Otiorhynchus tenebricosus (Herbst, 1784) form lugdunensis Boheman, 1843 (Figs 5, 15, 35 ���37, 60��� 63) Material. 1 ♀ obtained in a Ligustrum vulgare L. flowerpot on 13.05. 2012 that was taken to Hannover on 0 5.01. 2012, and 1 ♀ on 27.09. 2012 from breeding in the climate chamber of JKI after a long time of being a mature larva; reared with Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand. Mazz. and Ligustrum vulgare; adults were collected in a park in Hannover-Linden at several times in spring 2011, mainly on Euonymus japonicus Thunb. and Fraxinus ornus L.. The majority of larvae achieved the last instar from 28.10. 2011 to December 2011, but none of them pupated at this time. Most mature larvae survived for more than 9 months or died. The reason for this developmental delay is unknown (maybe due to the lack of low-temperature-induced diapause). General morphology. Body length up to: 12.00 mm (♀), width at the level of mesocoxae: 7.40 mm (♀), head width: 2.10 mm (♀). Body moderately slender, slightly curved, whitish or yellowish. Cuticle densely covered by minute hair-like cuticular processes. Rostrum short, approximately 0.9 times as long as wide, surpassing procoxae in repose. Antennae rather elongate and slender. Pronotum almost 1.5 as wide as long. Ab. I���V of almost equal length, Ab. VI wider than previous ones, VII semicircular, VIII and IX distinctly smaller than I���VII. Pseudocerci very short, conical. Five pairs of functional spiracles placed laterally on Ab. I���V. Chaetotaxy. Setae straight, hair-like, without curved apical part (Figs 56���59), of unequal length, light brown or brown, mostly based on small protuberances. Rostrum with 2 pairs of es 1 -2, 4 pairs of rs 1-4 and a pair of pas; head capsule bearing 1 pair of vs, 2 pairs of sos 1-2 and 1 pair of os 1. Setae rs 1-4, vs, sos 2 , os 1 and pas long, well visible; mts 1-2 , es 1-2 and sos 1 very short, poorly visible. Pronotum with a pair of as 2 , 2 pairs of ls 1-2, ds 1-2 and pls 1-2. As 2 , ls 2, ds 1 and pls 1 long; ls 1, ds 2 and pls 2 very short. Mesothorax with 2 pairs of short setae (d 1-2). Metathorax with a pair of microsetae (d 1). Tergal part of Ab. I with a pair of d 1. Ab. II and III each with 4 pairs of d 1-4, different in length, located posteriorly in regular lines. Ab. IV���VII each with 6 pairs of d 1-6, equal in length, located posteriorly in regular lines and 2 pairs of l 1-2, located near the tergum-sternum border. Ab. VIII with 5 pairs of d 1-5, equal in length, located posteriorly in regular lines, 2 pairs of short l 1-2 and 2 pairs of v 1-2. Ab. IX with 4 pairs of very short v 1-4, equal in length. Abdominal setae and their protuberances increasing gradually from abdominal segment II to VIII. Each apex of femora with 2 straight setae (fes 1-2), different in length. Peritelus sphaeroides Germar, 1824 (Figs 6, 16, 38���41) Material. 1 ♀ and 1 ♂ obtained on 13.12. 2012, JKI, Braunschweig, climate chamber, and 14.12. 2012, in the CURCI, Hannover, from flowerpots with Euonymus fortunei. Rearing was started with about 30 adults collected outdoors at night (27.04.2012) in a hedgerow of different ornamental shrubs and young trees. Adult weevils were collected from Acer campestre L., Amelanchier lamarckii Medik., Cornus sanguinea L., Corylus avellana L., Cotoneaster lucidus Schltdl. and Euonymus japonicus at the JKI area. These weevils were released in a rearing cage in the climate chamber on 0 2.05. containing 6 flowerpots with Euonymus fortunei and 1 with Prunus laurocerasus L.. On 0 1.11. one Euonymus flowerpot was taken to Hannover for a closer pupae control. General morphology. Body length: 6.50 mm (♀), 6.30 mm (♂); width at the level of mesocoxae: 4.00 mm (♀), 3.80 mm (♂), head width: 1.05 mm (♀) and 1.00 (♂). Body rather stout, slightly curved, whitish or grayish. Cuticle densely covered by minute hair-like cuticular processes. Rostrum short, almost as long as wide, surpassing procoxae in repose. Antennae rather elongate. Pronotum almost 2.1 as wide as long. Ab. I���IV of almost equal length, next Ab. tapering towards the apex. Ab. IX distinctly smaller than other ones. Pseudocerci slightly elongate, thorn-like, curved out. Sexual dimorphism visible in the structure of Ab. IX: gonotheca of ♀ divided (Fig. 38), of ♂ undivided (Fig. 39). Five pairs of functional spiracles placed laterally on Ab. I���V. Chaetotaxy. Setae of unequal length, hair-like, brown or dark brown, mostly based on protuberances. All macrosetae dark brown, with curved apical parts. Microsetae light yellow, straight. Rostrum with 3 pairs of rs 1-3 and 2 pairs of pas 1 - 2; head capsule bearing 1 pair of vs and a pair of os. All setae based on conical protuberances. Pas 2 smaller than other setae of rostrum and head. Pronotum with 2 pairs of as 1 -2, 2 pairs of: ls 1-2, ds 1-2 and pls 1-2. Ls 1 - 2 and pls 2 distinctly smaller than other pronotal setae. Mesothorax with 2 pairs of dorsal setae, metathorax with 3 pairs of short setae (d 1-3). Each tergal part of Ab. I���VIII with 5 pairs of d 1-5, located posteriorly in regular lines, 2 pairs of l 1- 2 located near the tergum-sternum border and 3 pairs of very short v 1-3. Ab. IX with 4 pairs of short v 1-4. Abdominal setae and their protuberances increasing gradually from Ab. I to VIII. Each apex of femora with 2 hair-like setae (fes 1-2), almost equal in length. Phyllobius intrusus K��no, 1948 (syn. Parascythopus exsulans Heijerman & Magnano, 2000 ) (Figs 7, 17, 42 ���45, 71, 74) Material. 2 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; all specimens were collected as mature larvae on 29.03. 2011 in two tree nurseries in Bad Zwischenahn and reared to pupal stage in the CURCI in Hannover. The larvae were found mainly in the soil close to the surface (until 25 cm depth) between the roots of Thuja occidentalis L. and Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl. ���Crippsii��� (Fig. 74): 1 ♀ obtained on 0 7.04.2011, 1 ♀ on 0 8.04. 2011 and 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ on 19.04. 2011. General morphology. Body length up to: 5.50 mm (♀), 5.40 mm (♂) width at the level of mesocoxae: 2.90 mm (♀), 2.70 (♂) head width: 0.95 mm (♀), 0.90 mm (♂). Body rather slender, slightly curved, grayish or yellowish. Cuticle smooth. Rostrum rather short, almost 1.2 as long as wide, surpassing procoxae in repose. Antennae rather elongate and slender. Pronotum nearly 1.1 as wide as long. Ab. I���VI almost equal in length; Ab. VII semicircular; next Ab. tapering towards the end of the body. Pseudocerci short, thorn-like (Fig. 71). Sexual dimorphism visible in the structure of Ab. IX: gonotheca of ♀ divided, of ♂ undivided (Fig. 42���43). Five pairs of functional spiracles placed laterally on Ab. I���V. Chaetotaxy. Setae medium long or short, hair-like, without curved apical part, yellow or brown, based on conical protuberances. Rostrum with a pair of pas; head capsule bearing 1 pair of vs, sos and os. All setae almost equal in length. Pronotum with paired as 1-2, ls 1-2, ds 1-2 and a pair of pls. Ds 2 a little shorter than other pronotal setae. Meso- and metathorax each with 3 pairs of short setae (d 1-3). Tergal part of each Ab. I���VII with 7 pairs of d 1-7, different in length, arranged posteriorly in two groups (d 1-4 and d 5-7) (Figs 44, 45); 2 pairs of l 1-2 located near the tergum-sternum border. Ab. VIII with 6 pairs of d 1-6, different in length, located posteriorly. Ab. IX with 2 pairs of short v 1-2 and 2 pairs of d 1-2. Abdominal setae and their protuberances (especially odd ones: d 1, d 3, d 5, d 7) increasing gradually from Ab. I to VIII. Each apex of femora with 2 straight setae (fes 1-2), almost equal in length. Phyllobius pyri (Linnaeus, 1758) s. str. (Figs 8, 18, 46 ���48, 64���67, 75) Material. 1 ♂ obtained on 21.04. 2012 from field-collecting between the roots of Betula pubescens Ehrh. at Helstorf Moor in the north of Hannover (Fig. 75): moory habitat with a few trees in the surrounding area of the peat bog, margin of a moor forest with Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench hummocks, shrubs and young trees of Betula pendula Roth, Betula pubescens, Frangula alnus Mill., Myrica gale L. and Pinus sylvestris L.. General morphology. Body length: 6.50 mm (♂), width at the level of mesocoxae: 4.60 mm (♂), head width: 1.9 mm (♂). Body very stout, curved, whitish to grayish. Cuticle covered by minute cuticular processes. Rostrum short, almost as long as wide, surpassing procoxae in repose. Antennae rather elongate and slender. Pronotum almost 1.5 as wide as long. Ab. I���IV almost of equal length; next Ab. tapering towards the end of the body. Pseudocerci conical, elongate with sclerotized apical parts. Five pairs of functional spiracles placed laterally on Ab. I���V. Chaetotaxy. Setae different in form and length (hair- or thorn-like), yellow or brown, based on protuberances, different in size, or without protuberances. Rostrum with 3 pairs of rs 1-3 and 2 pairs of pas 1-2; head capsule bearing 1 pair of vs, 2 pairs of sos 1-2 and 1 pairs of os. Vs short, thorn-like (Fig. 66), based on conical protuberances, remaining setae of head and rostrum very long, hair-like (Figs 64, 65), located without protuberances. Pronotum with paired as 1-2, ds 1-2, pls 1-2, sls 1-3, forming a complex (Fig. 67), and a pair of ls. Pronotal setae thorn-like, different in length, based on more or less elongate protuberances. Setae ds 1, sls 3 and pls 1 3 times shorter than their protuberances. Meso- and metathorax each with 3 pairs of short setae (d 1-3), based on conical protuberances. Tergal part of Ab. I���VII each with 3 pairs of thorn-like d 1-3, arranged postero-medially in regular lines and 2 pairs of l 1-2, located near the tergum-sternum border. Ab. VIII with 2 pairs of d 1-2, equal in length, located posteriorly, and 2 pairs of l 1-2, located near the tergum-sternum border. Ab. IX with 3 pairs of short d 1-3. Abdominal setae and their protuberances distinctly increasing gradually from Ab. I to VIII. Each apex of femora with 2 hair-like setae (fes 1-2), different in length. There are also single setae located on the apical parts of each tarsus (ts) and pterotheca (pts) (Figs 46, 47)., Published as part of Gosik, Rafa�� & Sprick, Peter, 2013, Morphology and identification of the pupae of several species of soil-dwelling broad-nosed weevils from Central Europe (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), pp. 445-472 in Zootaxa 3731 (4) on pages 456-462, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3731.4.2, http://zenodo.org/record/247879