The aim of this study is to examine whether group poetry therapy practices have an effect on individuals' trait anger and self-esteem levels. The Trait Anger Sub-Scale (STAS) was used to determine the trait anger levels of the individuals participating in the study, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS) was used to determine their self-esteem. The scales were administered as a pre-test before the study started and as a post-test at the end of eight weeks. The study group consists of 10 participants, 6 female and 4 male, who meet the participation criteria and are between the ages of 20-21. The content of the program applied in the research; It was created with the aim of realizing and expressing the feelings and thoughts of the members participating in the study, working on the stimuli and connotations that emerged through poetry, and accepting the feelings and thoughts that are difficult to accept. The program was carried out once a week for 150 minutes. 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