While economic studies have coined the catchphrase “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” the importance of “religious freedom with Chinese characteristics” remains undervalued and overlooked. Consistently a significant factor influencing international conflict, religion must be considered an integral part of any holistic analysis of the growing tension between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, headquartered in the United States, continues to grow internationally and has become an important case study demonstrating the strain caused by the arrival of a foreign religion in China. This analysis will describe the context and history of religious freedom in China, presenting the three most important factors influencing the religious perspective of the Chinese Communist Party: rule of law; foreign oppression; and collectivism. An analysis of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ approach to strategic communication in China, including recommendations for foreign churches operating in China, will be provided. Keywords: religious freedom, Chinese Communist Party, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, strategic communication, State Administration of Religious Affairs, {"references":["Albert, E., & Maizland, L. (2020, September 25). Religion in China. Council on Foreign Relations. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/religionchina","Askar, J. G. (2010, Aug 30). Mormon Church announces talks to 'regularize' operations in China. Deseret News. https://www.deseret. com/2010/8/31/mormon-church-announcestalks-to-regularize-operations-in-china","Bays, D. H. (2012). A new history of Christianity in China. Wiley-Blackwell","Boardman, E. P. (1951). Christian influence upon the ideology of the Taiping Rebellion. The Journal of Asian Studies, 10(2), 115-124. https:// dx.doi.org/10.2307/2049091","Botan, C. H. 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