The article examines the seminar as a form of studying the disciplines of the literary cycle in higher education; different types and kinds of seminars are singled out, their classifications are given, approximate structure is offered, as well as problem-searching methods: methods of collective problem solving and methods of its independent research, methods of stimulating and motivating students��� educational activity. The author claims that the seminar as a form of studying literature performs a number of functions: perceptual, empathic, cognitive-competence, communicative, plural, interactive, developmental, educational, hedonistic, emotional-value, operational-motivational, design, organizational, stimulating, entertaining, entertaining, entertaining, entertaining, self-realization and self-affirming, singular, facilitative, creative. S. Zhila believes that the seminar may include: interviews with the writer, videos, fragments of feature films and theatrical performances of literary works, reports, stagings, melodic recitations, art reading, audio series: sound his works, songs, operas and musical works of other genres, written by composers on a literary basis, speeches by scientists, memoirs of friends, video series, etc. She emphasizes that teachers of literature in the process of preparing and conducting seminars should optimally apply problem-solving methods to attract students to search, research and creative activities. The author of the article proves that self-development of students��� creative potential is stimulated at literature seminars, which ensures the stability of their artistic knowledge, reading and communication skills, professional skills; national consciousness and self-consciousness, a sense of national dignity, patriotism and responsibility, civic duty and honor, social experience is gained, the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian and other peoples of the world is inherited., {"references":["Kutsevol, O. M. (2011). Metodyka vykladannia ukrainskoi literatury (kreatyvno-innovatsiina stratehiia): [Methods of teaching Ukrainian literature (creative and innovative strategy)]: monohrafiia [monograph]. Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].","Kurliand, Z. N. (2007). Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly: [Higher school pedagogy]: navch. posib. [textbook]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].","Bondar, A. D. (1974). Seminarski zaniattia u vyshchii shkoli [Seminars in high school]. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola [in Ukrainian].","Aleksiuk, A. M. (1998). Pedahohika vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy: Istoriia. Teoriia [Pedagogy of higher education in Ukraine: History. Theory]. Kyiv: Lybid [in Ukrainian].","Fitsula, M. M. (2006). Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly: [Higher school pedagogy]: textbook]. navch. posib. Kyiv: «Akademvydav» [in Ukrainian].","Osypova, Yu., and Medynska, I. (2011). Innovatsiini metody ta formy provedennia seminariv [Innovative methods and forms of seminars]. Osvita. Tekhnikumy, koledzhi – Education. Technical schools, colleges, №1 (28), pp. 28–29 [in Ukrainian].","Panteleeva, L. T. (1998). Tipy seminarskikh zaniatyi v starshykh klasakh [Types of seminars in high school]. Lyteratura v shkole. – Literature at school, 4 [in Russian]."]}