Lobo-Jarne, Teresa, Nývltová, Eva, Pérez-Pérez, Rafael, Timón-Gómez, Alba, Molinié, Thibaut, Choi, Austin, Mourier, Arnaud, Fontanesi, Flavia, Ugalde, Cristina, and Barrientos, Antoni
The mitochondrial respiratory chain is organized in a dynamic set of supercomplexes (SCs). The COX7A2L protein is essential for mammalian SC III2+IV assembly. However, its function in respirasome (SCs I+III2+IVn) biogenesis remains controversial. To unambiguously determine the COX7A2L role, we generated COX7A2L-knockout (COX7A2L-KO) HEK293T and U87 cells. COX7A2L-KO cells lack SC III2+IV but have enhanced complex III steady-state levels, activity, and assembly rate, normal de novocomplex IV biogenesis, and delayed respirasome formation. Nonetheless, the KOs have normal respirasome steady-state levels, and only larger structures (SCs I1-2+III2+IV2-nor megacomplexes) were undetected. Functional substrate-driven competition assays showed normal mitochondrial respiration in COX7A2L-KO cells in standard and nutritional-, environmental-, and oxidative-stress-challenging conditions. We conclude that COX7A2L establishes a regulatory checkpoint for the biogenesis of CIII2and specific SCs, but the COX7A2L-dependent MRC remodeling is essential neither to maintain mitochondrial bioenergetics nor to cope with acute cellular stresses.