Summary: To evaluate the effects of endotoxin on the morphology of the equine central, autonomic and enteric nervous system and intestinal muscularis, six Thoroughbred horses with experimentally induced endotoxaemia were examined. The lesions in the central nervous system consisted of perivascular oedema around arterioles, suggesting brain oedema, and ring haemorrhages around veins, similar to those in human patients with septic shock. In the cranial mesenteric ganglia, neuronal cell bodies became pink or red, with shrinkage of cytoplasm indicative of ischaemic changes; intramural and perivascular infiltration by erythrocytes and neutrophils occurred around arterioles in the epineurium (acute focal interstitial inflammation). In addition, transmission electron microscopy revealed oedema of the endoneurium and mesoaxon in the nerve fascicles running inside or outside the ganglia. Myenteric neurons showed shrinkage of the cytoplasm with multiple cytoplasmic vacuoles, suggesting ischaemic changes. Oedematous degeneration and coagulation necrosis of smooth muscle cells, with dissociation of the cells, were prominent in the tunica muscularis. It is suggested that arterionecrosis elicited by endotoxin and frequently observed in the autonomic and enteric nervous system and intestinal muscularis, was the result of vasoconstriction or vasospasm. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]