1,809 results on '"TECHNOLOGIES"'
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2. Creación de tecnologías de reducción de sodio y sacarosa para la implementación en productos alimenticios
- Author
Rey Rodriguez, Javier Francisco, Peñaloza Peña, Roxy Yuleidy, Alba León, Valentina, Rey Rodriguez, Javier Francisco, Peñaloza Peña, Roxy Yuleidy, and Alba León, Valentina
- Abstract
La finalidad del presente proyecto se basa en una solución innovadora a una gran problemática que afecta a toda la población, el sodio y la sacarosa generan enfermedades silenciosas y muy peligrosas, se ha demostrado que últimamente las personas de cualquier edad antes de consumir un producto, le dan prioridad a los sellos que demuestran “excesos en”, con este proyecto se eliminan estos sellos cumpliendo con el perfil y con la normativa. Por medio de esta pasantía se desarrollaron dos nuevas tecnologías, las cuales presentan el mismo perfil, textura y calidad nutricional, se realizó experimentación tanto en la tecnología de reducción de sodio denominada “lessalt modifier” y la tecnología de reducción de sacarosa denominada “flavour modifier”; se obtuvieron resultados favorables, se realizaron pruebas triangulares y pruebas de caracterización de los sabores, así mismo la aplicación de las tecnologías en diferentes productos como lo son en el lessalt modifier en mantequillas, snacks, pan y el flavour modifier en bebidas proteínicas y gaseosas.
- Published
- 2024
3. Organization of professional communication in social work
- Abstract
The article analyzes the key concepts of "communication" and "professional communication" from the point of view of an activity approach, because communication not only activates the consciousness of the subject, but also provides rational knowledge regarding the choice of social goals and means of their achievement. The specificity of the social work specialist's communicative activity is determined, which is aimed at changing individuals, groups and other social systems, at the development of one's own personality, colleagues and clients. The analysis of communication technologies taking place in social work is shown. The peculiarities of the communicative potential of social work, the improvement of the efficiency of professional communication, the identification of signs of communication in social work in the conditions of the information society, the identification of the most demanded mechanisms of interaction, the clarification of new functions and professional roles of social workers are analyzed. The need to update the principles and methods of communicative activity in social work, the approval of new communication technologies in accordance with the dynamics of social relations, the level of development of technical capabilities and the needs of modern society are substantiated. Special attention is paid to Internet communication, its advantages and limitations, problems and prospects of using the latest communication technologies are determined. Emphasis is placed on the system of social assistance, which does not always respond to the challenges of the times in a timely manner. One of the reasons for this situation is that the communicative potential of social work, which includes the development, adaptation, and implementation of various technologies for organizing professional interaction in social work, is insufficiently researched and used. New studies of the possibilities of organization and directions of development of professional communication i
- Published
- 2024
4. Parlamentos abiertos en América Latina: transparencia activa y participación ciudadana
- Author
Sánchez Medero, Gema, Pastor Albaladejo, Gema María, Sánchez Medero, Gema, and Pastor Albaladejo, Gema María
- Abstract
En los últimos tiempos, las tendencias modernizadoras destinadas a implantar un modelo de Estado abierto han llevado consigo la transformación de las instituciones públicas, entre ellas el parlamento. Este nuevo enfoque se asienta en los ejes de transparencia, rendición de cuentas y participación en aras de mejorar la relación/comunicación entre el parlamento y la ciudadanía, y reforzar su legitimidad democrática. El artículo indaga en este tema, ya que evalúa la transparencia y la participación ciudadana en las webs de las cámaras bajas de los parlamentos nacionales en América Latina para determinar si se limitan a cumplir con lo exigido por la normativa o van más allá y, por tanto, se camina hacia una verdadera cultura de parlamento abierto. Para abordar esta cuestión, se ha generado un marco analítico que se compone de cuatro dimensiones (ampliamente reconocidas por la literatura académica) a las que se vinculan una serie de indicadores: información sobre el parlamento (19 indicadores); información sobre la organización, el funcionamiento y la actividad parlamentaria (19 indicadores); información económica y contractual (17 indicadores); y comunicación y relación con la ciudadanía (30 indicadores). En definitiva, los resultados de la investigación ofrecerán un diagnóstico de situación que ayudará a verificar que todavía no se ha instaurado, en su totalidad, un estilo de parlamento abierto en América Latina, y a realizar también una serie de recomendaciones razonables para desarrollar este nuevo modelo de cámara baja, In recent times, modernising trends towards an open state model have led to the transformation of public institutions, including parliament. This new approach is based on the axes of transparency, accountability and participation in order to improve the relationship/communication between parliament, and citizens and to strengthen its democratic legitimacy. This article aims to investigate this issue by assessing the transparency and citizen participation on the websites of the lower houses of national parliaments in Latin America to determine whether they are limited to omplying with the requirements of the regulations or whether they go further and, therefore, move towards a true culture of open parliament. To address this question, an analytical framework has been generated that is composed of four dimensions (widely recognised in the academic literature) to which a series of indicators are linked: information about parliament (19 indicators); information about parliamentary organisation, functioning and activity (19 indicators); economic and contractual information (17 indicators); and communication and relationship with citizens (30 indicators). In short, the results of the research will provide a diagnosis of the situation that will help to verify that an open parliamentary style has not yet been fully established in Latin America, and also to make a series of reasonable recommendations for developing this new model of lower house., Depto. de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, Instituto Complutense de Ciencia de la Administración (ICCA), TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
5. Modern education: key factor in global innovation in higher education
- Author
Ihnatenko, Nataliia, Myronenko, Natalia, Yakymenko, Svitlana, Abramova, Oksana, Lisovskyi, Volodymyr, Ihnatenko, Nataliia, Myronenko, Natalia, Yakymenko, Svitlana, Abramova, Oksana, and Lisovskyi, Volodymyr
- Abstract
The role of education in the educational space of a higher school is shown and it is measured as a aspect in the international procedure of informatization of higher education. The main features of modern society and the main trends that change the image of education are highlighted. The leading models of the educational progression as a factor of the global process of informatization of higher education, which are built based on network computer technologies, are considered. For quality education, the main criteria for selecting means of organizing the educational process are recognized; basic didactic and specific principles. Positive features of modern education are emphasized. Finding effective ways to improve higher education, is considered a factor of the global informatization process. A survey of students of various specialties in institutions of higher education was conducted to find out the key traditions of global quality training of future competitive specialists in the innovative process of higher education. The prospects for the growth of modern education and the ways and means of education, which allow for a complete restructuring of the educational sector, improve and even change the educational process, are considered. The essence of today's most accessible and effective online education projects is revealed.
- Published
- 2024
6. Ecological and economic assessment of agricultural products processing technologies
- Abstract
An ecological and economic assessment of agricultural processing technologies was carried out.
- Published
- 2024
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- Published
- 2024
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- Published
- 2024
9. Přehled vysokokapacitních metod pro diagnostiku rakoviny
- Author
Vejvoda, Vojtěch, Rejchlíková, Lucie, Vejvoda, Vojtěch, and Rejchlíková, Lucie
- Abstract
V této bakalářské práci se zabývám problematikou rakoviny. V první části teorie je popsán výskyt rakoviny, její typy a příčiny. V další části jsem se zaměřila především na vysokokapacitní metody v diagnostice rakoviny. Cílem je posoudit účinnost různých metod, od dříve používaných, současných až po nejnovější metody a trendy. Zaměřuji se zde především na molekulárně-biologické metody., In this bachelor's thesis, I deal with the issue of cancer. The first part of the theory describes the occurrence of cancer, its types and causes. In the next part, I mainly encountered high-capacity methods in cancer diagnosis. The aim is to assess the effectiveness of different methods, from previously used, current to the latest methods and trends. I focus here mainly on molecular-biological methods., Fakulta chemicko-technologická, 1. Prezentace výsledků bakalářské práce. 2. Diskuze k posudku vedoucího bakalářské práce. 3. Studentka zodpověděla všechny dotazy a připomínky k bakalářské práci., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Kovalchuk, Vasyl, Vovk, Lyudmyla, Vovk, Bohdan, Horbatiuk, Roman, Kovalchuk, Vasyl, Vovk, Lyudmyla, Vovk, Bohdan, and Horbatiuk, Roman
- Abstract
The article examines the important aspect of training future teachers of professional education, namely applying technologies to stimulate and develop their creative potential. The formation and development of the creative potential of an individual is of great importance in the context of the educational process and the formation of the future teacher, since modern society has set high demands on specialists regarding their professional qualities. Applying the technologies for developing student’s creativity is a key element of the modern educational process aimed at stimulating creative thinking and personal development of the future specialist. The article explores current challenges associated with preparing future professional education educators for the implementation of educational technologies that stimulate the unfolding of learners' creative potential. The materials of this study focus on the issue of technologizing the educational process in higher education institutions, which will contribute to its qualitative improvement, wider adoption of innovative approaches, modern development tools, teaching methods, and forms that will ensure the development of learners' creative abilities. The concept of pedagogical technology is examined, its essence and classification are revealed, and aspects of implementing a technological approach in the educational process of preparing future professional education educators are highlighted. The results of the experimental research presented in the article emphasize the importance of using modern pedagogical technologies and draw attention to the need to search for rational ways of teaching, develop modern principles, and justify the specifics of their implementation that meet the requirements for education aimed at shaping and developing the creative personality of the future professional. The article highlights the practical experience of implementing educational technologies in the institutions of higher education and d
- Published
- 2024
11. Proceedings of EIMN's 1st European Immunometabolism Conference
- Abstract
The 1st European Immunometabolism Conference was organized by the European Immunometabolism Network (EIMN) in Køge near Copenhagen, Denmark from June 26 to June 28, 2024. This conference and network aims to serve as a platform for presenting and discussing the latest and most significant advances in European immunometabolism research. Our vision includes promoting collaboration, training, networking opportunities, and diversity in science, especially for early career and upcoming scientists. Here, we summarize the immunometabolism-related work that was presented during the meeting by members of the network, selected early career researchers, session speakers, and keynote speakers. Additionally, we provide an overview of the discussion points from the round table session and conclude with future aims and planned initiatives of the EIMN.
- Published
- 2024
12. Urban robotics and automation: an assessment of literature in middle eastern countries
- Author
Abdulwahed, A. A. and Abdulwahed, A. A.
- Abstract
Worldwide urban communities are trying imaginative mechanical and automation technologies in numerous parts of financial and public activity. This paper analyses how mechanical technology and automation systems are being added to metropolitan advanced organizations to improve human office and framework organizations and change the city and residents' day-to-day routines. This field has seen for the most part speculative and confined work. Our examination plan goes past discrete applications and impacts to inspect how mechanical technology and automation interface across metropolitan areas and their consequences for respectful metropolitan geologies, particular individual upgrade and aggregate framework the executives, socio-spatial arranging of urban communities, and dependable metropolitan advancement.
- Published
- 2024
13. Cautividad tecnológica en el sector público: singularidades en la contratación de bienes y servicios tecnológicos
- Author
CEU Escuela Internacional de Doctorado (CEINDO). Universidad San Pablo-CEU, Gamo Sanz, Luis, CEU Escuela Internacional de Doctorado (CEINDO). Universidad San Pablo-CEU, and Gamo Sanz, Luis
- Abstract
La investigación doctoral plasmada en esta tesis se ha propuesto analizar, si nuestro actual ordenamiento en materia de contratos públicos, dispone de las suficientes herramientas, para abordar las dificultades que se plantean a los órganos de contratación en la adquisición de bienes y servicios tecnológicos que, en muchos casos, están derivando en una mayor dependencia tecnológica, de determinados operadores económicos. Partiendo de la base, que la contratación pública hoy día, constituye uno de los ámbitos vertebradores de la actuación administrativa, convirtiéndose en una de las herramientas más eficaces para luchar contra la crisis y lograr un desarrollo más sostenible, hemos querido analizar algunas de las singularidades en la contratación de bienes y servicios tecnológicos, que están suponiendo un problema hoy día. Nos centraremos en la contratación de bienes y servicios de software que, por su relevancia, y ser fuente de discusiones doctrinales, hemos considerado que requieren de una reflexión sosegada, que permitan plantear posibles soluciones. Entre otras cuestiones, profundizaremos en la elaboración de las prescripciones técnicas de este tipo de contratos, en la utilización de determinadas certificaciones que pueden limitar la concurrencia, en la tipificación de los contratos de adquisición de bienes y servicios software, incluida la problemática sobre el «fenómeno cloud» y también, sobre la utilización excesiva del procedimiento negociado sin publicidad, como un procedimiento que esclaviza a las Administraciones Públicas por determinadas compañías tecnológicas y ponen en cuestión los principios de la contratación pública., New technologies, which occupy a priority place in e-administration policies, have reached a point of evolution, in which our own ability to regulate them is called into question, in accordance with our current legal framework. The doctoral research reflected in this thesis has set out to analyze whether our current system of public contracts has sufficient tools to address the difficulties that arise for contracting bodies in the acquisition of technological goods and services that, In many cases, are leading to greater technological dependence on certain economic operators. Starting from the basis that public procurement today constitutes one of the backbone areas of administrative action, becoming one of the most effective tools to fight the crisis and achieve more sustainable development, we wanted to analyze some of the singularities in the contracting of technological goods and services, which are posing a problem today. We will focus on the contracting of software goods and services that, due to their relevance, and being a source of doctrinal discussions, we have considered that require calm reflection, allowing possible solutions to be proposed. Among other issues, we will delve into the elaboration of the technical prescriptions of these type of contracts, the use of certain certifications that may limit competition, the classification of contracts for the acquisition of goods and software services, including the problem of «cloud phenomenon» and also, on the excessive use of the negotiated procedure without publicity, as a procedure that enslaves Public Administrations by certain technology companies and calls into question the principles of public procurement.
- Published
- 2024
14. Interactive Computer Graphics-Programming Approach using OpenGL
- Author
Dr. Shivakumar V. Saboji, Dr. Shivanand V. Manjaragi, Dr. Shivakumar V. Saboji, and Dr. Shivanand V. Manjaragi
- Abstract
Computer Graphics is a transformative paradigm that enables scalable, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources for efficiently delivering applications. This book is written as a text book on Computer Graphics using OpenGL for educational programmes at colleges, universities. The typical reader is expected to have completed a couple of courses in programming using traditional high-level language at the college-level and is either a senior or a beginning graduate student in the field of science, technology, engineering or mathematics. We have tried to write a comprehensive book that transfers knowledge through an immersive “hands-on” approach, where the reader is provided the necessary guidance and knowledge to develop working code for real-word Computer Graphics applications. Concurrent development of practical applications that accompanies traditional instructional material within the book further enhances the learning process. The book is organized into 9 chapters these include topics like: Graphics Primitive Representation, OpenGL, Input-Output Interaction, Geometric Objects and Transformations, 3D Object Viewing, Lighting and Shading, Vertices to Fragments, 3D Object Surface Representation. Chapter 1: Introduction Provides overview of Applications of Computer Graphics, Raster Scan Display and Random Scan Display, Objects and Viewers, Imaging Systems, Synthetic Camera Model and Graphics Architecture Chapter 2: Graphics Primitive Representation Describes Scan Converting Lines, Midpoint Line Drawing Algorithm, Scan Converting Circle Chapter 3: OpenGL Provides an introduction to the use of OpenGL Interface, Graphics Functions, Control Functions, viewing, Primitives and Attributes, Text, Attributes, color, polygons and Recursion, plotting implicit functions. Chapter 4: Input-Output Interaction Describe the development of Graphics applications using Input Devices, Logical Devices, Input Modes, Programming Event Driven Input, Ani
- Published
- 2024
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- 2024
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- 2024
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- 2024
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- 2024
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- 2024
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- Published
- 2024
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- Published
- 2024
22. Proceedings of EIMN's 1st European Immunometabolism Conference
- Abstract
The 1st European Immunometabolism Conference was organized by the European Immunometabolism Network (EIMN) in Køge near Copenhagen, Denmark from June 26 to June 28, 2024. This conference and network aims to serve as a platform for presenting and discussing the latest and most significant advances in European immunometabolism research. Our vision includes promoting collaboration, training, networking opportunities, and diversity in science, especially for early career and upcoming scientists. Here, we summarize the immunometabolism-related work that was presented during the meeting by members of the network, selected early career researchers, session speakers, and keynote speakers. Additionally, we provide an overview of the discussion points from the round table session and conclude with future aims and planned initiatives of the EIMN.
- Published
- 2024
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- Published
- 2024
24. Infancia y pantallas: un estudio sobre tenencia, hábitos y percepción en el uso de tecnologías en una muestra de hogares argentinos
- Author
Sartori, Mariana, Raynaudo, Gabriela, Peralta de Mendoza, Olga Alicia, Sartori, Mariana, Raynaudo, Gabriela, and Peralta de Mendoza, Olga Alicia
- Abstract
Technological devices have a growing presence, however, in Argentina there is little information about their implementation in childhood. The objectives of this study were to describe the possession and habits of technology use at home, to investigate adult perceptions of such use, and to explore the participants’ profiles according to these variables. Four hundred adults responsible for children (up to 8 years old) participated completing a questionnaire. The results showed that the devices to which children had the most access were TV, smartphone, tablet and computer. The majority of adults considered that the use of these tools negatively impacts on family time-sharing, although they recognized their educational potential. Three clear profiles of participants were identified: acceptance and low use, acceptance and medium use and, acceptance and high use. This study provides information of our country on a phenomenon mostly studied in North America and Europe., Los dispositivos tecnológicos tienen una presencia creciente, sin embargo, en Argentina es escasa la información sobre su implementación en la infancia. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir la tenencia y los hábitos de uso de tecnologías en el hogar, indagar la percepción adulta sobre ese manejo y explorar perfiles de los participantes en función de estas variables. Para ello, participaron, respondiendo un cuestionario, 400 adultos responsables de niños (hasta 8 años). Los resultados fueron que los dispositivos a los cuales los niños tenían mayor acceso eran la TV, el smartphone, la tablet y la computadora. Por otra parte, la mayoría de los adultos consideró que el uso de estas herramientas afecta negativamente al tiempo compartido en familia, aunque reconoció su potencial educativo. En ese sentido, se definieron tres claros perfiles de participantes: aceptación y uso bajo, aceptación y uso medio, aceptación y uso alto. Este estudio aporta información en nuestra región sobre un fenómeno mayormente estudiado en Norteamérica y Europa.
- Published
- 2024
25. La tecnología en el mundo de la literatura infantil. Consideraciones más allá de los soportes y las estrategias en educación
- Author
Pac, Andrea B., Bahamonde, Susana Mabel, Skvarca, María Nieves, Pac, Andrea B., Bahamonde, Susana Mabel, and Skvarca, María Nieves
- Abstract
In this paper we aim to explore the interconnection between Children’s Literature and contemporary technologies, though not from the perspective of technology as a didactic tool or as a media to produce or reproduce literary texts. Instead, we examine how technology is present in books for children and picture books. This approach is based on the concepts of children’s literature, and childhood and technologies. We also present an initial corpus of stories and picture books either about technology or in which technology structures the book or the narrative. Our conclusion is that in some texts the encounter of both worlds produces significant literary experiences. However, there is a literary core that cannot be integrated with technology. This tension is also part of the cultural representations., Neste trabalho nos propor explorar a interligação entre a literatura infantil e as tecnologias contemporâneas, mas não na perspectiva da tecnologia como ferramenta didática ou suporte para a produção ou reprodução de textos. Em vez disso, interessa-nos examinar como as tecnologias estão presentes nas propostas literárias infantis e nos livros-álbum. Esta abordagem é baseada num quadro conceptual que engloba as noções de literatura, infância e tecnologias. Expõe também o encontro inicial de um corpus de histórias e livros-álbum que incorporam as tecnologias como tema ou como elemento estruturante. Nossa conclusão é que, embora em alguns textos o encontro dos dois mundos produza experiências literárias valiosas, existe um núcleo de literatura que não é permeável à integração tecnológica. E esta tensão está presente nas representações abordadas., En este trabajo nos proponemos explorar la interconexión entre literatura infantil y las tecnologías contemporáneas, pero no desde la perspectiva de la tecnología como herramienta didáctica o soporte para la producción o reproducción de los textos. En cambio, nos interesa examinar de qué manera las tecnologías están presentes en las propuestas literarias infantiles y de libros álbum. Este acercamiento se enmarca en los conceptos de literatura infantil, e infancias y tecnologías. Expone también la reunión inicial de un corpus de relatos y libros álbum que incorporan las tecnologías como tema o como elemento estructurante. Nuestra conclusión es que, si bien en algunos textos el encuentro de ambos mundos produce experiencias literarias valiosas, existe un núcleo de la literatura que no es permeable a la integración tecnológica. Y esta tensión está presente en las representaciones abordadas.
- Published
- 2024
26. Estudio sobre el Uso de Tecnologías en Educación Superior Antes y Después de Covid- 19
- Author
Ortega Sánchez, Rosa María and Ortega Sánchez, Rosa María
- Abstract
With the arrival of COVID-19, higher education was affected, undergoing several changes, technology was being introduced into the teaching-learning processes, the health emergency accelerated this method of including technological resources, with new challenges for education. The purpose of this study is to know and compare the use of technological tools before and after COVID-19 in students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Malaga, Spain and of the Education Career of the Centro Universitario del Norte. , University of Guadalajra, Mexico. Descriptive quantitative methodology was used, with a sample of 100 students per educational institution, using the survey as an instrument. Among the results we can highlight some of the most used tools during the health emergency, without a doubt it brought with it the expansion of skills and performance thereof, in conclusion the use of technologies must be increased for the development of educational programs. In this way, there will be more study opportunities, thus trying to close the inequality gap with respect to education., Con la llegada del COVID-19 la educacuión superior se vio afectada sufrindo varios cambios, la tecnologia estaba introduciendose en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, la emergencia sanitaria acelero este metodo de incluir los recursos tecnologicos, con nuevos retos para la educación. El presente estudio tiene por objeto conocer y comparar el uso de las herramientas tecnologicas antes y después del COVID-19 en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Edyucación de la Universidad de Malaga, España y de la Carrera de Educación del Centro Universitario del Norte, Universidad de Guadalajra, Mexico. Se utilizo loa metodologia cuantitativa descriptiva, con una muestra de 100 alumnos por institución educativa, utilizando como instrumento la encuesta. Entre los resultads podemos destacar algunas de las herramientas más utilizadas durante la emergencia sanitaria, sin duda alguna trajo con ella la ampliación de habilidades y desempeño de las mismas, en conclusión se debe incrementar el uso de las tecnologias para el desarrollo de los programas educativos de este modo se tendran más oportunidades de estudio, asi tratar de cerrar la brecha de la desigualdad respecto a la educación.
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Kovalchuk, Vasyl, Vovk, Lyudmyla, Vovk, Bohdan, Horbatiuk, Roman, Kovalchuk, Vasyl, Vovk, Lyudmyla, Vovk, Bohdan, and Horbatiuk, Roman
- Abstract
The article examines the important aspect of training future teachers of professional education, namely applying technologies to stimulate and develop their creative potential. The formation and development of the creative potential of an individual is of great importance in the context of the educational process and the formation of the future teacher, since modern society has set high demands on specialists regarding their professional qualities. Applying the technologies for developing student’s creativity is a key element of the modern educational process aimed at stimulating creative thinking and personal development of the future specialist. The article explores current challenges associated with preparing future professional education educators for the implementation of educational technologies that stimulate the unfolding of learners' creative potential. The materials of this study focus on the issue of technologizing the educational process in higher education institutions, which will contribute to its qualitative improvement, wider adoption of innovative approaches, modern development tools, teaching methods, and forms that will ensure the development of learners' creative abilities. The concept of pedagogical technology is examined, its essence and classification are revealed, and aspects of implementing a technological approach in the educational process of preparing future professional education educators are highlighted. The results of the experimental research presented in the article emphasize the importance of using modern pedagogical technologies and draw attention to the need to search for rational ways of teaching, develop modern principles, and justify the specifics of their implementation that meet the requirements for education aimed at shaping and developing the creative personality of the future professional. The article highlights the practical experience of implementing educational technologies in the institutions of higher education and d
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Dimitrova, Vihra, Nikolov, Nikolay, Gospodinov, Todor, Dimitrova, Vihra, Nikolov, Nikolay, and Gospodinov, Todor
- Abstract
The concept of the smart cities is closely related to the opportunities of smart education that reflects how advanced technology enables learners to acquire knowledge and skills more effectively, efficiently, and conveniently. The role of smart education is to support learners in the 21st century to meet and successfully cope with the challenges of a digitalized society, including developing problem-solving skills. The aim of the paper is to examine the role of the education in modern smart cities, from the quadruple helix model perspective. Smart education has become an important strategy for building a smart society, as an essential part of the model, including collaborative innovation and interaction among government, academia, business and society. By the use of technologies and innovation, the modern educational institutions could promote not only student satisfaction with the learning process, but also support the development of sustainable smart and knowledge-based cities.
- Published
- 2024
- Abstract
The article provides an understanding of the concept of technological relation to legal knowledge. It is shown that the methodology of the technological relationship to legal knowledge is a complex problem that can be solved on the basis of a constructive dialogue between developers of artificial intelligent systems and representatives of humanitarian sciences. It is substantiated that the use of knowledge as a material contributes to the transformation of law in the digital world.
- Published
- 2024
30. New approaches to efficiency enhancement of livestock breeding in the Republic of Belarus
- Author
Olshevskaya, Anna Nikolaevna, Rylo, Tatiana Valentinovna, Olshevskaya, Anna Nikolaevna, and Rylo, Tatiana Valentinovna
- Published
- 2024
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- Published
- 2024
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- Abstract
The problem of the formation and development of functional literacy among subjects of the educational process takes a special place in the education system of Belarus. The purpose of this article is to explain the role of a teacher’s professional competence in the formation of functional literacy of schoolchildren. The article discusses the key competencies of a teacher, what qualities a modern student should have and technologies that allow students to develop functional literacy.
- Published
- 2024
- Abstract
The article studies foreign experience in commercialization of intellectual and innovative technologies in the activities of industrial enterprises. It is determined that synergistic interaction between universities, research centers, business and government is the basis for the formation of innovation ecosystems. At the same time, an important factor is state support in the form of grants, tax breaks, as well as promotion of venture financing, which stimulates the development of innovative enterprises. It is substantiated that the infrastructure for innovation (technology parks, business incubators and accelerators provide the necessary conditions for startups and young companies) in foreign enterprises has a significant impact on the efficiency of technology commercialization only if there is an effective patent system and intellectual property protection mechanisms that contribute to the introduction of developments into production. Emphasis is placed on the fact that international cooperation and adaptation of best practices in the commercialization of innovations, taking into account local conditions, play a key role in the formation of a competitive innovation policy.
- Published
- 2024
34. Modern education: key factor in global innovation in higher education
- Author
Ihnatenko, Nataliia, Myronenko, Natalia, Yakymenko, Svitlana, Abramova, Oksana, Lisovskyi, Volodymyr, Ihnatenko, Nataliia, Myronenko, Natalia, Yakymenko, Svitlana, Abramova, Oksana, and Lisovskyi, Volodymyr
- Abstract
The role of education in the educational space of a higher school is shown and it is measured as a aspect in the international procedure of informatization of higher education. The main features of modern society and the main trends that change the image of education are highlighted. The leading models of the educational progression as a factor of the global process of informatization of higher education, which are built based on network computer technologies, are considered. For quality education, the main criteria for selecting means of organizing the educational process are recognized; basic didactic and specific principles. Positive features of modern education are emphasized. Finding effective ways to improve higher education, is considered a factor of the global informatization process. A survey of students of various specialties in institutions of higher education was conducted to find out the key traditions of global quality training of future competitive specialists in the innovative process of higher education. The prospects for the growth of modern education and the ways and means of education, which allow for a complete restructuring of the educational sector, improve and even change the educational process, are considered. The essence of today's most accessible and effective online education projects is revealed.
- Published
- 2024
35. Higher Education Institutions Orientation towards Industry 5.0
- Author
Živković, Nedeljka, Glogovac, Maja, Živković, Nedeljko, Živković, Nedeljka, Glogovac, Maja, and Živković, Nedeljko
- Abstract
It is known that Industry 5.0 can impact organizational performance improvements. Unlike Industry 4.0, which focuses on technologies and technological advancements, Industry 5.0 moves forward by prioritizing societal sustainability. Higher Education Institutions significantly contribute to societal sustainability as they represent the foundation of every society’s development. Higher Education Institutions have the potential to advance society by establishing mechanisms to adopt new, innovative methodologies in this era of profound global changes. In this regard, this paper focuses on the orientation of Industry 5.0 in the Higher Education Institutions in Serbia and its region. The research was conducted through a survey, collecting 366 correctly completed responses. Using four variables on a five-point Likert scale, the orientation of Industry 5.0 in the Higher Education Institutions in Serbia and the region was explored. All results fall within the scale range of 3.5/5 to 3.8/5, indicating that the level of acceptance and implementation of Industry 5.0 is not very high
- Published
- 2024
36. Estado, aceleração das inovações tecnológicas, restrições de direitos e lucratividade
- Author
Silva, Maria Lucia Lopes da and Silva, Maria Lucia Lopes da
- Abstract
This article deals with the promotion of technological innovations as an essential element of contemporary capitalist accumulation, highlighting the role of the State in stimulating this process through financial investment and intensive use of digital technologies in public services. It highlights the relationship of this use with restrictions on access to rights, especially social security rights, and with capitalist profitability. It presents the results of bibliographic review and of post-doctoral documentary research on the subject. The concludes that the intensive use of digital information and communication technologies in public services has favoured capitalist profitability and contributed to the restriction of access to rights., Este artigo trata da aceleração das inovações tecnológicas como elemento essencial à acumulação capitalista contemporânea, ressalta o papel estimulador do Estado nesse processo, a partir de investimentos financeiros e emprego intensivo de tecnologias digitais nos serviços públicos, destacando a relação deste uso com restrições de acesso aos direitos, especialmente os previdenciários, e com a lucratividade capitalista. O objetivo do texto é apresentar resultados de revisão bibliográfica e de pesquisa documental de pós-doutorado sobre o assunto. A principal conclusão é que o uso intensivo das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação nos serviços públicos tem favorecido a lucratividade capitalista e contribuído para a restrição de acesso aos direitos.
- Published
- 2024
37. La Didáctica Basada en las TIC para la Docencia Universitaria en el Centro Regional Universitario Coclé
- Author
Castillero Graell, Dior B., Narcisa Escobar, Katherin, Vega, Dalila María, de Sucre, Delia Consuegra, Castillero Graell, Dior B., Narcisa Escobar, Katherin, Vega, Dalila María, and de Sucre, Delia Consuegra
- Abstract
This article deals with the implementation of didactics based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in university teaching in Panama. It highlights the impact of ICT in improving the quality of education, promoting interactivity, participation, and access to digital resources. It analyzes experiences of university teachers who have integrated these tools in their pedagogical practices, identifying benefits and challenges. It involves the search and exhaustive review of previous research related to the integration of ICT in higher education in Panama. A bibliographic and documentary approach is used, consulting academic databases, scientific journals, and institutional documents. In addition, the technological conditions and teacher training necessary to optimize the application of ICT-based didactics are examined. The article contributes to the understanding of how ICT can enhance teaching at the university level in the Panamanian context., Este artículo aborda la implementación de la didáctica basada en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la enseñanza universitaria en Panamá. Destaca el impacto de las TIC en la mejora de la calidad educativa, fomentando la interactividad, la participación y el acceso a recursos digitales. Se analizan experiencias de docentes universitarios que han integrado estas herramientas en sus prácticas pedagógicas, identificando beneficios y desafíos. involucra la búsqueda y revisión exhaustiva de investigaciones previas relacionadas con la integración de TIC en la educación superior en Panamá. Se emplea un enfoque bibliográfico y documental, consultando bases de datos académicas, revistas científicas y documentos institucionales. Además, se examinan las condiciones tecnológicas y la formación docente necesaria para optimizar la aplicación de la didáctica basada en TIC. El artículo contribuye a la comprensión de cómo las TIC pueden potenciar la enseñanza en el ámbito universitario en el contexto panameño.
- Published
- 2024
38. Transformación Educativa: Estrategias Innovadoras para la Enseñanza de Contaduría Pública Nacional en el contexto Postpandemia
- Author
Pérez Domínguez, Shirley Silvina, Valdez, Alejandro Daniel, Villalba, Andrés, Pérez Domínguez, Shirley Silvina, Valdez, Alejandro Daniel, and Villalba, Andrés
- Abstract
The pandemic meant a social and health crisis that forced education to reinvent itself to continue training students at all educational levels. University education was no exception. In this sense, the study analyzes the strategies implemented by teachers in the National Public Accounting Career for teaching-learning in post-pandemic times. They were addressed from the perspectives of: curricular adaptation, technologies used for virtual teaching and creativity and innovation in the creation of educational resources that optimize the teaching of accounting. The methodology used is descriptive in scope, based on a quantitative approach and a non-experimental cross-retrospective design. The population was made up of teachers from the National Public Accounting program of the Faculty of Accounting Sciences of the National University of Pilar in Paraguay. The survey was applied as a data collection technique. The results provide a detailed understanding of how public accounting professionals have addressed the challenges of teaching in times of pandemic, from curricular adaptation to the implementation of technologies and the promotion of educational innovation. This provides valuable information to educators and curriculum designers, allowing them to adjust and improve pedagogical practices in line with the changing demands of the post-pandemic environment., En el dinámico escenario post-pandemia, el ámbito educativo se ha visto compelido a repensar y redefinir sus métodos para ofrecer una formación efectiva y relevante (Patarroyo López, et al. 2022). En este sentido, el estudio analiza las estrategias implementadas por los docentes en la Carrera Contaduría Pública Nacional para la enseñanza- aprendizaje en tiempos de la post-pandemia. Se abordaron desde las perspectivas de: adaptación curricular, tecnologías utilizadas para la enseñanza virtual y la creatividad e innovación en la creación de recursos educativos que optimicen la enseñanza de la contaduría. La metodología empleada es de alcance descriptivo, basado en un enfoque cuantitativo y de diseño no experimental de corte trasversal- retrospectivo. La población estuvo conformada por docentes de la carrera de Contaduría Pública Nacional de la Facultad de Ciencias Contables de la Universidad Nacional de Pilar en Paraguay. Como técnica de recolección de datos se aplicó la encuesta. Los resultados proporcionan una comprensión detallada de cómo los profesionales en contaduría pública han abordado los desafíos de la enseñanza en tiempos de pandemia, desde la adaptación curricular hasta la implementación de tecnologías y la promoción de la innovación educativa. Esto proporciona información valiosa para los educadores y responsables de diseñar planes de estudio, permitiéndoles ajustar y mejorar las prácticas pedagógicas en consonancia con las demandas cambiantes del entorno post-pandemia.
- Published
- 2024
39. Wheelchair Basketball: morpho-functional and physiological aspects of the shoulder
- Author
Tafuri, Francesco, Latino, Francesca, Fai, Annatonia, Mancini, Rachele, Quarta, Francesco, Saraiello, Emma, Ferramosca, Federica, Susanto, Nugroho, Setyawan, Hendra, Anam, Khoiril, Ranieri, Maurizio, Megna, Marisa, Farì, Giacomo, Tafuri, Francesco, Latino, Francesca, Fai, Annatonia, Mancini, Rachele, Quarta, Francesco, Saraiello, Emma, Ferramosca, Federica, Susanto, Nugroho, Setyawan, Hendra, Anam, Khoiril, Ranieri, Maurizio, Megna, Marisa, and Farì, Giacomo
- Abstract
Wheelchair basketball is one of the most popular paralympic sports. It is a great physical activity that guarantees important health benefits and promotes the well-being and social inclusion for disabled people. At the same time, wheelchair basketball involves a significant risk of injuries for wheelchair basketball players and upper limbs are the most burdened body segments. In particular, sport specific gestures lead to progressive overload of the shoulder joint, which usually results in shoulder pain. For these reasons, scientific and technological progress should improve the development of rehabilitative strategies to promote shoulder health and then to reduce shoulder pain. Within the spectrum of new technologies, electromyography is a tool that allows real-time measurement and to take advantage of the potentiality of biofeedback, so it has been used previously to improve the outcome of rehabilitation treatments. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to summarize and analyze the current evidence regarding the use of electromyography, as a rehabilitative strategy, to reduce shoulder pain in wheelchair basketball athletes. Following the PRISMA statement guidelines (PROSPERO - 2023, n° CRD42023470395), a total of 10 studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria after a search of three databases (Pubmed, Google Scholar and Cochrane Library). The result of this review highlights the importance of electromyography and surface electromyography in the prevention and treatment of shoulder pain in wheelchair basketball athletes. Moreover, this examination emphasizes that using surface electromyography as a biofeedback seems to be an effective way to speed up shoulder pain rehabilitation outcomes in wheelchair basketball athletes., El baloncesto en silla de ruedas es uno de los deportes paralímpicos más populares. Es una gran actividad física que garantiza importantes beneficios para la salud y promueve el bienestar y la inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad. Al mismo tiempo, el baloncesto en silla de ruedas implica un riesgo significativo de lesiones para los jugadores de baloncesto en silla de ruedas y las extremidades superiores son los segmentos corporales más cargados. En particular, los gestos específicos del deporte conducen a una sobrecarga progresiva de la articulación del hombro, lo que generalmente resulta en dolor de hombro. Por estas razones, el progreso científico y tecnológico debería mejorar el desarrollo de estrategias de rehabilitación para promover la salud del hombro y luego reducir el dolor de hombro. Dentro del espectro de las nuevas tecnologías, la electromiografía es una herramienta que permite medir en tiempo real y aprovechar la potencialidad del biofeedback, por lo que se ha utilizado anteriormente para mejorar el resultado de los tratamientos de rehabilitación. Por lo tanto, el propósito de esta revisión es resumir y analizar la evidencia actual sobre el uso de la electromiografía, como estrategia de rehabilitación, para reducir el dolor de hombro en atletas de baloncesto en silla de ruedas. Siguiendo las directrices de la declaración PRISMA (PROSPERO - 2023, n° CRD42023470395), un total de 10 estudios cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión después de una búsqueda en tres bases de datos (Pubmed, Google Scholar y Cochrane Library). El resultado de esta revisión destaca la importancia de la electromiografía y la electromiografía de superficie en la prevención y el tratamiento del dolor de hombro en los atletas de baloncesto en silla de ruedas. Además, este examen enfatiza que el uso de la electromiografía de superficie como biorretroalimentación parece ser una forma efectiva de acelerar los resultados de la rehabilitación del dolor de hombro
- Published
- 2024
40. El Impacto Transformador de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en Estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas
- Author
Aldaz, Andrea, Michael Estuardo, Ponce Rosero, Ligia Patricia, Lozada Calderón, Nelly Maribel, Paucar Caiza, Pablo Andrés, Agual Álvarez, Estefany Jazmin, Cagua Llulluna, David Geovanny, Rivera Vizuete, Aldaz, Andrea, Michael Estuardo, Ponce Rosero, Ligia Patricia, Lozada Calderón, Nelly Maribel, Paucar Caiza, Pablo Andrés, Agual Álvarez, Estefany Jazmin, Cagua Llulluna, and David Geovanny, Rivera Vizuete
- Abstract
This article delves into the fundamental challenges faced by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and offers a comprehensive perspective on how these technologies influence and shape the current and future educational landscape. It begins with the definition and contextualization of the knowledge society in the contemporary era, emphasizing how its evolution, particularly driven by technological advancements, has significantly impacted various sectors, including education. The article explores in detail how this technological development has led to profound changes in teaching and learning methods, stimulating the creation of new pedagogical approaches and innovative strategies to enhance the teaching-learning process for students with educational needs. The emphasis is on how ICT has been a catalyst for educational innovation, providing tools and platforms that facilitate access to information, promote collaboration between students with educational needs and teachers, and enhance creativity and critical thinking. Additionally, the article deeply analyzes the crucial role of each actor within the educational environment, from teachers to students, highlighting their ability to transform the teaching-learning process by effectively leveraging the available technologies., Este artículo profundiza en los desafíos fundamentales que enfrentan las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y ofrece una perspectiva exhaustiva sobre cómo estas tecnologías influencian y moldean el panorama educativo actual y futuro. Inicia con la definición y contextualización de la sociedad del conocimiento en la era contemporánea, subrayando cómo su evolución, especialmente impulsada por los avances tecnológicos, ha dejado una marca significativa en diversos sectores, entre ellos la educación. Se explora detalladamente cómo este desarrollo tecnológico ha provocado cambios profundos en la forma en que se enseña y se aprende, estimulando la creación de nuevos enfoques pedagógicos y estrategias innovadoras para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de los estudiantes con necesidades educativas. Se hace hincapié en cómo las TIC han sido catalizadoras de la innovación educativa, proporcionando herramientas y plataformas que facilitan el acceso a la información, promueven la colaboración entre estudiantes con necesidades educativas y docentes, y potencian la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico. Además, se analiza en profundidad el papel crucial de cada actor dentro del entorno educativo, desde los docentes hasta los estudiantes, destacando su capacidad para transformar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediante el aprovechamiento efectivo de las tecnologías disponibles.
- Published
- 2024
41. Estrategias de las TIC en la Docencia e Investigación para Formar Profesionales de la Educación
- Author
Correa Terán, José Edgar and Correa Terán, José Edgar
- Abstract
ICTs have become fundamental tools or devices for teaching and research. In this document, three studies carried out in the field of higher education are analyzed. The first highlights the use of technologies, applications (apps) and computer programs, for the purposes of acquiring academic skills; The second is about a diagnosis that helps identify the perception and uses of a tool for the design of academic products, called “Canva”, with undergraduate and graduate students; and the third describes the experiences derived from the implementation of an innovation proposal with postgraduate students that emphasizes teaching professionalization. The studies give an account of the action at the institutional level that was provided to address the care needs of university students, during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, in turn, they help to characterize the ICT support for educational purposes. The current intention is to follow up on intervention strategies to accustom managers, coordinators, teachers and students to work on technology-mediated processes, from the synchronous and asynchronous communication made possible by virtual platforms., Las TIC se han convertido en herramientas o dispositivos fundamentales para la docencia e investigación. En el presente documento, se analizan tres estudios realizados en el ámbito de educación superior. El primero destaca el uso de las tecnologías, aplicaciones (app) y programas computacionales, para fines de adquirir competencias académicas; el segundo, trata de un diagnóstico que ayuda a identificar la percepción y usos de una herramienta para el diseño de productos académicos, llamada “Canva”, con estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado; y el tercero, describe las experiencias derivadas de la implementación de una propuesta de innovación con estudiantes de un posgrado que enfatiza en la profesionalización docente. Los estudios dan cuenta de la actuación a nivel institucional que se brindó para hacer frente a las necesidades de atención hacia los estudiantes universitarios, durante el tiempo de la pandemia por Covid-19, a su vez, ayudan a caracterizar el apoyo de las TIC para fines educativos. La intención actual, es dar seguimiento a las estrategias de intervención para habituar a directivos, coordinadores, docentes y estudiantes a trabajar procesos mediatizados con la tecnología, desde la comunicación sincrónica y asincrónica que posibilitan las plataformas virtuales.
- Published
- 2024
42. Contribuições da Ciência da Informação para melhorar o acesso ao Sistema Único de Saúde
- Author
Silva, Alberto Claudino dos Santos, Andrade, Evaldo Aguiar, Marques Ricarte, Ivan Luiz, Barbosa Galvão, Maria Cristiane, Magalhães, Eva Maria da Silva Neta, Silva, Alberto Claudino dos Santos, Andrade, Evaldo Aguiar, Marques Ricarte, Ivan Luiz, Barbosa Galvão, Maria Cristiane, and Magalhães, Eva Maria da Silva Neta
- Abstract
This research aimed to study the difficulties encountered by the population in accessing the Brazilian Unified Health System. This was also intended to provide support for thinking about the transversality of Information Science in the Health sector. To this end, exploratory research was carried out, following a mixed methods approach, in Pernambuco State. It was observed that the majority of the 103 research participants use the systemin their daily lives, for specialized care and surgeries, have access to the Internet, access to information and communication technologies, and are open to using technologies in their relationship with the system. The difficulties they have in accessing the Health System relate to: lack of health professionals, lack of computerization of health units, need for training of health professionals, limited number of health units and disorganized waiting lists. In this context, the potential contributions of Information Science to improving access to the Unified Health System include development of information services focused on access to the system, development of tools that can assist health professionals and the population on several fronts and collaboration in computerization and interoperability of health unit systems., Esta pesquisa estudou as dificuldades encontradas pela população para acesso ao Sistema Único de Saúde. Com este estudo, pretendeu-se também fornecer subsídios para se pensar a transversalidade da Ciência da Informação no setor da Saúde. Realizou-se uma pesquisade opinião exploratória, com abordagem de métodos mistos, em um município do agreste pernambucano. Observou-se que a maioria dos 103 participantes da pesquisa recorrem cotidianamente ao Sistema Único de Saúde, para atendimento especializado e para realização de cirurgias, possuem acesso à Internet, acesso a tecnologias de informação e comunicação, bem como estão abertos para usar tecnologias em sua relação com o Sistema de Saúde. Já as dificuldades que possuem para acessar o Sistema de Saúde versaram sobre: falta de profissionais de saúde, falta de informatização das unidades de saúde, necessidade de capacitação dos profissionais de saúde, quantidade limitada de unidades de saúde e desorganização das filas de espera. Neste contexto, potenciais contribuições da Ciência da Informação para melhorar o acesso ao Sistema Único de Saúde incluem desenvolvimento de serviços informacionais com foco no acesso à assistência, desenvolvimento de ferramentas que possam auxiliar profissionais de saúde e a população em várias frentes e colaboração em processos de informatização e interoperabilidade de sistemas e informação das unidades de saúde.
- Published
- 2024
43. Tecnoestrés y tecnoadicción: análisis del papel de la conciliación trabajo–familia
- Author
Quiroz González, Eliana Yulieth, Espinal Guevara, Luisa, Villavicencio Ayub, Erika, Quiroz González, Eliana Yulieth, Espinal Guevara, Luisa, and Villavicencio Ayub, Erika
- Abstract
Objective: to analyze the role of work–family balance in technostress and techno-addiction among colombian workers. This objective aligns with the need to study resources that protect workers from emerging psychosocial risks. Method: A non-experimental, cross-sectional study with an associative strategy was conducted, involving 512 participants (326 women and 186 men). A sociodemographic data sheet and RED-Technostress and SWING work–family interaction questionnaires were administered. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed, and a path model was designed. Results: A significant negative correlation was identified between work–family balance and discomfort (r=-.206, p<.001), compulsive use (r=-.169, p<.000), and excessive use (r=-.233, p<.000). Additionally, the estimated values in the pathmodel indicate relationships between work–family balance and discomfort (r=-.21, p<.001), compulsive use (r=-.17,p<.001), and excessive use of technology (r=-.23, p<.001); these are moderate and inversely proportional, whereasthere is no significance with rejection (r=-.02). This means that greater work–family balance results in less discomfort,compulsive use, and excessive use of technology. Conclusions: It is determined that work–family balance serves as a resource that can mitigate psychosocial risks such as technostress and techno-addiction. There is a negative relationship between work–family balance and discomfort from technology use, suggesting that workers who successfully balance their work and family responsibilities may experience less stress and anxiety related to technology use., Objetivo: analizar el papel de la conciliación trabajo–familia en el tecnoestrés y la tecnoadicción en los trabajadores colombianos. Este objetivo está articulado con la necesidad de estudiar recursos que protejan a los trabajadores de los riesgos psicosociales emergentes. Método: se realizó un estudio no experimental, transversal con estrategia asociativa, en la que se contó con 512 participantes (M=326 y H=186). Se aplicó una ficha sociodemográfica y cuestionarios REDtecnoestrés e interacción trabajo–familia (SWING). Se realizó un análisis univariado y bivariado. Se diseñó un modelo de senderos. Resultados: se identificó una correlación negativa y significativa de conciliación trabajo–familia con displacer (r=-.206, p<.001), uso compulsivo (r=-.169, p<.000) y excesivo (r=-.233, p<.000). Además, los valores estimados en el modelo de senderos indican relaciones entre conciliación trabajo–familia con displacer (r=-.21, p<.001), uso compulsivo (r=-.17, p<.001) y excesivo de las tecnologías (r=-.23, p<.001), éstas son moderadas e inversamente proporcionales, mientras que con rechazo (r=-.02) no existe significancia. Lo anterior, significa que a mayor conciliación trabajo–familia menor displacer, uso compulsivo y excesivo de las tecnologías. Conclusiones: se determina que la conciliación trabajo familia constituye un recurso, en la medida que puede amortiguar riesgos psicosociales como el tecnoestrés y la tecnoadicción, que hay una relación negativa entre la conciliación trabajo-familia y el displacer por el uso de la tecnología, lo que sugiere que aquellos trabajadores que logran equilibrar con éxito su trabajo y sus responsabilidades familiares pueden llegar a experimentar menos estrés y ansiedad relacionados con el uso de la tecnología.
- Published
- 2024
44. Unmasking Innovation: The Transformation of Rajpara Technology in Bengaluru
- Author
Tisha Rajpara, Pandey, Rajesh Kumar, Tisha Rajpara, and Pandey, Rajesh Kumar
- Abstract
In the world of technology, the IT industry is like the digital heart. It's where smart people create computer programs, websites, and solutions that make our digital world run well. The IT industry is dynamic in nature and facing new problems, but it's also full of new and clever ideas. In the COVID-19 pandemic has grappled the whole world and economies have been hard hit. Indian IT industry is still showing positive signs and has the resilience to overcome this unprecedented tragedy. IT industry has a large talent pool, and the open market, India has a flourishing IT industry, and earned a well-deserved place in the global market. Accounting for 7.5 percent of the GDP in the financial Year 2023. Indian has skilled human resources which makes the country a global IT hub. This hypothetical case study is about Bengaluru based Rajpara Technology known for its advanced tech and innovations. Shri. Dinesh Rajpara, Owner, started with the operations in 2009. Total with 95 employees the company has two branches at Bengaluru & Pune. However, behind its success, there were hidden problems with how the company was run. The way decisions were made had become too rigid, and the leaders were making choices without considering different opinions. Instead of being open and clear, the company had developed a secretive culture. Rajpara Technology is at a critical point where it needs big changes. To survive, it had to break down the barriers created by its own way of doing things and start being more transparent, accountable, and adaptable.
- Published
- 2024
45. Family Resource Management and Consumer Science
- Author
Dr. Sarita Kumari, Sumedha Kumari, Ranjana Sinha, Dr. Deepshikha Pandey, Jahanwi Raj, Anubha Sinha, A. S. Uma Rani, Kanchan Kumari, Kishore Kumar, Dr. Kumari Anupam Gupta, Harsh Raj, Dr. Sarita Kumari, Sumedha Kumari, Ranjana Sinha, Dr. Deepshikha Pandey, Jahanwi Raj, Anubha Sinha, A. S. Uma Rani, Kanchan Kumari, Kishore Kumar, Dr. Kumari Anupam Gupta, and Harsh Raj
- Abstract
This book compiles various units related to the subject of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science. It is designed according to the graduation, post-graduation UGC NET /JRF curriculum. The language is simple and effective, explaining the subject through tables, graphs, and charts. The book includes the latest references and has the capability to assist students in conducting research related to the subject.An effort has been made to explain various chapters related to Family Resource Management and Consumer Science in clear and simple words. It covers topics such as System Approach in Family Resource Management, Concept of Planning Resource Management and Process Communication, Decision Making Process, Application of Management Process, Work Simplification, Time and Money Management, Mundel's Theory of Work Simplification, Elements and Principles of Art, Furniture and Household Furnishing, Color Theory, Family Finance and Household Budget, Consumer Science, Consumer Education, Consumer Rights, etc.This book will be extremely useful for students preparing for various competitive exams. I would like to sincerely thank all the authors whose valuable writing has provided an opportunity for students to benefit from this book.
- Published
- 2024
46. Transformación Educativa: Estrategias Innovadoras para la Enseñanza de Contaduría Pública Nacional en el contexto Postpandemia
- Author
Pérez Domínguez, Shirley Silvina, Valdez, Alejandro Daniel, Villalba, Andrés, Pérez Domínguez, Shirley Silvina, Valdez, Alejandro Daniel, and Villalba, Andrés
- Abstract
The pandemic meant a social and health crisis that forced education to reinvent itself to continue training students at all educational levels. University education was no exception. In this sense, the study analyzes the strategies implemented by teachers in the National Public Accounting Career for teaching-learning in post-pandemic times. They were addressed from the perspectives of: curricular adaptation, technologies used for virtual teaching and creativity and innovation in the creation of educational resources that optimize the teaching of accounting. The methodology used is descriptive in scope, based on a quantitative approach and a non-experimental cross-retrospective design. The population was made up of teachers from the National Public Accounting program of the Faculty of Accounting Sciences of the National University of Pilar in Paraguay. The survey was applied as a data collection technique. The results provide a detailed understanding of how public accounting professionals have addressed the challenges of teaching in times of pandemic, from curricular adaptation to the implementation of technologies and the promotion of educational innovation. This provides valuable information to educators and curriculum designers, allowing them to adjust and improve pedagogical practices in line with the changing demands of the post-pandemic environment., En el dinámico escenario post-pandemia, el ámbito educativo se ha visto compelido a repensar y redefinir sus métodos para ofrecer una formación efectiva y relevante (Patarroyo López, et al. 2022). En este sentido, el estudio analiza las estrategias implementadas por los docentes en la Carrera Contaduría Pública Nacional para la enseñanza- aprendizaje en tiempos de la post-pandemia. Se abordaron desde las perspectivas de: adaptación curricular, tecnologías utilizadas para la enseñanza virtual y la creatividad e innovación en la creación de recursos educativos que optimicen la enseñanza de la contaduría. La metodología empleada es de alcance descriptivo, basado en un enfoque cuantitativo y de diseño no experimental de corte trasversal- retrospectivo. La población estuvo conformada por docentes de la carrera de Contaduría Pública Nacional de la Facultad de Ciencias Contables de la Universidad Nacional de Pilar en Paraguay. Como técnica de recolección de datos se aplicó la encuesta. Los resultados proporcionan una comprensión detallada de cómo los profesionales en contaduría pública han abordado los desafíos de la enseñanza en tiempos de pandemia, desde la adaptación curricular hasta la implementación de tecnologías y la promoción de la innovación educativa. Esto proporciona información valiosa para los educadores y responsables de diseñar planes de estudio, permitiéndoles ajustar y mejorar las prácticas pedagógicas en consonancia con las demandas cambiantes del entorno post-pandemia.
- Published
- 2024
47. Estrategias de las TIC en la Docencia e Investigación para Formar Profesionales de la Educación
- Author
Correa Terán, José Edgar and Correa Terán, José Edgar
- Abstract
ICTs have become fundamental tools or devices for teaching and research. In this document, three studies carried out in the field of higher education are analyzed. The first highlights the use of technologies, applications (apps) and computer programs, for the purposes of acquiring academic skills; The second is about a diagnosis that helps identify the perception and uses of a tool for the design of academic products, called “Canva”, with undergraduate and graduate students; and the third describes the experiences derived from the implementation of an innovation proposal with postgraduate students that emphasizes teaching professionalization. The studies give an account of the action at the institutional level that was provided to address the care needs of university students, during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, in turn, they help to characterize the ICT support for educational purposes. The current intention is to follow up on intervention strategies to accustom managers, coordinators, teachers and students to work on technology-mediated processes, from the synchronous and asynchronous communication made possible by virtual platforms., Las TIC se han convertido en herramientas o dispositivos fundamentales para la docencia e investigación. En el presente documento, se analizan tres estudios realizados en el ámbito de educación superior. El primero destaca el uso de las tecnologías, aplicaciones (app) y programas computacionales, para fines de adquirir competencias académicas; el segundo, trata de un diagnóstico que ayuda a identificar la percepción y usos de una herramienta para el diseño de productos académicos, llamada “Canva”, con estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado; y el tercero, describe las experiencias derivadas de la implementación de una propuesta de innovación con estudiantes de un posgrado que enfatiza en la profesionalización docente. Los estudios dan cuenta de la actuación a nivel institucional que se brindó para hacer frente a las necesidades de atención hacia los estudiantes universitarios, durante el tiempo de la pandemia por Covid-19, a su vez, ayudan a caracterizar el apoyo de las TIC para fines educativos. La intención actual, es dar seguimiento a las estrategias de intervención para habituar a directivos, coordinadores, docentes y estudiantes a trabajar procesos mediatizados con la tecnología, desde la comunicación sincrónica y asincrónica que posibilitan las plataformas virtuales.
- Published
- 2024
48. El Impacto Transformador de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en Estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas
- Author
Aldaz, Andrea, Michael Estuardo, Ponce Rosero, Ligia Patricia, Lozada Calderón, Nelly Maribel, Paucar Caiza, Pablo Andrés, Agual Álvarez, Estefany Jazmin, Cagua Llulluna, David Geovanny, Rivera Vizuete, Aldaz, Andrea, Michael Estuardo, Ponce Rosero, Ligia Patricia, Lozada Calderón, Nelly Maribel, Paucar Caiza, Pablo Andrés, Agual Álvarez, Estefany Jazmin, Cagua Llulluna, and David Geovanny, Rivera Vizuete
- Abstract
This article delves into the fundamental challenges faced by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and offers a comprehensive perspective on how these technologies influence and shape the current and future educational landscape. It begins with the definition and contextualization of the knowledge society in the contemporary era, emphasizing how its evolution, particularly driven by technological advancements, has significantly impacted various sectors, including education. The article explores in detail how this technological development has led to profound changes in teaching and learning methods, stimulating the creation of new pedagogical approaches and innovative strategies to enhance the teaching-learning process for students with educational needs. The emphasis is on how ICT has been a catalyst for educational innovation, providing tools and platforms that facilitate access to information, promote collaboration between students with educational needs and teachers, and enhance creativity and critical thinking. Additionally, the article deeply analyzes the crucial role of each actor within the educational environment, from teachers to students, highlighting their ability to transform the teaching-learning process by effectively leveraging the available technologies., Este artículo profundiza en los desafíos fundamentales que enfrentan las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y ofrece una perspectiva exhaustiva sobre cómo estas tecnologías influencian y moldean el panorama educativo actual y futuro. Inicia con la definición y contextualización de la sociedad del conocimiento en la era contemporánea, subrayando cómo su evolución, especialmente impulsada por los avances tecnológicos, ha dejado una marca significativa en diversos sectores, entre ellos la educación. Se explora detalladamente cómo este desarrollo tecnológico ha provocado cambios profundos en la forma en que se enseña y se aprende, estimulando la creación de nuevos enfoques pedagógicos y estrategias innovadoras para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de los estudiantes con necesidades educativas. Se hace hincapié en cómo las TIC han sido catalizadoras de la innovación educativa, proporcionando herramientas y plataformas que facilitan el acceso a la información, promueven la colaboración entre estudiantes con necesidades educativas y docentes, y potencian la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico. Además, se analiza en profundidad el papel crucial de cada actor dentro del entorno educativo, desde los docentes hasta los estudiantes, destacando su capacidad para transformar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediante el aprovechamiento efectivo de las tecnologías disponibles.
- Published
- 2024
49. La Didáctica Basada en las TIC para la Docencia Universitaria en el Centro Regional Universitario Coclé
- Author
Castillero Graell, Dior B., Narcisa Escobar, Katherin, Vega, Dalila María, de Sucre, Delia Consuegra, Castillero Graell, Dior B., Narcisa Escobar, Katherin, Vega, Dalila María, and de Sucre, Delia Consuegra
- Abstract
This article deals with the implementation of didactics based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in university teaching in Panama. It highlights the impact of ICT in improving the quality of education, promoting interactivity, participation, and access to digital resources. It analyzes experiences of university teachers who have integrated these tools in their pedagogical practices, identifying benefits and challenges. It involves the search and exhaustive review of previous research related to the integration of ICT in higher education in Panama. A bibliographic and documentary approach is used, consulting academic databases, scientific journals, and institutional documents. In addition, the technological conditions and teacher training necessary to optimize the application of ICT-based didactics are examined. The article contributes to the understanding of how ICT can enhance teaching at the university level in the Panamanian context., Este artículo aborda la implementación de la didáctica basada en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la enseñanza universitaria en Panamá. Destaca el impacto de las TIC en la mejora de la calidad educativa, fomentando la interactividad, la participación y el acceso a recursos digitales. Se analizan experiencias de docentes universitarios que han integrado estas herramientas en sus prácticas pedagógicas, identificando beneficios y desafíos. involucra la búsqueda y revisión exhaustiva de investigaciones previas relacionadas con la integración de TIC en la educación superior en Panamá. Se emplea un enfoque bibliográfico y documental, consultando bases de datos académicas, revistas científicas y documentos institucionales. Además, se examinan las condiciones tecnológicas y la formación docente necesaria para optimizar la aplicación de la didáctica basada en TIC. El artículo contribuye a la comprensión de cómo las TIC pueden potenciar la enseñanza en el ámbito universitario en el contexto panameño.
- Published
- 2024
50. Estudio sobre el Uso de Tecnologías en Educación Superior Antes y Después de Covid- 19
- Author
Ortega Sánchez, Rosa María and Ortega Sánchez, Rosa María
- Abstract
With the arrival of COVID-19, higher education was affected, undergoing several changes, technology was being introduced into the teaching-learning processes, the health emergency accelerated this method of including technological resources, with new challenges for education. The purpose of this study is to know and compare the use of technological tools before and after COVID-19 in students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Malaga, Spain and of the Education Career of the Centro Universitario del Norte. , University of Guadalajra, Mexico. Descriptive quantitative methodology was used, with a sample of 100 students per educational institution, using the survey as an instrument. Among the results we can highlight some of the most used tools during the health emergency, without a doubt it brought with it the expansion of skills and performance thereof, in conclusion the use of technologies must be increased for the development of educational programs. In this way, there will be more study opportunities, thus trying to close the inequality gap with respect to education., Con la llegada del COVID-19 la educacuión superior se vio afectada sufrindo varios cambios, la tecnologia estaba introduciendose en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, la emergencia sanitaria acelero este metodo de incluir los recursos tecnologicos, con nuevos retos para la educación. El presente estudio tiene por objeto conocer y comparar el uso de las herramientas tecnologicas antes y después del COVID-19 en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Edyucación de la Universidad de Malaga, España y de la Carrera de Educación del Centro Universitario del Norte, Universidad de Guadalajra, Mexico. Se utilizo loa metodologia cuantitativa descriptiva, con una muestra de 100 alumnos por institución educativa, utilizando como instrumento la encuesta. Entre los resultads podemos destacar algunas de las herramientas más utilizadas durante la emergencia sanitaria, sin duda alguna trajo con ella la ampliación de habilidades y desempeño de las mismas, en conclusión se debe incrementar el uso de las tecnologias para el desarrollo de los programas educativos de este modo se tendran más oportunidades de estudio, asi tratar de cerrar la brecha de la desigualdad respecto a la educación.
- Published
- 2024
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