Chapman, Abbie S. A., Beaulieu, Stace E., Colaço, Ana, Gebruk, Andrey V., Hilario, Ana, Kihara, Terue C., Ramirez-Llodra, Eva, Sarrazin, Jozée, Tunnicliffe, Verena, Amon, Diva, Baker, Maria C., Boschen‐Rose, Rachel E., Chen, Chong, Cooper, Isabelle J., Copley, Jonathan T., Corbari, Laure, Cordes, Erik E., Cuvelier, Daphne, Duperron, Sébastien, Du Preez, Cherisse, Gollner, Sabine, Horton, Tammy, Hourdez, Stephane, Krylova, Elena M., Linse, Katrin, LokaBharathi, P. A., Marsh, Leigh, Matabos, Marjolaine, Mills, Susan W., Mullineaux, Lauren S., Rapp, Hans Tore, Reid, William D. K., Rybakova, Elena Goroslavskaya, Thomas, Tresa Remya A., Southgate, Samuel James, Stöhr, Sabine, Turner, Phillip J., Watanabe, Hiromi K., Yasuhara, Moriaki, Bates, Amanda E., Chapman, Abbie S. A., Beaulieu, Stace E., Colaço, Ana, Gebruk, Andrey V., Hilario, Ana, Kihara, Terue C., Ramirez-Llodra, Eva, Sarrazin, Jozée, Tunnicliffe, Verena, Amon, Diva, Baker, Maria C., Boschen‐Rose, Rachel E., Chen, Chong, Cooper, Isabelle J., Copley, Jonathan T., Corbari, Laure, Cordes, Erik E., Cuvelier, Daphne, Duperron, Sébastien, Du Preez, Cherisse, Gollner, Sabine, Horton, Tammy, Hourdez, Stephane, Krylova, Elena M., Linse, Katrin, LokaBharathi, P. A., Marsh, Leigh, Matabos, Marjolaine, Mills, Susan W., Mullineaux, Lauren S., Rapp, Hans Tore, Reid, William D. K., Rybakova, Elena Goroslavskaya, Thomas, Tresa Remya A., Southgate, Samuel James, Stöhr, Sabine, Turner, Phillip J., Watanabe, Hiromi K., Yasuhara, Moriaki, and Bates, Amanda E.
© The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Chapman, A. S. A., Beaulieu, S. E., Colaco, A., Gebruk, A. V., Hilario, A., Kihara, T. C., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Sarrazin, J., Tunnicliffe, V., Amon, D. J., Baker, M. C., Boschen-Rose, R. E., Chen, C., Cooper, I. J., Copley, J. T., Corbari, L., Cordes, E. E., Cuvelier, D., Duperron, S., Du Preez, C., Gollner, S., Horton, T., Hourdez, S., Krylova, E. M., Linse, K., LokaBharathi, P. A., Marsh, L., Matabos, M., Mills, S. W., Mullineaux, L. S., Rapp, H. T., Reid, W. D. K., Rybakova (Goroslavskaya), E., Thomas, T. R. A., Southgate, S. J., Stohr, S., Turner, P. J., Watanabe, H. K., Yasuhara, M., & Bates, A. E. sFDvent: a global trait database for deep-sea hydrothermal-vent fauna. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28(11), (2019): 1538-1551, doi: 10.1111/geb.12975., Motivation Traits are increasingly being used to quantify global biodiversity patterns, with trait databases growing in size and number, across diverse taxa. Despite growing interest in a trait‐based approach to the biodiversity of the deep sea, where the impacts of human activities (including seabed mining) accelerate, there is no single repository for species traits for deep‐sea chemosynthesis‐based ecosystems, including hydrothermal vents. Using an international, collaborative approach, we have compiled the first global‐scale trait database for deep‐sea hydrothermal‐vent fauna – sFDvent (sDiv‐funded trait database for the Functional Diversity of vents). We formed a funded working group to select traits appropriate to: (a) capture the performance of vent species and their influence on ecosystem processes, and (b) compare trait‐based diversity in different ecosystems. Forty contributors, representing expertise across most known hydrothermal‐vent systems and taxa, scored species traits using online collaborative tools and shared workspaces. Here, we characterise the sFDvent database, describe our approach, and evaluate its scope. Finally, we compare the sFDvent database to similar databases from shallow‐marine and terrestrial ecosystems to highlight how the sFDvent database can inform cross‐ecosystem comparisons. We also make the sFDvent database publicly available online by assigning a persistent, unique DOI. Main types of variable contained Six hundred and forty‐six vent species names, associated location information (33 regions), and scores for 13 traits (in categories: community structure, generalist/specialist, geographic distribution, habitat use, life history, mobility, species associations, symbiont, and trophic structure). Contributor IDs, certainty scores, and references are also provided. Spatial location and grain Global coverage (grain size: ocean basin), spanning eight ocean basins, including vents on 12 mid‐ocean ridges and 6 back‐arc spreading centre, We would like to thank the following experts, who are not authors on this publication but made contributions to the sFDvent database: Anna Metaxas, Alexander Mironov, Jianwen Qiu (seep species contributions, to be added to a future version of the database) and Anders Warén. We would also like to thank Robert Cooke for his advice, time, and assistance in processing the raw data contributions to the sFDvent database using R. Thanks also to members of iDiv and its synthesis centre – sDiv – for much‐valued advice, support, and assistance during working‐group meetings: Doreen Brückner, Jes Hines, Borja Jiménez‐Alfaro, Ingolf Kühn and Marten Winter. We would also like to thank the following supporters of the database who contributed indirectly via early design meetings or members of their research groups: Malcolm Clark, Charles Fisher, Adrian Glover, Ashley Rowden and Cindy Lee Van Dover. Finally, thanks to the families of sFDvent working group members for their support while they were participating in meetings at iDiv in Germany. Financial support for sFDvent working group meetings was gratefully received from sDiv, the Synthesis Centre of iDiv (DFG FZT 118). ASAC was a PhD candidate funded by the SPITFIRE Doctoral Training Partnership (supported by the Natural Environmental Research Council, grant number: NE/L002531/1) and the University of Southampton at the time of submission. ASAC also thanks Dominic, Lesley, Lettice and Simon Chapman for their support throughout this project. AEB and VT are sponsored through the Canada Research Chair Programme. SEB received support from National Science Foundation Division of Environmental Biology Award #1558904 and The Joint Initiative Awards Fund from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. AC is supported by Program Investigador (IF/00029/2014/CP1230/CT0002) from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). This study also had the support of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, through the strategic project UID/MAR/04292/2013 grante