1. Unapređenje energetsko-eksergetske efikasnosti primenom panelnih sistema za grejanje kuća sa neto-nultom potrošnjom energije
- Author
Cvetković, Dragan Z., Bojić, Milorad, Lukić, Nebojša, Jovičić, Nebojša, Despotović, Milan, and Petrović, Jovan
- Subjects
exergy ,eksperiment ,podno-plafonsko grejanje ,experimental ,EnergyPlus ,eksergija ,panelno grejanje ,energija ,floor-ceiling heating ,panel heating ,energy - Abstract
Panelni sistemi grejanja u Srbiji su relativno poznat koncept. Međutim, kao posledica nedostataka informacija kao i inženjerskih predrasuda, na njihovu pravu primenu se i dalje čeka. Poznato je da panelni sistemi grejanja, zbog svog mehanizma odavanja toplote, pružaju najbolje uslove termičke ugodnosti. Međutim, u naučnim krugovima postoje brojne polemike koji panelni sistem ima najbolje karakteristike. Cilj ove disertacije je bio da naučnim pristupom, međusobno uporedi sve postojeće panelne sisteme i da sagledavanjem kako njihovih vrlina tako i nedostataka, unapredi iste sa energetskog i eksergetskog aspekta. Prvi cilj disertacije je bio da uporedi poznate panelne sisteme grejanja i uspostavi njihove međusobne relacije. Relacije su uspostavljene nizom numeričkih istraživanja, koje su dovele do razvoja jednog novog panelnog sistema grejanja nazvan „podno-plafonsko“ grejanje. Numerička istraživanja su ustanovila da „podno-plafonski“ sistem grejanja, u slučaju uobičajene gradnje kuća, troši manje za oko 27%, 10% i 22%, u odnosu plafonsko, zidno i podno grejanje, respektivno. Optimizacijom debljina termoizolacije samih panela, a i kuća koje koriste panelne sisteme zaključeno je da u slučaju korišćenja optimalno dobijenih debljina termoizolacije ušteda primenom panelnih sistema grejanja je porasla na oko 40%. Takođe, došlo se do graničnih vrednosti faktora transformacije primarne energije, ispod koje panelni sistemi povezani na geotermalne toplotne pumpe troše manje primarne energije nego panelni sistemi povezani na kotlove na prirodni gas. U cilju verifikacije numeričkih istraživanja, sprovedeno je i eksperimentalno istraživanje na test modelu u laboratorijskim uslovima. Eksperimentalna istraživanja su potvrdila numerički dobijene rezultate. Takođe, u okviru ove disertacije formiran je i matematički model „podno- plafonskog" grejanja i ispitan u slučaju eksperimentalnog test modela. Na osnovu sprovedenih numeričkih i eksperimentalnih istraživanja definisani su načini za unapređenje energetsko-eksergetskih karakteristika panelnih sistema, napravljeno je jasno poređenje među postojećim panelnim sistemima, a takođe je i zaključeno da postoji opravdanost upotrebe koncepta „podno-plafonskog“ grejanja. In Serbia, the panel heating systems are relatively well-known concept. However, as a result of lack of information as well as engineering prejudice the panel heating system to their right application is still waiting. It is known that panel heating systems, due to its mechanism of heat transfer, providing the best thermal comfort. However, in the scientific community there is much controversy which the panel system has the best characteristics. The aim of this thesis was to utilize the scientific approach, compared to each other all the existing panel systems and reviewing how their virtues and flaws improve the same, both energy and exergy aspect. The first aim of the thesis was to compare the known panel heating systems and establish their common relations. The relations were established using the series of numerical investigations that led to the development of a new panel heating system called "floor-ceiling" heating. Numerical studies have found that the “floor-ceiling” used in the houses with comonly construcion type, heating system consumes less about 27%, 10% and 22%, compared to ceiling, wall and floor heating, respectively. The houses with optimal optimum thickness of thermal insulation the energy savings by using the floor-ceiling panel heating panels was increased to around 40%. By optimizing the thickness of the thermal insulation of the heating panels and houses that use panel heating systems, it was concluded that in the case of using the optimal thickness of the thermal insulation savings obtained by using panel heating systems has increased to around 40%. Moreover, it was obtained the limit values of factors transformation of primary energy, under which panel systems connected to geothermal heat pumps consume less primary energy than panel systems connected to the natural gas boilers. In order to verify the numerical investigation and the experimental research was conducted on the test model under laboratory conditions. Experimental studies have confirmed the obtained numerical results. Also, the mathematical model of “floorceiling” heating was formed and tested in the case of tхe experimental test model. Based on the conducted numerical and experimental studies it was defined the ways to improve the energy-exergetic characteristics of the panel system, it was created clearly comparison between the existing panel systems, and is also it was concluded that there is justification for the use of the new concept called the "floor-ceiling" heating.
- Published
- 2015