1,046 results on '"labor force"'
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2. Mining and Regional Disparity (Summary)
- Author
Batbekh, SOYOLMAA and Batchuluun, ALTANTSETSEG
- Subjects
Employment ,非再生資源 ,Regional economics ,Labor force ,地域経済 ,Non-renewable resources ,労働力 ,雇用 - Abstract
モンゴルは資源豊富な開発途上国である。鉱業部門は2000年代半ばから急拡大し、最大の経済部門となった。鉱業を中心とする急速な経済成長により、一人当たりGDP は過去20年で2倍以上となった。本稿は、各県とウランバートルの経済活動に関するパネルデータを使って、鉱業地域と非鉱業地域の所得、成長、変動、雇用の格差をまとめる。さらに、鉱業部門が地域経済の雇用に与えるマイナスの影響について立証する。, Mongolia is a resource-rich developing country. From the mid-2000s, the mining sector rapidly expanded and became the largest economic sector. Due to mining-driven rapid economic growth, GDP per capita has more than doubled over the past two decades. Using panel data on the economic activities of aimags and UB, we document the income, growth, fluctuation, and employment disparity between mining and non-mining regions. Moreover, we provide evidence of the mining sector's negative impact on the employment of local economies.
- Published
- 2023
3. The effect of FDI on the host countries' employment: A meta-regression analysis
- Author
Hakim, Dani Rahman, Ahman, Eeng, and Kusnendi, Kusnendi
- Subjects
employment ,FDI ,meta-regression ,employment creation ,labor force - Abstract
This study performed a meta-regression analysis (MRA) to reexamine the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the host countries' employment. We detected a publication bias and heterogeneity between studies by employing 61 publications with 477 estimates as the dataset. Studies that do not control for endogeneity suffer an upward publication bias. In contrast, we found a downward publication bias in the studies that control endogeneity. After correcting that bias, we found a small positive effect of FDI on the host countries' employment as the genuine effect. By using the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) analysis, we found six moderator variables that could explain heterogeneity. These moderator variables are related to the FDI and employment measurement type, data characteristics, FDIreceiving countries, and estimation methods.
- Published
- 2023
4. Multilayered Emergent Phenomena Caused by Basic Income and Labor Supply on the Wider Economic System
- Author
Yagi, Kosei Takashima and Isao
- Subjects
agent-based modeling ,agent-based computational economics ,individual decision making ,basic income ,labor force ,artificial economy ,economic interactions ,work motivation - Abstract
Despite the growing interest in basic income (BI) in recent years, the existing research has mainly focused on its impact on household finances. However, changes in household behavior may affect the actions of other decision makers, such as businesses and governments, leading to unanticipated outcomes. Therefore, any analysis of BI must use a model with multilayered feedback from the actions of individual decision makers. To actualize such a model, household budgets, firms, and other entities must autonomously determine production levels, prices, and other factors, thereby encompassing a complete circulation of funds. This study constructs a macroeconomic model using agent-based modeling as a basic framework to achieve these goals, and it analyzes the emergent behaviors generated by BI and the labor supply in the economic system. The results show that although BI brings about more equitable consumption by households, it also creates a unique phenomenon wherein Gross Domestic Product increases but economic activity in terms of capital investment stagnates. Upon examining the impact of BI, the results of this study present the need to examine the multilayered feedback influencing mutual decision makers, which arises from the behavioral changes of individual decision makers caused by BI.
- Published
- 2023
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5. The Actual Situation of the Labor Force in Fdi Enterprises, Suggestions in Training Work at Higher Education Institutions
- Author
Phung, Thi Huong and Van Luan Nguyen
- Subjects
Labor force ,FDI enterprises, higher education ,Vietnam - Abstract
The article provides an overview of the workforce situation at FDI enterprises in Vietnam. Based on collected and aggregated data on the labor force at FDI enterprises, the research team identified: difficulties in recruitment; the scarcity of high- quality personnel in some industries; lack of professionalism and discipline in labor ... are difficulties in human resource work in FDI enterprises today. Based on the current situation of the labor force and the remaining problems in the recruitment and employment of enterprises, the research team also makes suggestions for training activities at the establishments of higher education such as Focusing on training human resources with professional and technical qualifications and soft skills; Improving the quality of training; Professional training for learners or determining the structure of occupations that the market needs to conduct training.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Socialinių išmokų poveikis Lietuvos darbo rinkai
- Author
Beliūnaitė, Aistė and Laskienė, Daiva
- Subjects
unemployment ,darbo rinka ,employment ,nedarbas ,social benefits ,labor market ,užimtumas ,darbo jėga ,socialinės išmokos ,labor force - Abstract
Magistro baigiamajame projekte tiriamas socialinių išmokų poveikis Lietuvos darbo rinkai. Paskutiniais dešimtmečiais Vakarų šalyse mažėja darbo jėgos ir auga socialinės paramos poreikis, dėl to kai kurios socialinės apsaugos sistemos tampa netvariomis. Šiomis aplinkybėmis aktualu užtikrinti, jog gyventojai intensyviau dalyvautų darbo rinkoje ir nepriklausytų nuo socialinės paramos. Taigi, darbo tikslas - ištrti socialinių išmokų poveikį darbo rinkai, darbo objektas – socialinių išmokų poveikis. Tikslui pasiekti naudojami mokslinės literatūros analizės, statistinių duomenų lyginamosios analizės, koreliacinės analizės, Granger priežastingumo testo ir regresinės analizės metodai. Iškeltais uždaviniais siekiama apibūdinti socialinių išmokų poveikio darbo rinkai problematiką, ištirti teorinį socialinių išmokų poveikį darbo rinkai, bei, parengus metodologiją, atlikti empirinį minėto poveikio vertinimo tyrimą. Gauti rezultatai parodė, jog ES šalys pasižymi aukštais nedarbo rodikliais, kurie įvairiose šalyse tuo pačiu laikotarpiu gali skirtis kelis kartus, šis reiškinys kyla dėl nelanksčios darbo rinkos ir skirtingos socialinės politikos. JAV ir Vakarų Europos šalyse atlikti tyrimai atskleidžia, jog socialinių išmokų poveikis asmens užimtumui gali priklausyti nuo jo amžiaus, lyties, išsilavinimo ir gyvenamosios vietovės. Minėtos charakteristikos veikia asmens elgesį darbo rinkoje. Moterys, regionų gyventojai ir asmenys su žemu išsilavinimu į darbo rinką integruojasi sunkiau nei kitos gyventojų grupės, todėl teoriškai socialinės išmokos jų užimtumą veikia labiau. Teoriškai socialinių išmokų poveikį darbo rinkos rodikliams galima vertinti iš kelių skirtingų perspektyvų. Kylant nedarbui nuosmukio metu, išmokos padeda palaikyti ankstesnį asmens vartojimo lygį, palaikoma prekių ir paslaugų paklausa, išlaikomos buvusios gamybos apimtys ir taip išsaugomos likusios darbo vietos. Kita vertus, socialines išmokas gaunantis asmuo patenka į gerovės spąstus, kuomet uždirbus šiek tiek pajamų, gresia prarasti valstybės paramą. Darbe šiai problemai spręsti siūlomas laipsniškas išmokų mažinimas įsidarbinus, didesnė įtrauktis į savarankiško užimtumo programas, galimybė pretenduoti į nedarbo draudimo išmoką kelis kartus per metus. Empirinė Lietuvos socialinių ir darbo rinkos rodiklių analizė parodė, jog socialinių išlaidų nedarbo atveju kėlimas nežymiai didina darbo jėgos kiekį Lietuvoje, tikėtina, kad dalis gyventojų grįžta į darbo rinką gauti bedarbio statuso. Taip pat nustatyta, jog socialinių išlaidų kėlimas vienam Lietuvos gyventojui neigiamai veikia 54m-64m moterų darbo jėgos kiekį, poveikis sietinas su kai kuriems gyventojams suteikiama galimybe gauti išankstinę senatvės pensiją. Rezultatai atskleidė, jog procentinis socialinių išlaidų kėlimas, palyginti su Lietuvos BVP, mažina gyventojų užimtumo lygį, atrastas poveikis galimai atsiranda nuosmukio metu, kai kylant nedarbui krenta šalies BVP ir auga socialinės išlaidos, tuomet šalyje stebimas žemesnis užimtumas ir išaugusi socialinių išlaidų procentinė dalis., The master's final degree project examines the impact of social benefits on the Lithuanian labor market. In recent decades, Western countries have seen a shrinking labor force and a growing need for social assistance, making some social security systems unsustainable. In these circumstances, it is important to ensure that residents participate more intensively in the labor market and do not depend on social support. Thus, the aim of the work is to study the impact of social benefits on the labor market, the object of the work is the impact of social benefits. To achieve this goal, methods of scientific literature analysis, comparative analysis of statistical data, correlation analysis, Granger causality test and regression analysis are used. The detailed tasks aim to describe the problem of the impact of social benefits on the labor market, the theoretical social impact on the labor market, and, after preparing the methodology, to carry out the aforementioned evaluation study of the empirical impact. The obtained results show that the indicators of EU countries are high in unemployment, which in different countries during that period can be divided several times, this phenomenon arises from the inflexible labor market and different social policies. Research conducted in the USA and Western European countries reveals that the impact of social benefits on a person's employment may depend on their age, gender, education and place of residence. The mentioned characteristics affect person‘s behavior in the labor market. Women, residents of regions and persons with low education have more difficulties integrating into the labor market than other population groups, therefore in theory social benefits affect their employment more. Theoretically, the impact of benefits on labor market indicators can be assessed from several different perspectives. When unemployment rises during a recession, the benefits help to maintain the previous level of personal consumption, support the demand for goods and services, maintain the previous production volumes and thereby preserve the remaining jobs. On the other hand, a person receiving social benefits falls into the welfare trap, when receiving so much income, there is a risk of losing state support. In order to solve this problem, the paper proposes a gradual reduction of benefits upon employment, greater involvement in selfemployment programs, and the possibility of applying for unemployment insurance benefits several times a year. Empirical analysis of social and labor market indicators in Lithuania shows that social spending in case of unemployment slightly increases the amount of labor force in Lithuania, it is likely that part of the population returns to the labor market to obtain unemployment status. It was also established that the increase in social costs per resident of Lithuania has a negative effect on the workforce of women aged 54-64 years, the effect is associated with some residents being given the opportunity to receive an early old-age pension. The results revealed that the percentage increase of social expenses in comparison to GDP of Lithuania, decreases employment level. This effect is possible during a recession. When unemployment rises, the country's GDP falls and social expenses increase Therefore lower employment and an increased percentage of social expenses are observed.
- Published
- 2023
7. Problems of Generating Productive Employment in the Youth Labor Market as a Dominant Risk Reduction Factor for the NEET Youth Segment in Kazakhstan
- Author
Zhibek Khussainova, Maiya Gazizova, Gulzhan Abauova, Zhanibek Zhartay, and Gulnur Raikhanova
- Subjects
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) ,youth ,youth labor market ,NEET ,NEET unemployment ,labor force ,labor market indicators ,unemployment rates ,NEET youth segment risks ,productive employment ,Development - Abstract
NEET (not in employment, education, or training) unemployment is one of the newer, most relevant, and least studied modern features of the youth labor market, making it an urgent problem to be solved. The purpose of this study is to identify the barriers to creating productive employment in the youth labor market, with a view to reducing the NEET youth segment in Kazakhstan. Our aim is to identify the impact of employment and unemployment parameters in the youth labor market in order to reduce the NEET youth segment in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes the indicators of youth participation in the labor force, defines the features of the youth labor market based on segmentation by age, and identifies the dynamics of youth employment, including the type of economic activity. Particular attention is paid to the NEET youth category in Kazakhstan, providing a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of the youth labor market for the period 2001–2021. The portrait of Kazakhstani youth in the category of NEET unemployment was determined based on an analysis of labor market indicators. Our study identifies the barriers to generating productive youth employment, allowing policymakers to reduce the NEET youth segment in Kazakhstan.
- Published
- 2023
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8. Jobs and Automation in the Freight and Warehousing Sector
- Author
Jaller, Miguel, D’Agostino, Mollie, and Otero-Palencia, Carlos
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Automation ,Impacts ,Labor force ,Market penetration ,Jobs ,Freight transportation - Abstract
Today there are companies experimenting with autonomous mobile vehicle and equipment technologies. These technologies come in various forms, from small delivery robots to large automated heavy-duty trucks and cargo movers. Some of these have been part of the labor force in factories, warehouses, and distribution centers worldwide for some industries, and their expansion is likely. A recent white paper from UC Davis assesses the landscape for freight automation and its potential labor impacts in the freight and warehousing sector; this policy brief summarizes the key findings and policy implications of that research. While there are still more questions than answers, it is known that as the technology matures, the future for workers will depend on policymaker and industry actions. While these actions can have potentially negative effects for some workers (e.g., job loss or reduced job quality), they can have positive effects for others (e.g., improved safety, security, job quality, and new high-quality jobs).View the NCST Project Webpage
- Published
- 2023
9. Statistical analysis of labor market trends of post-soviet countries in 1990–2020
- Author
Aleksandr Tsypin and Mikhail Tolmachev
- Subjects
labor migration ,unemployment ,Accounting. Bookkeeping ,post-soviet countries ,trend ,HF5601-5689 ,General Medicine ,labor ,crises ,labor force ,employment in the economy - Abstract
The availability and quality of the labor force are considered as ones of the main aspects of labor market regulation, its parameters largely depend on the growth rate of the economy and the growth of people’s well-being. The goal of the research is to identify the patterns of the labor market development of the post-Soviet countries based on the analysis of retrospective time series. These general scientific methods as historical and comparison, as well as statistical tools were used for that goal achievement. The application of a set of scientific methods to the main indicators of the labor market of post-Soviet countries revealed the following patterns: The huge increase in the number of people employed in the national economy which occurred before 1991, had been interrupted by the transformation of economies. As a result, a few Central Asian countries only were able to maintain the growth due to the high fertility and low mortality. Also, the unemployment rate showed low values at the initial stage of the development of the economic systems in the post-Soviet countries. In spite of that, in the 2000s its average value in the aggregate was significantly higher than the global average, as well as due to the lack of decent work in some countries of the post-Soviet space, there was a significant emigration which indicates the need to revise the economic policies of these republics. The obtained results and methodological approaches will be useful to researchers in the field of the labor market in the countries of the post- Soviet space, as well as specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation to formulate policies on the labor migration from the former Soviet republics.
- Published
- 2022
10. Functional dependence of settlements and its demographic component in the transition phase of the daily urban system
- Author
Marko Filipovic, Nikola Krunic, and Ekaterina Zhelenkova
- Subjects
demographic component ,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management ,Geography, Planning and Development ,transition ,Geology ,daily urban system ,functional dependence ,labor force ,Earth-Surface Processes ,Demography - Abstract
The transition period of post-socialist cities brought significant demographic and spatial changes within their daily urban systems (DUS). Functional transformations of the core, as well as functionally dependent settlements in the mentioned systems, had a significant impact on the daily mobility of the population. For the purposes of this paper, the example of Belgrade was taken as the core of the most significant DUS on the territory of Serbia, and beyond its borders. As a research time frame the focus is on the first intercensal period of the 21st century, taking into account social and economic changes in that period. The daily mobility of the labor force was used as a relevant indicator of the functional manifestation of the work center and the functional direction of the residential settlement. A model of the spatial manifestation of the workforce daily mobility was used as a basis for researching the structure, changes, and determining the boundaries of the territorial scope of the DUS. Based on the presented results, dynamic changes within the DUS of Belgrade were determined, which are manifested through an increase in its spatial and population coverage, as well as through the changes in the degree of functional dependence of the settlements that participate in it. Conclusions were drawn on the connection between the transformation of the DUS and its demographic component, as well as the factors that initiate the investigated changes.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Labor force shortage in Russian regions
- Author
Sergey V. Ryazantsev, Alexey D. Bragin, and Galina N. Ochirova
- Subjects
labor resources ,unemployment ,demography ,Economics as a science ,HD72-88 ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Economic growth, development, planning ,economics ,HB71-74 ,russian regions ,General Environmental Science ,labor force - Abstract
The article provides an overview of the current state of the labor market in the regions of the Russian Federation, analyzes the level and reasons for the shortage of labor resources, and the factors that have a direct impact on it. It was determined that the main problem is the shortage of labor resources caused by different reasons, such as unemployment, difficult demographic situation, and other complex factors since the federal subjects of Russia are highly differentiated by the level of socio-economic development, demographic, economic, social, geographic, climatic, and other characteristics. In the empirical part of our study, we identified relevant indicators that, in our opinion, fully highlight the changing situation in the regions as well as calculated the percentage dynamics of the level of registered unemployed and the need of organizations to fill vacancies. Subsequent empirical comparative analysis of selected indicators in three-year dynamics reveals that the need of organizations for workers to fill vacancies has an increasingly dynamic, while the unemployment rate is decreasing what shows a satisfactory dynamic. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the shortage of labor resources is evident only in the Belgorod region, the Republic of Mordovia, and the Republic of Buryatia.
- Published
- 2021
12. Cluster Analysis on the Unemployment Rate during Lockdown Period
- Author
Ludmila-Daniela MANEA and Iulian Adrian SORCARU
- Subjects
lockdown ,HB1-3840 ,unemployment ,crisis ,Economics as a science ,covid-19 ,Electronic computers. Computer science ,Economic theory. Demography ,cluster analysis on the unemployment rate during lockdown period ,QA75.5-76.95 ,HB71-74 ,labor force - Abstract
The problem of unemployment is a permanent one because elements of imbalance appear in the process of macro-stability. In the context of a free market, we can also discuss about the labour market, which can no longer be regulated administratively, so that labour is absorbed, reconverted and unemployment is eliminated as much as possible, leaving supply and demand to settle employment. Unemployment is an element of balance in a certain way, because it regulates the need for labour with the needs and the existence on the labour market of available people, but they should be in the structure by profession, by trade, required by the market. From time to time, when macroeconomic destabilization occurs, unemployment as the valve for the use of the working population makes its presence felt. Under the current circumstances, in which the world economy, of the European countries and consequently also of Romania are under the effect of the coronavirus health crisis, combined with the financial and economic crisis, inflation has become a growing phenomenon, being even worrying. The unemployed population receives for a limited period of time a payment, after which it becomes an unoccupied free population. A paradox is also that as the quotas of the unemployed increase and there are vacancies that are taken out to be filled, the latter are not completed, because the structure of the places taken out to be filled does not correspond to the needs of the economy in terms of structure by trades, by professions. During the current crisis that we have spoken of, it is very clear that unemployment has increased quite a lot compared to January this year, but even more worrying is the fact that a large number, more than 1.3 million people, are in technical unemployment, who will eventually be able to supply the number of people who get unemployed. In order to consider how the labor resource can be used in Romania, we must take into account that over 1.5 million people, who returned from the European states where they worked, not on the basis of contract and precise commitments, returned to the country being part of the number of those unoccupied people.
- Published
- 2021
13. Experience of Developed Countries on Labor Market Development: Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development in Ukraine
- Author
Smokvіna Ganna A. and Moisei Anastasia V.
- Subjects
unemployment ,labor productivity ,HF5001-6182 ,employment ,Business ,labor market ,developed countries ,indicators ,labor force - Abstract
The article examines the experience of developed countries on the functioning and regulation of the labor market in order to determine the prospects for development in Ukraine. The key indicators of the labor market of Ukraine, USA, EU, China and Canada are analyzed, which include: unemployment rate, unclaimed professions, average salary, employment requirements for foreigners, social package. The reasons for the instability of the labor market in modern conditions are considered, which include: migration, declining birth rates, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a global economic downturn, after which even economically developed countries recover within a year. Another problem of the labor market, which plays a key role in the instability of the labor market of each country – unemployment, which currently has a negative trend due to the pandemic COVID-19. A comparative analysis of the main features of the labor market in developed countries defined priority directions of our country’s development. The identified main driving force in the labor market is labor productivity. The analysis of influence of factors of development of productivity of a labor force of Ukraine is carried out. Taking into consideration the experience of developed countries, priority tasks and directions of regulation of the labor market of our country are defined, which will provide stability of economy, low level of unemployment and competitiveness of the State. Prospects for further research are the deepening of identified issues related to the labor market of our country and further development of this market, as well as the analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market solely on the part of qualification and professional trends.
- Published
- 2021
- Subjects
unemployment ,санкции ,самозанятый ,жизнедеятельность ,wages ,entrepreneurship ,livelihoods ,digital economy ,регулирование рынка труда ,минимальный размер оплаты труда ,labor market regulation ,consumer price index ,labor migrants ,рабочая сила ,labor force ,labor cost ,стоимость рабочей силы ,sanctions ,рынок труда ,цена рабочей силы ,безработица ,трудовые мигранты ,labor price ,заработная плата ,minimum wage ,цифровая экономика ,employment ,labor market ,занятость ,self-employed ,предпринимательство ,индекс потребительских цен - Abstract
В статье представлен анализ состояния современного российского рынка труда, в том числе, в условиях санкционного давления. Авторы предложили свое рассмотрение социально-экономических и социально-правовых аспектов регулирования рынка труда в условиях западного санкционного давления и вызванные этим обстоятельством процессы трансформации рынка труда, на примере принимаемых органами государственной власти системных решений. Системность, по мнению авторов, просматривается в тех решениях, которые принимались и принимаются сегодня органами государственной власти с учетом условий, которые порождаются санкциями. В тоже время авторы полагают, что необходимо осуществить серьёзные настройка институциональных механизмов регулирования рынка труда, выработки эффективных механизмов регулирования в условиях санкционного давления., The article presents an analysis of the state of the modern Russian labor market, including under the conditions of sanctions pressure. The authors offered their consideration of the socio-economic and socio-legal aspects of labor market regulation in the context of Western sanctions pressure and the processes of transformation of the labor market caused by this circumstance, using the example of systemic decisions taken by public authorities. Consistency, according to the authors, is seen in those decisions that have been and are being made today by public authorities, taking into account the conditions that are generated by sanctions. At the same time, the authors believe that it is necessary to carry out serious adjustments to the institutional mechanisms for regulating the labor market, to develop effective regulatory mechanisms in the face of sanctions pressure., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 3 (152) 2023, Pages 544-549
- Published
- 2023
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- Subjects
productivity ,развитие ,machine learning systems ,производительность ,технологии искусственного интеллекта ,эффективность ,effectiveness ,artificial intelligence technologies ,системы машинного обучения ,development ,рабочая сила ,labor force - Abstract
Статья посвящена анализу факторов влияния искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) на производительность труда. Выделены факторы, которые способствуют положительному влиянию ИИ на производительность труда. Сформулированы проблемы и ограничения, связанные с разработкой и внедрением технологий ИИ, которые могут оказывать негативное влияние на производительность труда. Выделены возможные негативные последствия, связанные с отрицательным влиянием ИИ на занятость и рынок труда. Даны рекомендации относительно дальнейшего развития и внедрения технологий ИИ. Предложена классификация факторов внедрения ИИ, способствующих повышению производительности труда., The article is devoted to the analysis of the factors of influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on labor productivity. The factors that contribute to the positive impact of AI on labor productivity are highlighted. The problems and limitations associated with the development and implementation of AI technologies, that can have a negative impact on labor productivity are formulated. The possible negative consequences associated with the adverse impact of AI on employment and the labor market are highlighted. Recommendations are given regarding the further development and implementation of AI technologies. A classification of AI implementation factors contributing to increased labor productivity is proposed., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 5 (154) 2023, Pages 945-948
- Published
- 2023
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- Subjects
labor resources ,unemployment ,рынок труда ,безработица ,эмигрированные граждане ,migrants ,personnel planning ,personnel security ,трудовые ресурсы ,кадровая безопасность ,кадровое планирование ,labor market ,рабочая сила ,labor force - Abstract
В статье раскрывается понятие экономической безопасности, даны подходы к определению кадровой безопасности и основные задачи, представлен алгоритм действий кадровой службы организации по отбору и приему персонала, а также представлена динамика трудовых ресурсов в России за последние годы., The article reveals the concept of economic security, gives approaches to the definition of personnel security and the main tasks, presents an algorithm for the actions of the personnel service of an organization for the selection and admission of personnel, and also presents the dynamics of labor resources in Russia in recent years., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 1 (150) 2023, Pages 289-293
- Published
- 2023
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17. Migration Policy of the Soviet Government Aimed at a Specific Goal
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Editor Academic Journals &Amp; Conferences
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demographic process ,national composition ,Surkhondarya district ,migration ,cotton independence ,labor force - Abstract
In order to supply the raw materials resources of the Surkhan oasis, especially cotton fiber to the central industrial enterprises on time, to appropriate new lands and direct them to the cotton monopoly, the settled population of the mountains and steppes were forcibly relocated to the deserts, i.e. to the newly acquired lands.
- Published
- 2023
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labor resources ,unemployment ,профессиональная подготовка ,unemployment rate ,кадры среднего звена ,трудовые ресурсы ,professional training ,создание рабочих мест ,middle-level personnel ,job creation ,jobs ,гендерное равенство ,рабочая сила ,gender equality ,labor force ,skills ,уровень безработицы ,рынок труда ,безработица ,qualifications ,квалификация ,трудоустройство ,рабочие места ,employment ,профессиональное образование ,professional education ,labor market ,занятость ,навыки - Abstract
The article highlights the importance and role of developing the skills and abilities of young people, that is, middle-level personnel, and their employment in the labor market. In addition, the article analyzed the causes and influencing factors of youth unemployment in the country. Furthermore, this research work examined the gender aspects of the problems of the population aged 15-24 in finding a job. Based on the results of the research, proposals were developed to improve the employment of personnel with professional education in the labor market., В статье освещается важность и роль развития навыков и способностей молодежи, то есть персонала среднего звена, и их трудоустройство на рынке труда. Кроме того, в статье проанализированы причины и влияющие факторы молодежной безработицы в стране. Кроме того, в данной исследовательской работе были изучены гендерные аспекты проблем населения в возрасте 15-24 лет при трудоустройстве. По результатам исследования разработаны предложения по улучшению трудоустройства кадров с профессиональным образованием на рынке труда., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 12 (149) 2023, Pages 1087-1090
- Published
- 2023
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19. Региональные рынки труда в условиях новых вызовов
- Author
Varlamova, Yu. and Rakhmatullina, D.
- Subjects
The study highlights the main trends observed in the regional labor markets during the period of macroeconomic shocks - the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and global geopolitical instability. Based on a comparative analysis of the adaptation of local labor markets to macroeconomic shocks, we discuss the main peculiarities and prospects for changes in labor markets in the context of geopolitical instability. В исследовании выделены основные тренды, наблюдаемые на региональных рынках труда в период макроэкономических шоков – пандемии, вызванной COVID-19, и глобальной геополитической нестабильности. На основе сравнительного анализа адаптации локальных рынков труда к макроэкономическим шокам сделаны выводы и обозначены перспективы изменений на рынках труда в условиях геополитической нестабильности. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-010-00663 «Эволюция модели экономического поведения индивида и домохозяйства в условиях цифровой трансформации».
- Published
- 2023
20. Unmasking the impact: Analyzing the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on unemployment : A study across the 290 municipalities in Sweden
- Author
Lodňanová, Annamária and Kolawole, Olamide Zainab
- Subjects
Ekonomi och näringsliv ,Disposable income ,Swedish municipalities ,Economics and Business ,Labor force ,Immigrants ,Economic downturn ,COVID-19 affected ,Unemployment rate ,Education - Abstract
For the past years, there has been an absence of economic crisis on a global level. The unexpected COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus led to a significant disruption in economies across the globe, followed by a decrease in economic activity. The decline in economic activity caused market shocks which eventually increased unemployment. This paper aims to analyse unemployment between the years 2018 to 2021 to measure pre- and post-pandemic unemployment rate among Swedish municipalities. The research question is, was the COVID-19 affected significantly related to an increase in unemployment rates across the 290 municipalities in Sweden? Data collection is from several agencies, including the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen), The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten), and Statistic Sweden (SCB). The regression model used to analyse the variables are series of fixed effects regression. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the pandemic and economic downturn. By examining variables such as COVID-19 affected, immigrants, education, and disposable income in municipalities, this paper was able to conclude that COVID-19 affected are significantly related to unemployment increase in all 290 municipalities.
- Published
- 2023
21. Refugees’ employment and adaptability of their occupation
- Author
Şimşek, Merve, Bulut, Sefa, Şimşek, Merve, and Bulut, Sefa
- Subjects
Employment ,Occupation ,Refugee ,Career Seeking ,Adaptability of Occupation ,Labor Force - Abstract
This study aims to explore refugees’ employment issues considering diverse societies in the world including Syrians in Austria and Turkey. Also, a comprehensive literature review has been done to be able to present diverse dimensions of this controversial and current matter by examining different kinds of articles and research papers. Turkey has been chosen for this paper because it shares borders with countries where refugees come; furthermore, it has significant immigrant populations in its many provinces. The percentage of refugees who have moved has reached its peak in recent years. Finding work, managing the workplace, career adaptability in the beginning process as well as having a just workforce in comparison to salary are just a few of the difficulties refugees must overcome in their attempt to integrate effectively into society. When choosing occupation different factors are involved, and it has a great influence on human beings’ lives. In this respect, I assume that this process is much more difficult and complicated for immigrants who have started a new life and has to adapt to a new society.
- Published
- 2023
- Subjects
предпенсионный возраст ,employment ,рынок труда ,pre-retirement age ,labor market ,занятость ,рабочая сила ,labor force - Abstract
В статье рассматривается анализ рынка труда по трудоустройству граждан предпенсионного возраста., The article discusses the analysis of the labor market for the employment of citizens of pre-retirement age., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 11 (148) 2023, Pages 937-944
- Published
- 2023
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- Subjects
естественная убыль населения ,potential labor force ,потенциальная рабочая сила ,unemployment ,population employment rate ,миграция ,занятость населения ,labor force participation rate ,рынок труда ,уровень занятости населения ,безработица ,natural population decline ,migration ,уровень участия рабочей силы ,численность рабочей силы ,labor market ,labor force ,population employment - Abstract
Занятость населения является одним из ключевых аспектов государственной политики занятости любого региона. Задача государственного регулирования состоит в обеспечении полноценной занятости граждан. Однако, в условиях современной нестабильности мировой экономики, обеспечение высоких уровней занятости становится все более сложным заданием для государства. В связи с этим, повышение качества государственного регулирования занятости населения является необходимостью для эффективного функционирования рыночной экономики и улучшения жизни граждан. В статье проводится анализ реализации политики занятости в Оренбургской области за 2020-2022 года. Рассматриваются такие показатели, как: численность рабочей силы, уровень участия рабочей силы, наличие потенциальной рабочей силы, занятость населения и безработица, уровень занятости населения., Employment of the population is one of the key aspects of the state employment policy of any region. The task of state regulation is to ensure the full employment of citizens. However, in the conditions of the current instability of the world economy, ensuring high levels of employment is becoming an increasingly difficult task for the state. In this regard, improving the quality of state regulation of employment is a necessity for the effective functioning of a market economy and improving the lives of citizens. The article analyzes the implementation of the employment policy in the Orenburg region for 2020-2022. The following indicators are considered: the size of the labor force, the level of labor force participation, the availability of potential labor force, employment and unemployment, the level of employment of the population., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 5 (154) 2023, Pages 1415-1418
- Published
- 2023
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- Subjects
labor productivity ,ИКТ ,working age ,active longevity ,ICT ,активное долголетие ,migration policy ,трудоспособный возраст ,миграционная политика ,производительность труда ,рабочая сила ,labor force - Abstract
Статья посвящена анализу динамики доли населения Российской Федерации в возрасте старше трудоспособного и влиянию этой динамики на экономический рост. Отмечено, что в Российской Федерации наблюдается рост доли стареющего населения. Коэффициент зависимости от возраста снижается в последние годы, что является следствием проводимой политики в этой области. Обозначены направления снижения негативного влияния старения населения на экономический рост такие, как повышение возраста активного долголетия путем совершенствования сектора здравоохранения; развитие и внедрение цифровых технологий, автоматизации и искусственного интеллекта; совершенствование межрегиональной и внешней миграционной политики., The article is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of the share of the Russian Federation population over the working age and the impact of this dynamics on economic growth. It is noted that there is an increase in the proportion of the aging population in the Russian Federation. The age dependence coefficient has been decreasing in recent years, which is a consequence of the ongoing policy in this area. The directions of reducing the negative impact of population aging on economic growth are outlined, such as increasing the age of active longevity by improving the healthcare sector; development and implementation of digital technologies, automation and artificial intelligence; improvement of interregional and external migration policy., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 1 (150) 2023, Pages 215-219
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Mücella BURSAL and İsmail ŞENTÜRK
- Subjects
Economics ,Çalışma Süresi ,İşgücü ,İstihdam ,Cinsiyet ,Türkiye ,Working Hours ,Labor Force ,Employment ,Gender ,Turkey ,General Medicine ,İktisat - Abstract
Bu çalışmada amaç, Türkiye’deki hanehalkı çalışanlarının cinsiyetlerine göre ortalama çalışma sürelerini belirleyerek yıllara ve bazı değişkenlere göre değişiminin nedenlerini incelemektir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu tarafından yapılan Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketinin 2000 - 2018 yıllarına ait uygulamalarından elde edilmiş ve bu verilerin betimlenmesi için yıl ile cinsiyet değişkenlerine göre tablo ve grafikler oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan tablo ve grafik verileri önce genel grup için sonrasında ise bağımsız değişkenlere göre oluşturulan alt gruplar için karşılaştırılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara bakıldığında genel olarak 2000 yılına kıyasla 2018 yılında haftalık ortalama çalışma sürelerinde 5,3 saatlik bir azalma olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 2000 ile 2018 arasındaki bu haftalık ortalama çalışma süresi değişimi cinsiyet bazında incelendiğinde ise azalma eğilimin her iki cinsiyet grubunda ortak olmasına rağmen kadınlardaki düşmeye (3 saat) kıyasla, erkeklerde daha fazla düşme (5,2 saat) olduğu gözlenmiştir. Medeni durumlara göre cinsiyetler arası haftalık ortalama çalışma süresi farkları incelenirken, genel olarak bir azalma eğilimi görülmüştür. Cinsiyetler bazında eğitim seviyelerine göre haftalık ortalama çalışma süresi farkları incelendiğinde ise eğitim seviyesi arttıkça erkekler lehine olan farkın giderek daha da düştüğü gözlenmiştir. Yarı zamanlı çalışan erkekler ve kadınlarda haftalık ortalama çalışma süresi değerleri yaklaşık aynı kalırken, tam zamanlı çalışan erkeklerde yaklaşık 7 saat ve kadınlarda 4 saatlik düşmeler göstermiştir., The aim of this study is to determine the average working hours of household workers in Turkey according to their gender, and to make a descriptive analysis of the causes of changes according to years and some variables. The data used in the study were obtained from the applications of the Household Labor Force Survey conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute for the years 2000 - 2018, and tables and graphs were created according to the year and gender variables to describe these data. The created table and graphic data were analyzed first for the general group and then for the subgroups formed according to the independent variables, and discussed in the light of the relevant literature. When the results obtained from the research are examined, it has been determined that there is a decrease of 5.3 hours in average weekly working hours in 2018 compared to 2000 in general. When this weekly average working time change between 2000 and 2018 is analyzed on the basis of gender, it is observed that although the decreasing trend is common in both gender groups, it is observed that there is a higher decrease in men (5.2 hours) compared to the decrease in women (3 hours). When examining the average weekly working time differences between the sexes according to marital status, a decreasing trend was observed in general. When the differences in average weekly working hours according to education levels on the basis of genders are examined, it is observed that the difference in favor of men gradually decreases as the education level increases. While the average weekly working time values for part-time working men and women remained approximately the same, it decreased by approximately 7 hours for full-time working men and 4 hours for women.
- Published
- 2022
26. OECD Ülkelerinde Büyüme ve Dış Ticaretin Toplam İşgücüne Etkisi: İki Aşamalı GMM Yöntemi
- Author
Yüksel Okşak, Tufan Saritaş, and Sarıtaş, Tufan
- Subjects
İşgücü,Büyüme,İhracat,İthalat,GMM ,İhracat ,Import ,Economics ,Labor Force ,İthalat ,Export ,GMM ,Growth ,General Medicine ,İşgücü ,İktisat ,Büyüme - Abstract
Bu çalışmada yıllık veriler yardımıyla 2000-2018 periyodu için OECD üyesi 36 ülkede, büyüme ve dış ticaretin, işgücü üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Toplam işgücü miktarı, dolar bazında 2010 fiyatlarıyla kişi başı GSYİH, dolar bazında 2010 fiyatlarıyla mal ve hizmet ihracatı, dolar bazında 2010 fiyatlarıyla mal ve hizmet ithalatı, GSYİH’nin yüzdesi olarak brüt sabit sermaye oluşumu ve nüfus artış oranının kullanıldığı çalışmada, Arelano ve Bond tarafından geliştirilen iki aşamalı GMM yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca dış ticaret; ithalat ve ihracat olarak ayrı ayrı temsil edilmiştir. Yedi farklı modelin kurgulandığı analiz sonuçlarında ise; büyüme, ihracat ve ithalatın, işgücünü pozitif şekilde etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca tüm modellerde birer kontrol değişkeni olarak kullanılan, brüt sabit sermaye oluşumu ve nüfus artışının da işgücü üzerinde pozitif yönlü bir etki bıraktığı saptanmıştır. In this study, the effect of growth and foreign trade on the workforce was investigated in 36 OECD countries for the annual data period of 2000-2018. In the study prepared by using total labor amount, GDP per capita in 2010 prices in dollar terms, exports of goods and services in 2010 prices in dollar terms, import of goods and services in 2010 prices in dollar terms, gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP and population growth rate; The two-stage GMM method developed by Arelano and Bond has been applied. In addition, it is represented separately as foreign trade, import and export. In the results of the analysis where seven different models were constructed; It was concluded that growth, exports and imports positively affect the workforce. In addition, gross fixed capital formation and population growth, which are used as control variables in all models, have also had a positive effect on the workforce.
- Published
- 2021
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27. Türkiye’de genç yetişkin kadınların işgücü durumuna yönelik bir inceleme
- Author
GÖRKEY, Selda, ÇAĞLI KAYNAK, Elif, Işık Üniversitesi, İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Ekonomi (İktisat) Bölümü, Işık University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Görkey, Selda, İstanbul Kent Üniversitesi, Fakülteler, İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü, and Çağlı Kaynak, Elif
- Subjects
Genç yetişkin kadınlar ,Employment ,Genç yetişkinler ,İstihdam ,Labor force ,Kadın Araştırmaları ,Women ,Women's Studies ,İşgücü ,Kadınlar ,Genç Yetişkinler ,Genç Yetişkin Kadınlar ,Young adult women ,Young adults - Abstract
Gençlikten yetişkinliğe geçiş aşamasında olan bireylerin oluşturduğu genç yetişkinler, genellikle işgücüne yeni katılmış ya da katılmak üzere olduklarından birtakım sorunlarla karşılaşırlar. Bu sorunlar cinsiyet bazında incelendiğinde, kadınların bu süreçte daha fazla güçlükle karşılaştığı görülür. Genç yetişkin kadınlar, öncelikle kadın işgücünün karşılaştığı hane içi sorumluluklar nedeniyle kadın istihdamının ikincil olarak görülmesi problemiyle yüzleşmektedir. Bu durumun da etkisiyle, doğurganlık çağında olan genç yetişkin kadınların sıklıkla çocuk sahibi olma ile işgücünde bulunma arasında tercih yapmaları gerekmektedir. Türkiye’de kadın işgücüne ait problemler ve genç işgücünün karşılaştıkları problemlerin kronikleşerek ileri yaş gruplarına yansıması, işgücünde genç yetişkin kadınların ayrı bir grup olarak incelenmesini önemli hale getirmektedir. Türkiye’de, 25-34 yaş grubundaki genç yetişkin kadınlara ilk kez yönelerek, bu grubun işgücü durumunu makro açıdan araştırmayı amaçlayan çalışma, konuya ilişkin bir durum tespiti yapmayı ve politika önerilerinde bulunmayı hedeflemektedir. Türkiye’de genç yetişkin kadınlarda işgücüne katılım ve istihdam oranları erkeklere göre daha düşük, işsizlik oranı ise daha yüksektir. Yarı-zamanlı çalışanlar içinde, özellikle 30-34 yaş grubunda, kadınların oranı erkeklere göre çok daha yüksek olup; aradaki fark giderek artmaktadır. İstihdamın sektörel dağılımı, genç yetişkin kadınların oldukça büyük bir kısmının hizmetler sektöründe istihdam edildiğini; eğitim düzeyinin incelenmesi ise işgücünde aktif genç yetişkin kadınların yarısından fazlasının yükseköğretim mezunu olduğunu göstermektedir. Dolayısıyla, genç yetişkin kadınların erkeklere kıyasla daha nitelikli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Çalışma ile son olarak, genç yetişkin kadınlara yönelik bakım yükünü azaltarak işgücüne katılımı arttırmayı ve işsizliği azaltmayı hedefleyen çeşitli politikalar önerilmiştir. Constituted by the individuals in the transformation process from the youth to adulthood, young adults experience some challenges in the labor force as they are either newcomers to or are about to enter the labor market. An examination of these challenges from the gender perspective shows that women encounter problems to a larger extent compared to men in this process. Because household labor is asymmetrically laid on women, young adult women face the perception that women’s employment is considered to be secondary. As a result of this; young adult women, who are at the fertility age, mostly face a trade-off between bearing a child and being in the labor force. In addition to such challenges experienced by the women in Turkey, the chronic labor market problems for the youth that are then reflected in the further age groups also makes it crucial to examine the labor market status of young adult women as a separate group. Accordingly, this study aims to examine the 25-34 aged young adult women in the labor force for the first time in Turkey by focusing on the macro perspective and offer policy recommendations. The labor force participation and employment rates of young adult women are lower than men in the same age group in Turkey, while the unemployment rate is higher. The share of women in total part-time workers, particularly in the 30-34 age group, is extremely higher than men and the gap keeps widening. The sectoral composition of employment shows that a remarkably high share of young adult women is employed in the services sector, and the examination of educational attainment indicates that more than half of the young adult women that are active in the labor force have a tertiary level of education in Turkey. Accordingly, the study finds out that young adult females are more qualified than their male counterparts. Finally, the study offers some policy recommendations that aim to decrease unemployment and increase labor force participation of young adult women by adjusting care duties. Publisher's Version
- Published
- 2022
28. The Association Between the Labor Force and Socio-Economic forces in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from a VECM approach
- Author
DIRIR, Sadık Aden
- Subjects
İş Gücü ,Sahra Altı Afrika ,VECM modeli ,sosyo-ekonomik güçler ,Eğitim Erişimi ,Economics ,Labor Force ,Sub-Saharan Africa ,Education Access ,socio-economics forces ,VECM model ,İktisat - Abstract
1960'larda bağımsızlığını kazanmasından bu yana, Afrika ülkelerinde eğitim önemli ölçüde arttı. Birçok ekonomik alanı ilerletmek ve modernize etmek için insan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesine acil vurgu yapıldı. Sonuç olarak, eğitim, ekonomik kalkınma için kritik bir uzman ve uzman kitlesinin oluşturulmasına yardımcı olan daha fazla sayıda vasıflı iş gücü ürettiği için bir kalkınma aracı olarak görülüyordu. Bu çalışmada, Sahra Altı Afrika'da 2000-2020 yılları arasında işgücü ile sosyo-ekonomik güçler arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırdık. okuryazarlık oranı, ekonomik büyüme, devlet harcamaları ve orta öğretim düzeyine ilerleme gibi güçlü ve açıklayıcı faktörler. Dahası, tek yönlü mü yoksa çift yönlü bir ilişki olup olmadığı sonucuna varmak için değişkenler arasındaki nedenselliği ayırt ettik. Bulgular, kısa vadede sosyoekonomik güçlerin işgücü üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olmadığını göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, uzun vadeli sonuçlar, ekonomik büyümenin ve orta öğretim düzeyine ilerlemenin işgücü üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bununla birlikte, Sahra Altı Afrika hükümetinin harcamaları işgücü üzerinde olumsuz bir etki yarattı. Son olarak, okuryazarlık oranı, Afrika'daki işgücünü belirlemek için okuryazarlık oranının ne kadar önemsiz olduğunu gösteren önemsiz bir etki sergiledi. Ayrıca bulgular, yöneticilere, akademisyenlere ve yasa koyuculara, işgücünden yararlanmak ve işgücü, istihdam, istihdam ve sosyal güvenlik ile ilgili mevcut politika ve reformları yükseltmek için uzmanlık alanlarında veya ilgilendikleri ülkelerde gerekli olan uygun önlem türlerini belirlemede yardımcı olacaktır. ve iş piyasası., Since gaining independence in the 1960s, education has dramatically increased in African nations. Immediate emphasis was placed on human resource development to advance and modernize many economic areas. As a result, education was seen as a development instrument since it produced a larger number of skilled workforces, which helped to build a critical mass of experts and specialists for economic development. In this study, we explored the association between the labor force and socio-economic forces in Sub-Saharan Africa from the period 2000 to 2020. A vector error correction model was exercised to observe the long-run and short-term cointegration between the labor force and explanatory factors such as literacy rate, economic growth, government expenditure, and progression to the secondary school level. What’s more, we discerned the causality among the variables to conclude if there is a unidirectional or bidirectional relationship. The findings demonstrated that in the short run socioeconomic forces do not have any considerable impact on the labor force. Nonetheless, the long-run results revealed that economic growth and progression to the secondary education level have a positive impact on the labor force. Whilst, the Sub-Saharan African government’s expenditure presented a negative impact on the labor force. Last but not least, the literacy rate exhibited an insignificant impact which suggests how inconsequential the literacy rate is to determine the labor force in Africa. Further, the findings will assist managers, scholars, and lawmakers in identifying the appropriate types of measures required in their fields of expertise or countries of interest in order to capitalize on the labor force and upgrade the current policies and reforms concerning the workforce, employment, and job market.
- Published
- 2022
29. İç Göç – İşgücü İlişkisinin Panel Veri Yöntemiyle Analizi (2008-2019)
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- Subjects
Social ,Internal Migration ,Labor Force ,Social Change ,Panel Data ,Göç ,İşgücü ,Toplumsal Değişme ,Panel Veri ,Sosyal - Abstract
Migration movements, which started with the history of humanity, are considered as a displacement movement, no matter how its cause, shape or result is analyzed. In the magnificent expression of Kemal Karpat, when the subject is Turkey at the point of migration movements; “Everyone knows, or thinks they know, that Turkey is one of the countries most affected by migration, both in history and today; but he finds it difficult to grasp its importance.” In particular, some types of migration movements come to the fore in different periods of history, while others are ignored.In this study, which aims to examine the relationship between internal migration and labor, internal migration movements, which have been ignored in recent years, will be centered. The effects and results of internal migration movements analyzed by panel data method on the labor force will be evaluated, and the effects of these movements, which are evaluated together with unemployment, employment and labor force participation rates, on social change will be examined., İnsanlık tarihi ile birlikte başlatılan göç hareketleri, sebebi, şekli veya sonucu ne şekilde analiz edilecek olursa olsun bir yer değiştirme hareketi olarak ele alınmaktadır. Göç hareketleri noktasında özne Türkiye olduğu zaman Kemal Karpat’ın muhteşem ifadesiyle; “Türkiye’nin hem tarihte hem bugün göçlerden en fazla etkilenen ülkelerden biri olduğunu herkes bilir veya bildiğini düşünür; fakat önemini kavramakta güçlük çeker.” Özellikle göç hareketlerinin bazı çeşitleri tarihin farklı dönemlerinde ön plana çıkmakta, diğer bazıları göz ardı edilmektedir. İç göç – işgücü ilişkisini incelemeyi amaç edinen bu çalışmada son yıllarda göz ardı edilen iç göç hareketleri merkeze alınacaktır. Panel veri yöntemiyle analiz edilen iç göç hareketlerinin işgücüne etkisi ve sonuçları değerlendirilecek, işsizlik, istihdam ve işgücüne katılma oranları ile birlikte değerlendirilen bu hareketlerin toplumsal değişmeye etkisi incelenecektir.
- Published
- 2022
30. Female Human Capital and Economic Growth in Sudan: Empirical Evidence for Women’s Empowerment
- Author
Elwasila Saeed Elamin Mohamed
- Subjects
General Medicine ,female ,education ,health ,labor force ,women empowerment ,NARDL ,Sudan - Abstract
Human capital in general spurs economic growth. Female human capital in terms of education and health in particular is important for economic growth in countries where poverty and gender inequalities are pervasive, such as Sudan. This study aimed to investigate the role of female human capital in economic growth in Sudan, together with female labor force participation and women’s participation in the national parliament. The study applied a basic autoregressive distributed lag model ARDL and a nonlinear (NARDL) accounting for structural breaks to time-series data over the period 1975–2021. The bounds tests revealed that female human capital variables and economic growth have a long-run equilibrium relationship. The empirical results revealed that female human capital has a negative effect on gross national income per capita (GNIP). However, female labor participation was found to have a significant positive effect on economic growth in both models. Prevalence of HIV/AIDS among women of age 14–25 has a significant negative effect on economic growth, which is likely also reflecting the negative effect of female human capital. Results also showed that women’s participation in the parliament has positive and significant effect on economic growth in the short run only. The study argues for enhancing female human capital via female enrollment in education and through the promotion of women’s health, including combatting HIV/AIDS. Effective female labor participation can be enhanced through reductions in women’s vulnerability in employment and increasing their work in waged formal sectors. Women’s political empowerment could foster long-term growth, but its quality aspects must be ascertained.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Digital platforms as the dominant vector of the global labor market development
- Author
Natalia Petrovskaya
- Subjects
global trends ,personnel marketing ,telework ,employment ,digital labor platforms ,Management. Industrial management ,labor market ,HD28-70 ,labor force - Abstract
The article considers digital labor platforms – virtual spaces where the organization of labor is carried out and social relations are formed according to certain rules. The study uses logical, economic-statistical and systematic methods of cognition. The COVID-19 pandemic has created additional impulses to increase the workforce employed using digital labor platforms. In fact, digital platforms have developed their own business model and have begun to form the dominant vector of development of the global labor market. The platforms carry both employment opportunities and challenges. Employment does not always save millions of workers from extreme poverty.The author highlights the lack of social guarantees, including hospital, medical and other types of insurance, including pension plans as one of the key problems of employment on digital labor platforms. To a large extent, the platforms rely on the labor of employees who are classified as “self-employed” or “independent contractors”, but not “employed workers”. This is one of the fundamental shifts that has far-reaching implications for the future of work. The transformation of labor relations is of long-term nature and requires the creation of new mechanisms that ensure the interaction of the parties to labor relations and their representatives in the new economic reality.
- Published
- 2021
32. Key Assessment Indicators of Infrastructure for the Sustainability of Economic Development: An Empirical Investigation of Pakistan
- Author
Nazia Nasir, Aiman Javaid, Tahira Qasim Bano, and Hina Ali
- Subjects
HF5001-6182 ,Gross Domestic Product ,Labor Force ,Sustainability ,Key (cryptography) ,Business ,Gross Fixed Capital Formation ,Health Expenditures ,Total Generation of Electricity ,Environmental planning - Abstract
This study addresses the linkage between the gross domestic product and infrastructure in Pakistan. The time frame taken for this study is from 1977-2019. The information utilized in this study is taken from reliable sources; World Bank. ARDL method is utilized in this study with the assistance of E-VIEWS 10 programming. To consider the effect of infrastructure on GDP; the factors are utilized, for example, gross fixed capital formation, health expenditures, total generation age of power, life expectancy, and government expenditure on education. These factors are utilized as the intermediary of the framework. Gross Domestic Product is taken as the dependent variable while net fixed capital arrangement, health consumption, complete age of power, future, and government uses on schooling are taken as autonomous factors in this paper. The consequences of this study show that the gross fixed capital formation, wellbeing consumption, and workforce have a positive connection to GDP. Then again, the total generation of electricity and government expenditures on schooling adversely affect the economy of Pakistan. The infrastructure is one of the principals and fundamental variables for the improvement of the economy of Pakistan. The helpless state of infrastructure in Pakistan is probably the greatest deterrent in the advancement of the country. The public authority should zero in on the upgrading of the approaches in regards to the infrastructure area, for instance; enhancements in the health sector, progression in the energy area, abilities advancement preparing places for the workforce, and upgrades in the schooling area. All the previously mentioned steps can assist with improving economic development through infrastructural improvement.
- Published
- 2021
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33. 観光業に対するCOVI-19パンデミックのインパクト
- Author
Nyamsuren, ULZIIKHAND and Bat, GEREL
- Subjects
景気後退 ,economic downturn ,パンデミック ,pandemic ,観光関連産業 ,tourism ,観光 ,tourism subsectors ,労働力 ,labor force - Abstract
新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のパンデミックは、観光業に未曾有の危機をもたらした。モンゴル国家統計局の統計によると、2019年において、観光業企業は企業数全体の1.3%を占め、前年の成長率は18.2%であり、GDP の0.2%を生み出した。COVID-19の発生により、2019年度末から3500人(主に女性労働者)が失業した。国境閉鎖により、第2四半期に外国人観光客のモンゴル入国が完全に停止し、モンゴルの観光部門は6423億トゥグルグの収入を失った。また、コロナショックは、民間航空、手工芸品、娯楽、ホテル、ケータリング、食品、アルコール、飲料といった産業にも深刻な影響を及ぼした。航空輸送の経済損失は特に大きく、収入は前年同期比で980億トゥグルグ減少し(83.9%減)、188億トゥグルグとなった。ホテル産業の収入は前年同期比で455億トゥグルグ減少し(39.2%減)、705億(39.2%)となった。この状況に対応するために、観光業だけではなく、直接・間接に関連する企業も対象とした支援体制を整え、法律面での改革を進めることが必要不可欠である。, The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has caused an unprecedented crisis for the tourism sector. According to the National Statistics Office of Mongolia, in 2019 tourism companies shared 1.3% in the total number of companies in Mongolia; the tourism sector grew by 18.2% and produced 0.2% of GDP. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, as many as 3500 employees, mostly male workers, have lost their jobs since the end of fiscal year 2019. The border closure completely stopped the flow of foreign tourists into Mongolia during the second quarter, resulting in an income loss of 642.3 billion MNT. Simultaneously, the Corona Shock deeply affected related industries such as civil aviation, crafts, entertainment, hotel, catering, food, alcohol, and beverages. Especially strong financial losses are observed in air transportation, with its revenue reduced by 98.0 billion MNT (83.9% year-on-year) to 18.8 billion MNT compared to the same period of the previous year; the hotel and accommodation sector saw revenue plummet by 45.5 billion MNT (39.2% year-on-year) to 70.5 billion MNT in the first half of 2020 when compared to figures for 2019. Under this situation, it is essential to develop a system that supports and reforms the legal environment and is aimed not only to tourism companies but also to industries related directly or otherwise.
- Published
- 2021
34. Analisis Pengaruh Angkatan Kerja, Angka Melek Huruf, Angka Putus Sekolah Dalam Disparitas Anggaran Pendidikan
- Author
Novi Ani Ajeng Saputri, Bambang Ismanto, and Tri Nugroho Budi Santoso
- Subjects
Literacy Rate ,Dropouts Rate ,Labor Force ,Education Budget - Abstract
The study aims to determine the effect of the labor force on the education budget, between the literacy rate on the education budget, and between the dropouts rate on the education budget. This research is a quantitative study with multiple linear regression analysis using the Eviews 11 application. The secondary data used is sourced from the Central Statistics Agency, the Ministry of Education and Culture Data Statistics, and the 2015-2019 Regional Education Balance. Partially, the results state that the labor force has a positive and significant effect on the education budget, the literacy rate has a positive and significant effect on the education budget, and the dropouts rate has a negative but not significant effect on the education budget. Furthermore, there is a significant simultaneous effect between the labor force, literacy rate, dropouts rate on education budget disparities.
- Published
- 2022
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35. Mercado de trabajo agrícola en Brasil: Evolución y características de los ocupados en el medio rural (1991-2010)
- Author
Sakamoto, Camila Strobl and Maia, Alexandre Gori
- Subjects
Mercado de trabalho ,Labor force ,Force de travail ,Rural worker ,Mercado de trabalho agrícola ,Trabalhador rural ,Labor market ,Marché du travail agricole ,Fuerza de trabajo ,Mercado de trabajo ,Travailleur rural ,Agricultural labor market ,Força de trabalho ,Mercado de trabajo agrícola ,Trabajador rural ,Marché du travail - Abstract
In parallel with institutional changes in rural Brazil, agriculture has undergone significant changes in recent decades. This paper aims to analyze the evolution of agricultural workers in rural areas in Brazil between 1991 and 2010. Based on data from the Demographic Census, the results highlight that the number of agricultural workers decreased in the first decade analyzed, followed by a recovery in the second period. In the 2000s the increase in agricultural employees was widespread among rural areas and women's insertion in the agricultural labor market filled a large part of the demand for labor in the sector. On the other hand, the number of agricultural employers dropped sharply, which may reveal the difficulties faced by small farmers. Finally, it is important to highlight that the understanding of the variability of agricultural workers in rural areas must consider local demographic contexts and their perspectives. Paralelamente a los cambios institucionales en el medio rural brasileño, el sector agrícola brasileño ha experimentado profundas transformaciones productivas en las últimas décadas. Este artículo evalúa la evolución de la población de las zonas rurales que trabaja en el sector agrícola a partir de los datos de los Censos Demográficos de 1991, 2000 y 2010. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que hubo un descenso del número de ocupantes agrícolas en la década de 1990 y un aumento en la década de 2000. La generación de empleo agrícola en la década de 2000 abarcó una gran parte de las zonas rurales. También aumentó la inserción de las mujeres en el mercado laboral agrícola rural, satisfaciendo en gran medida la demanda de mano de obra del sector. Por otra parte, el número de empresarios agrícolas disminuyó significativamente, un fenómeno que puede estar asociado a la mayor vulnerabilidad de los pequeños productores y a la mayor concentración del sector. Por último, es importante destacar que la comprensión de la evolución de la población agrícola rural debe tener en cuenta la dinámica demográfica local y sus perspectivas. Parallèlement aux changements institutionnels dans les zones rurales brésiliennes, le secteur agricole brésilien a subi de profondes transformations productives au cours des dernières décennies. Cet article évalue l'évolution de la population des zones rurales travaillant dans le secteur agricole à partir des données des recensements démographiques de 1991, 2000 et 2010. Les résultats mettent en évidence une baisse du nombre d'occupants agricoles dans les années 1990 et une augmentation dans les années 2000. La création d'emplois agricoles dans les années 2000 a couvert une grande partie des zones rurales. L'insertion des femmes sur le marché du travail agricole rural a également augmenté, répondant largement à la demande de main-d'œuvre dans ce secteur. À son tour, le nombre d'employeurs agricoles a sensiblement diminué, un phénomène qui peut être associé à une plus grande vulnérabilité des petits producteurs et à une concentration accrue dans le secteur. Enfin, il est important de souligner que la compréhension de l'évolution de la population agricole rurale doit tenir compte de la dynamique démographique locale et de ses perspectives. Em paralelo às mudanças institucionais do meio rural brasileiro, o setor agropecuário brasileiro passou por profundas transformações produtivas nas últimas décadas. Este artigo avalia a evolução da população de áreas rurais ocupada no setor agrícola com base nos dados dos Censos Demográficos de 1991, 2000 e 2010. Os resultados destacam que houve queda do número de ocupados agrícolas nos anos 1990 e aumento nos anos 2000. A geração do emprego agrícola nos anos 2000 abrangeu boa parte das áreas rurais. Aumentou também a inserção das mulheres no mercado de trabalho agrícola rural, atendendo em grande medida a demanda por mão de obra no setor. Por outro lado, diminuiu significativamente o número de empregadores agrícolas, fenômeno que pode estar associado à maior vulnerabilidade dos pequenos produtores e aumento da concentração no setor. Por fim, é importante destacar que a compreensão da evolução da população agrícola rural deve considerar a dinâmica demográfica local e suas perspectivas.
- Published
- 2022
36. Economic growth and unemployment linkage in a developing economy: a gender and age classification perspective
- Author
Wilfred I. Ukpere, Ann I. Ogbo, Ebere Ume Kalu, and Chinwe Achike
- Subjects
Information Systems and Management ,Index (economics) ,Sociology and Political Science ,Public Administration ,bound test ,Strategy and Management ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Nigeria ,Developing country ,error correction model ,Linkage (mechanical) ,lcsh:Business ,law.invention ,Age and gender ,law ,0502 economics and business ,Economics ,Business and International Management ,Publication ,labor force ,media_common ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Perspective (graphical) ,General Business, Management and Accounting ,ARDL ,Unemployment ,050211 marketing ,Demographic economics ,lcsh:HF5001-6182 ,business ,Law ,050203 business & management - Abstract
This paper examined the growth and unemployment linkage from a gender-classification perspective using the Nigerian economic environment. The autoregressive distributed lag model in its baseline form, the bound test, and error correction representation were used as the estimation approach. Annualized time series spanning 1981 to 2017 were used for the variables of interest. Generally, it was found that female unemployment has a positive significant influence on GDP growth rate in Nigeria, while youth unemployment negatively and significantly influences GDP. It was also found that male unemployment does not significantly affect the GDP growth rate in Nigeria. In the long run, the main variables influencing GDP growth rate within the context of this study include unemployment rate, ratio of labor force size to the national population, female unemployment rate, and youth unemployment rate. The error correction representation and the bound test estimates confirm that growth adjusts to the dynamics of the studied unemployment variables. The study advocates for an increase in government capital expenditure, as this is theoretically and practically known to create new jobs. This spending should go into real and core productive sectors that would create upstream and downstream jobs opportunities.
- Published
- 2021
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37. Promoting Female Participation in the Labor Market in Vietnam and Japan
- Author
Nhat Anh, Phan Cao
- Subjects
human resources ,Japan ,Vietnam ,gender ,women ,reproductive and urinary physiology ,labor force - Abstract
Facilitating women's participation in the labor force is a significant social issue in Vietnam and Japan today. There are various socio-economic factors that prevent women from joining the labor force in both the countries. The governments in Vietnam and Japan, want women to develop their capacities and contribute to the development of the country. Both countries have introduced policies to eradicate gender inequality and promote women's participation in the labor market. This paper explores the current situation regarding the participation of women in the labor market. The questions that arise is, what are the main causes that prevent women from entering the labor market? In the context of population aging today, Japan has implemented many measures to promote women's participation in the labor market. The paper also highlights the similarities and differences between Japan's and Vietnam's female labor-force participation.
- Published
- 2020
38. Macroeconomic determinants of economic growth using panel data analysis
- Author
Naglaa A. Morad and Seham F. Ibrahim
- Subjects
Inflation ,media_common.quotation_subject ,fdi ,Foreign direct investment ,lcsh:Business ,economic growth ,lcsh:HD28-9999 ,gdp ,lcsh:Industries. Land use. Labor ,government expenditures ,Unit root test ,Econometrics ,Economics ,inflation ,panel data analysis ,lcsh:HF5001-6182 ,exports ,media_common ,Panel data ,labor force ,unit root test - Abstract
This study aims to identify the most important determinants of economic growth in a sample of six countries from the Middle East and North Africa region. Two of which are from high-income countries, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, and two of the highest middle-income countries, Jordan and Lebanon, and two from lower Middle income, namely Egypt and Morocco. They were chosen in addition to the classification of income groups, based on data available to sample countries during the period 2001-2017. Augmented-Dickey-Fuller, a test of stationary of endogenous and exogenous variables, and Granger Causality Analysis were used to infer the causal relationship between these variables and economic growth. By applying Panel Data Analysis, according to Hausman Test, and by comparison between the fixed and random effect models, the results showed a preference for the random effect model. The results showed that the employment rate, foreign direct investment, gross national income, government expenditure, and inflation were among the most important in determining economic growth in the region during that period. All of them had a significant and positive impact on economic growth, except for the rate of growth in gross national income, which negatively affected the rate of economic growth. The pairwise Granger Causality showed that unidirectional causality is running from foreign direct investment Gross Domestic Product growth rates, from both Gross Capital Formation growth rates and Imports growth rates to Employment Ratio. Unidirectional causality also runs from both of Exports growth rates, Gross Capital Formation growth rates, Imports growth rates to Foreign Direct Investment as a percent of Gross Domestic Product. There is also unidirectional causality from foreign direct investment and imports to unemployment.
- Published
- 2020
39. Hayvancılık İşletmelerinde Yemleme Robotu Operasyonu ve İşgücü Analizi
- Author
Dursun Yenal Erzurumlu and Burak Şen
- Subjects
Animal health ,business.industry ,Process (engineering) ,Yield (finance) ,lcsh:S ,Distribution (economics) ,Milking robot ,General Medicine ,Environmental economics ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Automation ,lcsh:Agriculture ,Distribution system ,feed mixing ,herd management ,Robot ,feed wagon ,feeding robot ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,business ,labor force - Abstract
Günümüz koşullarında, hayvancılık işletmelerinin ve işletmecilerin karşılaştığı en büyük sorunlardan biri, işletme kapasitesini büyütmek için nitelikli ve güvenilir iş gücü temini ve bunun getirdiği maliyet sorunlarıdır. Buna paralel olarak yem hazırlama ve dağıtımı ile ilgili iş gücü, zaman ve maliyet sorunları da işletmeler için önem taşımaktadır. Hayvancılıkta yemleme işlemi günlük çalışmalar içerisinde önemli bir yer tutar. Kullanılan yem, bunun sevki ve idaresi hayvan sağlığını ve işletme verimini etkileyen en önemli faktörlerdendir. Bu çalışmada, durumun önemi göz önüne alındığında, yem hazırlama ve yem dağıtım ile ilgili iş gücü, zaman ve sürü yönetimi sorunları için çözüm olabilecek ve ülkemizde kullanımı yaygın olmayan ve henüz tanınmayan yemleme robotu hakkında operasyon bilgileri verilmiş, sürü yönetimi üzerine etkileri belirlenmiş ve geleneksel yem hazırlama ve dağıtma sistemleri ile karşılaştırılması sonucunda iş gücü ve zaman analizleri yapılmıştır. Özellikle yüksek kapasiteli işletmelerde, yemleme robotu aracılığıyla sağlanan otomasyonun klasik sistemler ile karşılaştırıldığında iş gücünden %75 oranında, zaman girdisi konusunda ise 13,75 kat tasarruf olanağı çıkan sonuçların en önemlilerindendir. Bunun yanı sıra modern işletmelerde kullanılan süt sağım robotu gibi diğer otomasyon içeren işler için de bir destek unsuru ve sürü yönetimi olarak bütünleyici bir etkisi olduğu çıkan diğer bir önemli sonuçtur.
- Published
- 2020
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40. Study Regarding the Effects of Demographic Transition on Labor Market and Public Pension System in Central and Eastern Europe
- Author
Baltes Nicolae and Jimon Stefania Amalia
- Subjects
demography ,Entrepreneurship ,HF5001-6182 ,Social Psychology ,05 social sciences ,Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) ,050301 education ,Demographic transition ,central and eastern europe ,public pension systems ,Political science ,0502 economics and business ,Public pension ,Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) ,Business ,Demographic economics ,050207 economics ,Business management ,0503 education ,labor force - Abstract
Population and the quality of labor force are the “strengths” features’ that ensure socio-economic development of a country. The last decades can be characterized as a transitional period, in which countries of European Union and especially the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are facing a demographic decline. Reduced birth rate, ageing and migration are factors’ which create a lot of pressure, both on labor market and public pension systems, items correlated with the population structure. In this paper we have presented the demographic situation and the size of migration in five countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The direct linkage between population structure, labor market and public pension systems represents, in transitional context, a threat to budget sustainability, especially in Romania. We consider that the reformation has to be adjusted with the new socio-economic conditions, finding new solutions for increasing birth rate, decreasing the “exodus” of young population and stimulating economic activities.
- Published
- 2020
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41. Marx, Eugène Buret e a instituição salarial: o trabalho nos manuscritos de 1844
- Author
Wanderson Ferreira Alves
- Subjects
Economia política ,História econômica ,Political economy ,Marx ,Labor force ,Trabalho assalariado ,Economic history ,Wage labor ,Força de trabalho - Abstract
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é discutir o estatuto do trabalho nos Manuscritos Econômico-Filosóficos de 1844 e suas implicações no desenvolvimento político-intelectual de Marx. Trata-se de um estudo teórico cujo objeto é o tema do trabalho-mercadoria no século XIX e o desenvolvimento da concepção de trabalho na obra de Marx. Para tanto, juntamente com o apoio de uma bibliografia de base sobre o tema, recorre ao exame de alguns aspectos da concepção de trabalho ao longo do desenvolvimento do pensamento de Marx e procura relacioná-los com as questões trazidas por Eugène Buret a respeito do estatuto mercantil do trabalho. O estudo evidencia a constituição de conceitos fundamentais em Marx, as dificuldades que este encontrou para bem distinguir o que se apresentava sob a rubrica de “trabalho” e alguns de seus impasses. Abstract The purpose of this article is to discuss the status of work in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and its implications for Marx’s political-intellectual development. It is a theoretical study that focuses on the theme of labor as a commodity in the 19th century and the development of the conception of labor in Marx’s works. To this end, together with the support of a basic bibliography on the subject, it examines some aspects of the conception of labor throughout the development of Marx’s thoughts and seeks to relate them to the questions raised by Eugène Buret regarding the commercial status of labor. The study highlights the constitution of fundamental concepts in Marx, the difficulties he encountered in characterizing what was presented under the rubric of “labor” and some of his impasses.
- Published
- 2022
42. 2000-2020 Yılları Arasında G7 Ülkeleri ve Türkiye’nin İşgücü Piyasası Yapısının ve Aktif İşgücü Piyasası Politikalarının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
- Author
KOCA, Didem
- Subjects
Endüstriyel İlişkiler ve İşgücü ,Labor force ,Employment ,Active labor market policies ,Unemployment ,Demographic structure ,İşgücü ,istihdam ,Aktif işgücü piyasası politikaları ,İşsizlik ,Demografik yapı ,Industrial Relations and Labor - Abstract
The population dynamics in the G7 countries, which represent the seven most developed countries in the world, differ from those in Turkiye. To what extent does this differentiation reflect in their labor market structure and active labor market policies This study descriptively analyzes the labor market structure and ALMPs of the G7 countries and Turkiye for the years 2000-2020 within the scope of this question, which constitutes the basic dynamic of the research. The study aims to analyze the potentials of the G7 countries and Turkiye, which attract attention with regard to changes in their population structures between 2000-2020 and to analyze which countries stand out in terms of active labor market policies with respect to various variables and their advantages and disadvantages in light of the general characteristics of these countries’ labor markets. According to the study results, ALMPs differ with respect to countries’ labor force dynamics. When evaluating active labor market policies according to countries’ GDP, France is seen to excel in education, direct job creation, and job placement practices; Italy in its employment incentives; Germany its job placement practices; and Japan and UK in their workforce skills activation. The most common ALMPs implemented in Turkiye involves training programs., Dünyanın en gelişmiş yedi ülkesini temsil eden G7 ülkelerinde çalışma çağındaki nüfus hızla azalmakta ve 65 yaş üstü nüfus ise giderek artmaktadır. Türkiye’nin demografik yapısı incelendiğinde ise hem çalışma çağındaki nüfusunun hem de 65 yaş üstü nüfusun artış eğiliminde olduğu görülmektedir. G7 ülkeleri ile Türkiye’nin demografik yapısında yaşanan bu farklılaşma, işgücü piyasası yapısına ve Aktif İşgücü Piyasası Politikalarına (AİPP) ne ölçüde yansımaktadır? Araştırmanın temel dinamiğini oluşturan bu soru kapsamında çalışmada, G7 ülkeleri ve Türkiye’nin işgücü piyasasının yapısı ve bu ülkelerde uygulanmakta olan AİPP, 2000- 2020 yılları arasında Dünya Bankası ve OECD aracılığıyla elde edilen veriler ışığında betimsel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, demografik nüfus yapısının değişiminde dikkat çeken ülkelerin potansiyelleri analiz edilerek, hangi ülkelerin hangi istihdam politikalarıyla öne çıktığını, çeşitli değişkenlere göre avantaj ve dezavantajlarının neler olduğunu ülkelerin emek piyasalarının genel özellikleri ışığında geniş bir perspektiften analiz etmektir. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre, AİPP ülkelerin işgücü dinamiklerine göre farklılık göstermektedir. AİPP, ülkelerin GSYİH içindeki payına göre değerlendirildiğinde; Fransa eğitim, doğrudan iş yaratma ve işe yerleştirme uygulamalarında öne çıkan ülke olmuştur. İtalya istihdam teşvikleri, Almanya işe yerleştirme uygulamaları, Japonya ve Birleşik Krallık ise işgücünün becerini etkinleştirmede öne çıkmıştır. Türkiye’de uygulanan en yaygın AİPP eğitim programlarıdır.
- Published
- 2022
- Subjects
праця ,ринок праці ,робоча сила ,зайнятість ,заробітна плата ,генезис ,labor ,labor market ,labor force ,employment ,wages ,genesis - Abstract
In modern transitional conditions, the labor market is one of the most important, complex and changing elements of theeconomy at the micro, meso and macro levels. Its specificity is explained not only by the fact that the interests of employerand employee are intertwined, working conditions, employment and wages are formed, but also by the fact that the labormarket is a generalized indicator of a wide range of socio-economic phenomena and social development processes.The purpose of this article is to study the genesis of the essence of the labor market. Since economic categories are historicalin nature, their essence and interpretation is determined by the socio-historical conditions of a certain stage of human development, it is important to understand what meaning representatives of leading economic schools saw in the labor market. It is important to reveal this content through the prism of the dominant socio-economic ideas of the period and in the context of the basic concepts of the relevant economic schools and areas. Studing the genesis of scientific thought about the essence of the labor market allows to form a comprehensive multidimensional understanding of this concept and its features in today's changing world.The essence, functions, conditions of the labor market formation and functionation are marked by significant controversy, especially in historical retrospect. Therefore, the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the functioning of the modern labor market requires studying the genesis of formation of scientific thought about its content. V.N. Tarasevich says: “To show the genesis of category means, firstly, to determine its genetic basis, origin, sources; secondly, to highlight the stages of its movement, the levels that characterize the process of its deployment from the essence to increasingly specific forms”.A review of the genesis of the essence of the category "labor market" in the main economic schools found that it is a dynamic socio-economic system, which in historical development undergoes significant changes, evolves, and therefore its development is reflected in changing approaches to definition., Стаття присвячена дослідженню історичного процесу трансформації змістовного наповнення категорії «ринок праці». Оскільки економічні категорії мають історичний характер, тобто їхня сутність та трактування визначаються суспільно-історичними умовами певного етапу розвитку людства, то важливо розуміти, який зміст вбачали в ринку праці представники провідних економічних шкіл. Важливо розкривати цей зміст через призму домінуючих соціально-економічних уявлень періоду та в контексті базових концепцій відповідних економічних шкіл та напрямів. Дослідження генезису наукової думки щодо сутності ринку праці дозволяє сформувати комплексне багатовимірне розуміння цього поняття і його особливостей у сучасному мінливому світі.
- Published
- 2022
44. Suriyeli mültecilerin Türkiye’deki çocuk işçiliğine etkileri
- Author
Gockaj, Loris and Akyol, Şaziye Pelin
- Subjects
Child labor ,Working hours ,Labor force ,Child worker ,Syrian refugee - Abstract
Cataloged from PDF version of article. Thesis (Master's): Bilkent University, Department of Economics, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2022. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 39-41). During the last decade, nearly 3.7 million Syrian found refuge in Turkey, making it the largest refugee host country in the world. Different from other refugee-hosting countries, almost all the refugees live in urban areas, which makes it easier for them to benefit from social and economic opportunities. This paper analyzes the impact of Syrian refugees on young (15-17 years) native’s labor mar-ket outcomes using Turkish Household Labor Force Surveys from 2004-2018. We employ a difference-in-difference IV methodology, using the variation in refugees to native ratio and a distance instrument. We find a positive effect on native boys’ employment and no effect on native girls. In addition, there is no effect on child labor and working hours for both males and females, while there is a positive effect on boys’ labor force participation only. Controlling for the heterogeneity of refugee’s effect using household head education level, we find a positive effect on native boy’s employment and labor force participation when the household head is less educated. by Loris Gockaj M.A.
- Published
- 2022
45. Level of Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Its Relationship with Risk for Malnutrition in China’s Adult Labor Force: China Nutrition and Health Surveillance, 2015–2017
- Author
Qiya Guo, Hongyun Fang, Liyun Zhao, Lahong Ju, Xiaoli Xu, and Dongmei Yu
- Subjects
fruits ,vegetable ,labor force ,BMI ,China ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Food Science - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the fruit and vegetable intake status and examine both potential risk and protective action factors in the Chinese labor force population, while investigating the association between fruit and vegetable intake and malnutrition in this population. Data were derived from a population-based cross-sectional survey, the China Nutrition and Health Surveillance, 2015–2017. Sociodemographic information, physical measurements, and dietary intake data were collected. A total of 45,459 survey respondents aged 18–64 years old were included in the analysis. Fruit and vegetable consumption data were assessed by a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and the average daily intake was calculated. In 2015, the daily intake of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and combined fruits and vegetables among the Chinese labor force was 64.3 g, 210.0 g, and 330.0 g (median), respectively. Compared with the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022), 79.9% and 53.0% were at risk of inadequate fruit and vegetable intake, while 55.2% were at risk of inadequate intake of combined fruits and vegetables compared with the WHO recommendation. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that female gender, higher educational level, and higher income were protective factors for adequate fruit intake, while increasing age and living in the southern region were protective factors for adequate vegetable intake. The results confirmed that increasing vegetable intake helped urban labor force maintain normal BMI and control overweight. Increased fruit consumption may reduce the risk of underweight, but no clear negative association with overweight and obesity was observed. In conclusion, the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables by the Chinese labor force was inadequate, especially for fruits. Interventions are needed to promote the daily intake of fruits and vegetables in this population. In addition, further in-depth studies in this area are recommended in populations with different health status.
- Published
- 2023
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46. Tourism, Remittances, and Foreign Investment as Determinants of Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Selected Asian Economies
- Author
Mosab I. Tabash, Suhaib Anagreh, Bilal Haider Subhani, Mamdouh Abdulaziz Saleh Al-Faryan, and Krzysztof Drachal
- Subjects
FDI ,Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) ,international tourism ,Development ,personal remittances ,labor force - Abstract
This research discovers how international tourism affects the economic growth of selected Asian states, e.g., Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, throughout 2001–2019. To attain this objective, we have employed various regression estimation approaches, e.g., Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square (FMOLS) technique. The statistical results of the applied techniques reveal that international tourism activities have a positive and significant effect on the GDP growth rate because such kinds of activities considerably contribute to creating opportunities that lead to hoist economic activities and economic growth. Moreover, an influx of tourism increases tourism activities and operations, which opens further doors to opportunities and generates revenue for the government. Similarly, the GDP per capita has been positively and significantly influenced by international tourism activities. The government and host country should emphasize the activities and operations regarding tourism and should also concentrate on the dynamic role, importance, and sensitivity of tourism operations in under-analyzed economies. This research brings a new arrangement of the variable, which has never been considered in prior literature.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
L. V. Volkov and V. O. Odintsov
- Subjects
Micro level ,Industry 4.0 ,HF5001-6182 ,Emerging technologies ,Modern economy ,Public policy ,commercial banks ,digitalization ,Macro level ,Business ,Economic system ,new technologies ,industry 4.0 ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,coronavirus pandemic ,labor force - Abstract
The modern economy is undergoing a major transformation associated with the digitalization of all spheres of life. The purpose of the article is to show the main trends in the development of the digitalization of the economy and their impact on changes in government policy at the macro level and the behavior of businesses and citizens (both consumers and employees) at the micro level. The influence of digitalization and robotization on changes in the forms of employment of employees is also shown.
- Published
- 2021
48. La notion de 'mobilité' ou la sélection des migrants internationaux: l’exemple canadien
- Author
Helly, Denise and Martani, Ervis
- Subjects
main d’œuvre ,mano de obra ,movilidad ,seleção ,trabalhadores ,selection ,réfugiés ,migration ,refugees ,refugiados ,mobility ,migración ,selección ,globalização ,mondialisation ,sélection ,migração ,globalización ,mobilidade ,mobilité ,globalization ,labor force - Abstract
Le terme “mobilité” est en vogue depuis plus de vingt ans. Le fait d’acteurs publics et privés de la gestion de la migration, il valorise la circulation des mains d’œuvre, produits, informations, capitaux et propose une définition nouvelle de la migration internationale. Elle serait une pratique normale, rationnelle, positive, et l’ingénieur, l’étudiant et le journalier agricole étrangers l’emblématiseraient. Cependant, les politiques migratoires adoptées depuis vingt ans montrent une autre réalité. Nous décrirons ces aspects, discursif et pratique, de la gestion de la migration. O termo “mobilidade” tem estado em voga há mais de vinte anos. Valoriza o aumento da circulação da força de trabalho, dos produtos, da informação e do capital, e propõe uma nova visão da migração internacional. A migração seria uma prática normal, racional e positiva, de que seriam emblemáticos o estudante estrangeiro, o engenheiro e o trabalhador agrícola. Contudo, as políticas de migração adotadas nos últimos vinte anos mostram uma realidade diferente. Descrevemos estes aspetos discursivos e práticos da gestão da migração. The term “mobility” has been in vogue for more than twenty years. It values the increased circulation of the work force, of products, information, and capital, and proposes a new view of international migration. Migration is a normal, rational, and positive practice, epitomized by the foreign student, engineer, and day labourer. Migration policies since the 1990’s show another reality. We will describe and attempt to articulate these two new aspects of migration. El término “movilidad” está de moda desde hace más de veinte años. Valora el aumento de la circulación de la fuerza de trabajo, de los productos, de la información y del capital, y propone una nueva visión de la migración internacional. La migración es una práctica normal, racional y positiva, personificada por el estudiante, el ingeniero y el asalariado agrícola. Las políticas migratorias desde los años 90 muestran otra realidad. Describiremos e intentaremos articular estos dos nuevos aspectos de la migración.
- Published
- 2022
49. A gender story of social disengagement of young adults in Latin America
- Author
Liu, Chia, Castro-Torres, Andrés F., Batyra, Ewa, and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
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Latin America ,Adolescent ,Labor force ,Gender ,Family ,Early parenthood - Abstract
In the recent years, Latin America has seen a large number of young adults who are neither engaged in formal education nor work, commonly dubbed as "nini" ("ni" trabajan "ni" estudian). This study tests the role household structure plays on becoming a nini in 12 Latin American countries. We explore the gender dynamic of human capital stagnation and intergenerational mobility by focusing on early family formation for women and men aged 20-25 using censuses from the Integrated Public-Use Microdata Series (IPUMS-I). Countryspecific linear regression models reveal that the intersection of class and gender is a major determinant of labor force and educational disengagement in the region. Women from lower social origin who leave parental home to enter union and parenthood at younger ages are particularly disadvantaged. Moreover, among those who are active in the labor market, young mothers are less likely to experience upward intergenerational mobility in occupation compared to those who delay childbearing. This work highlights the importance of addressing economic and educational disengagement of early adulthood to foster economic growth and development in the region.
- Published
- 2022
50. The Problem of Youth Unemployment in Russia and Ways to Overcome It
- Author
Panasenko, V. A.
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The article deals with the problem of youth unemployment in Russia. The features of the youth labor force as a commodity in the labor market are studied. The ways of reducing the level of youth unemployment are also considered, ways of improving the state social policy and saturating its sections with youth employment projects are proposed. В статье рассмотрена проблема молодежной безработицы в России. Изучены особенности молодежной рабочей силы как товара на рынке труда. Так же рассмотрены способны и направления снижения уровня молодежной безработицы, предложены пути совершенствования государственной социальной политики и насыщения ее разделов проектами занятости молодежи.
- Published
- 2022
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