Introduction:Hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients often leads to adverse outcomes. Glycemic Management Group may contribute significantly to a close monitoring of in-patients with hyperglycemia and an optimized glycemic control.Methods:A program of In-patients Glucose Management Group has been conducted at Lukang Christian Hospital (LCH), Taiwan, from November 2016 to January 2017. In-patients being referred to the program were those hospitalized patients with blood sugar level over 250 mg/dL for two consecutive tests. The program was aimed to provide assistance to those in-patients from a supporting team comprising metabolic specialist, a dietician and a diabetes educator. To have a better blood glucose control, blood glucose test was conducted four times a day in order to get an evaluation of average glycemic level.Result:A total of 107 In-patients with an average age of patients were 70.6u00b115.7 years old, hospitalized between December 2016 and January 2017, have shown a blood sugar level of >250 mg/dL with an average blood sugar level of 262.9u00b164.6 mg/dL.Results indicated that the average blood glucose level of these In-patients decreased gradually from 262.9u00b1 64.6 mg/dL to 192u00b157.49 mg/dL at 5 days after joining the program. The hypoglycemia rate during hospitalization was 0.8%.Discussion:The In-patient Glycemic Management Group are established in finding ways to control glycemic level trend of In-patients with an ultimate goal of preventing hyperglycemia, although most hypoglycemia events happened in the hospital are not severe.For future studies, we expect to include more in-patients to obtain more objective results, and extend the study period to determine a long term benefit for a positive effect and better outcome after providing the clinical treatment.