhang, Z, Zheng, Z, Zumbo, F, De Lange, S, De Ruiter, G, Den Boogert, H, Van Dijck, J, Van Essen, T, Van Heugten, C, Van Der Jagt, M, Van Der Naalt, J, Cnossen M. C., Polinder S., Lingsma H. F., Maas A. I. R., Menon D., Steyerberg E. W., Adams H., Alessandro M., Allanson J., Amrein K., Andaluz N., Andelic N., Andrea N., Andreassen L., Anke A., Antoni A., Ardon H., Audibert G., Auslands K., Azouvi P., Baciu C., Bacon A., Badenes R., Baglin T., Bartels R., Barzo P., Bauerfeind U., Beer R., Belda F. J., Bellander B. -M., Belli A., Bellier R., Benali H., Benard T., Berardino M., Beretta L., Beynon C., Bilotta F., Binder H., Biqiri E., Blaabjerg M., Borgen L. S., Bouzat P., Bragge P., Brazinova A., Brehar F., Brorsson C., Buki A., Bullinger M., Buckova V., Calappi E., Cameron P., Carbayo L. G., Carise E., Carpenter C., Castano-Leon A. M., Causin F., Chevallard G., Chieregato A., Citerio G., Coburn M. C., Coles J., Cooper J. D., Correia M., Covic A., Curry N., Czeiter E., Czosnyka M., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Damas F., Damas P., Dawes H., De Keyser V., Della Corte F., Depreitere B., Ding S., Dippel D., Dizdarevic K., Duliere G. -L., Dzeko A., Eapen G., Engemann H., Ercole A., Esser P., Ezer E., Fabricius M., Feigin V. L., Feng J., Foks K., Fossi F., Francony G., Frantzen J., Freo U., Frisvold S., Furmanov A., Gagliardo P., Galanaud D., Gao G., Geleijns K., Ghuysen A., Giraud B., Glocker B., Gomez P. A., Grossi F., Gruen R. L., Gupta D., Haagsma J. A., Hadzic E., Haitsma I., Hartings J. A., Helbok R., Helseth E., Hertle D., Hill S., Hoedemaekers A., Hoefer S., Hutchinson P. J., Haberg A. K., Jacobs B., Janciak I., Janssens K., Jiang J., Jones K., Kalala J. -P., Kamnitsas K., Karan M., Karau J., Katila A., Kaukonen M., Keeling D., Kerforne T., Ketharanathan N., Kettunen J., Kivisaari R., Kolias A. G., Kolumban B., Kompanje E., Kondziella D., Koskinen L. -O., Kovacs N., Kalovits F., Lagares A., Lanyon L., Laureys S., Lauritzen M., Lecky F., Ledig C., Lefering R., Legrand V., Lei J., Levi L., Lightfoot R., Lingsma H., Loeckx D., Lozano A., Luddington R., Luijten-Arts C., MacDonald S., MacFayden C., Maegele M., Majdan M., Major S., Manara A., Manhes P., Manley G., Martin D., Martino C., Maruenda A., Marechal H., Mastelova D., Mattern J., McMahon C., Melegh B., Menovsky T., Morganti-Kossmann C., Mulazzi D., Mutschler M., Muhlan H., Negru A., Nelson D., Neugebauer E., Newcombe V., Noirhomme Q., Nyiradi J., Oddo M., Oldenbeuving A., Oresic M., Ortolano F., Palotie A., Parizel P. M., Patruno A., Payen J. -F., Perera N., Perlbarg V., Persona P., Peul W., Pichon N., Piilgaard H., Piippo A., Pili F. S., Pirinen M., Ples H., Pomposo I., Psota M., Pullens P., Puybasset L., Ragauskas A., Raj R., Rambadagalla M., Rehorcikova V., Rhodes J., Richardson S., Ripatti S., Rocka S., Rodier N., Roe C., Roise O., Roks G., Romegoux P., Rosand J., Rosenfeld J., Rosenlund C., Rosenthal G., Rossaint R., Rossi S., Rostalski T., Rueckert D. L., Ruiz De Arcaute F., Rusnak M., Sacchi M., Sahakian B., Sahuquillo J., Sakowitz O., Sala F., Sanchez-Pena P., Sanchez-Porras R., Sandor J., Santos E., Sasse N., Sasu L., Savo D., Schipper I., Schlosser B., Schmidt S., Schneider A., Schoechl H., Schoonman G., Schou R. F., Schwendenwein E., Scholl M., Sir O., Skandsen T., Smakman L., Smeets D., Smielewski P., Sorinola A., Stamatakis E. L., Stanworth S., Stegemann K., Steinbuchel N., Stevens R., Stewart W., Stocchetti N., Sundstrom N., Synnot A., Szabo J., Soderberg J., Taccone F. S., Tamas V., Tanskanen P., Tascu A., Taylor M. S., Te Ao B., Tenovuo O., Teodorani G., Theadom A., Thomas M., Tibboel D., Tolias C., Tshibanda J. -F. L., Tudora C. M., Vajkoczy P., Valeinis E., Van Hecke W., Van Praag D., Van Roost D., Van Vlierberghe E., Vande Vyvere T., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Vargiolu A., Vega E., Verheyden J., Vespa P. M., Vik A., Vilcinis R., Vizzino G., Vleggeert-Lankamp C., Volovici V., Vulekovic P., Vamos Z., Wade D., Wang K. K. W., Wang L., Wildschut E., Williams G., Willumsen L., Wilson A., Wilson L., Winkler M. K. L., Ylen P., Younsi A., Zaaroor M., Zhang Z., Zheng Z., Zumbo F., De Lange S., De Ruiter G. C. W., Den Boogert H., Van Dijck J., Van Essen T. A., Van Heugten C., Van Der Jagt M., and Van Der Naalt J.
- Abstract
Introduction: The strength of evidence underpinning care and treatment recommendations in traumatic brain injury (TBI) is low. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) has been proposed as a framework to provide evidence for optimal care for TBI patients. The first step in CER is to map the existing variation. The aim of current study is to quantify variation in general structural and process characteristics among centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Methods: We designed a set of 11 provider profiling questionnaires with 321 questions about various aspects of TBI care, chosen based on literature and expert opinion. After pilot testing, questionnaires were disseminated to 71 centers from 20 countries participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Reliability of questionnaires was estimated by calculating a concordance rate among 5% duplicate questions. Results: All 71 centers completed the questionnaires. Median concordance rate among duplicate questions was 0.85. The majority of centers were academic hospitals (n = 65, 92%), designated as a level I trauma center (n = 48, 68%) and situated in an urban location (n = 70, 99%). The availability of facilities for neuro-trauma care varied across centers; e.g. 40 (57%) had a dedicated neuro-intensive care unit (ICU), 36 (51%) had an in-hospital rehabilitation unit and the organization of the ICU was closed in 64% (n = 45) of the centers. In addition, we found wide variation in processes of care, such as the ICU admission policy and intracranial pressure monitoring policy among centers. Conclusion: Even among high-volume, specialized neurotrauma centers there is substantial variation in structures and processes of TBI care. This variation provides an opportunity to study effectiveness of specific aspects of TBI care and to identify best practices with CER approaches.
- Published
- 2016
48. Graduate Champion? The perceived working life skills of Management and International Business Programme’s MSc graduates from Aalto University
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Yli-Opas, Pirita, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Yli-Opas, Pirita
- Abstract
This thesis studied Aalto University’s Management and International Business (MIB) graduates’ perceived working life skills and capabilities. The research questions were: 1. What kind of skills and capabilities Management and International Business program graduates perceive to have when entering working life? 2. What kind of skills and capabilities HR-professionals perceive them to have and what are their expectations? 3. Is there a gap between the perceived skills and capabilities and the work life requirements? The goal of this study was how the theories and literature on the skills and capabilities higher management education produces and how that occurs in Aalto University School of Business, Management and International Business Programme (referred to as MIB in this study). LITERATURE This study is a case study that looks into what skills and capabilities graduates and the working life HR representatives perceive MIB graduates possess. The findings of this study suggest that the MIB program is responding to the work life demands, providing graduates with general work life skills. According to many researchers (e.g. De la Harpe et al., 2000; Henderson et al., 2004; Tomlinson, 2008), higher education should, through different disciplines, provide graduates with general skills, such as analytical skills, verbal and written communication skills and subject specific skills, to respond to the needs of the work life. The study indicates that MIB fulfils this purpose. As Harvey (2001) suggests higher educational institution focus on work acquirement skills and becoming lifelong learners, as well as offering a mix of subjects to study over focusing on fields with poor employment rates, or comparing their graduates’ employment rates to those of other institutions. Seems that the HR representatives look for similar focus from the higher education institutions, and MIB graduates perceive to have focused on relevant skills, with some cautions. Alarmingly, as Mintzberg and
- Published
- 2018
49. Taitoluisteluvalmentajien palautuminen työn imussa
- Author
Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, Virmanen, Noora, Katila, Saija, Kauppakorkeakoulu, School of Business, Johtamisen laitos, and Virmanen, Noora
- Abstract
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan taitoluisteluvalmentajien palautumista työssä, joka on valmentajille elämäntapa. Tarkoituksena on selvittää ja kuvata taitoluisteluvalmentajien työssään kokemaa työn imua ja sitä, miten palautuminen onnistuu työn vaatimusten ja voimavarojen ristipaineessa. Tutkielma keskittyy positiiviseen työhyvinvointinäkökulmaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin keväällä 2018 yhden taitoluisteluseuran yhdeksälle naisvalmentajalle teemahaastattelututkimuksena. Tutkielman avulla halutaan saada uutta tietoa kvalitatiivisin keinoin vähän tutkitusta naisvalmentajien joukosta. Teoriana tutkielmassa käytetään Hakasen (2009A) Job Demands - Job Resources eli JD-R -mallin pohjalta luomaa TV-TV -mallia, työn voimavarojen ja työn vaatimusten mallia. Taitoluisteluvalmentajien työn vaatimukset, työn voimavarat ja yksilölliset voimavarat selvitetään työn imun ohessa ja niihin liitetään palautumisen kokemukset. Työn imu on taitoluisteluvalmentajilla vahvaa ja sitä koetaan useamman kerran viikossa. Imu saakin taitoluisteluvalmentajat jaksamaan myös tiiviissä työtahdissa ja suurien, moninaisten vaatimusten kanssa. Myös perhe on merkittävä voimavaratekijä ja tärkeä tuki, jotta työssä jaksaa. Palautuminen saattaa olla valmentajille toisinaan hankalaa. Valmentajat tekevät työtään työtunneista ja kellonajoista välittämättä, ajokilometrejä säästämättä ja omasta vapaa-ajasta tinkien. Työajat ovat haasteelliset ja kilpailukausi tiivis, eikä vapaata ole aina helppo pitää. Välillä ei tunnu olevan aikaa juuri muulle kuin työlle. Valmentajien työssä kuvatut palautumisen mekanismit on jaoteltu irrottautumiseen, rentoutumiseen, hallintakokemuksiin ja kontrolliin. Taitoluisteluvalmentajat tekevät työtään rakkaudesta lajiin, mutta jotta imu säilyy ja valmentajat jaksaisivat työssään jatkossakin, tulisi palautumiseen kiinnittää aiempaa enemmän huomiota. Työn imu auttaa jaksamaan, mutta pienillä muutoksilla työjärjestelyissä ja työyhteisön sisällä sekä ennen kaikkea säännöllisellä, This Master’s Thesis examines the work recovery of figure skating coaches. For many of them, the coaching work is practically a way of life. The research aim of the Thesis is to describe how figure skating coaches experience work engagement and how they recover under the pressure of the work and what resources they have that enhance recovery. The Thesis focuses on the positive perspective of work well being. The research was conducted with focused interview in spring 2018 to nine female coaches of a figure skating club. There has not been much research on female coaches so far in this context and this Thesis research aims to gain new information about this group through qualitative methods. The basis for the Thesis and the research is Hakanen’s (2009A) TV-TV model on work resources and demands which is derived from Demerouti’s et al. (2001) the Job Demands – Job Resources, the JD-R, model. Work demands, work resources and individual resources are examined together with work engagement. The experiences of recovery will be introduced in relation to all these concepts. Figure skating coaches experience strong work engagement regularly. This work engagement allows figure skating coaches to cope in a hectic work environment with various, high demands. Family is also a significant resource and a crucial support system for managing the challenges of the coaching work. Recovery from work can be challenging at times as coaches dedicate themselves to the job, putting their personal life and free-time second. The hours worked and mileage driven are often countless. With a tight-scheduled competition season upon them, the working hours are challenging and free-time is a rare luxury. Work can truly become all consuming. This research introduces work recovery mechanisms described by the coaches which are divided into psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences and control. Figure skating coaches are driven by a deep passion for the sport. However, in order
- Published
- 2018
50. Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury
- Author
van Essen, T.A. (Thomas A.), den Boogert, H.F. (Hugo F.), Cnossen, M.C. (Maryse), De Ruiter, G.C.W. (Godard C.W.), Haitsma, I. (Iain), Polinder, S. (Suzanne), Steyerberg, E.W. (Ewout), Menon, D.K. (David ), Maas, A.I.R. (Andrew), Lingsma, H.F. (Hester), Peul, W.C. (Wilco), Cecilia, A. (Ackerlund), Hadie, A. (Adams), Vanni, A. (Agnoletti), Judith, A. (Allanson), Krisztina, A. (Amrein), Norberto, A. (Andaluz), Nada, A. (Andelic), Lasse, A. (Andreassen), Azasevac, A. (Antun), Audny, A. (Anke), Anna, A. (Antoni), Hilko, A. (Ardon), Gérard, A. (Audibert), Kaspars, A. (Auslands), Philippe, A. (Azouvi), Luisa, A.M. (Azzolini Maria), Camelia, B. (Baciu), Rafael, B. (Badenes), Ronald, B. (Bartels), Pál, B. (Barzó), Ursula, B. (Bauerfeind), Romuald, B. (Beauvais), Ronny, B. (Beer), Javier, B.F. (Belda Francisco), Bo-Michael, B. (Bellander), Antonio, B. (Belli), Rémy, B. (Bellier), Habib, B. (Benali), Thierry, B. (Benard), Maurizio, B. (Berardino), Luigi, B. (Beretta), Christopher, B. (Beynon), Federico, B. (Bilotta), Harald, B. (Binder), Erta, B. (Biqiri), Morten, B. (Blaabjerg), den Hugo, B. (Boogert), Pierre, B. (Bouzat), Peter, B. (Bragge), Alexandra, B. (Brazinova), Vibeke, B. (Brinck), Joanne, B. (Brooker), Camilla, B. (Brorsson), Andras, B. (Buki), Monika, B. (Bullinger), Emiliana, C. (Calappi), Rosa, C.M. (Calvi Maria), Peter, C. (Cameron), Guillermo, C.L. (Carbayo Lozano), Marco, C. (Carbonara), Elsa, C. (Carise), Carpenter, K.L.H. (Keri L.H.), Castaño-León Ana, M. (M.), Francesco, C. (Causin), Giorgio, C. (Chevallard), Arturo, C. (Chieregato), Giuseppe, C. (Citerio), Maryse, C. (Cnossen), Mark, C. (Coburn), Jonathan, C. (Coles), Lizzie, C.-K. (Coles-Kemp), Johnny, C. (Collett), Cooper Jamie, D. (D.), Marta, C. (Correia), Amra, C. (Covic), Nicola, C. (Curry), Endre, C. (Czeiter), Marek, C. (Czosnyka), Claire, D.-F. (Dahyot-Fizelier), François, D. (Damas), Pierre, D. (Damas), Helen, D. (Dawes), Véronique, D.K. (De Keyser), Francesco, D.C. (Della Corte), Bart, D. (Depreitere), de Ruiter Godard, C.W. (C. W.), Dula, D. (Dilvesi), Shenghao, D. (Ding), Diederik, D. (Dippel), Abhishek, D. (Dixit), Emma, D. (Donoghue), Jens, D. (Dreier), Guy-Loup, D. (Dulière), George, E. (Eapen), Heiko, E. (Engemann), Ari, E. (Ercole), Patrick, E. (Esser), Erzsébet, E. (Ezer), Martin, F. (Fabricius), Feigin Valery, L. (L.), Junfeng, F. (Feng), Kelly, F. (Foks), Francesca, F. (Fossi), Gilles, F. (Francony), Ulderico, F. (Freo), Shirin, F. (Frisvold), Alex, F. (Furmanov), Pablo, G. (Gagliardo), Damien, G. (Galanaud), Dashiell, G. (Gantner), Guoyi, G. (Gao), Karin, G. (Geleijns), Pradeep, G. (George), Alexandre, G. (Ghuysen), Lelde, G. (Giga), Benoit, G. (Giraud), Ben, G. (Glocker), Jagos, G. (Golubovic), Gomez Pedro, A. (A.), Francesca, G. (Grossi), Gruen Russell, L. (L.), Deepak, G. (Gupta), Haagsma Juanita, A. (A.), Iain, H. (Haitsma), Hartings Jed, A. (A.), Raimund, H. (Helbok), Eirik, H. (Helseth), Daniel, H. (Hertle), Astrid, H. (Hoedemaekers), Stefan, H. (Hoefer), Lindsay, H. (Horton), Jilske, H. (Huijben), Hutchinson Peter, J. (J.), Kristine, H.A. (Håberg Asta), Bram, J. (Jacobs), Stefan, J. (Jankowski), Mike, J. (Jarrett), Bojan, J. (Jelaca), Ji-yao, J. (Jiang), Kelly, J. (Jones), Konstantinos, K. (Kamnitsas), Mladen, K. (Karan), Ari, K. (Katila), Maija, K. (Kaukonen), Thomas, K. (Kerforne), Riku, K. (Kivisaari), Kolias Angelos, G. (G.), Bálint, K. (Kolumbán), Erwin, K. (Kompanje), Ksenija, K. (Kolundzija), Daniel, K. (Kondziella), Lars-Owe, K. (Koskinen), Noémi, K. (Kovács), Alfonso, L. (Lagares), Linda, L. (Lanyon), Steven, L. (Laureys), Fiona, L. (Lecky), Christian, L. (Ledig), Rolf, L. (Lefering), Valerie, L. (Legrand), Jin, L. (Lei), Leon, L. (Levi), Roger, L. (Lightfoot), Hester, L. (Lingsma), Dirk, L. (Loeckx), Angels, L. (Lozano), Maas Andrew, I.R. (I. R.), Stephen, M.D. (MacDonald), Marc, M. (Maegele), Marek, M. (Majdan), Sebastian, M. (Major), Alex, M. (Manara), Geoffrey, M. (Manley), Didier, M. (Martin), Francisco, M.L. (Martin Leon), Costanza, M. (Martino), Armando, M. (Maruenda), Hugues, M. (Maréchal), Alessandro, M. (Masala), Julia, M. (Mattern), Charles, M.F. (McFadyen), Catherine, M.M. (McMahon), Béla, M. (Melegh), David, M. (Menon), Tomas, M. (Menovsky), Cristina, M.-K. (Morganti-Kossmann), Davide, M. (Mulazzi), Visakh, M. (Muraleedharan), Lynnette, M. (Murray), Holger, M. (Mühlan), Nandesh, N. (Nair), Ancuta, N. (Negru), David, N. (Nelson), Virginia, N. (Newcombe), Daan, N. (Nieboer), Quentin, N. (Noirhomme), József, N. (Nyirádi), Mauro, O. (Oddo), Annemarie, O. (Oldenbeuving), Matej, O. (Oresic), Fabrizio, O. (Ortolano), Aarno, P. (Palotie), Parizel Paul, M. (M.), Adriana, P. (Patruno), Jean-François, P. (Payen), Natascha, P. (Perera), Vincent, P. (Perlbarg), Paolo, P. (Persona), Wilco, P. (Peul), Anna, P.-K. (Piippo-Karjalainen), Sébastien, P.F. (Pili Floury), Matti, P. (Pirinen), Horia, P. (Ples), Antonia, P.M. (Poca Maria), Suzanne, P. (Polinder), Inigo, P. (Pomposo), Jussi, P. (Posti), Louis, P. (Puybasset), Andreea, R. (Radoi), Arminas, R. (Ragauskas), Rahul, R. (Raj), Malinka, R. (Rambadagalla), Ruben, R. (Real), Veronika, R. (Rehorčíková), Jonathan, R. (Rhodes), Samuli, R. (Ripatti), Saulius, R. (Rocka), Cecilie, R. (Roe), Olav, R. (Roise), Gerwin, R. (Roks), Jonathan, R. (Rosand), Jeffrey, R. (Rosenfeld), Christina, R. (Rosenlund), Guy, R. (Rosenthal), Rolf, R. (Rossaint), Sandra, R. (Rossi), Daniel, R. (Rueckert), Martin, R. (Rusnák), Marco, S. (Sacchi), Barbara, S. (Sahakian), Juan, S. (Sahuquillo), Oliver, S. (Sakowitz), Francesca, S. (Sala), Renan, S.-P. (Sanchez-Porras), Janos, S. (Sandor), Edgar, S. (Santos), Luminita, S. (Sasu), Davide, S. (Savo), Nadine, S. (Schäffer), Inger, S. (Schipper), Barbara, S.ß. (Schlößer), Silke, S. (Schmidt), Herbert, S. (Schoechl), Guus, S. (Schoonman), Frederik, S.R. (Schou Rico), Elisabeth, S. (Schwendenwein), Michael, S. (Schöll), Özcan, S. (Sir), Toril, S. (Skandsen), Lidwien, S. (Smakman), Dirk, S. (Smeets), Peter, S. (Smielewski), Abayomi, S. (Sorinola), Emmanuel, S. (Stamatakis), Simon, S. (Stanworth), Nicole, S. (Steinbüchel), Ana, S. (Stevanovic), Robert, S. (Stevens), William, S. (Stewart), Steyerberg Ewout, W. (W.), Nino, S. (Stocchetti), Nina, S. (Sundström), Anneliese, S. (Synnot), Silvio, T.F. (Taccone Fabio), Riikka, T. (Takala), Viktória, T. (Tamás), Päivi, T. (Tanskanen), Steven, T.M. (Taylor Mark), Braden, T.A. (Te Ao), Olli, T. (Tenovuo), Ralph, T. (Telgmann), Guido, T. (Teodorani), Alice, T. (Theadom), Matt, T. (Thomas), Dick, T. (Tibboel), Christos, T. (Tolias), Luaba, T.J.-F. (Tshibanda Jean-Flory), Tony, T. (Trapani), Maria, T.C. (Tudora Cristina), Peter, V. (Vajkoczy), Shirley, V. (Vallance), Egils, V. (Valeinis), der Steen Gregory, V. (Van), van der Mathieu, J. (Jagt), van der Joukje, N. (Naalt), van Dijck Jeroen, T.J.M. (T. J.M.), van Essen Thomas, A. (A.), Wim, V.H. (Van Hecke), van Caroline, H. (Heugten), Dominique, V.P. (Van Praag), Thijs, V.V. (Vande Vyvere), Julia, V.W. (Van Waesberghe), Audrey, V. (Vanhaudenhuyse), Alessia, V. (Vargiolu), Emmanuel, V. (Vega), Kimberley, V. (Velt), Jan, V. (Verheyden), Vespa Paul, M. (M.), Anne, V. (Vik), Rimantas, V. (Vilcinis), Giacinta, V. (Vizzino), Carmen, V.-L. (Vleggeert-Lankamp), Victor, V. (Volovici), Voormolen, D.C. (Daphne), Peter, V. (Vulekovic), Zoltán, V. (Vámos), Derick, W. (Wade), Wang Kevin, K.W. (K. W.), Lei, W. (Wang), Lars, W. (Wessels), Eno, W. (Wildschut), Guy, W. (Williams), Lindsay, W. (Wilson), Winkler Maren, K.L. (K. L.), Stefan, W. (Wolf), Peter, Y. (Ylén), Alexander, Y. (Younsi), Menashe, Z. (Zaaroor), Yang, Z. (Zhihui), Agate, Z. (Ziverte), Fabrizio, Z. (Zumbo), van Essen, T.A. (Thomas A.), den Boogert, H.F. (Hugo F.), Cnossen, M.C. (Maryse), De Ruiter, G.C.W. (Godard C.W.), Haitsma, I. (Iain), Polinder, S. (Suzanne), Steyerberg, E.W. (Ewout), Menon, D.K. (David ), Maas, A.I.R. (Andrew), Lingsma, H.F. (Hester), Peul, W.C. (Wilco), Cecilia, A. (Ackerlund), Hadie, A. (Adams), Vanni, A. (Agnoletti), Judith, A. (Allanson), Krisztina, A. (Amrein), Norberto, A. (Andaluz), Nada, A. (Andelic), Lasse, A. (Andreassen), Azasevac, A. (Antun), Audny, A. (Anke), Anna, A. (Antoni), Hilko, A. (Ardon), Gérard, A. (Audibert), Kaspars, A. (Auslands), Philippe, A. (Azouvi), Luisa, A.M. (Azzolini Maria), Camelia, B. (Baciu), Rafael, B. (Badenes), Ronald, B. (Bartels), Pál, B. (Barzó), Ursula, B. (Bauerfeind), Romuald, B. (Beauvais), Ronny, B. (Beer), Javier, B.F. (Belda Francisco), Bo-Michael, B. (Bellander), Antonio, B. (Belli), Rémy, B. (Bellier), Habib, B. (Benali), Thierry, B. (Benard), Maurizio, B. (Berardino), Luigi, B. (Beretta), Christopher, B. (Beynon), Federico, B. (Bilotta), Harald, B. (Binder), Erta, B. (Biqiri), Morten, B. (Blaabjerg), den Hugo, B. (Boogert), Pierre, B. (Bouzat), Peter, B. (Bragge), Alexandra, B. (Brazinova), Vibeke, B. (Brinck), Joanne, B. (Brooker), Camilla, B. (Brorsson), Andras, B. (Buki), Monika, B. (Bullinger), Emiliana, C. (Calappi), Rosa, C.M. (Calvi Maria), Peter, C. (Cameron), Guillermo, C.L. (Carbayo Lozano), Marco, C. (Carbonara), Elsa, C. (Carise), Carpenter, K.L.H. (Keri L.H.), Castaño-León Ana, M. (M.), Francesco, C. (Causin), Giorgio, C. (Chevallard), Arturo, C. (Chieregato), Giuseppe, C. (Citerio), Maryse, C. (Cnossen), Mark, C. (Coburn), Jonathan, C. (Coles), Lizzie, C.-K. (Coles-Kemp), Johnny, C. (Collett), Cooper Jamie, D. (D.), Marta, C. (Correia), Amra, C. (Covic), Nicola, C. (Curry), Endre, C. (Czeiter), Marek, C. (Czosnyka), Claire, D.-F. (Dahyot-Fizelier), François, D. (Damas), Pierre, D. (Damas), Helen, D. (Dawes), Véronique, D.K. (De Keyser), Francesco, D.C. (Della Corte), Bart, D. (Depreitere), de Ruiter Godard, C.W. (C. W.), Dula, D. (Dilvesi), Shenghao, D. (Ding), Diederik, D. (Dippel), Abhishek, D. (Dixit), Emma, D. (Donoghue), Jens, D. (Dreier), Guy-Loup, D. (Dulière), George, E. (Eapen), Heiko, E. (Engemann), Ari, E. (Ercole), Patrick, E. (Esser), Erzsébet, E. (Ezer), Martin, F. (Fabricius), Feigin Valery, L. (L.), Junfeng, F. (Feng), Kelly, F. (Foks), Francesca, F. (Fossi), Gilles, F. (Francony), Ulderico, F. (Freo), Shirin, F. (Frisvold), Alex, F. (Furmanov), Pablo, G. (Gagliardo), Damien, G. (Galanaud), Dashiell, G. (Gantner), Guoyi, G. (Gao), Karin, G. (Geleijns), Pradeep, G. (George), Alexandre, G. (Ghuysen), Lelde, G. (Giga), Benoit, G. (Giraud), Ben, G. (Glocker), Jagos, G. (Golubovic), Gomez Pedro, A. (A.), Francesca, G. (Grossi), Gruen Russell, L. (L.), Deepak, G. (Gupta), Haagsma Juanita, A. (A.), Iain, H. (Haitsma), Hartings Jed, A. (A.), Raimund, H. (Helbok), Eirik, H. (Helseth), Daniel, H. (Hertle), Astrid, H. (Hoedemaekers), Stefan, H. (Hoefer), Lindsay, H. (Horton), Jilske, H. (Huijben), Hutchinson Peter, J. (J.), Kristine, H.A. (Håberg Asta), Bram, J. (Jacobs), Stefan, J. (Jankowski), Mike, J. (Jarrett), Bojan, J. (Jelaca), Ji-yao, J. (Jiang), Kelly, J. (Jones), Konstantinos, K. (Kamnitsas), Mladen, K. (Karan), Ari, K. (Katila), Maija, K. (Kaukonen), Thomas, K. (Kerforne), Riku, K. (Kivisaari), Kolias Angelos, G. (G.), Bálint, K. (Kolumbán), Erwin, K. (Kompanje), Ksenija, K. (Kolundzija), Daniel, K. (Kondziella), Lars-Owe, K. (Koskinen), Noémi, K. (Kovács), Alfonso, L. (Lagares), Linda, L. (Lanyon), Steven, L. (Laureys), Fiona, L. (Lecky), Christian, L. (Ledig), Rolf, L. (Lefering), Valerie, L. (Legrand), Jin, L. (Lei), Leon, L. (Levi), Roger, L. (Lightfoot), Hester, L. (Lingsma), Dirk, L. (Loeckx), Angels, L. (Lozano), Maas Andrew, I.R. (I. R.), Stephen, M.D. (MacDonald), Marc, M. (Maegele), Marek, M. (Majdan), Sebastian, M. (Major), Alex, M. (Manara), Geoffrey, M. (Manley), Didier, M. (Martin), Francisco, M.L. (Martin Leon), Costanza, M. (Martino), Armando, M. (Maruenda), Hugues, M. (Maréchal), Alessandro, M. (Masala), Julia, M. (Mattern), Charles, M.F. (McFadyen), Catherine, M.M. (McMahon), Béla, M. (Melegh), David, M. (Menon), Tomas, M. (Menovsky), Cristina, M.-K. (Morganti-Kossmann), Davide, M. (Mulazzi), Visakh, M. (Muraleedharan), Lynnette, M. (Murray), Holger, M. (Mühlan), Nandesh, N. (Nair), Ancuta, N. (Negru), David, N. (Nelson), Virginia, N. (Newcombe), Daan, N. (Nieboer), Quentin, N. (Noirhomme), József, N. (Nyirádi), Mauro, O. (Oddo), Annemarie, O. (Oldenbeuving), Matej, O. (Oresic), Fabrizio, O. (Ortolano), Aarno, P. (Palotie), Parizel Paul, M. (M.), Adriana, P. (Patruno), Jean-François, P. (Payen), Natascha, P. (Perera), Vincent, P. (Perlbarg), Paolo, P. (Persona), Wilco, P. (Peul), Anna, P.-K. (Piippo-Karjalainen), Sébastien, P.F. (Pili Floury), Matti, P. (Pirinen), Horia, P. (Ples), Antonia, P.M. (Poca Maria), Suzanne, P. (Polinder), Inigo, P. (Pomposo), Jussi, P. (Posti), Louis, P. (Puybasset), Andreea, R. (Radoi), Arminas, R. (Ragauskas), Rahul, R. (Raj), Malinka, R. (Rambadagalla), Ruben, R. (Real), Veronika, R. (Rehorčíková), Jonathan, R. (Rhodes), Samuli, R. (Ripatti), Saulius, R. (Rocka), Cecilie, R. (Roe), Olav, R. (Roise), Gerwin, R. (Roks), Jonathan, R. (Rosand), Jeffrey, R. (Rosenfeld), Christina, R. (Rosenlund), Guy, R. (Rosenthal), Rolf, R. (Rossaint), Sandra, R. (Rossi), Daniel, R. (Rueckert), Martin, R. (Rusnák), Marco, S. (Sacchi), Barbara, S. (Sahakian), Juan, S. (Sahuquillo), Oliver, S. (Sakowitz), Francesca, S. (Sala), Renan, S.-P. (Sanchez-Porras), Janos, S. (Sandor), Edgar, S. (Santos), Luminita, S. (Sasu), Davide, S. (Savo), Nadine, S. (Schäffer), Inger, S. (Schipper), Barbara, S.ß. (Schlößer), Silke, S. (Schmidt), Herbert, S. (Schoechl), Guus, S. (Schoonman), Frederik, S.R. (Schou Rico), Elisabeth, S. (Schwendenwein), Michael, S. (Schöll), Özcan, S. (Sir), Toril, S. (Skandsen), Lidwien, S. (Smakman), Dirk, S. (Smeets), Peter, S. (Smielewski), Abayomi, S. (Sorinola), Emmanuel, S. (Stamatakis), Simon, S. (Stanworth), Nicole, S. (Steinbüchel), Ana, S. (Stevanovic), Robert, S. (Stevens), William, S. (Stewart), Steyerberg Ewout, W. (W.), Nino, S. (Stocchetti), Nina, S. (Sundström), Anneliese, S. (Synnot), Silvio, T.F. (Taccone Fabio), Riikka, T. (Takala), Viktória, T. (Tamás), Päivi, T. (Tanskanen), Steven, T.M. (Taylor Mark), Braden, T.A. (Te Ao), Olli, T. (Tenovuo), Ralph, T. (Telgmann), Guido, T. (Teodorani), Alice, T. (Theadom), Matt, T. (Thomas), Dick, T. (Tibboel), Christos, T. (Tolias), Luaba, T.J.-F. (Tshibanda Jean-Flory), Tony, T. (Trapani), Maria, T.C. (Tudora Cristina), Peter, V. (Vajkoczy), Shirley, V. (Vallance), Egils, V. (Valeinis), der Steen Gregory, V. (Van), van der Mathieu, J. (Jagt), van der Joukje, N. (Naalt), van Dijck Jeroen, T.J.M. (T. J.M.), van Essen Thomas, A. (A.), Wim, V.H. (Van Hecke), van Caroline, H. (Heugten), Dominique, V.P. (Van Praag), Thijs, V.V. (Vande Vyvere), Julia, V.W. (Van Waesberghe), Audrey, V. (Vanhaudenhuyse), Alessia, V. (Vargiolu), Emmanuel, V. (Vega), Kimberley, V. (Velt), Jan, V. (Verheyden), Vespa Paul, M. (M.), Anne, V. (Vik), Rimantas, V. (Vilcinis), Giacinta, V. (Vizzino), Carmen, V.-L. (Vleggeert-Lankamp), Victor, V. (Volovici), Voormolen, D.C. (Daphne), Peter, V. (Vulekovic), Zoltán, V. (Vámos), Derick, W. (Wade), Wang Kevin, K.W. (K. W.), Lei, W. (Wang), Lars, W. (Wessels), Eno, W. (Wildschut), Guy, W. (Williams), Lindsay, W. (Wilson), Winkler Maren, K.L. (K. L.), Stefan, W. (Wolf), Peter, Y. (Ylén), Alexander, Y. (Younsi), Menashe, Z. (Zaaroor), Yang, Z. (Zhihui), Agate, Z. (Ziverte), and Fabrizio, Z. (Zumbo)
- Abstract
Background: Neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is challenging, with only low-quality evidence. We aimed to explore differences in neurosurgical strategies for TBI across Europe. Methods: A survey was sent to 68 centers participating in the Collaborative European Neurotrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. The questionnaire contained 21 questions, including the decision when to operate (or not) on traumatic acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) and intracerebral hematoma (ICH), and when to perform a decompressive craniectomy (DC) in raised intracranial pressure (ICP). Results: The survey was completed by 68 centers (100%). On average, 10 neurosurgeons work in each trauma center. In all centers, a neurosurgeon was available within 30 min. Forty percent of responders reported a thickness or volume threshold for evacuation of an ASDH. Most responders (78%) decide on a primary DC in evacuating an ASDH during the operation, when swelling is present. For ICH, 3% would perform an evacuation directly to prevent secondary deterioration and 66% only in case of clinical deterioration. Most respondents (91%) reported to consider a DC for refractory high ICP. The reported cut-off ICP for DC in refractory high ICP, however, differed: 60% uses 25 mmHg, 18% 30 mmHg, and 17% 20 mmHg. Treatment strategies varied substantially between regions, specifically for the threshold for ASDH surgery and DC for refractory raised ICP. Also within center variation was present: 31% reported variation within the hospital for inserting an ICP monitor and 43% for evacuating mass lesions. Conclusion: Despite a homogeneous organization, considerable practice variation exists of neurosurgical strategies for TBI in Europe. These results provide an incentive for comparative effectiveness research to determine elements of effective neurosurgical care.
- Published
- 2018
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