本論文では,遠隔交流学習で用いられるICT(情報通信技術)のうち,左右反転した自己像と遠隔地の相手像とを同一画面上に重畳表示することで,まるで同じ空間にいるかのように対話できる「超鏡」を取り上げ,遠隔学習の授業設計をするにあたって重要である学習環境の理解を目指す研修について,Webサイトの活用を提案するとともに評価を行った.その結果,Webサイトが「超鏡」の理解に有効であることが確認された.加えて,Webサイトと「超鏡」の体験とで理解される内容に違いがあり,Webサイトのみでも理解できる特性と,体験することでより会得できる特性があることが明らかになった.これらを踏まえ,「超鏡」の学習環境の理解の支援について,Webを活用した情報提供と,手軽に「超鏡」を体験できる研修の複合システムを提案した.今後は,本論文を通じて提案した支援システムを構築し,効果を検証したい., This paper focuses on HyperMirror—one of the distance learning environments—and discusses the course of lectures on HyperMirror. HyperMirror is a special type of videoconferencing system. In HyperMirror, everyone appears in the same video image; in other words, everyone appears as if they are in the same room. The characteristics of HyperMirror effect on distance learning. In addition, it is important to understand the characteristics of HyperMirror in order to plan the lesson utilizing HyperMirror. In this paper, first, we developed a Web site that provides information about HyperMirror and explains its characteristics. Second, we implemented a course of lecture combined with visiting the Web site and the experience of HyperMirror. To begin with, participants in this combined course visited the Web site and obtained information about HyperMirror. Next, they experienced HyperMirror. According to the questionnaire that the participants answered before visiting the Web site and after the experience, it was clear that the Web site was useful for understanding the characteristics of HyperMirror. However, some characteristics of HyperMirror were well understood by only the Web site, the others were understood better by the experience of HyperMirror. On the basis of these results, we believe that not only information about HyperMirror but also experience of HyperMirror should be available on the web.