1. A new approach to schedule operations across nested-ifs and nested-loops
- Author
Shih-Hsu Huang, Cheng-Tsung Hwang, Yen-Jen Oyang, and Yu-Chin Hsu
- Subjects
Rate-monotonic scheduling ,Earliest deadline first scheduling ,Schedule ,Trace scheduling ,Least slack time scheduling ,Computer science ,General Engineering ,Processor scheduling ,Dynamic priority scheduling ,General Medicine ,Parallel computing ,Fair-share scheduling ,Fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling ,Two-level scheduling ,Global mobility ,Nested loop join ,Computer Science::Operating Systems - Abstract
This papcr prcscnts a ncw global schcduling algorithm for automatic synthcsis of spccial-purposc microproccssors. Our goal is to achicvc maximal spccdup and minimal complcxity of thc control hardwarc in thc microprG ccssors. For a structurcd program dcscription, wc proposc scvcral intcrcsting propcrtics conccrning thc movcmcnt of opcrations among thc blocks. Bascd on thcsc propcrtics. a Global As Soon As Possiblc (GASAP) and a Global As Latc As Possihlc (GALAP) arc dcvclopcd to cxplorc thc global mobility of opcrations. Expcrimcnts show that thc proposcd approach achicvcs hcttcr rcsults ovcr thosc by thc cxisting algorithms.
- Published
- 1992
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