Pasar rakyat merupakan salah satu sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Bogor. Pembangunan pasar mengacu pada Perda Kota Bogor No.11 Tahun 2012 dengan memperhatikan kebutuhan masyarakat di sekitarnya supaya dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesesuaian kondisi pasar rakyat dengan SNI pasar dan kebutuhan penggunanya. Fasilitas yang dievalusi yaitu sarana prasarana, kebersihan, keamanan, dan aksesibilitas dengan analisis deskriptif terhadap persentase kesesuaian kondisi eksisting dengan SNI pasar. Metode Important Performance Analysis (IPA) digunakan untuk mengukur indeks kepentingan dan kinerja fasilitas pasar serta metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) untuk mengukur indeks kepuasan pengguna terhadap pasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa belum ada pasar yang 100% sesuai dengan SNI Pasar Rakyat. Berdasarkan persepsi pengguna, terdapat 4 fasilitas penting yang harus diperhatikan pengelola yaitu jumlah hidran air, lokasi hidran air, jumlah CCTV, dan lokasi CCTV. Masih diperlukan kebijakan dalam pengelolaan dan perbaikan pada fasilitas yang tersedia di sebagian besar pasar rakyat yang ada di Kabupaten Bogor, dimana secara keseluruhan tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap pasar rakyat kelas I dan kelas II masuk pada kriteria cause for concern dan pada pasar kelas III masuk pada kriteria poor dengan rata-rata kepuasan secara keseluruhan pasar sebesar 70 %. Kata Kunci: Pasar Rakyat, Analisis Kepentingan, Tingkat Kepuasan, IPA dan CSI, SNI Abstract Traditional market is one of revenue source (PAD) in Kabupaten Bogor. The market development must refer to Bogor local government regulation No. 11 Tahun 2012 and incorporate the needs of society around them to be optimize maximally. This study aims to find the consistency of the traditional market condition against SNI on market and the needs of the users. The evaluated facilities are the condition of infrastructure, cleanliness, security, and accessibility. Analysis using have been carried out with a method of descriptive heading for measuring the percentage of the consistency of the exsisting traditional market condition with SNI Pasar. A method of Important Performance Analysis (IPA) used to measure performance index of interest and facilities as wel as a method of customer satisfaction index (CSI) for measuring user satisfaction index to the traditional market. The results showed that there was no market that was 100% in accordance with the SNI Pasar Rakyat. Based on the users perception, there are 4 important facilities that must be considered which are the number of water hydrants, the location of water hydrants, the number of CCTVs, and the location of CCTV. Therefore, market management policy is still needed to improve management and facilities at traditional market in Kabupaten Bogor, where overall user satisfaction to the market class I and class II in on the cause for concern and on class III markets enters at the poor overall satisfaction with an average of 70%. Keywords: Traditional Market, Performance Analysis, Customer Satisfaction, IPA and CSI, SNI JEL Classification: F12, F13, F1