- Author
Agüero-Muñoz, Jossue, Fernández-Naranjo, Oscar Faustino, and Díaz-López, Andrés Jorge
- Subjects
security, environmental security ,bilateral environmental impact ,seguridad, seguridad ambiental ,impacto ambiental bilateral - Abstract
Various are the studies carried out on the causes and consequences of climate change on the planet. With an almost annual regularity, climate experts and scientists present evidence and reports to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at the United Nations (UN). However, the studies aimed at preventing and mitigating the consequences of climate change in the construction process are scarce, from the approaches of Environmental Safety. Being this a term that starts from the approaches of dangers, threats and vulnerabilities to International, regional and Caribbean Security. That is why this article aims to address the problem from epistemological conceptions, revealing its essence and correspondence with the model of the Civil Engineering career professional, which allows incorporating environmental content into study plans and programs. As well as intending in the modes of action the use of variables and indicators that allow modeling and evaluating in the graduate of the career, their performance in solving professional environmental problems, which are linked to the bilateral environmental impact of the construction process. The results obtained from the Environmental Safety studies are articulated in the integrating subjects and disciplines. Identifying a satisfaction in teachers, students and managers for using the results obtained in solving local problems. Keywords: security, environmental security; bilateral environmental impact., Diversos son los estudios realizados sobre las causas y consecuencias del cambio climático en el planeta. Con una regularidad casi anual los expertos y científicos sobre el Clima, presentan evidencias y reportes en el Panel Intergubernamental sobre cambio Climático (IPCC) en las Naciones Unidas (ONU). Sin embargo, los estudios encaminados a prevenir y mitigar, las consecuencias del cambio climático en el proceso de las construcciones son escasas, desde los enfoques de Seguridad Ambiental. Siendo este un término que parte de la concepción de peligros, amenazas y vulnerabilidades a la Seguridad Internacional, Regional y del Caribe. Es por ello, que el presente artículo tiene el objetivo abordar la problemática desde concepciones epistemológicas, revelando su esencia y correspondencia con el modelo del profesional de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil, lo cual permite incorporar un contenido ambiental en los planes y programas de estudio. Así como intencionar en los modos de actuación el empleo de variables e indicadores que permitan modelar y evaluar en el egresado de la carrera, su desempeño en la solución de problemas profesionales ambientales, que están vinculados al impacto ambiental bilateral del proceso de las construcciones. Los resultados obtenidos sobre los estudios Seguridad Ambiental se articulan en las asignaturas y disciplinas integradoras. Identificándose una satisfacción en los docentes, estudiantes y directivos por emplear los resultados obtenidos en la solución de problemas locales. Palabras claves: seguridad, seguridad ambiental; impacto ambiental bilateral. Abstract Various are the studies carried out on the causes and consequences of climate change on the planet. With an almost annual regularity, climate experts and scientists present evidence and reports to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at the United Nations (UN). However, the studies aimed at preventing and mitigating the consequences of climate change in the construction process are scarce, from the approaches of Environmental Safety. Being this a term that starts from the approaches of dangers, threats and vulnerabilities to International, regional and Caribbean Security. That is why this article aims to address the problem from epistemological conceptions, revealing its essence and correspondence with the model of the Civil Engineering career professional, which allows incorporating environmental content into study plans and programs. As well as intending in the modes of action the use of variables and indicators that allow modeling and evaluating in the graduate of the career, their performance in solving professional environmental problems, which are linked to the bilateral environmental impact of the construction process. The results obtained from the Environmental Safety studies are articulated in the integrating subjects and disciplines. Identifying a satisfaction in teachers, students and managers for using the results obtained in solving local problems. Keywords: security, environmental security; bilateral environmental impact. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 05 de octubre de 2022.Fecha de aceptación: 27 de diciembre de 2022.Fecha de publicación: 10 de enero de 2023.
- Published
- 2023