16 results on '"new status"'
Search Results
2. Taxonomic revision of Cosmodela duponti (Dejean), Cosmodela barmanica (Gestro), new status, and Cosmodela indica (Fleutiaux), new status (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
- Author
Klícha, Miroslav, Wiesner, Jürgen, Klícha, Miroslav, and Wiesner, Jürgen
- Abstract
Two subspecies of Cosmodela duponti (Dejean) (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) are elevated to species rank: Cosmodela barmanica (Gestro) and C. indica (Fleutiaux). The lectotypes of all the above-mentioned species are designated as well. Short redescriptions of the three species are provided together with a key, and illustrations of their habitus. Cicindela duponti was described by Dejean (1826: 419) from specimens collected at the type locality, a former colony of French Indochina (Cochin China), now southern Vietnam. Gestro (1893: 360) described Cicindela barmanica as a variety of C. duponti based on different (purpurescent) shades of the elytral lateral and sutural bands of specimens, collected in Carin Cheba, in the Karen Hills of eastern Myanmar (formerly Burma), a mountainous region situated at the SW corner of Shan State and in Kayah State. Cicindela indica was described as a variety of C. duponti by Fleutiaux (1893: 490) based on blue-green specimens from Assam, India. Horn (1926: 179) treated barmanica and indica as color forms of C. duponti. Rivalier (1961: 128) transferred Cicindela duponti to the genus Cosmodela Rivalier, 1961. Naviaux and Pinratana (2004: 110) treated barmanica as a subspecies of duponti and indica as a synonym of duponti. Based on clear and recognizable features of colour, pubescence, and differences in the shape of aedeagus, we elevate barmanica and indica to species rank and thus divide the previously single species Cosmodela duponti into a complex of three independent but closely related species.
- Published
- 2021
3. Subspecies of Pleurota bicostella (Clerck, 1759) revisited and descriptions of nine new species in the P. bicostella species group (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Oecophoridae: Pleurotinae)
- Author
Tabell, J. (Jukka), Wikström, B. (Bo), Mutanen, M. (Marko), Bruckner, H. (Harald), Sihvonen, P. (Pasi), Tabell, J. (Jukka), Wikström, B. (Bo), Mutanen, M. (Marko), Bruckner, H. (Harald), and Sihvonen, P. (Pasi)
- Abstract
The identities of five subspecies of Pleurota bicostella (Clerck, 1759) are studied, and each is raised from subspecies to species: P. andalusica Back, 1973, stat. nov.; P. aragonella Chrétien, 1925, stat. rev.; P. asiatica Back, 1973, stat. nov.; P. illucidella Chrétien, 1915, stat. rev.; P. lepigrei Lucas, 1937, stat. rev. Nine new Pleurota species which all belong to the P. bicostella species group are described: P. agadirensis Tabell, sp. nov.; P. aprilella Tabell, sp. n.; P. karsholti Tabell, sp. nov.; P. kullbergi Tabell, sp. nov.; P. monochroma Tabell, sp. nov.; P. murina Tabell, sp. nov.; P. paragallicella Tabell, sp. nov; P. phaeolepida Tabell, sp. nov., all from Morocco; and P. dalilae Tabell, sp. nov. from Tunisia. Adult males and females, and their genitalia are illustrated. DNA barcodes of the aforementioned species are compared with those of all other Pleurotinae available to us in the BOLD database. Each of the presented and barcoded species has a unique BIN (Barcode Index Number).
- Published
- 2021
4. Reassessment of Poecilocampa navalagamellae Expósito, 2004 stat. nov. and its distribution in the Iberian Peninsula (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae, Poecilocampinae)
- Author
Monasterio, Yeray, Freina, Josef F. de, Escobés, Ruth, Hinojosa, Joan Carles, Corbella, Cecilia, Farino, Teresa, Huemer, Peter, Vila, Roger, Monasterio, Yeray, Freina, Josef F. de, Escobés, Ruth, Hinojosa, Joan Carles, Corbella, Cecilia, Farino, Teresa, Huemer, Peter, and Vila, Roger
- Abstract
[EN]: Poecilocampa navalagamellae Expósito, 2004 stat. nov., endemic to Spain, is characterized and elevated to species rank. This taxon was originally described as a subspecies of Poecilocampa alpina (Frey & Wullschlegel, 1874) with insufficient diagnosis based on two male specimens only. Its southern populations are described as Poecilocampa navalagamellae turdetana ssp. nov. Notes on external morphology of the imago, genitalia, chorionic structure of the egg, habitat and host plant are presented herein, as well as ab ovo breeding results of P.n. turdetana. An actualised distribution map is provided. According to the results obtained from the study of mitochondrial DNA barcoding, P. navalagamellae belongs to a lineage well differentiated from the rest of the European Poecilocampa Stephens, 1828 taxa. It also differs from these in the wing pattern, the male genitalia, the chorionic structure of the egg and the larval external traits., [ES]: Se redescribe y se eleva al rango de especie Poecilocampa navalagamellae Expósito, 2004 stat. nov., endémica de España. Este taxón fue originalmente descrito de forma escueta como una subespecie de Poecilocampa alpina (Frey & Wullschlegel, 1874) en base a dos machos y sin el estudio de los genitalia. Sus poblaciones meridionales se describen como Poecilocampa navalagamellae turdetana ssp. nov. Se presentan también observaciones relativas a los adultos, genitalia, corion de los huevos, hábitat y plantas nutricias, así como los resultados de cría ab ovo de P. n. turdetana. Se proporciona un mapa de distribución actualizado. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos del estudio del ADN mitocondrial (código de barras genético), P. navalagamellae pertenece a un linaje bien diferenciado del resto de los taxones de Poecilocampa Stephens, 1828 europeos. También se distingue de ellos en el patrón alar, los genitalia masculinos, la estructura del corion del huevo y el aspecto de la larva.
- Published
- 2021
5. Rekonstrukce mostu ev.č. 105-033 Kojetín
- Author
Pokorný, Jiří, Kubcová, Šárka, Koleta, Vojtěch, Pokorný, Jiří, Kubcová, Šárka, and Koleta, Vojtěch
- Abstract
Cílem práce je rekonstrukce mostu ev.č. 105-033 Kojetín. Nejprve se zabývám vykreslením stávajícího stavu a terénu v okolí mostu. Následně přecházím k hlavní náplni, a to samotnému návrhu nového stavu objektu., The aim of this work is the reconstruction of the Kojetín's bridge with registration number 105-033. Firstly, I begin with the mechanical drawing of the existing bridge and the terraing around it. Afterwards, in the main part of the thesis, I present a new design of the object., Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera, Uchazeč stručně seznámil komisi se svou bakalářskou prací. Po prezentaci hlavních výsledků a závěrů bakalářské práce zodpověděl dotazy vedoucího a oponenta bakalářské práce. V diskusi o bakalářské práci stručně zodpověděl všechny dotazy členů komise., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2019
6. El compejo Jamesonia flexuosa (Pteridaceae) para el neotrópico
- Author
Rojas-Alvarado, Alexander F. and Rojas-Alvarado, Alexander F.
- Abstract
Los estudios del autor en el género Jamesonia Hook. & Grev. para el Neotrópico han resultado en la validación y combinación de tres taxa pertenecientes al grupo de frondas grandes y escandentes con ejes comúnmente flexuosos, considerados principalmente como Jamesonia flexuosa (Kunth) Christenh. Las especies aquí reconocidas y combinadas son Jamesonia refracta (Kunze ex Klotzsch) A. Rojas, J. retrofracta (Grev. & Hook.) A. Rojas y J. galeana (A.F. Tryon) A. Rojas. Adicionalmente se ofrece una clave para el grupo en el neotrópico., The studies of the author in the genus Jamesonia Hook. & Grev. from the neotropics have resulted in the validation and combination of three taxa belonging to the group with long scandent fronds and often flexuous axes, commonly called Jamesonia flexuosa (Kunth) Christenh . The species here recognized and/or combined are Jamesonia refracta (Kunze ex Klotzsch) A. Rojas, J. retrofracta (Grev. & Hook.) A. Rojas and J. galeana (A.F. Tryon) A. Rojas. Additionally a key is offered from the group in the Neotropica
- Published
- 2017
7. Novelties in Lindsaea Dryand. ex Sm. (Lindsaeaceae) from South America
- Author
Rojas-Alvarado, Alexander F. and Rojas-Alvarado, Alexander F.
- Abstract
In this paper three new species of Lindsaea Dryand. ex Sm. are described and illustrated from South America: falcatosora A. Rojas, L. nana A. Rojas and L. trapezoidalis A. Rojas. The first species differ from L. pleioptera Kramer by its falcate pinnae (in 1-pinnate fronds) or pinnules (in 2-pinnate fronds) with falcate sori restricted to 2/3 basal, or absent in 1/3 apical where the blade is dentate. The second species differ from L. falcata Dryand. by its smaller blades (4.5–8 × 1.7–2.6 cm vs. 10–25 × 4–7.5 cm), pinnae perpendicular to slightly ascending (vs. falcate) and apical segment subconform (vs. conform), deltate (vs. hastate). The third species differ from L. taeniata Kramer by its angulate (vs. terete) stipe and rachises and proportionally shorter (2-3.5 times longer than wide vs. at least 5 times longer than wide) pinnules. Also three varietals are combined as species, En este artículo se describen e ilustran tres especies nuevas de Lindsaea Dryand. ex Sm. para Suramérica: L. falcatosora A. Rojas, L. nana A. Rojas y L. trapezoidalis A. Rojas. La primera especie difiere de L. pleioptera Kramer por sus pinnas falcadas (en frondas 1-pinnadas) o pínnulas (en frondas 2-pinnadas), con soro falcado restringido a 2/3 basales, o ausente en 1/3 apical donde la lámina es dentada. La segunda especie difiere de L. falcata Dryand. por frondas más pequeñas (4.5–8 × 1.7–2.6 cm vs. 10–25 × 4–7.5 cm), pinnas perpendiculares a ligeramente ascendentes (vs. falcadas) y segmento apical subconforme (vs. conforme), deltado (vs. hastado). La tercera especie difiere de L. taeniata Kramer por sus estípites and raquises angulados (vs. teretes) y pínnulas proporcionalmente m ás corta s (2-3.5 veces m ás largas que ancha s vs. al menos 5 veces m ás largas que ancha s). También tres variedas son combinadas como especies.
- Published
- 2017
8. Revisión del género Neoacledra Faúndez, 2010 stat. nov. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae).
- Author
Faúndez, Eduardo I., Rider, David A., Carvajal, Máriom A., Faúndez, Eduardo I., Rider, David A., and Carvajal, Máriom A.
- Abstract
The status of Neoacledra Faúndez, 2010 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is reviewed, elevating this taxon to full generic rank. The concept of Neoacledra is broadened and the genus is redescribed, being also described two new species from Chile, Neoacledra viserion sp. nov. and Neoacledra drogon sp. nov. Additionally, Jalla flavomaculata Blanchard, 1852 is revalidated and transferred to Neoacledra. A key with figures to the identification of the species of Neoacledra is included., Se revisa el estatus de Neoacledra Faúndez, 2010 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), dándole rango génerico a este taxón. El concepto de Neoacledra es ampliado, el género es redescrito y se describen también dos nuevas especies, Neoacledra viserion sp. nov. y Neoacledra drogon sp. nov., ambas de Chile. Adicionalmente, Jalla flavomaculata Blanchard, 1852 es revalidada y transferida a Neoacledra. Se incluye una clave de identificación con figuras para las especies de Neoacledra.
- Published
- 2017
9. Costigulella primennilus spec. nov., a new minute western African terrestrial snail, with remarks on
- Author
Winter, A.J. de and Winter, A.J. de
- Abstract
Costigulella primennilus spec. nov. is the first representative of Costigulella reported from Cameroon. It is probably the smallest species of the family Streptaxidae known world-wide. Arguments are provided to consider Costigulella an independent radiation and genus, rather than a subgenus of Gulella. The mode of development of apertural barriers in juvenile shells in Costigulella and in other Streptaxidae is discussed.
- Published
- 2008
10. Costigulella primennilus spec. nov., a new minute western African terrestrial snail, with remarks on the genus Costigulella (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Streptaxidae)
- Author
Winter, A.J. de and Winter, A.J. de
- Abstract
Costigulella primennilus spec. nov. is the first representative of Costigulella reported from Cameroon. It is probably the smallest species of the family Streptaxidae known world-wide. Arguments are provided to consider Costigulella an independent radiation and genus, rather than a subgenus of Gulella. The mode of development of apertural barriers in juvenile shells in Costigulella and in other Streptaxidae is discussed.
- Published
- 2008
11. Redescription of 'Terebellides kerguelensis' stat. nov. (Polychaeta: Trichobranchidae) from Antarctic and subantarctic waters
- Author
Parapar, Julio, Moreira Da Rocha, Juan, Parapar, Julio, and Moreira Da Rocha, Juan
- Abstract
During the Spanish Antarctic expeditions “Bentart” 1994, 1995 and 2003, a number of trichobranchid (Annelida: Polychaeta) specimens were collected and identified initially as Terebellides stroemii kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885, the only known species of the genus widely recognised as valid in Antarctic waters. In the framework of a worldwide revision of the genus Terebellides, a reconsideration of the taxonomic status of this subspecies of the boreal Terebellides stroemii Sars, 1835 is done through the examination of the syntypes of T. s. kerguelensis compared with recent descriptions of the nominal species from Norwegian waters and material from Icelandic waters. Thus, T. s. kerguelensis is regarded as a valid species, T. kerguelensis stat. nov., and redescribed designating a lectotype and paralectotypes. The species is mainly characterised by the presence of an anterior branchial extension (fifth lobe), lateral lappets in five anterior thoracic chaetigers, segmental organs in chaetigers 1, 4 and 5, and first thoracic acicular neurochaetae sharply bent with pointed tips. The biological role of the segmental organs, the presence and disposition of cilia in branchial lamellae and the finding of new structures located in dorsal part of thoracic notopodia are discussed.
- Published
- 2008
12. Cambio taxonómico dentro del género Carabus Linné, 1758 (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE)
- Author
Anichtchenko, Alexandre V. and Anichtchenko, Alexandre V.
- Abstract
Carabus (Carabus) deyrollei Gory, 1839 downgraded to Carabus (Carabus) arvensis ssp. deyrollei Gory, 1839, new status., Carabus (Carabus) deyrollei Gory, 1839 se subordina subespecíficamente a Carabus (Carabus) arvensis ssp. deyrollei Gory, 1839, nov. status.
- Published
- 2005
13. Cambio taxonómico dentro del género Carabus Linné, 1758 (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE)
- Author
Anichtchenko, Alexandre V. and Anichtchenko, Alexandre V.
- Abstract
Carabus (Carabus) deyrollei Gory, 1839 downgraded to Carabus (Carabus) arvensis ssp. deyrollei Gory, 1839, new status., Carabus (Carabus) deyrollei Gory, 1839 se subordina subespecíficamente a Carabus (Carabus) arvensis ssp. deyrollei Gory, 1839, nov. status.
- Published
- 2005
14. Zvýšení traťové rychlosti v úseku Šumperk - Kouty nad Desnou (km 13,262 - 18,223 a km 0,1 - 3,608)
- Author
Hruzíková, Miroslava, Rašková, Eliška, Hruzíková, Miroslava, and Rašková, Eliška
- Abstract
Tématem bakalářské práce je prověření a případné navržení možného zvýšení rychlosti v traťovém úseku Šumperk – Kouty nad Desnou. Jedná se o dva úseky této trati. Konkrétně se pak jedná o úsek trati Šumperk – Petrov nad Desnou od km 13,262 – 18,223 a úsek trati Petrov nad Desnou – Kouty nad Desnou v km 0,1 – 3,608. Traťový úsek se nachází v horské oblasti. Rekonstrukce trati by přispěla k pohodlnějšímu a rychlejšímu převozu cestujících a příznivě by se promítla do cestovního ruchu dané oblasti, především v zimním období, kdy jsou místní svahy hojně užívány nejen českými lyžaři. V rámci bakalářské práce se pracuje s danými podklady, kterými jsou JŽM, ČSN 73 6360-1 a další platné právní předpisy a normy. Výstupem bakalářské práce je Průvodní a technická zpráva, výkres situace v měřítku 1:1000 a výkres podélného řezu v měřítku 1:2000/200., The topic of my Bachelor´s Thesis is to examine the possibility to increase the speed of railway road from Šumperk to Kouty nad Desnou. There are two different parts of the road – Šumperk – Petrov nad Desnou from km 13,262 to 18,223 and Petrov nad Desnou – Kouty nad Desnou in km 0,1 – 3,608. The railway road is located in mountain area. Reconstruction of the railway would contribute to more comfortable a faster transport of passangers and would be positively reflected in tourism of this area, especially in winter, when a lot of skiers occupie local slopes. Within bachelor´s thesis is working with JŽM, ČSN 73 6360-1 and another applicable legislation and standards. Output of my work is technical report and drawing of situation in scale 1:1000 and drawing of lenghtwise profile in scale 1:2000/200.
15. Zvýšení traťové rychlosti v úseku Šumperk - Kouty nad Desnou (km 13,262 - 18,223 a km 0,1 - 3,608)
- Author
Hruzíková, Miroslava, Rašková, Eliška, Hruzíková, Miroslava, and Rašková, Eliška
- Abstract
Tématem bakalářské práce je prověření a případné navržení možného zvýšení rychlosti v traťovém úseku Šumperk – Kouty nad Desnou. Jedná se o dva úseky této trati. Konkrétně se pak jedná o úsek trati Šumperk – Petrov nad Desnou od km 13,262 – 18,223 a úsek trati Petrov nad Desnou – Kouty nad Desnou v km 0,1 – 3,608. Traťový úsek se nachází v horské oblasti. Rekonstrukce trati by přispěla k pohodlnějšímu a rychlejšímu převozu cestujících a příznivě by se promítla do cestovního ruchu dané oblasti, především v zimním období, kdy jsou místní svahy hojně užívány nejen českými lyžaři. V rámci bakalářské práce se pracuje s danými podklady, kterými jsou JŽM, ČSN 73 6360-1 a další platné právní předpisy a normy. Výstupem bakalářské práce je Průvodní a technická zpráva, výkres situace v měřítku 1:1000 a výkres podélného řezu v měřítku 1:2000/200., The topic of my Bachelor´s Thesis is to examine the possibility to increase the speed of railway road from Šumperk to Kouty nad Desnou. There are two different parts of the road – Šumperk – Petrov nad Desnou from km 13,262 to 18,223 and Petrov nad Desnou – Kouty nad Desnou in km 0,1 – 3,608. The railway road is located in mountain area. Reconstruction of the railway would contribute to more comfortable a faster transport of passangers and would be positively reflected in tourism of this area, especially in winter, when a lot of skiers occupie local slopes. Within bachelor´s thesis is working with JŽM, ČSN 73 6360-1 and another applicable legislation and standards. Output of my work is technical report and drawing of situation in scale 1:1000 and drawing of lenghtwise profile in scale 1:2000/200.
16. Zvýšení traťové rychlosti v úseku Šumperk - Kouty nad Desnou (km 13,262 - 18,223 a km 0,1 - 3,608)
- Author
Hruzíková, Miroslava, Rašková, Eliška, Hruzíková, Miroslava, and Rašková, Eliška
- Abstract
Tématem bakalářské práce je prověření a případné navržení možného zvýšení rychlosti v traťovém úseku Šumperk – Kouty nad Desnou. Jedná se o dva úseky této trati. Konkrétně se pak jedná o úsek trati Šumperk – Petrov nad Desnou od km 13,262 – 18,223 a úsek trati Petrov nad Desnou – Kouty nad Desnou v km 0,1 – 3,608. Traťový úsek se nachází v horské oblasti. Rekonstrukce trati by přispěla k pohodlnějšímu a rychlejšímu převozu cestujících a příznivě by se promítla do cestovního ruchu dané oblasti, především v zimním období, kdy jsou místní svahy hojně užívány nejen českými lyžaři. V rámci bakalářské práce se pracuje s danými podklady, kterými jsou JŽM, ČSN 73 6360-1 a další platné právní předpisy a normy. Výstupem bakalářské práce je Průvodní a technická zpráva, výkres situace v měřítku 1:1000 a výkres podélného řezu v měřítku 1:2000/200., The topic of my Bachelor´s Thesis is to examine the possibility to increase the speed of railway road from Šumperk to Kouty nad Desnou. There are two different parts of the road – Šumperk – Petrov nad Desnou from km 13,262 to 18,223 and Petrov nad Desnou – Kouty nad Desnou in km 0,1 – 3,608. The railway road is located in mountain area. Reconstruction of the railway would contribute to more comfortable a faster transport of passangers and would be positively reflected in tourism of this area, especially in winter, when a lot of skiers occupie local slopes. Within bachelor´s thesis is working with JŽM, ČSN 73 6360-1 and another applicable legislation and standards. Output of my work is technical report and drawing of situation in scale 1:1000 and drawing of lenghtwise profile in scale 1:2000/200.
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