Buljan Flander, Gordana, Selak Bagarić, Ella, Prijatelj, Krešimir, Čagalj Farkas, Mirna, Buljan Flander, Gordana, Selak Bagarić, Ella, Prijatelj, Krešimir, and Čagalj Farkas, Mirna
Budući da danas odrastanje gotovo neizostavno uključuje i svakodnevnu uporabu modernih tehnologija, važno je ispitati na koji način i u kojem vremenskom okviru mladi provode vrijeme na internetu i društvenim mrežama. Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je ispitati opće navike korištenja internetom i društvenim mrežama kod adolescenata srednjoškolske dobi u Republici Hrvatskoj (N=1806). Online upitnikom, konstruiranim za potrebe ovog istraživanja putem Google Forms platforme, ispitana je nekolicina čimbenika provođenja vremena na internetu i društvenim mrežama. U rezultatima su detaljno izložene aktivnosti adolescenata po pojedinim društvenim mrežama, kao i čimbenici povezani s adolescentima u kontekstu mrežnih aktivnosti. Rezultati upozoravaju da se tijekom vremena mijenjaju preferencije korištenja društvenim mrežama kod adolescenata, ali i upućuju na sklonost upuštanja mladih u rizična ponašanja poput upoznavanja ili dopisivanja s nepoznatim osobama. Navedeno upozorava na potrebu za kontinuiranom doedukacijom stručnjaka, ali i roditelja, koja će pratiti navike djece i mladih, kao i implementaciju strukturiranih modaliteta rada s djecom i mladima o sigurnom korištenju internetom., Since growing up nowadays almost certainly involves the daily use of modern technologies, it is important to examine how and in what ways young people spend time online and using social networks. The aim of the study was to examine the general habits of internet and social media use among adolescents of high school age in the Republic of Croatia (N = 1806). Several factors of time spent on the internet and social networks were examined through the Google Forms platform by an online questionnaire designed for the purpose of this research. The findings indicate activities of adolescents across specific social networks, as well as adolescent-related factors in the context of online activities. The findings show that social network preferences in adolescents have changed over time but also suggest a tendency to engage in risky behaviors such as meeting or corresponding with strangers. Findings point to the need for continuous training of experts and parents who will keep track of habits of children and young people, as well as the implementation of structured modalities of work with children and young people regarding safe internet use.