M E, Icaza-Chávez, M A, Tanimoto, F M, Huerta-Iga, J M, Remes-Troche, R, Carmona-Sánchez, A, Ángeles-Ángeles, F J, Bosques-Padilla, J M, Blancas-Valencia, G, Grajales-Figueroa, O V, Hernández-Mondragón, A I, Hernández-Guerrero, M A, Herrera-Servín, F D, Huitzil-Meléndez, K, Kimura-Fujikami, E, León-Rodríguez, H, Medina-Franco, M A, Ramírez-Luna, C L, Sampieri, B, Vega-Ramos, and A, Zentella-Dehesa
Gastric cancer is one of the most frequent neoplasias in the digestive tract and is the result of premalignant lesion progression in the majority of cases. Opportune detection of those lesions is relevant, given that timely treatment offers the possibility of cure. There is no consensus in Mexico on the early detection of gastric cancer, and therefore, the Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología brought together a group of experts and produced the "Mexican consensus on the detection and treatment of early gastric cancer" to establish useful recommendations for the medical community. The Delphi methodology was employed, and 38 recommendations related to early gastric cancer were formulated. The consensus defines early gastric cancer as that which at diagnosis is limited to the mucosa and submucosa, irrespective of lymph node metástasis. In Mexico, as in other parts of the world, factors associated with early gastric cancer include Helicobacter pylori infection, a family history of the disease, smoking, and diet. Chromoendoscopy, magnification endoscopy, and equipment-based image-enhanced endoscopy are recommended for making the diagnosis, and accurate histopathologic diagnosis is invaluable for making therapeutic decisions. The endoscopic treatment of early gastric cancer, whether dissection or resection of the mucosa, should be preferred to surgical management, when similar oncologic cure results can be obtained. Endoscopic surveillance should be individualized.