Dirksen, Philipp, Marsh, Sarah, Braker, Ines, Heitland, Nele, Wagner, Sophia, Nakad, Rania, Mader, Sebastian, Petersen, Carola, Kowallik, Vienna, Rosenstiel, Philip, Marie-Anne Félix, and Schulenburg, Hinrich
Phylogenetic analyses of the 24 bacterial and six fungal isolates used in this study. Maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic trees were based on either GTR models (Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and the fungi) or HKY models (joint analysis of Alpha- and Beta-Proteobacteria, as well as Gamma-Proteobacteria). The new isolates are given in blue font, whereas those from public databases in black. For the published bacterial strains, the first number is the accession number of the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP, [58]) and the last is its GenBank accession. For the published fungal strains, the last number refers to the respective GenBank accession. The resulting phylogenies were generally in agreement with the BLAST-based assignments – with two exceptions: the BLAST assigned genus Serpens has been merged into Pseudomonas [89], and the isolates of Galactomyces have been reclassified as Dipodascus [90], thus we renamed our isolates accordingly. The six trees show branch-lengths according to the inferred evolutionary distance. Bootstrap support from 1000 replicates are indicated if above 75 % (gray circles), above 95 % (red circles), or above 99 % (orange circles). (PDF 32 kb)