1. Development and Evaluation of the Clinical Trial HEalth Knowledge and Beliefs Scale (CHEKS).
- Author
Chung, Alicia, Chung, Alicia, Donley, Tiffany, Hays, Ron D, Robbins, Rebecca, Seixas, Azizi, Jean-Louis, Girardin, Chung, Alicia, Chung, Alicia, Donley, Tiffany, Hays, Ron D, Robbins, Rebecca, Seixas, Azizi, and Jean-Louis, Girardin
- Abstract
Patient health literacy is vital to clinical trial engagement. Knowledge and beliefs about clinical trials may contribute to patient literacy of clinical trials, influencing engagement, enrollment and retention. We developed and assessed a survey that measures clinical trial health knowledge and beliefs, known as the Clinical trial HEalth Knowledge and belief Scale (CHEKS). The 31 survey items in CHEKS represent knowledge and beliefs about clinical trial research (n = 409) in 2017. We examined item-scale correlations for the 31 items, eliminated items with item-scale correlations less than 0.30, and then estimated internal consistency reliability for the remaining 25 items. We used the comparative fit index (CFI) and the root mean squared error of approximation (RMSEA) to evaluate model fit. The average age of the sample was 34 (SD = 15.7) and 48% female. We identified 6 of the 31 items that had item-scale correlations (corrected for overlap) lower than 0.30. Coefficient alpha for the remaining 25 items was 0.93 A one-factor categorical confirmatory factor analytic model with 16 correlated errors was not statistically significant (chi-square = 10011.994, df = 300, p < 0.001) but fit the data well (CFI = 0.95 and RMSEA = 0.07). CHEKS can assess clinical trial knowledge and beliefs.
- Published
- 2022