1. Biochemical markers in saliva in patients with oral cancer.
- Author
Radičević, Biljana Anđelski and Dožić, Ivan
- Subjects
BIOMARKERS ,ORAL cancer ,HEAD & neck cancer ,SALIVA ,EARLY detection of cancer - Abstract
Head and neck cancers account for 3% of all human cancers and are mainly localized in the oral cavity. Early detection of cancer is extremely important for reducing mortality and morbidity from this disease. In addition to clinical trials and histopathological findings, in the last two decades, with technological development, more specific and sensitive methods have been used in the analysis of salivary markers. The aim of this study was to present a wide range of analyzed markers in saliva: different protein markers (total proteins, albumin, defensins, staterin, cystatins), epithelial and molecular markers (CA125, CA19-9, TPA, CEA, CYFRA 21-1, CD44), enzymes (LDH, ALP, MMP, SOD), cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-α), oxidative stress markers (8-OHdG, MDA), non-enzymatic antioxidants (glutathione, uric acid, albumin, vitamin C and E) etc. Collecting saliva is simple and painless for the patient, it does not require expensive equipment or specially trained staff, and it is possible to take saliva several times and in unlimited quantities. Extensive research that is increasingly being done with modern techniques indicates that saliva may be useful for early detection of the disease in the near future. Karcinomi glave i vrata predstavljaju 3% od svih karcinoma čoveka i uglavnom su lokalizovani u usnoj duplji. Rano otkrivanje karcinoma je izuzetno važno za smanjenje mortaliteta i morbiditeta od ove bolesti. Pored kliničkih ispitivanja i histopatološkog nalaza, u poslednje dve decenije, sa tehnološkim razvojem, koriste se specifičnije i osetljivije metode u analizi salivarnih markera. Cilj rada bio je da se prikaže široka paleta analiziranih markera: različiti proteinski markeri (ukupni proteini, albumin, defenzini, staterin, cistatini), epitelni i molekularni markeri (CA125, CA19-9, TPA, CEA, CYFRA 21-1, CD44), enzimi (LDH, ALP, MMP, SOD), citokini (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-α), markeri oksidativnog stresa (8-OHdG, MDA), neenzimski antioksidansi (glutation, mokraćna kiselina, albumin, vitamin C i E) itd. Prednosti prikupljanja salive su jednostavnost i bezbolnost za pacijenta, to što ne zahteva skupu opremu ni posebno obučeno osoblje, a salivu je moguće uzeti više puta i u neograničenim količinama. Obimna istraživanja koja se sve više rade savremenim tehnikama ukazuju na to da saliva može biti od koristi za rano otkrivanje bolesti u bliskoj budućnosti. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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