1. Correlations between radiographic, magnetic resonance imaging and histopathologic findings in experimentally ruptured cranial cruciate ligament joints in rabbits.
- Author
Behrooz Nikahval, Seifollah N. Dehghani, Mohammad H. Bagheri, Sara Pakbaz, Maryam Mansourian, Nader Tanideh, Davood Mehrabani, Masoud Alirezaei, Behrooz Nikahval, Seifollah N. Dehghani, Mohammad H. Bagheri, Sara Pakbaz, Maryam Mansourian, Nader Tanideh, Davood Mehrabani, and Masoud Alirezaei more...
- Abstract
Experimental osteoarthritis (OA) was induced in the knee joints of rabbits and the trend of changes were compared by radiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and histopathology. Twenty rabbits were randomly divided into two equal groups based on short (30 days) and long-term (180 days) follow ups. In half of the animals in each group (n = 5) OA was induced by sectioning the cranial cruciate ligament and in the other half, only arthrotomy was performed as a sham operation. Radiography and MRI were carried out on days 0 and 30 in the group of short term studies, and on days 0, 90 and 180 in the other group. Histopathological examinations were performed on day 30 in the short-term group after the animals had been sacrificed and in the other group on day 180. The slope of changes over the course of the study between all 3 methods and the grade of changes, were both highest in histopathology, and then in MRI and radiology respectively. The slope of changes was 0.01 for histopathology, 0.009 for MRI and 0.004 for radiology. The ratios of slopes, when compare to each other, were as follows: His./MRI = 1.1, His./Rad. = 2.5, MRI/Rad. = 2.2. Comparison of MRI with radiology revealed that radiology would not show signs of OA when the MRI grade is less than a grade of 0.27. Comparing both imaging techniques with histopathology showed that whenever the histopathological grade was below 0.22, radiology would not show signs of OA involvement, while MRI was capable of showing signs of OA involvement whenever it was more than 0.018 on histopathological grade., Nakon što je u kunića pokusno izazvan osteoartritis koljenog zgloba, trend promjena promatran je pomoću radiografije, magnetske rezonancije (MRI) i patohistoloških nalaza. Dvadeset kunića bilo je metodom slučajnog odabira podijeljeno u dvije jednake skupine od kojih je jedna promatrana tijekom kratkotrajnog (30 dana), a druga tijekom dugotrajnog (180 dana) razdoblja. U polovice životinja iz svake skupine (n = 5) osteoartroza je bila uzrokovana sekcijom prednje križne sveze, a kod druge polovice primijenjena je samo artrotomija kao lažna operacija. Radiografija i magnetska rezonancija obavljene su 0-ti i 30. dan tijekom kratkotrajnog promatranja te 0-ti, 90. i 180. dan kod dugotrajnog promatranja. Histopatološke pretrage obavljene su 30. dan kod kratkotrajnog praćenja nakon što su životinje bile usmrćene, a kod dugotrajnog 180. dan. Slabljenje promjena tijekom promatranja svima trima metodama kao i stupanj promjena pokazali su se najvećima kod histopatoloških nalaza, zatim kod magnetske rezonancije te nakon toga kod radioloških snimki. Slabljenje promjena bilo je 0,01 za histopatološke nalaze, 0,009 za magnetsku rezonanciju i 0,004 za radiološke snimke. Kad se uzmu u obzir međusobni odnosi slabljenja su bila sljedeća: His./MRI = 1,1, His./Rad. = 2,5, MRI/Rad. = 2,2. Usporedba magnetske rezonancije i radiologije potvrdila je da radiologija neće pokazati znakove osteoartritisa kada je stupanj magnetske rezonance niži od 0,27. Usporedbom obje tehnike snimanja s histopatološkim nalazima utvrđeno je da radiologija neće pokazati znakove osteoartritisa kad je stupanj histopatoloških nalaza ispod 0,22. Primjenom magnentske rezonancije moguće je utvrditi znakove osteoartritisa svaki put kada je njezin stupanj veći od 0,018 u odnosu na stupanj histopatoloških nalaza. more...
- Published
- 2013