[ESP] En la actualidad continúan predominando las interfaces gráficas de usuario basadas en el paradigma WIMP (Windows, Icon, Menu, Pointing Device), lo que supone en ciertas ocasiones una excesiva rigidez para el diseñador en las primeras etapas del proceso de diseño, donde los bocetos realizados con lápiz y papel constituyen todavía la herramienta fundamental que permite expresar la creatividad del ingeniero. Debido a esto, la existencia de una interfaz gráfica de usuario basada en esbozos y gestos, resulta de gran interés, ya que facilitaría la comunicación y la creatividad del diseñador. Dentro de este contexto, el grupo de investigación REGEO ha desarrollado una aplicación para generar automáticamente modelos virtuales 3D, partiendo de dibujos a mano alzada en 2D. Esta aplicación automática se enmarca en la línea de lo que se denominan Interfaces Caligráficas. Aunque todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer, la aplicación presenta mejoras en comparación con las formas tradicionales de modelado con ordenador, ya que la metodología utilizada para modelar es más familiar. Estudios preliminares muestran que nuestro sistema de modelado presenta ciertas ventajas respecto a los actuales sistemas CAD. [ENG]At present user’s graphics interfaces based on WIMP (Windows, Icon, Menu, Pointing Device) systems are still the most common technique, which in many cases involves an excessive stiffness for the user at the first stages of the design process,in which pen-and-paper sketches are the basic tools to express the engineer’s creativity. As a consequence, a user’s graphic interfaz based on sketches and gestures becomes relevant as it should help the designer’s communication and creativity. Within this context, the research team REGEO has developed a computer application to automatically generate 3D virtual models from freehand 2D drawings. This automatic application can be included in the research area of Calligraphic Interfaces. While much work remains to be done, the current application already shows gains with respect to more traditional forms of modeling in that it embodies a drawing approach familiar. Preliminary studies show that our modeling system compares favorably to commercial grade CAD systems. [ENG] At present user’s graphics interfaces based on WIMP (Windows, Icon, Menu, Pointing Device) systems are still the most common technique, which in many cases involves an excessive stiffness for the user at the first stages of the design process,in which pen-and-paper sketches are the basic tools to express the engineer’s creativity. As a consequence, a user’s graphic interfaz based on sketches and gestures becomes relevant as it should help the designer’s communication and creativity. Within this context, the research team REGEO has developed a computer application to automatically generate 3D virtual models from freehand 2D drawings. This automatic application can be included in the research area of Calligraphic Interfaces. While much work remains to be done, the current application already shows gains with respect to more traditional forms of modeling in that it embodies a drawing approach familiar. Preliminary studies show that our modeling system compares favorably to commercial grade CAD systems.